E – News Publications
N.1 / JUNE 2012
“Réné Rétoré took
pride in placing the
Chaîne des Rôtisseurs
above all the other
associations and above
all his professional
distinctions in 1950!
To me Chaîne des
Rôtisseurs is simply the
best and the unique
really international
association of all times
and as a good friend of
mine used to say “… the
show must go on…”!
Vive la Chaîne!
Back to the roots of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs
Caros Confrades e Amigos,
Em Abril deste ano, eu a minha mulher, Sofia, estivemos uns dias em viagem pela Europa. Em Paris
tivemos a felicidade de darmos de caras num antiquário com um menu da Chaine des Rôtisseurs do inicio
da refundação da Confraria. Extraordinária descoberta pois o titular desse menu foi um dos grandes chefes
cozinheiros de França, Réné Rétoré, e que há data ostentava com imenso orgulho o símbolo da Chaîne des
Rôtisseurs. Esta descoberta fez-me reflectir sobre a força e o prestígio da nossa Confraria. Imagine-se que
no mesmo ano da refundação da nossa Confraria, um tão conhecido Chefe Cozinheiro Francês ter sido
Bailli da Região de Champagne e ostentar acima de todas as suas outras condecorações, o logo da Chaîne
des Rôtisseurs. Algo que renasce com tamanha força e prestígio em França só pode ser algo
extraordinário. Esta descoberta deu origem a uma noticia em destaque no site internacional da Chaîne des
Rôtisseurs http://www.chainedesrotisseurs.com/news_online/story.php?ids=313&title=France).
My dear confreres and friends,
In April this year my wife, Sofia, and I while in Paris we found an old menu with the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs
logo in an antique shop. Chaîne des Rôtisseurs believe it to be of such importance that have made it one of
the two top features on the home page of the Chaîne News On-line website
(http://www.chainedesrotisseurs.com/news_online/story.php?ids=313&title=France). This discovery brought
me to think a little more about the objectives, philosophy and history of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. In my
view, going “back to the roots” should be the way forward. The Chaîne must cultivate and develop the
culinary arts in the 21st century by which I mean that we should once again make every effort to attract
leading Professionals, just like Réné Rétoré in his day, who are motivated and who will have pride in
belonging to our Confrérie. Réné Rétoré took pride in placing the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs above all the other
associations and above all his professional distinctions in 1950! To me Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is simply the
best and the unique really international gastronomic association of all times and as a good friend of mine
used to say “… the show must go on…”!
Bailliage of Greater
Bailli / Fernando Messias
Av. João Crisóstomo, 30 2:º,
1050-127 Lisboa
T. +351 213178440
F. +351 210592953
m. +351 934205633
e. [email protected]

bailli of greater lisbon - back to the roots