Luciana Oliveira de Fariña*a, Luciana Bill Mikito Kottwitza, Mariana Cristina Treis
Frassona, Fernanda Carla Fiamettia, Ana Paula Besenb, Cristiane Buzanellob, Dara
Roberta Jardini Segantinib, Hélio Alves Garciac, Ana Cláudia Waclawikc
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná/Colegiado de Farmácia – Rua Universitária, 2069 – Bairro
Jardim Universitário, Cascavel/Paraná – Brazil. CEP: 85.819-110.
Universidade Paranaense/Departamento de Nutrição – Av. Parigot de Souza, 3636, Toledo/Paraná –
Brazil. CEP: 85.903-170.
c SOORO Concentrado Indústria de Produtos Lácteos LTDA – Rodovia BR 163/Km 277, Marechal
Cândido Rondon/Paraná – Brazil. CEP: 85.960-000.
New ingredients have been investigated for the consumer market who wants foods with
nutritional and sensory quality, associated with health benefits. As a proposal for a new food
product, innovative pasta was made and studied, using inulin as a prebiotic and whey protein
concentrate 35% (WPC35) as an emulsifier and texture agent, replacing eggs commonly used
in these products.
The main objective was to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of a standard formulation (SF)
of spaghetti noodles (fresh pasta) conventionally prepared by the mixture of flour, eggs, salt
and water in comparison with two formulations F1 and F2. F1 was prepared by replacing the
eggs with WPC35 and inulin, added to wheat flour and mixed with water and salt. Inulin was
used as a prebiotic ingredient. F2 was prepared by the addition of WPC35 only, replacing
The results indicated that F1 and F2 had lower cholesterol levels and higher values of total
protein compared to SF. F1 indicated the presence of inulin as a prebiotic. The caloric value
was similar for all formulations.
The proposed used of WPC35 in the formulations as an egg substitute was beneficial,
represents a lower costs, and its functional and nutritional properties was higher in comparison
to SF, where eggs was used. In Brazil eggs represent a potential health problem because there
is a Salmonella contamination risk in the final product. The Brazilian legislation allows the
addition of fresh eggs in fresh pastas.
Thus, the use of WPC35 and inulin had nutritional advantages for the formulations studied and
can be used as an ingredient in pasta formulations to replace eggs, providing nutritious
products that meet the requirements of the Brazilian consumer market.
* Pharmacist, Doctor in Food Science and Technology, Associated Professor. UNIOESTE/Curso de
Farmácia - Rua Universitária, 2069 – Bairro Jardim Universitário, Cascavel/Paraná – Brazil. CEP: 85.819110. Phone/Fax: 55-45-3220-3278. [email protected]

the use of wpc35 and inulin in spaghetti noodles a