Luciano Pinheiro de Sá
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG, Brasil
[email protected]
Este trabalho se ocupa em estabelecer as relações existentes entre alguns aspectos
sociais e econômicos dos alunos dos cursos superiores brasileiros com o desempenho na
parte de formação geral no principal exame de proficiência do ensino superior do país, o
ENADE. Assumindo que a qualidade da formação do aluno, seja no aspecto
profissionalizante quanto no geral reflete em sua qualidade na entrada do mercado de
trabalho, possibilitando diversas vantagens pessoais e para seus grupos. Utilizou-se
metodologia quantitativa, sendo os dados tratados com estatística descritiva, uso de
cruzamento de tabelas e modelo de regressão linear múltiplo. As informações obtidas
junto ao INEP foram fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do trabalho. As análises
indicaram que os aspectos referentes a sexo, idade, cor da pele que o aluno se considera,
as pessoas que o aluno vive, renda familiar, ser bolsista do PROUNI, ou das IES, nível
de escolaridade do pai e da mãe, tiveram relação com o resultado de proficiência na
formação geral. O trabalho foi realizado com o apoio da CAPES, entidade do Governo
Brasileiro voltada para a formação de recursos humanos.
Palavras-chave: Ensino Superior, Educação, Avaliação estudantil.
This study focuses on establishing the relationships between some social and economic
aspects of Brazilian students of higher education courses with the performance in the
general education proficiency exam in the main higher education in the country,
ENADE. Assuming that the quality of student education, the vocational aspect is as
reflected in their overall quality at the entrance of the labor market, allowing various
groups and their personal advantages. Quantitative methodology was used, and the data
processed using descriptive statistics, using cross- tables and multiple linear regression
model. The information obtained from the INEP were fundamental to the development
of the work. Analyses indicated that the aspects related to gender , age , skin color, the
student is considered, people who the student lives , family income , a scholarship
PROUNI , or institution of higher education, level of education of father and mother,
had relation with the result of proficiency in general education. The work was
conducted with support from CAPES, the Brazilian government entity focused on the
training of human resources. This work is concerned with establishing the relationships
between some social and economic aspects of Brazilian students of courses with higher
performance in the training of general proficiency examination. Delivery of
professionals in the labor market may be deficient in the quality of some aspects. The
methods used were descriptive statistics, using cross- tables, and multiple linear
regression model. The information obtained from the INEP was fundamental to the
development of the work. Analyses indicated that the aspects related to gender, age,
skin color, the student is considered, the fact that living with parents, family income, a
scholarship PROUNI, or institution of higher education, level of education of father
and mother, were related to the outcome of proficiency in general education. This work
was supported by CAPES, the Brazilian government entity focused on the training of
human resources.
Keywords: Higher Education, Education, Student Assessment.

Luciano Pinheiro de Sá