SCHEDULE “INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF PRIVATIZING WORLD EDUCATION AND THE GLOBAL AND LOCAL COPING STRATEGIES” DATE: SEPTEMBER 21-24, 2015 VENUE: HOTEL BRASTON (RUA MARTINS FONTES, 330 - CONSOLAÇÃO, SÃO PAULO – SP). The international seminar “The Different Ways of Privatizing World Education and the Global and Local Coping Strategies,” organized by Contee in partnership with Education International and the Brazilian education workers' entities (CNTE and Proifes-Federação), aims to gather Brazilian and foreign researchers who study the different forms and contents that characterize the process of privatizing world education, its several aspects and the unique features of each country. The specific objectives are: 1. To create a research meeting and policy strategies to fight against privatization; 2. To exchange experiences of struggle and of public policies elaboration to fight against privatization; 3. To gather data that broadens the scenario of education privatization in the world and in Brazil; 4. To study different ways through which states and government have been contributing to the progress and consolidation of education privatization as a public and intentional policy. September 21 From 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.: Opening Table (IE, Contee, CNTE and Proifes-Federação) 9 p.m.: Cocktail Reception September 22 From 9 a.m. to noon: Table: Angelo Gavrielatos – Global Director against?? Education Privatization and Commercialization at Education International (EI) and former President of the Australian Education Union (AEU) Luiz Fernandes Dourado – Doctor of Education graduated from UFRJ, UFG Professor and CNE Counselor. Dalila Andrade Oliveira – Doctor of Education graduated from USP and Professor at UFMG Faculty of Education SCHEDULE “INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF PRIVATIZING WORLD EDUCATION AND THE GLOBAL AND LOCAL COPING STRATEGIES” DATE: SEPTEMBER 21-24, 2015 VENUE: HOTEL BRASTON (RUA MARTINS FONTES, 330 - CONSOLAÇÃO, SÃO PAULO – SP). Coordination: CNTE From noon to 2 p.m.: Lunch From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Table: Cristina Helena Almeida de Carvalho – Doctor of Economic Sciences graduated from Unicamp and Professor at UnB Faculty of Education Fabio Betioli Contel – Doctor of Geography graduated from USP and Professor at USP Department of Geography Susan Robertson – Research and Expert on Political Economy of Education, and Sociology of Education Professor at Bristol University, in the United Kingdom Coordination: Proifes-Federação 5 p.m.: Coffee break From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.: Dinner September 23 From 9 a.m. to noon: Table: Lucas da Silva Tasquetto – Doctor in International Relations graduated from USP, Postdoctoral Researcher at UFRGS and Professor at PUC-SP International Relations course Lalo Watnabe Minto – Doctor of Education graduated from Unicamp and Professor at Unicamp Faculty of Education San Seller – Postdoctoral Researcher at The University of Queensland, in Australia, Expert on World Educational Policies Coordination: Contee From noon to 2 p.m.: Lunch From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Table: SCHEDULE “INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF PRIVATIZING WORLD EDUCATION AND THE GLOBAL AND LOCAL COPING STRATEGIES” DATE: SEPTEMBER 21-24, 2015 VENUE: HOTEL BRASTON (RUA MARTINS FONTES, 330 - CONSOLAÇÃO, SÃO PAULO – SP). Antonio Olmedo – Researcher at University of Roehampton, in the United Kingdom, and Expert on Education, Neoliberal Policies, Networks, and Pression Groups Madalena Guasco Peixoto – Doctor of Education graduated from PUC-SP, Professor at PUC-SP Faculty of Education and Contee General Coordinator Gil Vicente Reis de Figueiredo – Doctor of Mathematics graduated from the University of Warnick, in the United Kingdom, Professor at UFSCar Department of Mathematics, and Director of International Relations at Proifes-Federação Coordination: CNTE 5 p.m.: Coffee break From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.: Dinner September 24 From 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: Exhibition (Contee, CNTE and Proifes-Federação) Noon: Closure