AEP- PROFILE OF THE AFRICAN DIASPORA IN PORTUGAL General Information Democracy: since 1910 Area: 91.985 km Population: 11,04 million Migrants(with foreign nationality ):436,822 African Migrants (with foreign nationality):105,340 African Residents in Portugal Size of Diaspora groups (Dezember 2011, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Ranking of the 12 largest African Diaspora Groups Migration to Portugal Networking level of ADO in Portugal 1. Cape Verde (43,920) 2. Angola (21,563) 3. Guinea Bissau (18,487) 4. São Tome and Principe (10.518) 5. Mozambique (3,028) 6. Morocco (1,796) 7. Senegal (1,626) 8. Guinea (1,549) 9. South Africa (582) 10. Egypt (313) 11.Nigeria (325) 12. Algeria (248) 3% 0% 1% 0% 0% 1% 2% 2% 10% 42% 18% 21% Cabo Verde Angola Guiné-Bissau São Tomé e Príncipe Moçambique Marrocos Senegal Guiné África do Sul Egito Nigéria Algéria The African contingent in Portugal remote to the sixteenth century, at the same time of Portuguese exlorations. With the end of slavery and the progressive miscegenation with the Portuguese population, the presence of Africans would fade gradually. The migration gained African expression from the 60th, with young people from former colonies (Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Angola, Mozambique and Sao Tome Principe) who moved to Portugal for academic training. Later, the Cape Verdean hand labor replaces the Portuguese emigrants who fulfilled military service in the colonies and those who voluntarily emigrated to other countries, leading to the Cape Verdean community is the oldest and largest African community living in Portugal. With the process of decolonization, many individuals of African descent with Portuguese nationality from African Countries of Portuguese Official Language migrated to Portugal. The civil war in Angola and Mozambique has increased the number of asylums and refugees from the 90th, also spent time checking up a greater number of immigrants from other African countries not Portuguese speakers. The extraordinary process of legalization of illegal immigrants in 1993 and 1996, allowed the settlement of a significant number of illegal immigrants, however, the lack of information and administrative difficulties, proved true limitations, still leaving a significant number of illegal immigrants. The gradual nationalization of foreign leads to bring these into framing the statistics as Portuguese, not being known studies that clarify the actual number of descendants of Africans in Portugal that is now in the third generation. Nearly 50% of all African migrants are coming from Cape Verde. In the case of Cape Verdeans, the estimation refers to 43.920. The Embassy of Cape Verde in Portugal concerns numbers above 146.150 however, this number is still far below the reality for and the number of not registered immigrants is also not known. Despite the African diaspora organisations (ADO) generally work in partnership with Portuguese institutions, institutions of countries of origin and other institutions in Europe, the partnership projects between African associations in Portugal with consistent and continuous character are still rare. It has been promoted since the mid 90s meetings with various immigrant organizations in the context of finding solutions to the problems that affect immigrants however, the promotion of closer relations between immigrant associations and the creation of conditions for a more solid still remains a challenge. There is the Federation of Cape Verdean Organizations which brings together 46 organizations of Cape Verde* (from over sixty existing). There is also Angolan Federation of Organizations. These organizations have a really big potential but, it still to be explored in order to have a real impact in the African Diaspora in Portugal. Supporting institutions and organizations African Diaspora organizations Further links about the African Diaspora in Portugal Specifics and particularities of the African Diaspora in Portugal The High Commissioner for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue-ACIDI, is the organization that works directly with the issue of immigration. It is the major technical and financial support for Diaspora organizations. The recognition of Diaspora organizations by this organism is obligatory for access to financial support. The criterion for recognition leaves many organizations without access. From 95 organizations member with ongoing activities (**), over 80% are African Diaspora organizations. Other organizations, banks and large companies have emerged as hypotheses funding but still few African organizations have benefited from funding by these agencies, as well as EU funding The phenomenon of African Diaspora Organizations in Portugal follows the route of immigration in the country. The first organizations emerged more or less informally, aiming to address problems inherent to the immigrant, in the absence of appropriate integration and precarious living conditions. These gradually increased in numbers, organizational skills and empowerment and, the Cape Verdean and Angolan origin are those found in greater numbers. Usually their activities and projects are located in certain neighborhoods, benefiting the entire resident population and not only immigrants. Currently, there are different Diaspora organizations targeted to diverse necessities, covering different areas, such as social, cultural, education and training, sports, legal, employment, medical and others. There are several organizations of African students, and are increasingly emerging organizations led by African descendants. 2_comunidades_cabo_verdianas.pdf I_21.pdf s/3/1307728591_ARQUIVO_conlabangolaJunho2011_1 _.pdf Nunber of African Organizations 88 1 1970-1980 10 1990 1996 Although the work done by Diaspora organizations is not always visible and counted, it is unquestioned in Portuguese society is and, has brought tangible benefits to the general population as well as to immigrants. Despite the Non-Governmental Organizations Development directs substantial part of their activities to countries of African origin, the joint projects with immigrant organizations, is still not as common as one would predict, given the number of African organizations in Portugal. The Cape Verdean and Guinean organizations are the ones that most developed projects focused on the countries of origin, however, with few exceptions, the activities are mostly sporadic, aimed at sending specific material or occur in response to emergencies, with few ongoing projects time. Immigrants by origin/glender in Portugal ♂ ♀ 25 Stateless 28 131 Oceania 132 13532 Asia 19609 51701 68716 America 52954 52386 Africa 36409 33234 Europe others 58304 49661 EU The African Diaspora in Portugal presents a diverse socio-economic situation. Despite the stratum most visible, most studied and most reported being the one who presents unfavorable socio-economic conditions, the African Diaspora is mostly well integrated and it is possible to find African immigrants in all stratum of Portuguese society. Portugal has a large number of Africans trained and skilled in all areas of knowledge, which have contributed significantly both to the development of Portugal and for the development of countries of origin, both individually and through organized way. The remittances send to the countries of origin are very significant, especially in the case of Cape Verdean that is superior to external help and keeps increasing despite the crises in Europe. There is a significant number of professionals in health and education and sport, artists especially musicians are very successful, catering and administrative services, as well as unskilled labor. Portugal won several Olympic medals including by Africans with Portuguese nationality as in the case of Nelson Évora (Gold medal), Francis Obikwuelo (silver medal) and Nuno Delgado (Bronze Medal). However, the challenges still persist, there is a weak political participation and school failure is yet a reality to deal with, as well as a major layer of youth who do not figure in the successful cases. Government policies have changed over time for various reasons, including the emergence of increasingly organized ways of promoting the rights of immigrant populations, as well as treaties and agreements, bilateral and multilateral. Portugal as one of the best has one of the best policies for immigrant integration in practice but still has a long way to go. Good practices The Adult Literacy Movement in the 80th at the initiative of the Cape Verdean immigrants, managed recognition and material support from the Ministry of Education. Daily radio program Cabo Verde N'Horizonte, an initiative of the Federation of Cape Verdean Organizations in Portugal Intense and ongoing cultural events increasingly appreciated and participated both by the Portuguese population as other foreigners residing in or visiting Portugal. Sing contest Voices of the Diaspora that began with three Cape Verdean associations: AMRT, Social Aid Fund of Cape Verdeans in Portugal- FASCP Association Caboverdeana de Sines. This project began in 2010, has been successful and has good prospects for the future. Bilingual Class Project AEP Expert Portugal Andredina Gomes CARDOSO Vice-President FASCP - Fundo de Apoio Social de Caboverdianos em Portugal [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LIST OF AFRICAN MIGRANT AND AFRICAN DIASPORA AND AFRICAN DESCENTENTS ORGANISATIONS **ACIDI - affiliated affiliated with current activity CASA DO BRASIL DE LISBOA ASSOCIAÇÃO DE ESTUDANTES ANGOLANOS EM PORTUGAL "AEA - PORTUGAL" ASSOCIAÇÃO UNIDA E CULTURAL DA QUINTA DO MOCHO ACITMMM - Associação Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem Martins ASSOCIAÇÃO DE ESTUDO COOPERAÇÃO E SOLIDARIEDADE "MULHER MIGRANTE" ASSOCIAÇÃO UNIDOS DE CABO VERDE ACRAM - Associação Cultural e Recreativa dos Africanos na Madeira Associação de Filhos e Amigos da Guiné-Bissau Mon Na Mon Associação Unidos para o Progresso da Ilha de Bubaque – AUPIB AGENOVA - ASSOCIAÇÃO GERAÇÃO NOVA Associação de Solidariedade Cabo-Verdiana dos Amigos da Margem Sul do Tejo ATAI - Associação Tavirense de Apoio ao Imigrante AICA - Associação dos Imigrantes do Concelho de Almada ASSOCIAÇÃO DE SOLIDARIEDADE DOS FILHOS E AMIGOS DO CONCELHO DE S. MIGUEL DE CABO VERDE BURBUR - Associação Cultural AJPAS - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE INTERVENÇÃO COMUNITÁRIA, DESENVOLVIMENTO SOCIAL E DE SAÚDE ASSOCIAÇÃO DE SOLIDARIEDADE SOCIAL "ASSOMADA" CABÁS GARANDI - ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS FILHOS E AMIGOS DAS ILHAS DE BOLAMA - NÚCLEO DE PORTUGAL ALCC - Associação Lusofonia, Cultura e Cidadania ASSOCIAÇÃO DE SOLIDARIEDADE SOCIAL DO ALTO DA COVA DA MOURA CAC - CASA DE ANGOLA EM COIMBRA – ONGD AMCI - Associação Multicultural Islâmica ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS AFRICANOS DO CONCELHO DE VILA FRANCA DE XIRA CAPELA - Centro de Apoio à População Emigrante de Leste Europeu e Amigos AMIZADE - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE IMIGRANTES DE GONDOMAR Associação dos Amigos da Mulher Angolana CASA DA GUINÉ ANPRP - ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS NATURAIS DO PELUNDO RESIDENTES EM PORTUGAL ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS AMIGOS DO PRINCIPE - A A P. Casa da Guiné-Bissau em Coimbra APALGAR - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE AMIZADE DOS PALOP NO ALGARVE ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS ANTIGOS ALUNOS DO ENSINO SECUNDÁRIO DE CABO VERDE CASA GRANDE - Associação Luso-Brasileira de Solidariedade e Promoção Social ASLI - ASSOCIAÇÃO APOIO SEM LIMITE - Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS CIDADÃOS DA GUINÉ CONAKRI RESIDENTES EM PORTUGAL CASA LUSÓFONA – ONGD Associação - Centro Cultural Luso Moçambicano ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS FILHOS E AMIGOS DA ILHA DE JETA NÚCLEO DE PORTUGAL - AFAIJE ASSOCIAÇÃO "FILHOS E AMIGOS DE BACHIL" - AFAB Associação dos Guineenses do Porto Associação Balodiren ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS IMIGRANTES DOS PAÍSES DO LESTE EDINSTVO ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE PORTUGAL ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS IMIGRANTES NOS AÇORES - AIPA ASSOCIAÇÃO CABOVERDEANA DO SEIXAL Associação dos Originários do Togo em Portugal ASSOCIAÇÃO CABOVERDIANA ASSOCIAÇÃO CABOVERDIANA DE SETÚBAL ASSOCIAÇÃO CABOVERDIANA DE SINES E SANTIAGO DO CACÉM ASSOCIAÇÃO CABOVERDIANA DO ALGARVE ASSOCIAÇÃO CABOVERDIANA NO NORTE DE PORTUGAL CENTRO PORTUGUÊS DE ESTUDOS ÁRABE PULAAR E CULTURA ISLÂMICA DOINA - Associação Imigrantes Romenos e Moldavos Algarve EADS Elo Associativo para o Desenvolvimento Social ESSALAM - Associação dos Imigrantes Magrebinos e de Amizade LusoÁrabe Federação das Organizações Caboverdeanas em Portugal FRATIA-ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS IMIGRANTES ROMENOS E MOLDAVOS ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS RESIDENTES ANGOLANOS NO CONCELHO DE ODIVELAS-ARACODI FUNDO DE APOIO SOCIAL DE CABO-VERDIANOS EM PORTUGAL – FASCP ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS UCRANIANOS EM PORTUGAL Girassol Solidário - Associação de Solidariedade c/ os Doentes Evacuados de Cabo Verde ASSOCIAÇÃO ESPAÇO JOVEM GTO LX - Grupo de Teatro do Oprimido de Lisboa ASSOCIAÇÃO GRUPOS DE TRABALHO E PROJECTOS DOS SETE PAÍSES DE LÍNGUA OFICIAL PORTUGUESA - GTP7 KALINA - Associação dos Imigrantes de Leste KAMBA - Associação de Angolanos do Concelho de Seixal ASSOCIAÇÃO CENTRO CULTURAL AFRICANO Associação GUINEÁSPORA - Fórum de Guineeses na Diáspora Associação Comunidade de Bangladesh do Porto LIÁFRICA - LIGA DOS AFRICANOS E AMIGOS DE ÁFRICA ASSOCIAÇÃO COMUNIDADE ROMENA ASSOCIAÇÃO GUINEENSE DE SOLIDARIEDADE SOCIAL AGUINENSO MIORITA - Associação Cultural dos Imigrantes Moldavos Associação ComuniDária ASSOCIAÇÃO GUINEENSE E POVOS AMIGOS MORABEZA - ASSOCIAÇÃO PARA A COOPERAÇÃO E DESENVOLVIMENTO Associação Cultural e Juvenil Batoto Yetu Portugal ASSOCIAÇÃO JUVENIL LUSO AFRICANA PONTO NOS IS ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL MOINHO DA JUVENTUDE ASSOCIAÇÃO LUSO CABOVERDIANA DE SINTRA ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE DE SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE - ACOSP ASSOCIAÇÃO MAIS BRASIL Associação de Amizade Luso Turca ASSOCIAÇÃO MELHORAMENTOS E RECREATIVO DO TALUDE ASSOCIAÇÃO DE APOIO AO ESTUDANTE AFRICANO Associação MIR ASSOCIAÇÃO DE APOIO AO IMIGRANTE Associação Os Parceiros da Amizade PROSAUDESC - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE PROMOTORES DE SAÚDE, AMBIENTE E DESENVOLVIMENTO SÓCIO CULTURAL SOLIDARIEDADE IMIGRANTE, ASSOCIAÇÃO PARA A DEFESA DOS DIREITOS DOS IMIGRANTES UNIÃO DA JUVENTUDE ANGOLANA EM PORTUGAL – UJAP ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGAL MOÇAMBIQUE ASSOCIAÇÃO SÓCIO DESPORTIVA E CULTURAL "AFRUNIDO" *FEDERATION OF CAPE VERDEAN ORGANISATIONS - AFFILIATED ORGANISATIONS APALGAR - Associação de Amizade dos PALOP no Algarve Associação Caboverdeana Associação Caboverdeana de Sines e Santiago de Cacém Associação Caboverdeana do Algarve Associação Caboverdeana do Norte de Portugal Associação Caboverdeana do Seixal Associação Clube Desportivo do Alto da Cova da Moura Associação Cultural Luso-Africana MORNA Associação de Estudantes Caboverdeanos de Aveiro Associação de Estudantes Caboverdeanos de Viseu Associação de Estudantes Caboverdeanos do Porto Associação de Estudantes Caboverdeanos da Guarda Associação de Moradores do Alto da Cova da Moura Associação de Solid. dos Filhos e Amigos do Concelho de São Miguel Associação dos Africanos do Concelho de Vila Franca de Xira Associação dos Amigos do Fogo - AMIFOGO Associação Morabeza Associação Unida e Cultural da Quinta do Mocho Associação Unidos de Cabo Verde Cooperativa SODADE Organização dos Quadros Técnicos Caboverdeanos (OTEC) FASCP - Fundo de Apoio Social dos Caboverdeanos em Portugal Associação de Moradores da Apelação Quinta da Fonte Associação de Empresários e Empresas de Cabo Verde Associação dos Moradores do Bairro do Zambujal Núcleo de Estudantes Africanos do Inst. Sup. Ciên. Soc. Pol. PROSAUDESC EADS - Elo Associativo para o Desenvolvimento Social Comunidade Fonte de água Viva A BOLHA AMICAMPO AJPAS - Associação de Jovens Promotores da Amadora Saudável Associação Lusófona do Minho Burbur Associação Cultural Camara do Comércio Portugal-Cabo Verde Centro de Estudos Caboverdeanos Associação de Imigrantes nos Açores Associação dos Moradores da Azinhaga do Barruncho Associação de Estudantes Cabo-Verdianos em Coimbra Associação de Estudantes Caboverdianos de Beja Associação de Estudantes Caboverdianos de Castelo Branco Núcleo de Estudantes Africanos da Universidade Independente ANACA, Associação de Naturais e Amigos de Cabo Verde no Algarve Cretcheu Futebol Clube Associação do Núcleo de Estudantes Africanos da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e de Tecnologia Associação dos Estudantes dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa da Guarda