ERRATA 1. Na página ii, onde se lê “em macacos rhesus”, dever-se-á ler “macacos rabo-de-porco”; 2. Na página iii, onde se lê “comportamentos Raiva (Anger), Medo (Fear) e Stress Social (Social Distress) seriam comportamentos trigger”, dever-se-á ler “comportamentos Raiva (Anger), Medo (Fear), Aflição (Social Distress) e Excitação (Excitação) seriam comportamentos trigger”; 3. Sempre que se leia “Stress Social” (págs. iii, iv), dever-se-á ler “Aflição”; 4. Na página iv, onde se lê “Imitação a Excitação”, dever-se-á ler “Excitação a Excitação”; 5. Na página v, onde se lê “prentende-se”, dever-se-á ler “pretende-se”; 6. Na página 1, onde se lê “...being the fittest is can also be synonym...”, dever-se-á ler “...being the fittest can also be synonym...”; 7. Na página 8, onde se lê “...with reassuring behaviour in (Preston and de Waal 2001; Koski et al. 2007)”, dever-se-á ler “with reassuring behaviour (Preston and de Waal 2001; Koski et al. 2007)”; 8. Na página 31, onde se lê “by factors such as kin, proximity, social closeness or positive experience”, dever-se-á ler “by factors such as kin, similarity, social closeness or positive experience”; 9. Na página 31, onde se lê “Accordingly, we expected Fear to anger, Fear to Social Helplessness, Consolation to Fear and Consolation to Helplessness to be the appropriate complementary responses…”, dever-se-á ler “Accordingly, we expected Fear to Anger, Consolation to Fear and Consolation to Helplessness to be the appropriate complementary responses…”; 10. Na página 36, após a frase “In the case of Anger, imitation was considered only in the cases where the imitating individual was not the target of the aggression.“ dever-se-á ler “Imitation was considered an empty behaviour, i.e., a behaviour with no specific target and commonly without the replication of the full observed emotion”; 11. Na página 36, deverá ignorar-se a frase “Consolation can also be given upon request, otherwise quoted Rescue as Consolation.”; 12. Na página 39, onde se lê a frase “A total of 142 triggers and 609 emotional responses for the juvenile group, and 36 triggers and 88 emotional responses for the adult group were recorded”, dever-se-á ler “A total of 145 triggers and 1092 emotional responses for the juvenile group, and 59 triggers and 299 emotional responses for the adult group were recorded”; 13. Na página 39, onde se lê a tabela 7: Response Trigger Anger Social Helplessness Fear Consolation 0 46 42 Fear 34 0 0 Imitation 25 0 0 Non-Responsive 462 0 0 dever-se-á ler a tabela 7: Anger Consolation Trigger Response Social Fear Helplessness 1 34 Anger 9 2 Social Helplessness Fear 4 46 0 0 42 0 Imitation Non-Responsive Other 25 462 1 4 6 267 1 0 0 188 0 14. Na página 40,onde se lê a tabela 8: Response Trigger Anger 1 0 0 Anger Social Helplessness Excitement Consolation 0 7 0 Fear 1 0 0 Imitation 0 0 72 Rescue 0 7 0 dever-se-á ler a tabela 8: Trigger Response Social Fear Imitation Rescue Helplessness 0 1 0 0 Non-Responsive Anger Consolation Anger 1 0 Social Helplessness Excitement 0 7 0 0 0 7 42 0 1 1 2 73 0 152 Fear 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 4 15. Na página 40, onde se lê “...juvenile group (χ2(6) = 609,000; N=609; p=0), and in the adult group (χ2(6) = 176,000; N=88; p=0)”, dever-se-á ler “juvenile group (χ2 1092; p<.001), and in the adult group (χ 2 (18)= (12)= 142,468; N= 299; p<.001); 16. Na página 40, onde se lê a tabela 9: Trigger Response Adjusted residuals Anger Anger Anger Social Helplessness Fear Fear Imitation Non-Responsive Consolation Consolation 2,466247 2,09431 17,98016 17,1637 16,34253 Trigger Response Adjusted residuals Anger Anger Anger Social Helplessness Fear Imitation Non-Responsive Consolation 5,1 dever-se-á ler a tabela 9: 3,6 2,2 4,6 127,507; N= Fear Consolation 6,2 Trigger Response Adjusted residuals Social Helplessness Social Helplessness Excitement Consolation Rescue Imitation 6,340152 6,340152 9,380832 Trigger Response Adjusted residuals Social Helplessness Social Helplessness Excitement Consolation Rescue Excitement 4,6 5,6 5,4 17. Na página 40, onde se lê a tabela 10: dever-se-á ler a tabela 10: 18. Na página 40, onde se lê “Relationship Quality plays little of no effect at all in the display of emotional responses to the empathic triggers; only one relationship was considered significant in the juvenile group – between the dyad Zac-Cozy (adjusted residual =4,963893) (χ2(81)=118,183; N= 609; p<0,005), which presents an RQ index of zero. Also, only one relationship could have been considered significant in the adult group – in the dyad Nikki-Amadeus (adjusted residual = 3,308364) but this association is dismissed as the overall performer x witness association was rendered non-significant (χ2(30)= 36,359; N= 88; NS)”, dever-se-á ler: “Relationship Quality plays little of no effect at all in the display of emotional responses to the empathic triggers; only two relationships were considered significant in the juvenile group – between the dyad Zac-Cozy (adjusted residual =2,0), which presents an RQ index of zero, and between the dyad Zee-Cozy (adjusted residual =2,1) which presents an RQ index of 0,05 (χ2(81)=136,13; N= 1092; p<.001). Also, only one relationship could have been considered significant in the adult group – in the dyad Nikki-Amadeus (adjusted residual = 2,3) but this association is dismissed as the overall performer x witness association was rendered non-significant (χ2(30)= 48,148; N= 299; NS); 19. Na página 41, onde se lê a tabela 11: Trigger Response Strenght of trigger Count of Closest Not Closest Anger Anger Anger Social Helplessness Fear Fear Imitation Non-Responsive Consolation Consolation 11,32% 11,32% 100% 100% 20 1 0 29 28 14 24 462 17 14 dever-se-á ler a tabela 11: Trigger Response Count of Closest Not Closest Anger Anger Anger Social Helplessness Fear Fear Imitation Non-Responsive Consolation Consolation 20 1 0 29 28 14 24 462 17 14 20. Na página 41, onde se lê “Table 12. Counts of proximity for the emotional responses in the juvenile group”, dever-se-á ler “Table 12. Counts of proximity for the emotional responses in the adult group”; 21. Na página 41, onde se lê a tabela 12: Trigger Response Strenght of trigger Count of Closest Not Closest Social Helplessness Social Helplessness Excitement Consolation Rescue Imitation 100% 100% 100% 2 0 8 5 7 64 dever-se-á ler a tabela 12: Trigger Response Count of Closest Not Closest Social Helplessness Social Helplessness Excitement Consolation Rescue Excitement 2 0 8 5 7 64 22. Na página 44, onde se lê “Finally, Imitation to Excitement is also in accordance...” deverse-á ler “Finally, Excitement to Excitement”. 23. Na página 44, onde se lê “Regarding Relationship Quality, only one relationship was rendered significant in the juvenile group, between Zac and Cozy”, dever-se-á ler “Regarding Relationship Quality, only two relationships were rendered significant in the juvenile group, between Zac and Cozy and Zee and Cozy”.