Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Constança Urbano de Sousa
Academic qualification
1991: Law Degree at the University of Coimbra
1994. Post-graduate studies on European Law at the University of Sarrebruck
1997: PhD on European Law at the University of Sarrebruck (Germany)
Academic experience
1998-2002: Assistant Professor of “European Law” at the Autonomous University of
Lisbon and Institute for Police and Internal Security Studies;
Since 2002: Professor of European Law at the Autonomous University of Lisbon and
Institute for Police and Internal Security Studies; Director of the Law Department/
Autonomous University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the Master Studies at the Autonomous
University of Lisbon
2003-2006: Guest Professor of “Aliens Law” of the University “Nova” of Lisbon;
Professor at several Post-Graduate studies in Portugal, Brazil and Belgium.
Orientation of several Master and PhD thesis.
Member of the Odysseus Network - academic network for legal studies on immigration
and asylum in Europe.
Member of the Research Law Centre – CEDIS – at the University “Nova” of Lisbon.
Her principal research areas are Immigration Law, Asylum Law, Nationality Law and the area of
Freedom, Security and Justice of the European Union.
On these fields she usually makes conferences in Portugal and abroad (Brazil, Turkey, Belgium,
Germany, France, Italy etc.)
Other work experience
2000-2002: legal advisor for the Minister of the Interior of Portugal on immigration,
asylum and European issues.
2005-2006: legal advisor for the Minister of the Interior of Portugal on immigration,
asylum and European issues.
Since September 2006: Counsellor and Coordinator of the Unit “Justice and Home
Affairs” at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union and Chair
of the SCIFA (Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum)
Publications (selection)
Her most recent and important publications include:
"O terceiro pilar da União Europeia" (The third pillar of the European Union), Via
Universitária, May 1999.
"Os princípios estruturantes do Direiti Comunitário de criação jurisprudencial" (The
fundamental principles of Community law developed by the European Court of Justice),
Colecção Divulgação do Direito Communitário, Gabinete do Direito Europeu do
Ministério da Justiça, Lisbon 2000.
"La Régularisation des étrangers illégaux au Portugal" (The regularisation of illegal
immigrants in Protugal), Regularisation of Illegal Immigrants in the European Union,
Brussels 2000.
"A protecção temporária de refugiados" (Temporary Protection of Refugees), Themis
no. 3, 2001.
"O Novo Terceiro Pilar da União Europeia" (The "new" Third Pillar of the European
Union), Estudos de Homenagem a Cunha Rodrigues, Coimbra 2001.
"The Portuguese Immigration Law", International Journal of Migration and Law, no. 1,
"Le régime juridique de la protection subsidiaire au Portugal" (The legal regime of
subsidiary protection in Portugal), Subsidiary Protection of Refugees in the European
Union: complementing the Geneva Convention? La protection subsidiaire des réfugiés
dans l'Union Européenne: un complément à la Convention de Genève?, Bruylant,
Brussels (to be published in June 2002).
"The New Portuguese Immigration Act", in European Journal of Migration and Law,
"Asylum and Integration of refugees in Portugal", AWR-Bulletin, 3-4/2000 (April 2003).
"A Cooperação Policial e Judiciária em matéria penal na União Europeia: Evolução e
Perspectivas", in Polícia e Justiça, n.º 2, 2003, pp. 9-53.
"L'émergence du droit européen de l'immigration et de l'asile",(Emergence of European
Immigration and Asylum Law) Galileu - Law Review, n.º 2, 2003, pp. 139-164.
"O Direito de Asilo", in Janus 2004.
"A vigência do Direito Comunitário na ordem jurídica nacional", Janus 2004.
The Emergence of a European Asylum Policy" (Coord.),Bruylant,2004.
“Taking the “bogus” out of the discourse concerning Asylum”, in Extending the Area of
Freedom, Justice and Security trough enlargement: Challenges for the European Union,
Edward Welgar (Cheltenham, UK/ Northampton, USA), 2004, pp.275-280.
A segurança interna no espaço europeu (Internal Security in Europe), in I Colóquio de
Segurança Interna, Coimbra, Almedina, 2005, pp. 101-122.
« Le regroupement familial au regard des standards internationaux », in François
Julien-Lafèrriere, Henri Labayle, Orjan Edstrom (Ed.), La politique européenne
d’immigration et s’asile: Bilan critique cinq ans après le traité d’Amsterdam, Bruylant,
Bruxelas, 2005, pp. 126-139.
« Le droit des membres de la famille du citoyen de l’Union européenne de circuler et de
séjourner sur le territoire des États membres dans la directive 2004/38/CE », in JeanYves Carlier / Elspeth Guild, L’avenir de la libre circulation des personnes dans l’UE,
Bruylant, Bruxelas, 2006, pp. 103-125.
“The Portuguese Nationality Law: Evolution” (with Maria Joannis Baganha), in Rainer
Bauböck, Eva Ersbøll, Kees Groenendijk, Harald Waldrauch (Ed.) Acquisition and Loss
Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries, Amsterdam University Press,
Amsterdão, 2006, pp.435-476.
“Novedadades en Derecho Comunitario de Inmigración y Asilo”, in Aparício Wolhelmi e
outros. (coord), Las Fronteras de la cidadania en España y en la Unión Europea,
Documenta Universitaria, Girona, 2006, pp.

Short CV