Curriculum Vitae
1. Personal Data
Name: Dulce Margarida de Jesus Lopes
Birth Date: 06/01/77
Country of Birth: Portugal
Adress: Urbanização Vale Verde, lote 37, 2.º Dt.º, Alto dos Barreiros – Santa
Clara, 3040 Coimbra, Portugal
Email: [email protected]
2. Academic degrees
Finished Law course in the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in June 1999
with the final mark of Very Good with Distinction;
Concluded in 2002 the Master Degree in Planning and Environmental
Law ministered at the University of Coimbra;
Defended in July 2004 a Dissertation with the designation “The Principle
of Proportionality in Community Law: A Jurisdictional Scrutiny
Perspective”, with the highest mark of Very Good with Distinction.
Attended the Course of the Hague Academy on Private International Law
in 2004.
3. Professional experience
Assistant professor at the University of Coimbra since December 1999:
Lectured classes of Private International Law, Community Law,
Administrative Law and European International Organizations Law.
During the year 2000, worked at the Presidency of The Portuguese
Participated in several seminars in Portugal and Spain as a lecturer,
mostly in planning law issues;
Taught between 20th March and 30th de March 2004, in the Institute of
Social Sciences of Beijing, China, a course on European Studies,
financed by the European Union;
From 2005 until the end of 2007 was the Assistant for European legal
affairs to Mr. Fausto Correia, Member of the European Parliament
Lectured in the year 2004/2005, the subjects of Community institutions
and law and community liberties, to Chinese students in the postgraduate European Studies in The University of Coimbra;
Held a conference in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home
Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament on the Prum Treaty and
proposed Decision (7th May 2007).
4. Published articles in EU Law
“Princípio da Não Discriminação em Razão do Sexo na Ordem Jurídica
Comunitária” (The Principle of Sexual Non Discrimination in the
Community Legal Order), Temas de Integração, N.º 8, 2.º Semester,
Together with Lucinda Dias da Silva, “Xadrez Policromo: A Directiva
2000/43/CE do Conselho e o Princípio da Não Discriminação em Razão
da Raça e Origem Étnica” (Polychrome Chess: The Directive
2000/43/CE of the Council and the Principle of Racial and Ethnical Origin
Non Discrimination), Estudos Dedicados ao Prof. Doutor Mário Júlio de
Almeida Costa, Gomes/ Júlio (coord.), Lisboa, Universidade Católica
Editora, 2002;
“O Nome das Coisas: Serviço Público, Serviços de Interesse Geral e
Serviço Universal no Direito Comunitário” (The Name of Things: Public
Service, Services of General Interest and Universal Service in
Community Law), Temas de Integração, N.º 15/16, 2003;
“Regime Jurídico Florestal: A Afirmação de um Recurso” (Forestry Legal
Regime: The Affirmation of a Ressource), in Revista do CEDOUA, Year
VI, 2003;
Commentary on the European Court of Justice Decision on
environmental impact assessment of the 29th April 2004, Pr. C-117/02,
Commission Against Portuguese Republic, in Revista do CEDOUA, N.º
2, 2004;
Site of the European Parliament
5. Academic Awards
Received a merit scholarship as a university student in March 1999;
Received “Doutor Manuel de Andrade” award, that distinguishes the
student with the best final graduation mark (1999);
Was awarded in the year 2000 the “Dr. Francisco Salgado Zenha” Prize,
destined to distinguish essays in the field of Human Rights Protection.
Received, in 2006, the “Doutor Afonso Rodrigues Queiró” award, for the
best dissertation on public legal sciences.
6. Other interests and activities
Speaks Fluently English, has a very good knowledge of French, Spanish
and is, for 6 years, learning German;
From July 2004 untill February 2007 was a member of the Directive
Board of the Faculty of Law of Coimbra;
Associate of the Portuguese Associação Portuguesa de Direito do
Urbanismo (Portuguese Planning Law Society);
Associate of a Child Care Association and an Animal Protection Society.

Curriculum Vitae