Take the Scare Out of the Science Fair! Tradewinds Elementary 2011-2012 English and Spanish Class Science Fair Project Schedule Below are the dates for the Science Fair. January 13th - Statement of the Problem is due. January 19th - Title is due. January 26th - Family Science Fair Night. February 3rd - Background Information is due. February 10th - Hypothesis is due. February 22nd - Materials and Procedures are due. March 21st - Experiment and Data are due. March 23rd - Conclusion, Recommendation, and Acknowledgements are due. **April 5th - Science fair Projects are due. Title: Something catchy to grab to create interest in your project. Título (Title): Algo interessante para atrair o interesse em seu projeto. Statement of the Problem: Question that you are trying to answer. It must be an experiment where only one variable is tested (ex. On which surface will a toy car go the fastest?). Apresentacao do Problema (Statement of Problem): Pergunta que você está tentando responder. Deve ser uma experiência onde somente uma variável seja testada (ex: Que superficie que um carro do brinquedo ira correr mais rápido ?). Background Information A summary of the information researched about the your topic in paragraph form. The information should come from at least three different sources (ex. the internet, encyclopedia, and science text and/or other book). umario de Informação (Background Information): Um resumo da informação pesquisada sobre seu tópico em forma de parágrafo. A informação deve vir ao menos de três fontes diferentes (ex: Internet, enciclopédia, e texto da ciência e/ou outro livro). Hypothesis An if/then statement that predicts the outcome of the experiment (ex. If a toy car is placed on a wood ramp; then, it will go faster than the cars placed on the sandpaper or plastic ramp.) Hipotese (Hypothesis): Uma declaracao se/entao que prediga que o resultado da experiencia (ex: Se um carro de brinquedo é colocado em uma rampa de madeira, então, ele irá mais rapidamente do que os carros colocados na rampa da lixa ou de plástico). Materials A list of materials of needed to complete the experiment. Materiais (Materials): Uma lista dos materiais necessarios para completar a experiencia. Procedure Step by step instructions on how you complete the experiment. Procedimentos (Procedures): Descricao de cada etapa usada para completar a experiencia. 1.________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________________ 2.________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________________ 3.________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________________ 4.________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________________ 5.________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________________ 6.________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________________ Etc. Experiment Complete at least three trials of your experiment. Please remember to allow enough time to complete your experiment (ex. you will need more than a couple of weeks if you are working with plants). Experiência (Experiment): Faça ao menos três experimentações de sua experiência. Lembre por favor de reservar bastante tempo para terminar sua experiência (ex: você necessitará mais do que duas semanas se você estiver trabalhando com plantas). Observations Analyze and make detailed description of what you saw during the experiment in paragraph form. Please incorporate pictures or diagrams into your observations. Observações (Observations): Analise e faça descrição detalhada do que você viu durante a experiência. Você pode também incorporar retratos ou diagramas em suas observações. Data Make either a table or graph to display the data collected. Make sure to include all three trials in your table or graph. Dados (Data): Faça uma tabela ou um gráfico para indicar os dados coletados. Nao se esqueça de incluir todas as três experimentações em sua tabela ou no gráfico. Conclusion Explain what happened and what you learned in the experiment (In conclusion, the car on the wood ramp went faster than the cars on the sandpaper and plastic ramp. This occurred because the wood had the least amount of friction to slow the car down.) Conclusão (Conclusion): Explique o que aconteceu e o que você aprendeu na experiência (ex: Para concluir, o carro na rampa de madeira foi mais rapido do que os carros na rampa da lixa e do plástico. Isto ocorreu porque a madeira teve menos quantidade de fricção para retardar o carro). Recommendations If this experiment were to done again, what should be done differently? What new ideas have come from this project? Did the project need more trials? Should the study be continued? Recomendações (Recommendations): Se esta experiência for feita outra vez, que deve ser feito diferentemente? Que idéias novas vieram deste projeto? O projeto necessitaria mais experimentações? Deve o estudo ser continuado? Acknowledgments This part of the project gives you the opportunity to thank all of the people who have helped you with the project. You should state the person and what they did to help you. Reconhecimentos (Acknowledgements): Esta parte do projeto dá-lhe a oportunidade de agradecer todos os povos que lhe ajudaram com o projeto. Você deve indicar a pessoa e o que fizeram para lhe ajudar. Bibliography Cite the sources that you used in order to gather your research. You should have at least three different sources (ex. the internet, encyclopedia, and science text and/or other book). Ways to cite different sources: Book Komisar, L. (1991). Science Alive Guide. New York: Scholastic Inc. Encyclopedia Warren, S.A. (1999). Force and motion of automobiles. In The World Book Encyclopedia (Volume 6, pages 349-353). Chicago: World Book Inc. Internet Source: Brown, J. (2003). “Forces of Automobiles: Cars and Motion.” www.sciencealive.com/forcesandmotion.htm. (7, Oct. 2006) Bibliografia (Bibliography): Cite as fontes que você usou a fim realizar sua pesquisa. Você deve ter ao menos três fontes diferentes (ex: o Internet, a enciclopédia, e o texto e/ou o livro da ciência). Maneiras de citar fontes diferentes: Livro (Book): Komisar, L. (1991). Guia de Ciência Viva . New York: Scholastic Inc. Enciclopédia (Encyclopedia): Warren, S.A.(1991). Força e movimento dos automóveis. Na Enciclopédia do Mundo (volume 6, páginas 349-353). Chicago: Livro Do Mundo Inc. Fonte Da Internet (Internet Source): Brown, J. (2003). "forças dos automóveis: Carros e movimento." www.sciencealive.com/forceandmotion.htm. (7, outubro 2006). Conclusion Recommendation Acknowledgements Bibliography Title Statement Of the Problem Hypothesis Date and Observations (pictures, diagrams, etc) Background Information Materials Procedure Science Fair Notebook Rubric Please put your notebook in this order. 1. Title: The student has come up with a catchy title that grabs the attention of the viewer. (5 pts) __________ 2. Table of Contents: The student has included a table of contents. (5 pts.) __________ 3. Statement of the Problem: The student has a question where only one variable is being tested. (5 pts.) __________ 4. Background Information: The student has researched information in at least three different sources, and summarized their findings in paper form. (10 pts.) __________ 5. Hypothesis: The student has a hypothesis stated in an if/then statement that predicts the outcome of the project. (5 pts) __________ 6. Materials: The student has made a list of materials needed to complete the experiment. (5 pts.) __________ 7. Procedure: The student has created detailed step by step instructions on how to complete the experiment. (5 pts.) __________ 8. Experiment: The student has completed at least times. (5 pts.) __________ 9. Observations: The student has included written observations as well as any pictures or diagrams. (5 pts.) __________ 10. Data: The student has created either a table or graph to display the information. (10 pts.) __________ 11. Conclusion: The student has explained what happened and what they learned from their experiment. (5 pts.) 1. __________ Recommendations: The student states what he/she would do differently if they were to do the project again. (5 pts.) __________ 13. Acknowledgments: The student thanks the people who have helped them throughout the process. (5 pts.) __________ 14. Bibliography: The student has at least three different sources cited (see packet for examples). (5 pts.) __________ 15. All sections are either typed or written neatly on a separate page of paper. (5 pts.) __________ 16. All spelling and grammar is correct. (5 pts.) __________ 17. The student shows creativity in their project. (5 pts) __________ 18. The project is the student’s own work. (5 pts.) __________ Points Possible: 100 Total:__________ Final Grade: ___________ Comments: Science Fair Display Board Rubric 1. All parts of the notebook are displayed on the science board. (10 pts.) __________ 2. All parts of the notebook are in the correct place on the display board. (10 pts.) __________ 3. The board is colorful and neat. (10 pts.) __________ 4. The student has placed pictures on the board (either drawn or photographs). (10 pts.) __________ Possible Points: 40 Total: ___________ Final Grade:__________ Comments: Science Fair Presentation 1. Student understands how the project was completed. (10 pts.) __________ 2. Student presents the project without reading off display. (10 pts.) __________ 3. Student uses eye contact with audience. (10 pts.) __________ 4. Student uses visual aids during presentation. (10 pts.) __________ 5. Student can answer questions about project. (10 pts.) __________ Possible Points: 50 Total: __________ Final Grade: _________ Comments: