Image by Laboratório de Cartografias Insurgentes
Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics
exploring tensions between global and local demands or
Who will win this game?
by Isabela Ledo
Presentation Content
Introduction to the theme: Pros & Cons
of hosting the Olympics
Analysis of Rio 2016 Urban &
Environmental Legacy Plan
Vila Autódromo Community: a case study
State of affairs
Olympic Charter
In force as from 7 July 2007
7. to encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures
with a view to implementing the principle of equality of men and women;
8. to lead the fight against doping in sport;
9. to encourage and support measures protecting the health of athletes;
10. to oppose any political or commercial abuse of sport and athletes;
11. to encourage and support the efforts of sports organisations and public authorities to
provide for the social and professional future of athletes;
12. to encourage and support the development of sport for all;
13. to encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues, to promote
sustainable development in sport and to require that the Olympic Games are held
14. to promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the host cities and host countries;
15. to encourage and support initiatives blending sport with culture and education;
16. to encourage and support the activities of the International Olympic Academy (“IOA”) and
other institutions which dedicate themselves to Olympic education.
Venues reuse
Mobility upgrade
Venues reuse
‘As every host city is different and has different
priorities, the IOC encourages each one to reflect
on its own goals right from the beginning of the
bid process and to look at how the Games can be a
catalyst for development.’ ( , 2010)
source: IOC, 2010
Mobility upgrade
Beijing 2008
Venues reuse
Athens 2004
Venues reuse
Sydney 2000
Venues reuse
Atlanta 1996
Barcelona 1992
Urban Legacy
Mobility upgrade
Urban Legacy
Direct displacement of
low-income inhabitants
Indirect displacement
of low-income
Shortage of
investments in local
Under use of Olympic
Increase of
government’s debits/
Increase of taxes and
living costs
available at:
Urban and Environmental
Legacy Plan (UELP)
Olympics Rio 2016
Lei Complementar n.º 111 de 1º de fevereiro de 2011.
Dispõe sobre a Política Urbana e Ambiental do Município, institui o Plano Diretor de
Desenvolvimento Urbano Sustentável do Município do Rio de Janeiro e dá outras providências.
Autor: Poder Executivo
O PREFEITO DA CIDADE DO RIO DE JANEIRO, faço saber que a Câmara Municipal decreta e
eu sanciono a seguinte Lei Complementar:
Art. 1º Esta Lei Complementar dispõe sobre a política urbana e ambiental e institui o Plano
Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano Sustentável do Município do Rio de Janeiro.
Parágrafo único. O Plano Diretor da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro será avaliado a cada cinco anos
e revisto a cada dez anos.
Art. 2º A política urbana será formulada e implementada com base nos seguintes princípios:
I - desenvolvimento sustentável, de forma a promover o desenvolvimento econômico, a
preservação ambiental e a equidade social;
II - função social da cidade e da propriedade urbana;
III - valorização, proteção e uso sustentável do meio ambiente, da paisagem e do patrimônio
natural, cultural, histórico e arqueológico no processo de desenvolvimento da Cidade;
IV - universalização do acesso à infraestrutura e os serviços urbanos;
V - democracia participativa, de forma a se promover ampla participação social;
VI -.universalização do acesso à terra e à moradia regular digna;
VII.- a universalização a acessibilidade para pessoas com deficiência de qualquer natureza;
VIII.- planejamento contínuo integrado das ações governamentais, visando a eficácia, a
eficiência e a otimização dos serviços públicos, e o controle de gastos, utilizando-se os dados
obtidos pela aplicação de uma política de informação;
IX - garantia de qualidade da ambiência urbana como resultado do processo de planejamento e
ordenação do território municipal;
X - articulação de políticas públicas de ordenamento, planejamento e gestão territorial
XI - integração de políticas públicas municipais entendendo o município como cidade pólo da
região metropolitana;
XII - cooperação entre os governos nas suas diversas instâncias, a iniciativa privada e os
demais setores da sociedade no processo de urbanização em atendimento ao interesse social.
Urban and Environmental
Legacy Plan (UELP)
Olympics Rio 2016
‘The Legacy Plan, made of a set of
interconnected propositions for
urban and environmental development,
has as goals:
the environmental protection,
the social inclusion,
the attraction of investments and
the improvement of urban mobility,
accessibility and distribution of
public services,
aiming at raising the population’s
life quality.’
(source: UELP, 2008)
Games Candidature File
Rio de Janeiro Master Plan
Olympic, Referee & Media
Villages, supporting hotels
Housing deficit decrease, housing production
stimulus, development of housing in central
Urban Transportation
Accessibility to the Olympic
Urban Transport Master Plan:
Transport system rationalization & investments in
road infrastructure and public transport
Sanitation &
Environmental sustainability:
minimum impact on natural
Universal sanitation, pollution control,
environmental heritage protection, forestation
City Appreciation
Focus on the environment and
landscape appreciation, on
environment protection and on
social inclusion
Focus on the natural and cultural heritage
protection and in a more just and balanced
distribution of urbanization benefits
Source: / translation by author
Games Candidature File
Rio de Janeiro Master Plan
Olympic, Referee & Media
Villages, supporting hotels
Housing deficit decrease, housing production
stimulus, development of housing in central
Rio de Janeiro city housing deficit in 2009:
(source: Observatório das Metrópoles)
Number of rooms to be constructed for the ‘Olympic Family’ in 2016:
(source: Rio2016 Candidature Files)
ca. 24.000
12.000 2-rooms dwellings
8.8% of the total housing deficit
Barra da Tijuca
Centro -Harbour District
3.528 dwellings
10.600 rooms
Temporary Hotels/Housing
In 2007,
of the housing deficit in Brazil was concentrated
among the country’s poorest inhabitants (0-3 SM)
(source: FJP/CEI, 2009)
change the m
(source: UELP, 2008)
(source: UELP, 2008)
(source: UELP, 2008)
Games Candidature File
Rio de Janeiro Master Plan
Olympic, Referee & Media
Villages, supporting hotels
Housing deficit decrease, housing production
stimulus, development of housing in central
AUG 2011
R$ 5.798,00
City Centre
AUG 2008
R$ 2.210,00
AUG 2011
R$ 2.576,00
Rio Suburbs
AUG 2008
R$ 1.306,00
source: FIPE/ZAP
City Appreciation
Focus on the environment and
landscape appreciation, on
environment protection and on
social inclusion
Focus on the natural and cultural heritage
protection and in a more just and balanced
distribution of urbanization benefits
Rio 2016 Olympics
Concept Map
source: Rio 2016 Candidature Files, 2008
Barra da Tijuca Cluster
‘The Heart of the Games’
source: Rio 2016 Candidature Files
Rio 2016 Olympics
Concept Map
source: Rio 2016 Candidature Files, 2008
source: Armazém de Dados
source: Rio de Janeiro Master Plan, 2011
source: ADEMI
case study
Barra da Tijuca, RJ
source: AMPVA
source: Rio 2016 Candidature Files
Rio 2016 Legacy Plan
Barra da Tijuca
source: UELP, 2008
Situation today
Olympic Games
Global connectivity
(long distance/high speed)
Global investments
Vila Autódromo
Local connectivity
(short distance/low speed)
Local investments
(education, health, security, etc.)
Local image
(local identity)
(global market)
Global image
(Global City)
Relocation special
Relocation of families living in areas with geotechnical and environmental risks or
in areas of public interventions. It includes the physical & social cadastre and
support to the families and the construction of social housing when necessary.
Source: (translation by author)
area for resettlement
Relocation of
families of
Vila Autódromo
Relocation of families living in (environmental) preservation areas and in areas
related to the plans for broadening the Av. Salvador Allende and the final stretch of
Av. Abelardo Bueno & Av. Ayrton Senna. It includes the physical and social cadastre
of the 354 families to be relocated, social support, elaboration of diagnosis
indicating the type of relocation, considering the profile of the settlement and the
relocation plan implementation.
Vila Autódromo
Barra da Tijuca
Barra da Tijuca
State of Affairs
Up to the present time, there is no official estimation of how many
people are going to be relocated because of Rio’s Olympic UrbanPlan,
Most of the communities that are going to be re relocated were not yet
informed about the government’s plans of resettlement,
From all the social housing projects mentioned in the UELP only one is
being constructed at the moment.
State of Affairs
Up to the present time, there is no official estimation of how many
people are going to be relocated because of Rio’s Olympic UrbanPlan,
Most of the communities that are going to be re relocated were not yet
informed about the government’s plans of resettlement,
From all the social housing projects mentioned in the UELP only one is
being constructed at the moment.
State of Affairs
Up to the present time, there is no official estimation of how many
people are going to be relocated because of Rio’s Olympic UrbanPlan,
Most of the communities that are going to be re relocated were not yet
informed about the government’s plans of resettlement,
From all the social housing projects mentioned in the UELP only one is
being constructed at the moment.
Rio 2016 Olympic Park
Barra da Tijuca
Olympic Plan - 2016
Legacy Plan - 2030
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It is not possible to assure that the 2016 Olympics will succeed
in its goal of social inclusion, at least in the perspective of
reducing the social-spatial segregation existing in Rio today,
There are many conceptual divergences between the Olympic Master
Plan and Rio de Janeiro Master Plan, especially in relation to
social-spatial issues,
The lack of information and discussion about Rio’s UELP goes against
Rio’s Master Plan principle of ‘Participatory Democracy’,
The way that Rio’s Olympic Master Plan was designed, shows that
economic forces are the ones that will most benefit from the
Olympics in Rio,
The relocation of Vila Autódromo is not based on any well grounded
rationale but the one of socio-spatial discrimination,
The role of the IOC in promoting and assuring a positive urban
legacy for Rio de Janeiro city is yet to be seen.
It is not possible to assure that the 2016 Olympics will succeed
in its goal of social inclusion, at least in the perspective of
reducing the social-spatial segregation existing in Rio today,
There are many conceptual divergences between the Olympic Master
Plan and Rio de Janeiro Master Plan, especially in relation to
social-spatial issues,
The lack of information and discussion about Rio’s UELP goes against
Rio’s Master Plan principle of ‘Participatory Democracy’,
The way that Rio’s Olympic Master Plan was designed, shows that
economic forces are the ones that will most benefit from the
Olympics in Rio,
The relocation of Vila Autódromo is not based on any well grounded
rationale but the one of socio-spatial discrimination,
The role of the IOC in promoting and assuring a positive urban
legacy for Rio de Janeiro city is yet to be seen.
It is not possible to assure that the 2016 Olympics will succeed
in its goal of social inclusion, at least in the perspective of
reducing the social-spatial segregation existing in Rio today,
There are many conceptual divergences between the Olympic Master
Plan and Rio de Janeiro Master Plan, especially in relation to
social-spatial issues,
The lack of information and discussion about Rio’s UELP goes against
Rio’s Master Plan principle of ‘Participatory Democracy’,
The way that Rio’s Olympic Master Plan was designed, shows that
economic forces are the ones that will most benefit from the
Olympics in Rio,
The relocation of Vila Autódromo is not based on any well grounded
rationale but the one of socio-spatial discrimination,
The role of the IOC in promoting and assuring a positive urban
legacy for Rio de Janeiro city is yet to be seen.
It is not possible to assure that the 2016 Olympics will succeed
in its goal of social inclusion, at least in the perspective of
reducing the social-spatial segregation existing in Rio today,
There are many conceptual divergences between the Olympic Master
Plan and Rio de Janeiro Master Plan, especially in relation to
social-spatial issues,
The lack of information and discussion about Rio’s UELP goes against
Rio’s Master Plan principle of ‘Participatory Democracy’,
The way that Rio’s Olympic Master Plan was designed, shows that
economic forces are the ones that will most benefit from the
Olympics in Rio,
The relocation of Vila Autódromo is not based on any well grounded
rationale but the one of socio-spatial discrimination,
The role of the IOC in promoting and assuring a positive urban
legacy for Rio de Janeiro city is yet to be seen.
It is not possible to assure that the 2016 Olympics will succeed
in its goal of social inclusion, at least in the perspective of
reducing the social-spatial segregation existing in Rio today,
There are many conceptual divergences between the Olympic Master
Plan and Rio de Janeiro Master Plan, especially in relation to
social-spatial issues,
The lack of information and discussion about Rio’s UELP goes against
Rio’s Master Plan principle of ‘Participatory Democracy’,
The way that Rio’s Olympic Master Plan was designed, shows that
economic forces are the ones that will most benefit from the
Olympics in Rio,
The relocation of Vila Autódromo is not based on any well grounded
rationale but the one of socio-spatial discrimination,
The role of the IOC in promoting and assuring a positive urban
legacy for Rio de Janeiro city is yet to be seen.
It is not possible to assure that the 2016 Olympics will succeed
in its goal of social inclusion, at least in the perspective of
reducing the social-spatial segregation existing in Rio today,
There are many conceptual divergences between the Olympic Master
Plan and Rio de Janeiro Master Plan, especially in relation to
social-spatial issues,
The lack of information and discussion about Rio’s UELP goes against
Rio’s Master Plan principle of ‘Participatory Democracy’,
The way that Rio’s Olympic Master Plan was designed, shows that
economic forces are the ones that will most benefit from the
Olympics in Rio,
The relocation of Vila Autódromo is not based on any well grounded
rationale but the one of socio-spatial discrimination,
The role of the IOC in promoting and assuring a positive urban
legacy for Rio de Janeiro city is yet to be seen.
for more info:
[email protected]

The Brazilian media is preoccupied with the White