ALUISIO G. DE LIMA-CAMPOS is chairman of the ABCI Institute
(, which is dedicated to the promotion of research and study
of international trade issues; and senior advisor, under contract, on economic and
trade matters to the Embassy of Brazil in Washington, D.C., where, among other
duties, he coordinates a trade policy training program for Brazilian professionals
from the government and private sectors.
A specialist, with over three decades of experience on trade policies and trade policy
formulation, international trade law, trade remedies, international trade
agreements and negotiations, subsidies, trade preferences and barriers, he has
provided assistance to Brazilian diplomats in bilateral and multilateral trade
negotiations, in the reduction of barriers to Brazilian exports and in the resolution
of trade disputes. As a result of his contributions in the drafting of present Brazilian
trade laws and regulations, he was invited in 1995 by then Secretary of Trade
Mauricio Cortes to be the first head of the newly formed department of trade
remedies (DECOM) at the Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade, an honor
he was unable to accept due to contract obligations in Washibngton, DC. He holds a
bachelor’s degree in Economics and a master’s degree in Development Banking
from the American University, Washington, D.C.
As a professor, he teaches two courses at the Washington College of Law:
“International Trade Policy: Theory and Practice” and “Regional Trade
Agreements”. Also teaches trade policy courses in spanish-speaking programs
organized by Georgetown University in Latin America for government officials and
private sector executives. In his native language, Portuguese, he teaches similar
courses at Fundação Getúlio Vargas’ Law School (São Paulo) and at the Brazilian
Diplomatic Academy (Brasilia). He also taught for four years intermediate level
“Comparative Trade Policies” and “Trade Policy Formulation” for government
officials of WTO member countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia and,
advanced level, in Geneva, in both English and Spanish, under contract with the
 Editor, Ensaios em Comércio Internacional 2, Editora Singular, São Paulo
 Editor, Ensaios em Comércio Internacional, Editora Singular, São Paulo
Salvaguardias, in Derecho de la OMC, Heidelberg Center para
Latinoamérica, Universidad de Heidelberg, 2012 (upcoming).
Preferential Trade Agreements, in Trade and International Negotiations for
Journalists, Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais – CEBRI, 2009.
The Committee on Antidumping Practices, in Max Planck Commentaries on
International Trade Law, Vol. 4, Rüdiger Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and
Michael Köbele editors, 2008, with Angela Estrella.
Política Comercial: os Estados Unidos e os Interesses Brasileiros, in Ensaios
em Comércio Internacional 2, Editora Singular 2006.
 Brazil and Predatory Currency Misalignments, CEBRI Dossiê Edição
Especial: O Brasil e a Agenda Global, Volume 2, Ano 10, 2012.
 Políticas de Comercio y Medioambiente: en busca de un alineamiento, Revista
de Derecho Economico Internacional, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de
México (ITAM), Número Especial Vol.2 No.3, 2012.
 A Case for Misaligned Currencies as Countervailable Subsidies, Journal of
World Trade, 46:5, October 2012.
 O Movimento das Marés no Comércio Internacional do Brasil, Revista Mundo
Corporativo, No. 31, Fev. 2011.
 A Nova Realidade das Políticas Comerciais e Seus Efeitos sobre o
Multilateralismo, Revista Política Externa, Vol. 19 No. 3, Dez. 2010.
 Aperfeiçoamento do Acordo Antidumping: uma nova contribuição ao debate,
Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, No. 86, pp. 27-34, 2006.
 Nineteen Proposals to Curb Abuse in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Proceedings, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 39(2), pp. 239-280, 2005.
 A Investigação Antidumping do Camarão Terminou, mas o Pesadelo Não!”,
Revista da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Camarão, v.7, n.1, pp. 3841, Mar. 2005
 Abuse and Discretion: The Impact of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
Proceedings on Brazilian Exports to the United States, Journal of World
Trade, Vol. 38(1), pp. 37-68, 2004, with Adriana Vito.
 O Abuso e o Arbítrio: Impacto das Ações Antidumping e Anti-Subsídios nas
Exportações Brasileiras para os EUA, Revista Brasileira de Comércio
Exterior, No. 76, pp. 4-27, FUNCEX 2003, com Adriana Vito.
 Causas e Consequências da Crise Internacional de Preços do Algodão, Revista
Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, No. 73, pp. 25-31, FUNCEX 2002.
 A Crise Internacional do Algodão, Revista de Política Agrícola, Ano XI, No.
03, pp. 27-31, MARA 2002.
 Causes and Consequences of Low Prices in the Cotton Sector, Cotton: Review
of The World Situation, ICAC, July-August 2002.
 Manual do Exportador para o SGP (Estados Unidos), Coordenador,
ABECEX, Aduaneiras, 2001.
 O Brasil e o Comitê Consultivo Internacional do Algodão, Revista de Política
Agrícola, Ano VII, No. 01, pp. 3-4, MARA 1998.
Dumping e Subsídios: Impacto para o Brasil da Nova Legislação dos Estados
Unidos, Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, 1995.
EUA: Política Econômica e Perspectivas, Boletim de Conjuntura
Internacional, SEPLAN, 1990.
Comments from a Brazilian Point of View on Trade in Textile Products and on
the MFA, Law and Policy in International Business, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 219222, Georgetown University Law Center, 1987.
 Subsídios (ao milho e derivados) e Barreiras Comerciais: Mecanismos e
Artifícios que Anulam a Vantagem Comparativa do Brasil nos Mercados NorteAmericano e Europeu em Açucar, Etanol, Manitol e Sorbitol, Texto para
Discussão, FUNCEX 2003.
 Subsídios ao Milho e aos Derivados do Milho nos Mercados dos Estados
Unidos e da União Européia, FUNCEX, 1999.
 The U.S. Import Market for Steel Products: Emergence, Competition and
Impacts of Tariff Countermeasures, Master’s Independent Research Project,
The American University, Department of Economics, 1983.

ALUISIO DE LIMACAMPOS é coordenador do ABCI, assessor