Neste período avaliativo, foi-me atribuída a função de leccionar quatro horas lectivas semanais de Língua Portuguesa à turma C do 8º ano, em resultado de procedimento concursal em 22/09/2010. If the long hand is pointing to twelve we use the expression This is a clock. A clock has got two hands – the shorter indicates the hour, the longer one indicates the minutes. First we say the minutes, then the hours. . If the long hand goes this side (left) we use the expression If the long hand goes this side (right) we use the expression . What time is it? Write complete sentences next to each clock. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Now do the opposite – draw the clock hands. It’s four o’clock. It’s five past eight. It’s two to two. It’s half past six. It’s twenty to three. It’s a quarter to nine. It’s twelve o’clock.