Detecting Computer Viruses using GPUs Alexandre Nuno Vicente Dias Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Information Systems and Computer Engineering Examination Committee Chairperson: Supervisor: Member: Prof. Pedro Manuel Moreira Vaz Antunes de Sousa Prof. José Carlos Alves Pereira Monteiro Prof. Alexandre Paulo Lourenço Francisco November 2012 Agradecimentos Depois de 5 anos no IST, sou uma pessoa diferente. Mais racional principalmente. Mas em muitos aspectos continuo igual ao que sempre fui. Não mudaria nada nos anos passados nesta casa. Aprendi bastante, não só a nı́vel técnico, mas como a nı́vel pessoal. Penso que o conhecimento mais valioso que aprendi foi que tudo é possı́vel, desde que se dedique o tempo necessário. Neste momento em que me encontro com futuro ainda incerto, espero seguir um caminho que me leve a durante a minha vida poder aplicar ao máximo os conhecimentos que adquiri durante o meu curso. Quero agradecer principalmente aos meus pais e à minha irmã, sem vocês e o vosso apoio eu nunca chegaria a onde estou. É devido a vocês que sou a pessoa que sou. Em segundo lugar, aos meus amigos mais chegados durante estes últimos tempos. Vocês sabem quem são. Nunca esquecerei os tempos que por aqui passámos, bem como o apoio que me deram neste último ano. Por fim, ao meu orientador e co-orientador, respectivamente Dr. Prof. José Monteiro e Nuno Lopes, que tanto me encaminharam e ajudaram durante este trabalho. Aprendi muito durante este ano e estou bastante grato por isso. Que comece a próxima jornada neste meu caminho. Lisboa, 7 de Novembro de 2012 Alexandre Dias iii Resumo Produtos de anti-vı́rus são a principal defesa contra programas maliciosos, que estão a ficar cada vez mais comuns e avançados. Uma grande parte do processo de verificar um ficheiro ou programa é dedicada a verificar se alguma assinatura correspondente a um vı́rus está contida nesse ficheiro ou programa. Como é importante que o processo de verificação seja o mais rápido possı́vel, este tempo de verificar se uma assinatura está contida num ficheiro deve ser minimizado ao máximo. Recentemente, as placas gráficas têm aumentado em popularidade para computação com altos requisitos de execução devido à sua arquitectura paralela. Uma das aplicações possı́veis em placas gráficas é o emparelhamento em texto, que é o processo realizado para verificar se uma assinatura está contida num ficheiro. Neste trabalho apresentamos detalhes do sistema implementado, um sistema paralelo de emparelhamento em texto baseado em autómatos finitos e deterministas executado numa placa gráfica. Devido a problemas de espaço inerentes a estes autómatos, o nosso sistema apenas realiza emparelhamento usando parte de cada assinatura, o que o leva a servir de pré-filtragem para os ficheiros que têm que ser verificados. Múltiplas optimizações foram implementadas para reduzir o seu tempo de execução. Nos nossos testes com conjuntos de ficheiros de teste, o nosso sistema teve uma melhoria de aproximadamente 28 quando comparado com a parte de emparelhamento do ClamAV, um anti-vı́rus usado na indústria. Contudo, em outros conjuntos de ficheiros de teste, o nosso sistema não tem uma melhoria tão boa. Trabalho futuro é apresentado para melhorar o sistema nestas condições. Palavras-chave: segurança, vı́rus, emparelhamento em texto, computação em placas gráficas, CUDA v Abstract Anti-virus software is the main defense mechanism against malware, which is becoming more common and advanced. A significant part of the virus scanning process is dedicated to scanning a given file against a set of virus signatures. As it is important that the overall scanning process be as fast as possible, efforts must be done to minimize the time spent in signature matching. Recently, graphics processing units have increased in popularity in high performance computation, due to their inherently parallel architecture. One of their possible applications is performing matching of multiple signatures in parallel. In this work, we present details on the implemented multiple string searching algorithm based on deterministic finite automata which runs on a graphics processing unit. Due to space concerns inherent to DFAs our algorithm only scans for a substring of each signature, thereby serving as a high-speed pre-filtering mechanism. Multiple optimizations were implemented in order to increase its performance. In our experiments with sets of test files, the implemented solution was found to have a speedup of around 28 when compared to the pattern matching portion of ClamAV, an open-source anti-virus engine. On other sets of test files with different characteristics the solution does not have such a good performance, but future work is described to improve it in these situations. Keywords: network security, virus, string matching, GPGPU Computing, CUDA vii Contents List of Figures xi List of tables xiii Acronyms xv 1 Introduction 1 2 General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units 3 2.1 Comparing CPUs and GPUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1.1 SIMD Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.2 Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 2.1.3 Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hardware Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 2.3 Programming Interfaces and CUDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.4 2.3.1 CUDA Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3.2 CUDA Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3 Related Work 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 13 Threat Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.1.1 SNORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.1.2 ClamAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Pattern Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2.1 Single-pattern Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2.2 Multiple-pattern Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2.3 A Sub-linear Scanning Complexity Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2.4 Rearranging the Aho-Corasick States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2.5 Re-writing some Regular Expression Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.2.6 Symbolic Finite State Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Pattern Matching on GPUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3.1 Using SNORT Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3.2 Using ClamAV Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 32 4 System Architecture 33 4.1 Algorithm Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.2 Design Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.2.1 34 Reducing Memory Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix 4.3 4.4 4.2.2 GPU Memory Space for the Files and Work Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.2.3 Mapping to the architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.3.1 Memory Accesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.3.2 Texture Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.3.3 Final States and Signature Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.3.4 Coalescing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.3.5 Double-buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5 Evaluation 45 5.1 Experiment Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6 Future Work and Conclusions 49 6.1 Problematic Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 6.2 Scanning Method for Large Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 6.3 Incremental Automata Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6.4 Transposing the Files using SSE Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6.5 Verification Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Bibliography 53 x List of Figures 2.1 Comparison of single precision performance between modern CPUs and GPUs. . . . . . . 4 2.2 Comparison of double precision performance between modern CPUs and GPUs . . . . . . 4 2.3 The fermi architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.4 The fermi shared multiprocessor hardware architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5 Mapping of CUDA’s software abstractions to hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1 Example SNORT rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2 An example of performing naive string matching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.3 NFA for the patterns ab*c, c and ad built from applying Thompson’s algorithm. . . . . . 19 3.4 DFA for the patterns ab*c, bc and ad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.5 Complete DFA for the patterns ab*c, bc and ad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1 Processing the signatures and sending them to the GPUs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.2 4.3 Matching process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure of the automata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 40 4.4 Automata after the re-structuring for texture memory use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.5 Contiguous and interleaved files. Blocks marked with an X have no meaningful data in them, as they are out of a file’s boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.6 Difference between sending a whole file and sending it in two parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.7 Difference between execution times of sending a single file parts and sending several parts. 43 5.1 Execution times for random files with the same size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.2 Execution times for files with a same size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5.3 Execution times for different numbers of false positives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 xi List of Tables 3.1 Distribution of signature types in ClamAV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2 Results of profiling ClamAV by scanning a large file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3 Transition table for the DFA in Figure 3.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5.1 Execution times for files with different sizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 xiii Acronyms CPU Central Processing Unit GPU Graphics Processing Unit SDKs Software Development Kits CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture BWT Burrows-Wheeler-Transform IDS Intrusion Detection System GFLOPS Giga Floating Point Operations per Second MIMD Multiple Instruction Multiple Data SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data ECC Error-Correcting Code SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions NFA Non-deterministic Finite Automaton DFA Deterministic Finite Automaton xv Chapter 1 Introduction As technology gets more advanced, malware writers are using a whole new set of techniques to build malware that is more efficient and harder to detect. Malware is also becoming more prevalent in the web: for instance, anti-virus companies can receive malware samples at a rate of about one sample every 5 seconds. Due to this emergence, both IT professionals and regular users alike are facing various challenges when it comes to protection. An example of an effort to increase the defenses against viruses is the cooperation between anti-virus companies to detect a new variation of a virus (or a new virus itself): samples of recent viruses are placed into a shared repository to which the anti-virus companies have access. Yet, there is still a given time window (from the time where the virus first appears to the time where an anti-virus company updates their product) in which users are vulnerable. Anti-virus products try to minimize the chance of infection of a machine, employing various techniques to do so. For instance, they might take a sample and analyze their behavior in run-time, in order to check if the sample does anything that it is not supposed to. However, this run-time analysis should not be the first thing to do to a newly arrived sample, as it is very time consuming. The first step in identifying a virus is usually done by scanning a file, and matching its body to a set of rules or patterns, called signatures. Each signature can correspond to a different virus or strain of one, and if it occurs in the body of a file, then we know that such file is malicious. As stated above, viruses are becoming more and more common on the web, and due to this, signature sets can only increase in size. Scanning for all of them on a single file can be a process which is very time-consuming, and if the search was to be done in a naive manner (repeatedly comparing the text characters against all of the signatures), the process would surely not be completed in an acceptable time frame. In anti-virus products, this process has to be especially fast, as if it is too slow, then the anti-virus application becomes the bottleneck of the system, which can cause a significant decrease in the overall system performance. Anti-virus products and intrusion detection systems (which scan network packets against a rule set), employ various algorithms to speed up the scanning process. Such algorithms are part of a problem called string matching, which as the name indicates, is the problem of finding a given string in a text. The products also have a signature set, so they must scan for multiple strings inside the same text (which corresponds to the body of a file). This problem is a generalization of the aforementioned one, and it is called multi-pattern matching. Many techniques have been implemented to try to speedup multi-pattern matching, some of them having success in doing so. These techniques are mainly small changes to the algorithms, but some of them focus on implementing the algorithms on specific hardware, rather than on a Central Processing Unit (CPU). A common choice in hardware devices to implement algorithms in is the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The utilization of GPUs for general purpose computing is rapidly gaining popularity, due to the 1 massive parallelism inherent to these devices. GPUs are specialized for computationally intensive and highly parallel tasks (namely graphics rendering), and as so, they are designed such that more transistors are devoted to data processing rather than data caching and flow control. A factor that helped GPUs gain popularity in general purpose computing was the release of Software Development Kits (SDKs) by NVIDIA and AMD, which are to be used with their respective GPUs. These SDKs provide much needed help for developers wanting to start programming in GPUs. Currently, GPUs are used for a whole range of applications, from biomedical calculations to bruteforcing MD5 hashes. When it comes to multi-pattern matching, research efforts have proved that GPUs can bring significant speedups to the process. It is due to such conclusions, and due to the parallel nature of GPUs, that we have decided to adopt them in order to speedup the multi-pattern matching part of an anti-virus engine. As we will see in the next chapter, anti-virus engines are complex programs composed of different parts which have different computational costs. We have determined that the most computationally expensive component of an anti-virus engine is its pattern matching process. Pattern matching refers to searching for a given string (or multiple strings) in a given input text. In anti-virus engines, pattern matching is used to search for known anti-virus signatures inside a file (as to verify if that file is malicious or not according to those signatures). Considering that pattern matching is a process that can potentially be sped up, we decided to have as our goal the improvement of such a component in an anti-virus product (we chose to use ClamAV due to being open-source), so as to decrease the execution time of the overall virus scanning process. We have found that our system provided a good improvement: speed-ups ranged from around 12 to 28 on different sets of files. On some other sets of files the speedup was lower: if, for example, our system was only to scan a single large file, then it would have an execution time larger than ClamAV. Future work is described to improve the performance on these situations, though. This document is structured as follows. Chapter 2 gives an overview of GPUs and their use in general purpose programming: their architecture is shown, along with the programming model used in the work. This chapter should help understand the challenges that programming for GPUs entail. Chapter 3 provides some general information about virus scanning and describes some related work in the area, namely from pattern matching algorithms, speeding up those existing algorithms by modifying them to speeding them up by implementing them on GPUs. Chapter 4 describes our system’s architecture in detail. Chapter 5 evaluates the system against various factors, and compares it against existing solutions. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses some future work for the system and brings a conclusion to this work. 2 Chapter 2 General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units This chapter describes the architecture of a graphics processing unit and explains its advantages and disadvantages for performing general purpose computing. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are hardware units specially designed to perform graphics operations (or rather, graphics rendering), which are very important for video games. Graphics rendering is by nature a parallel operation, as a value of a given pixel does not depend on the values of other pixels. Due to this, GPUs have been designed to perform these parallel operations as fast as possible. They are essentially a highly parallel, multithreaded, many core processor. As they evolve, they become more and more powerful, and thus also more and more attractive to programmers in need of implementing a highly parallel algorithm. The computing power of a given hardware unit is usually determined by measuring the number of floating point operations it can perform in a second. Charts on figures 2.1 and 2.2 show the current measurements of Giga Floating Point Operations per Second (GFLOPS) for single-precision and doubleprecision operations on modern GPUs and CPUs. From these charts, it is easy to see why GPUs pose such an attraction to programmers needing highperformance applications. A modern high-end GPU can handle around 10 times the GFLOPS of an equivalent CPU. However, it is to be noted that these numbers are provided by the GPU vendors. In practice, achieving such high performance values is immensely difficult (they may even never be reached), as many algorithms are for instance limited by bandwidth and not by the computing power (being limited by bandwidth means that the memory cannot provide the data as fast as an execution core would process it). In our work, we have used a Tesla C2050, which is a workstation card designed specifically for graphics processing and computing applications (so it is not necessarily suited for video games, which need very good performance on graphics rendering). Its architecture is further described in Section 2.2. 2.1 Comparing CPUs and GPUs As seen in the charts in figures 2.1 and 2.2, GPUs are faster on some performance metrics than CPUs. A few years ago, CPUs increased their performance by increasing their core frequency. However, increasing the frequency is limited by some physical restrictions such as heat and power consumption. Nowadays, CPUs’ performance is increased by adding more cores. On computing hardware, the focus is slowly shifting from CPUs that are optimized to minimize latency towards GPUs that are optimized to 3 Figure 2.1: Comparison of single precision performance between modern CPUs and GPUs. single precision performance Figure 2.2: Comparison of double precision performance between modern CPUs and GPUs. double precision performance 4 augment the total throughput. CPUs that are optimized towards latency use the Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) model, meaning that each of its cores works independently from the others, executing instructions for several processes. GPUs on the other hand use a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) model, where each multiple processing elements execute the same instruction on multiple data simultaneously. 2.1.1 SIMD Model The SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) model is suited to the notion that the computation stages on a GPU are executed sequentially (as in a pipeline) on a flow of data. Each of the computation stages however, is executed in parallel by the GPU’s processors. In an NVIDIA GPU, processors execute groups of 32 threads, called warps [5]. Individual threads in the same warp start together, but can then execute and branch independently (although with some restrictions). Although threads can generally execute independent instructions, threads belonging to the same warp can only execute one common instruction at a time. If any thread in a warp diverges, then the threads in that warp are serially executed for each of the independent instructions, with barriers being inserted after the execution of such instructions so that threads are then re-synchronized. Thus, efficiency is achieved when all 32 threads of a warp share the same execution path. This kind of divergence that forces hardware to serially execute instructions can only exist inside a warp, as different warps are running on different multiprocessors. In order to maximize the utilization of a GPU’s resources, thread-level parallelism is needed. Occupancy (the level of threads that are running or ready to run in regards of the total number of possible threads during the program’s life cycle) is related to the number of warps that belong to a multiprocessor. Each time an instruction needs to be issued on a multiprocessor, a warp scheduler takes a warp that is ready to run its next instruction and issues that instruction to the warp’s threads. Some time is needed for a warp to be ready to execute its next instruction: this is called latency. So thread-level parallelism effectively targets hiding the latency, and occupancy is essentially a measure of how much latency is hidden. Maximum occupancy is achieved when the warp scheduler always has an instruction to issue for some warp at every clock cycle. 2.1.2 Threads Another main difference between CPUs and GPUs are threads and how they are organized. On a typical CPU, a small number of threads can run concurrently on a core. On a GPU however, thousands can run concurrently per multiprocessor (our Tesla C2050 card supports up to 1536 threads per multiprocessor). Switching between threads on a CPU can also take some significant time, where on a GPU this switching is done seamlessly and almost instantly. This is due to the fact that on a CPU, the operation system controls the thread switching behavior. On a GPU, thousands of threads are put into a queue (in groups of warps). If the hardware must wait on one warp of threads (because for instance it needed to perform a slow access to memory), then it just swaps that warp with another one that is ready to execute. This is mainly possible due to the large amount of registers present on a GPU: separate registers are allocated to all of the threads, so no swapping of registers or state needs to be done when thread switching occurs (unlike a CPU, which has less registers and as such their state must be saved in thread switches). 5 Figure 2.3: The fermi architecture. core.jpg 2.1.3 Memory Both CPU and GPU have dedicated memory chips available to them. On a CPU, the RAM is accessible to all code (given that it stays within some boundaries related to processes, boundaries enforced by the operating system). On a GPU, the RAM is divided virtually (and physically) into several types (described later in this chapter), each of which has its own characteristics. But mainly the differences are that the CPU’s RAM is much faster than the GPU’s. The CPU’s RAM has a higher-bandwidth, and it is supported by multiple, large caches. A GPU’s RAM can be slow depending on the access pattern and its caches are small, due to being designed for special uses (namely texture filtering) which are related to the aforementioned types in which the RAM is divided in. 2.2 Hardware Architecture The Tesla C2050 is an NVIDIA workstation GPU which is based on the Fermi architecture. The Fermi architecture provides many improvements over previous ones, such as Error-Correcting Code (ECC) across all of memory types (registers, DRAM, etc) and the ability to execute concurrent processes. The C2050 is composed of 14 shared multiprocessors. A shared multiprocessor is basically a small processor: it has an execution engine, and plenty of registers. It also has its own small memory and L1 cache. These 14 multiprocessors are then connected to a DRAM memory. In the C2050, this memory has 3GB of capacity (reduced to around 2.7GB when memory error correction is on). However, its latency is quite large, so accessing it must be something that programmers must take into consideration when designing and implementing programs. In Figure 2.3, we can see an overall look of the architecture present in Fermi GPUs. 6 Figure 2.4: The fermi shared multiprocessor gt100 sm.jpg hardware architecture. A Fermi card can have up to 16 shared multiprocessors (our Tesla card has 14), each of which has capability for 32 cores (or execution units), meaning that at most, 16 x 32 (512) threads can be running in parallel. They are all inter-connected to a global L2 cache and to memory controllers that are used to access the GPU’s DRAM. There is also a host interface to communicate with the CPU, and some other special engines related to graphics operations. A shared multiprocessor’s architecture is shown in Figure 2.4. There is a large register file, that is shared between all of the multiprocessor’s active threads. A multiprocessor also contains a small, fast memory (called the shared memory), and an L1 cache for the global memory. There is also a special cache, the texture cache. This cache is essentially another cache for the global memory, but it is optimized for spatial locality and can be populated independently from the L1 cache. When it comes to memory, an NVIDIA GPU has different types of physical memory, which can also be virtually abstracted.There are three main memories on a GPU: device memory, shared memory, and registers. Device memory is the largest memory (3GB in our Tesla GPU), but also the one with the largest access latency. It is equivalent to the DRAM of a CPU. Despite being slow, its main use comes from the fact that it is the only physical memory on the GPU that can be populated by the CPU before a kernel is launched. Shared memory is a fast memory that is present on every multiprocessor, and it is shared by all of 7 that multiprocessor’s threads. Its speed comes from the fact that it is present on-chip rather than off (in other words, shared memory does not need a special bus to be accessed, unlike global memory): no special buses need to be used to access it. Uncached shared memory latency can be up to 100 times lower than the global memory’s latency (as long as there are no conflicts in the thread accesses). In order to achieve such low latency, shared memory is divided into banks. Any memory read or write access made of some number of memory addresses that are in their own distinct memory banks can therefore be done simultaneously, effectively increasing the bandwidth. However, if different threads need to access a same bank, then conflicts arise and accesses need to be serialized (not a big issue as it remains on-chip). Registers are present on a file in each shared multiprocessor. Every thread has its own set of registers allocated to it, and register accesses are immediate. Some delays may occur due to read-after-write dependencies (when an instruction’s operands are not available yet because previous instructions still need to write them) or bank conflicts, but usually accesses are the fastest that they can be on a GPU. As for the virtual abstractions, they are all related to the device memory: • Global memory - Global memory is quite slow, but it can be accessed by 32, 64 or 128 byte transactions. These transactions need to be aligned though: only the first 32, 64 or 128 byte segments of the global memory that are aligned to their size can be read or written by memory transactions. When a given warp executes an instruction that accesses global memory, it coalesces the memory accesses of the threads within the warp into one or more memory transactions, depending on the size of the word accessed and the requested memory addresses. If requested memory addresses are far from each other, the warp must effectively perform a single transaction for each memory address, which causes them to be serialized (and unused words to be transferred). If they however are completely sequential, then a single transaction can usually be done for all of the addresses: the hardware performs that transaction and then broadcasts the values to the requesting threads. In a worst-case scenario with a small number of threads and a very random access pattern, the bottleneck of the execution becomes the global memory: threads are continuously waiting for others to finish their memory accesses so that they can perform their own. • Local memory - Local memory space has the same latency and bandwidth as global memory due to being in the same physical memory. However, this type of memory is organized in such a way that consecutive 32 bit words are accessed by consecutive threads, and in this way the accesses become fully coalesced. Local memory, unlike global memory, can not be populated by the CPU or even the programmer: (large) variables are automatically placed into it by the compiler in the case that they do not fit into registers. • Constant memory - This memory space, although residing in device memory, has a small space allocated to it: 64 KB. But even though it resides on device memory, it is cached on-chip. This means that a read from constant memory is equal to a read from the cache (which is much faster than a global memory read). In fact, if threads in a half-warp (which is a group of 16 threads that is running alongside another one - thus composing a group of 32, a warp - in a shared multiprocessor) read the same address, that read can be as fast as a read from a register. Reading from different addresses by threads in a half-warp however, is serialized. Also, this memory is read-only, unlike global memory. • Texture memory - The texture memory has basically the same properties as the constant memory, except that its size is not bound to a fixed value, but the values are that placed into it must respect some boundaries. It is also optimized for 2-dimensional spatial locality, and it has a dedicated cache. So threads that read texture addresses close together will achieve good performance. While also 8 read-only, texture memory can be greatly advantageous for algorithms that exhibit spatial locality in their access patterns. 2.3 Programming Interfaces and CUDA Developers that want to program GPUs have a choice to make: which application programming interface to use. The most used ones are: • Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)[4] - CUDA is a parallel computing architecture developed by NVIDIA to be used in their GPUs. It provides both a low level and a high level API, and is composed of simple language extensions for C, as to provide a smaller entry barrier to developers already used to C or C++. CUDA is also scalable, meaning that it can be seamlessly applied to NVIDIA GPUs with different characteristics. • Stream[1] - This architecture is AMD’s response to CUDA. It uses the ”Brook” language, which is a variant of C designed for parallel computing. CUDA can only be used in NVIDIA cards, and likewise, Stream can only be used in AMD cards. Stream entered the market later than CUDA, so its community and environment are significantly smaller than CUDA’s. • Open Computing Language (OpenCL)[6] - As both CUDA and Stream are proprietary, an open standard was launched for parallel programming: OpenCL. It can not only be used for GPUs, but also on every other parallel computing device, be it either a CPU in a server or in a mobile device. OpenCL is fairly new though, so it is not nearly as mature as the alternatives (especially CUDA). As we are working with an NVIDIA GPU, our decision of API to use was between CUDA and OpenCL. CUDA was an easy choice: its developer environment and community were (and still are) much more mature than OpenCL’s. As programming for GPUs is still relatively recent, challenges related to it are natural to occur to new programmers , so having an environment with as much support as possible was important. Also, CUDA provides some much needed performance tools such as a profiler which gives various data such as occupancy analysis, which helps with getting the maximum performance out of the GPU. 2.3.1 CUDA Model The main idea behind CUDA’s model is that it provides abstractions that exist to guide the programmer to partition the problem into sub-problems that can be solved independently by blocks of threads (which will then be executed on a shared multiprocessor) and each sub-problem into smaller ones, each of which will be solved by a different thread in a thread block. Threads and thread blocks are however software entities, while shared multiprocessors are pieces of actual hardware. Here are the software entities and how they map to the hardware (also shown in Figure 2.5). • Device - The device is the GPU card that is running the code. • Host - The host is the CPU that controls the GPU and might also run some code. • Kernel - A kernel is a function that runs on the device. As mentioned earlier, NVIDIA’s GPUs use the Single Instruction Multiple Data model. This means that the kernel is executed in parallel by every thread processor. Recent GPUs have the ability to run multiple kernels concurrently. 9 • Thread and Thread Processor - A thread runs a kernel which is executed on the thread processor (or CUDA core). • Thread block and Multiprocessor - Every thread block contains some predefined number of threads. A multiprocessor executes some thread blocks allocated to it by the GPU, but effectively no more than a warp of threads (32 threads) can be running on a multiprocessor at a single time. • Grid - A grid is a set of thread blocks, and a kernel is launched with a given number (specified by the programmer) of blocks to be run on the device. Figure 2.5: Mapping of CUDA’s software abstractions to hardware. By allowing the programmer to specify the number of thread blocks at compile time, programs can transparently scale to different NVIDIA GPUs with different hardware configurations. The hardware schedules thread blocks on any shared multiprocessor as long as they are free. However, having the hardware doing the scheduling also means that we do not have any guarantee if a given thread block has finished, is executing, or has not begun executing yet. A kernel’s configuration is an important aspect to consider, as it has an impact on the execution performance. When a multiprocessor is given one or more thread blocks to execute, it partitions them into warps that in turn get scheduled for execution by a warp scheduler. A block can have a size up to a given limit (which depends on the device), but some values are more optimal than others. If a block has 33 threads, what will happen is that two warps will be created from that block: one with 32 threads, and one with 1 thread (there are 32 CUDA cores in a shared multiprocessor, thus the scheduler always builds warps with 32 threads when possible). This will lead to some inefficiency, as at one time only a single thread will be scheduled for a shared multiprocessor. Blocks should therefore optimally have a size that is a multiple of 32. 2.3.2 CUDA Workflow In order to execute a given algorithm in a GPU using CUDA, some steps need to be performed by the programmer. An example workflow for an algorithm that is to run on the GPU is described: • First, the programmer implements the algorithm using CUDA’s libraries and C extensions. A kernel must be defined in order for some work to be performed by the GPU. 10 • The program is then compiled by the CUDA compiler, which translates it into both CPU and GPU instructions. • The executable generated in the above step is run. • Data is read or generated by the CPU and sent to the GPU. The kernel defined in the first step is then called, which leads to its instructions being sent to the GPU, so it can start executing them. • The GPU runs the kernel, performing some operations on the data sent by the CPU. When it is done, the CPU then reads the results back to its memory. This is a sketch, but it provides a backbone for GPU applications. Even though a small number of steps is performed, we can see that running a program on a GPU is not as simple as running it on a CPU: data needs to be sent and read back, which is not an instantaneous process. 2.4 Reflections As we have seen during this chapter, GPUs have characteristics that set them apart from CPUs: various memory abstractions, number of cores, differences in threads, etc. But blindly applying an algorithm to a GPU does not lead to an increase in performance. If for instance the algorithm needs constant transfers of memory from the CPU, then the performance improvement of running it in the GPU might be offset by the cost of performing those memory transfers. The algorithm itself needs to be analyzed as well: if it has highly divergent execution flows between threads, then the CPU might be a better fit to process it. GPUs can provide great performance improvements, but some effort is needed in order for them to do so. In the following chapter, we will see some examples of pattern matching algorithms which were adapted to run on GPUs. 11 Chapter 3 Related Work In this chapter, we present some related work done in the area: standard pattern matching algorithms, improvements performed on them, and implementing them on GPUs. 3.1 Threat Detection Threat detection products can be found on a multitude of systems, from personal computers to servers. Most of them are commercial and require a paid license, having patent-protected algorithms and signature sets. SNORT [8] is a widely accepted open-source Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Intrusion detection systems are a category of thread detection systems designed to scan incoming network packets, as to detect if an intrusion attempt is underway. ClamAV [3] is an open-source anti-virus product. Anti-virus solutions scan files instead of packets, but they also target the detection of possible intrusion or attacks, which might occur if a malicious file is executed. In order to detect malicious files, anti-virus products employ a plethora of techniques, from matching a file’s body to a signature set corresponding to known virus footprints, to analyzing their behavior in run-time. The fact that they are open-source, together with the support they receive from their parent company (SourceFire [9]) and their widespread use in the industry, makes them candidate systems adopted for research in the area. 3.1.1 SNORT As just mentioned, SNORT is an IDS. Intrusion detection systems work by applying deep packet inspection techniques to incoming network packets, in order to detect if an attack is being executed. These deep packet inspection techniques are basically verifying if a given packet matches a signature from a signature set (taking into account other data such as the protocol that the packet belongs to, for instance). Due to being an intrusion detection system, SNORT’s signature set differs from ones from anti-virus products. While the latter ones are typically just a string (with wildcards or not) that must be matched on a file, SNORT’s are a little more complex. Also SNORT contains less rules than anti-virus solutions, but they are a little more complex, as they contain more elements to process. Each of SNORT’s rules contains an action (or alert), a protocol, a source netmask and port, a destination netmask and port, and some other options. Of these options, the one named content states a string that must be matched on the packet. This string, just like regular anti-virus signatures, may 13 alert tcp !$HOME_NET any -> \HOME_NET 80 (msg:"IDS219 - WEB-CGI-Perl access attempt"; flags:PA; content:"perl.exe"; nocase;) Figure 3.1: Example SNORT rule. contain wildcards. In contrast, anti-virus signatures usually only contain this string, along with optionally some other fields such as the offset that the signature must be present in, and the file type in which the signature must be matched. There are two main operations needed to be done on each packet to be scanned: packet classification, and string matching on the packet’s content. According to Roesch [25], the string matching process is the most computationally expensive one. Thus it is not surprising that research work done with SNORT typically focuses on improving the performance of this process. SNORT mainly uses the Aho-Corasick algorithm (described later in this chapter) for pattern matching purposes. SNORT’s configuration does permit changing the algorithm’s characteristics (such as the type of the automaton used), but the possible changes in performance due to such different configurations are not very significant. Work in the area (also described later on) thus tries to improve SNORT’s pattern matching process, either by improving the Aho-Corasick algorithm itself, or implementing a new pattern matching algorithm for SNORT. 3.1.2 ClamAV ClamAV is an open-source anti-virus engine, used by many people in desktop computers, servers and mail gateways alike. The signature set of ClamAV contains about one million signatures in total. However, they are not all of the same format. The set is divided in various types, being the most prominent MD5 hashes and static strings. As of April 2012, the distribution of the signature types was as indicated by Table 3.1 (the “others” category refers to combinations of signatures, signatures related to archives, signatures related to spam e-mails, etc). MD5 Hashes Basic Strings Regular Expressions Others Total 1,215,718 88,391 9,421 7,484 1,321,014 Table 3.1: Distribution of signature types in ClamAV. As we can see, more than 90% of the signatures are MD5 hashes of files. However, MD5 hashes are calculated by simply applying a hash function to a whole file. Scanning against this type of signatures does not take a significant amount of time, in contrast to scanning for regular expressions and basic strings, which must be scanned for inside the file. This is proven by profiling ClamAV: we did so by scanning a large file (around 600 MBytes), and found that two functions stood out from the others (considering their execution time). The results are shown in Table 3.2. All of the other functions that are not shown in the table had an execution time below 2 seconds (except for a function related to the database, that took 13 seconds to execute). As such, the biggest fraction of the running time that we can optimize is the one related to the two functions shown above. These two functions shown in the table are related to the process of pattern matching, which is done by 14 execution time in seconds number of times called percentage of execution time function name 37.16 2592 38.5% cli ac scanbuff 36.68 2566 38% cli bm scanbuff Table 3.2: Results of profiling ClamAV by scanning a large file. an anti-virus product in order to determine if a given file contains a known signature (which corresponds to a virus). As can be seen by their name, are related to ClamAV’s two pattern matching algorithms, Aho-Corasick and Wu-Manber (the function is actually named “bm”, short for Boyer-Moore; Wu-Manber is a multi-pattern matching adaptation of Boyer-Moore) - these algorithms will be explained further in this chapter. As mentioned, ClamAV’s signature set is quite diverse, but some subset of it needs processing that is computationally expensive. These signatures can have two different formats (the first of which can no longer be used to describe new signatures - but old signatures described in it are still valid): MalwareName=HexSignature MalwareName:TargetType:Offset:HexSignature[:MinFL:[MaxFL]] TargetType represents the filetype associated with this signature, Offset represents the location inside a file where this signature must be present, and MinFL and MaxFL can be used to state that this signature should be restricted to some detection engine versions. While the TargetType and Offset parameters represent some computation needed to be done, that computation is actually only performed if a file matches the hex signature. And it is in this hex signature that the main complexity of the pattern matching processing lies. Hex signatures can be split into two different groups: signatures with wildcards, and signatures without them. Signatures without wildcards are not especially problematic: despite being fairly large both in number as in length, these can be applied to pattern matching algorithms which don’t have to worry about matching regular expressions (such algorithms take advantage of that fact to have better overall runtime complexity). Signatures with wildcards however, can be very problematic: ClamAV’s wildcards are some of the most complex regular expression characters. Here are some of them: • ?? - Match any byte. This is equivalent to the “dot” wildcard in POSIX [7] regular expressions. • * - Match any number of bytes. This is an especially problematic wildcard, as it is equivalent to the “dot-star” (or “.*”)wildcard conjunction in POSIX. As any number of bytes, and all possible bytes can be matched here, the regular expression automaton needs to constantly keep considering the state in which this wildcard is represented. • {n}, {-n}, {n-}, {n-m} - These are all combinations of repetitions of the ?? wildcard (in fact, {1} translates to ?? in ClamAV’s internals). While not as problematic as the above wildcard, these also bring complexity to an equivalent automaton. Due to the complexity of modern viruses, these wildcards are wildly used in signature sets. In the ClamAV signature set used (the same as mentioned above), we have found 5,779 “*” wildcards. So not only are such wildcards highly complex in terms of automaton representation (leading to being expensive in terms of memory space utilized), but they also exist in a high number. This leads to automata-based solutions having problems with ClamAV’s signature set, as will be evidenced further along this work. 15 3.2 Pattern Matching We have already seen earlier in this chapter that pattern matching is the most computationally intensive task of ClamAV. This is mostly due to the fact that most of the time, every byte of every file (or packet, in intrusion detection systems) needs to be processed as part of the string searching algorithm. Pattern matching is the process of finding a string or a set of strings inside a text. Pattern matching is used widely in variously different applications, from search engines to security solutions. In order to match a given string ABAB on a text ACABABACAC, we could start by aligning both of the strings on their first character, and then perform character-by-character comparisons. Figure 3.2: An example of performing naive string matching. However, if for instance the text is very long, or if we want to perform matching of several strings (thus leading to performing the above process for each of the strings), then such a simple process is not suitable. For the rest of this work, we will use ClamAV’s notation for wildcards: when a “*” is shown, it is equivalent to the “.*” wildcard in the POSIX notation regularly used in the industry. 3.2.1 Single-pattern Matching Single-pattern matching algorithms perform matching of one pattern at a single time. For k patterns to be matched, the algorithm must be repeated k times. There are two common single-pattern matching algorithms: Knuth-Morris-Pratt [18] and Boyer-Moore [12]. Both have a similar backbone idea: that unneeded character comparisons can be skipped by making use of the information about previously matched characters. In the Boyer-Moore algorithm, the larger the pattern to search for, the faster the algorithm can match it. The algorithm compares the pattern to the text from right to left (starting at the rightmost character), and two rules are used in order to determine how much characters can be skipped when a mismatch occurs (one is based on the current mismatched character, the other on the number of matched characters before the mismatch). These rules are dependent on the pattern however, so on each mismatch that occurs, the distance to be skipped might not be as big as one would hope. Boyer-Moore can be quite efficient: when the pattern to be searched for does not appear in the text, its worst-case running time is of O(n + m) (where n is the text length and m is the pattern length). This is due to the fact that if the pattern does not appear in the text, the algorithm is constantly skipping characters, without verifying if some possible match exists. When the pattern appears in the text however, the worst-case running time complexity is O(nm): the algorithm needs to verify possible matches, and this verification causes the complexity to increase. 3.2.2 Multiple-pattern Matching Multiple-pattern matching algorithms, in contrast to single-pattern ones, can perform matching of a set of patterns in a single run. For k patterns to be matched, the algorithm only runs once. 16 Wu-Manber The Wu-Manber algorithm [33] is very similar to Boyer-Moore, but it can be applied in multiplepattern matching. The main difference is that instead of comparing characters one by one, the algorithm compares blocks of B characters. In order to do so, it uses three tables: one is analogous to one of Boyer-Moore’s rules - it is used to determine how many characters in the text can be skipped - and the other two are used when no shifting, even by a single character, is possible - thus we need to verify which pattern might be matching at the current position. A limit m (the length of the smallest pattern) is imposed to the length of each pattern, so that they all have the same length. A pitfall of this limitation is that if we have small patterns, we can never shift by a distance greater than the length of the smallest one. Each possible string in the alphabet is mapped (using a hash function) to an index to the table that determines the skipping distance (called Shift table). In the scanning phase, there are two possible situations: either the current string of size B is not a substring of any given pattern (so we can safely shift m-B+1 characters), or it is. In this latter case, the rightmost occurrence of the string must be found for all of the patterns, and the shifting distance is then given by the minimum pattern length minus the greatest of these rightmost occurrences. As for the other two tables, they are called Hash and Prefix. The Hash table uses the same hash function as the Shift table, and it maps the last B characters of all patterns. Each entry contains a pointer that both points to a list of pointers to patterns whose last B characters hash into the corresponding index of the Hash table. The pointer contained in each entry is also in turn an index to the Prefix table. This Prefix table maps the first B characters of all patterns into a hash value. It is mainly used to filter patterns whose suffix is the same as the current string that was matched, but whose prefix is different. Considering this, the scanning procedure is as follows: a hash value is calculated for the current B text characters. The value of the Shift table for this hash value is then checked: if it is geather than 0, then the text is shifted by the given value, and the matching resumes. If not, then the hash value of the prefix of the text (starting m - the minimum pattern length - characters to the left of the current position) is calculated. After this, for each pattern that is pointed to by Hash table for the first hash value that was calculated, we must check if its entry in the Prefix table is equal to the recently calculated hash value of the prefix. If they are equal, then the pattern is checked directly (character by character) against the text, in order to confirm the match. The Shift table is constructed in O(M) time (where M is the total size of the patterns), and one hash function takes O(B) (B is the block size - a value that can be defined, but recommended by the algorithm’s authors to be 2 or 3 for natural language texts) to compute. As such, the total amount of work in the case of non-zero shifts is O(BN/m) (N is the text size, and m the minimum pattern length). The algorithm is not only designed to concentrate of typical searches (rather than worst-case behavior), but also it is designed to be used for natural language texts and queries, so it might not be as efficient on other applications whose pattern sets might have different characteristics than the ones from natural language. In Chapter 4, we will show that this holds true: not every application benefits (in terms of execution time) from using the Wu-Manber algorithm. Burrows-Wheeler Transform The Burrows-Wheeler-Transform (BWT) is a reversible transformation that can be performed on a text, in order to achieve compression. It has been widely used in that area, but its application to string matching was only discovered in 2000 [14]. In order to do string matching with BWT, one must do pre-processing on the text (in contrast to other algorithms such as automata-based ones, which do 17 pre-processing on the queries). The BWT for a given text T is constructed by first appending an “end of string” character (the $ character for instance) to the text (this character should of course not be present in any other position in the text). Then, all of the cyclic permutations of the text are calculated and sorted. The BWT is then given by the last character of each of the cyclic permutations, which are arranged in sorted order. Two additional data structures must also be present: an array, which keeps track of the original indexes of the permutations before being sorted (called the suffix array), and another one which keeps the sorted characters of the string. Searching is done as follows: for each character in the query, we find the corresponding cyclic permutations of the text whose first characters are equal to the one being considered from the query. We continue on to consider the next character query: we again find its corresponding permutations, but this time we only consider the first n permutations, where n is the number of times that this character appeared in the set of last characters from the previously considered cyclic permutations. When we have done this for all of the characters of the query, the indexes of where the query is present in the text are given by the suffix array values corresponding to the cyclic permutations who where considered last. While searching is done in a straightforward manner, BWT-based pattern matching algorithms have as can be seen, a quite large memory usage: different data structures must be kept in memory, and these can grow to be quite large depending on the text (around 3.7GB for the human genome [20]). Also, BWT is more suited for applications which have a fixed text and changing queries (as it applies the pre-processing on the text). Finite automata Other multi-pattern matching algorithms are based on finite automata. Finite automata used in pattern matching algorithms are either non-deterministic (NFA) or deterministic (DFA). Both kinds are augmented: directed graphs that have an alphabet, a set of states, and a transition function (that for each sate, computes a next state, given a character from the alphabet). Matching is done by, starting at the initial state, computing the value of the transition function for the current input character, and feed that value to be the next state at the next iteration (where the transition function is again executed but for the next input character). When one of the states given by the transition function is final, the algorithm reports that there was a match at the current input position. Non-deterministic Finite Automata A Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) consists of a finite set of states Q, a finite set of input symbols Σ called the alphabet, a transition relation ∆ : Q × (Σ ∪ {}) → P (Q) (where P (Q) represents the set of all the subsets of Q and represents the empty string), a start state q0 ∈ Q and a set of final states F ⊆ Q. Let a = a1 , a2 , ..., an be an input string over Σ. The NFA recognizes a if in Q a sequence of states s = s1 , s2 , ..., sn respects the conditions • s0 ∈ E(q0 ) (the automaton starts in the states reachable by transitions from q0 ) • s0 ∈ ∆(si , ai+1 ) and si+1 ∈ E(s0 ), (i = 0, 1, ..., n − 1) (the next state to transition to is given by the result of applying the transition relation with the current state and input character, and then following transitions for the resulting state) • sn ∈ F (the automaton recognises the input string of any of the states to which it transitions to is part of the set of final states) 18 Figure 3.3: NFA for the patterns ab*c, c and ad built from applying Thompson’s algorithm. [29] The execution model of an NFA uses some auxiliary data when processing the input text. As in an NFA the system may be at more than one state at a single time, usually a vector is kept, which represents a list of active states. Each time one of the active states is final, the algorithm reports a match for the possible final states. An example NFA for the patterns “ab*c”, “bc” and “ad” (where ”*” is the ClamAV wildcard, representing the possibility of zero or more characters being matched) is shown in Figure 3.3. A transition labeled by Σ represents a group of transitions for all of the characters in the alphabet, which in this case is Σ = {a, b, c, d}. Matching on an NFA is a somewhat different (and more complex) process than matching on a DFA: instead of only following a single transition on each input character, multiple transitions are followed, which leads to several states being active at any one time. The process of matching the NFA from Figure 3.3 to the text abc is: • The only active state at the start of the algorithm is the initial state, state 0. • On consuming the first character, a, the algorithm marks states 1 and 9 as active. • The character b is consumed, leading to states 1 and 9 being marked as inactive, and states 2, 3, 5 and 7 marked as active (state 0 is always active, and epsilon transitions are always followed). • The algorithm finally consumes the character c, which leads to the states 6 and 8 being marked as active (and states 5 and 7 as inactive). These states are final, so matches are reported on each of them. Deterministic Finite Automata A Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) consists of a finite set of states Q, a finite set of input symbols Σ called the alphabet, a transition function δ : Q × Σ → Q, a start state q0 ∈ Q and a set of final states F ⊆ Q. Let a = a1 , a2 , ..., an be an input string over Σ. The DFA recognizes a if in Q a sequence of states s = s1 , s2 , ..., sn respects the conditions • s0 = q0 (the automaton starts in the state q0 ) • si+1 = δ(si , ai+1 ) (i = 0, 1, ..., n−1) (the next state to transition to is given by the result of applying the transition function with the current state and input character) 19 a b c d 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 4 2 0 0 5 0 3 3 3 6 3 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 6 3 3 6 3 Table 3.3: Transition table for the DFA in Figure 3.4 • sn ∈ F (the automaton recognises the input string of any of the states to which it transitions to is part of the set of final states) The transition function δ can be represented in different ways, but the standard one is using a 2dimensional table. Each of the table’s cells includes the result of applying the transition function to the state and input character given by the respective line and column. As an example, for the DFA in Figure 3.4, we can represent its transition function using Table 3.3. All of the cells in the first row represent the transitions that will occur at state 0 for each of the input characters. Conversely, the cells in the first column represent the transitions for the input character ‘a’ that will occur at every state. We can see that the cell given by the first row and first column has the value 1. This means that if the automaton is on state 0 and the input character is an ‘a’, then the automaton transitions to state 1. Comparing DFAs with NFAs, a DFA has no transitions by the epsilon character and each state only has one transition by a given character. This simple model has two main advantages: first, matching is straightforward and fast, as it requires only a single table lookup (or pointer dereference) per input character. Second, DFAs are composable, meaning that a set of DFAs can be composed into a single composite DFA (eliminating the need to transverse multiple DFAs instead of a single one). Unfortunately, DFAs often do not interact well when combined, yielding a composite DFA whose size may be exponential in input and often exceeds available memory. They do however provide a big advantage over NFAs: as computers are deterministic machines, NFAs are harder to simulate in them (due to the possibility of being in more than one state at the same time), which causes larger execution times and greater implementation complexity. Regular expression matching with automata Regular expressions are gaining widespread use in applications which use searches with expressive and flexible queries (virus scanning and intrusion detection are examples of such applications). Using Thompson’s algorithm [29], an NFA can be converted from a regular expression, and then converted to an equivalent DFA. As regular expression use becomes more and more common in packet and file scanning applications, it is imperative that regular expression matching be as fast as possible, as to keep up with line-speed packet header processing. The inefficiency in regular expression matching is largely due to the fact that the current matching solutions do not efficiently handle some complex features of regular expressions used in such applications: many patterns use multiple wildcards (such as ‘.’ and “*”) and some patterns can contain over ten such wildcards. As regular expressions are converted into NFAs for pattern matching, large numbers of wildcards can cause the corresponding DFA to grow exponentially. Also, a majority of the wildcards are used along with length restrictions (such as ‘?’ and ‘+’), and these restrictions can 20 increase the resource needs for expression matching. Finally, groups of characters are also commonly used in regular expressions (such as one that matches all lowercase characters). Groups of characters can intersect with one another or with wildcards, causing a highly complex automaton. Converting an DFA to a DFA The method to convert an NFA to a DFA is called Subset Construction [24]. Its general idea is that each state of the DFA corresponds to a set of NFA states. So, when calculating the transition function for the input, each time the DFA is on a given state, it is also on a set of NFA states. The algorithm constructs a transition table for the DFA to be built, which will represent for each state and input character, what will be the next state to transition to. As we are building a DFA from an NFA, these DFA states will be represented by sets of NFA states. This transition table is built so that the resulting DFA will end up simulating all of the possible transitions that the NFA can make in a given input string. The algorithm defines some operations which effectively give us the resulting set of states that an NFA has active after performing a transition. Remembering that the NFA can have transitions by the empty character, which does not consume input, it is clear to define that the set of NFA states that is active after a given transition is the state s that is given by that transition, plus all of the states given by epsilon transitions starting from s. If we repeatedly consider each of these sets of NFA states for the transition table that we want to build, we end up with a deterministic automaton that for each set of NFA states N and input character c, gives us another set of NFA states which is composed of states reachable (either by just following a transition or by following multiple epsilon transitions) by each of the states in N by transitions labeled by c. The result of applying the algorithm for the NFA in Figure 3.3 is shown in Figure 3.4 (consider that the “*” wildcard is the ClamAV one, the equivalent in POSIX would be “.*”). The conversion algorithm does have a nuance though: it does not give as an automaton capable of continuous matching (for the situation in which we want to identify all matching patterns in a text, and not only a single one). This in turn affects the online complexity of scanning a text using the resulting DFA: if we reach a given state and the transition for the current input character leads to the initial state, then we must backtrack on the input (we must re-consider the failed input text). This causes the complexity of the algorithm to no longer be O(n) on every case - if we need to backtrack, then we must read the input character that caused the failure transition again; this of course is not ideal (we want an O(n) scanning algorithm). However, a simple modification (in implementation terms) can be made to the subset construction algorithm to make it build a DFA capable of continuous matching. We just add a new transition by sigma (all of the input characters) from the initial state to itself. What this entails to, is that at each point in the DFA transition-table building process, we are always considering transitions from the initial state, and this will propagate throughout the process: we will end up simulating the NFA not just for its valid input characters, but for every character in the alphabet. While this allows the algorithm to provide us with an automaton capable of begin used for continous scanning, it also greatly increases the conversion algorithm’s complexity (there are now many more possible input characters to consider at every state, instead of just the ones present on the NFA transitions). The resulting DFA can be extremely more complex as well. Figure 3.5 shows a DFA built from this new version of the algorithm. We can see that considering all of the input characters greatly increased the DFA’s complexity, namely at the point representing the wildcard (state 3). 21 Figure 3.4: DFA for the patterns ab*c, bc and ad. Figure 3.5: Complete DFA for the patterns ab*c, bc and ad. 22 To illustrate the advantage, consider what happens when the input is abad. In the first automaton, the matching gets stuck on state 3 waiting for a c to come in the input, so no match will be reported, which is incorrect. In the second automaton, if we just follow the transitions, then we see that a match for ad is actually reported (on state 12). And if afterwards came a c, then the automaton would also report a match of the ab*c pattern (this would also happen on the first automaton). What is happening is, at the state that represents the star wildcard, the automaton actually represents the possibility of every other pattern in the set being present in the input. If our pattern set contains many wildcards and many patterns (as is the case in ClamAV as in previous sections), we can see how this becomes a huge problem. Some approaches have been proposed to counter the state-space explosion that affects DFAs constructed from regular expressions with complex wildcards: HFA [11], hybrid finite automata, split the DFA under construction at the point where state-space explosion would happen. Lazy DFAs [15] keep a subset of the DFA that matches the most common patterns in memory; for uncommon strings, they extend the subset from the corresponding NFA at runtime. This causes the Lazy DFA to be smaller than the corresponding complete DFA, while providing good performance for common patterns. However, a malicious sender can input widely different patterns into the system, causing it to be dynamically rebuilding a DFA (and thus slowing down the overall system). Smith et al. [26] proposed another alternative called XFA, which uses less overall memory than DFA but requires, for each state, some auxiliary memory (used to track the matching progress) along with computation. In order to reduce a DFAs memory footprint, they apply the idea that on each state, instead of having for instance two separate transitions to two different states, they can be grouped into a single one, which goes into a single state. This state will then have some computation associated with it, which will differentiate each of the two states that were grouped into this single one. By doing this, DFAs are effectively compacted, at the cost of some more computation. While the memory cost is greatly reduced, per-byte complexity is increased, which is not an ideal tradeoff for all applications. Aho-Corasick A special automata-based algorithm is the Aho-Corasick algorithm [10]. It uses a DFA in the form of a trie, which is a data structure just like a tree, except that it is ordered and it is used to store an associative array. The DFA used in Aho-Corasick is not the classical one: instead of having transitions for each character of the alphabet on each state, it has transitions for characters that lead to other states in the same expression (just like a regular DFA), along with failure transitions. These failure transitions are followed each time a mismatch occurs, and they are designed to keep track of shared prefixes between patterns (thus allowing the automaton to transition between matches without backtracking). Using the Aho-Corasick algorithm for string matching consists of (roughly) two steps, like other automata-based algorithms: first, a single composite automaton is generated from the patten set; afterwards, that automaton is traversed in order to recognize the corresponding patterns in a text. Given a current state and an input character, the Aho-Corasick algorithm first checks whether there is a valid transition on the automaton for the next input character. If there is, then that transition is followed; otherwise, the failure transition is the one followed and the same input character is considered until it causes a valid transition. In other words, unlike valid transitions, failure transitions do not cause the input character to be consumed. Note that in the latter case, the input character is actually read more than once for different reads of states from the automaton. This means that Aho-Corasick’s complexity is not O(n) as we would hope. Aho-Corasick cannot also be used for regular expression matching. ClamAV uses it for scanning files against signatures with wildcards, but it does not actually represent the wildcards in the automaton 23 (which is what would happen in classical automata based algorithms). It splits the signature into parts divided by its wildcards, and considers each part as an individual pattern. Then, when two patterns match, ClamAV inspects what occurred between the matches, and compares that against the wildcard that separates the matched parts. This causes ClamAV to not have the best efficiency in terms of running time (as if matches occur then further verification is needed), but it also causes it to have a very low memory footprint. As it is designed to run on headless servers (namely e-mail gateways) which might have a very small memory footprint, memory efficiency is a bigger concern to ClamAV than raw scanning performance. The main reason that ClamAV uses Aho-Corasick is that many parts in the signatures containing wildcards are short, and thus considering separate small parts in Boyer-Moore would further restrict the shifting distance, which is already bound by the length of the smallest signature. As for the usage of Wu-Manber, compared with the sparse automaton representation used by Aho-Corasick, the shift table present in Wu-Manber is a more compact representation of a large number of signatures that don’t contain wild cards, leading to lower memory usage. We have presented the standard industry pattern matching algorithms. For the rest of this section, we shall describe related work that focuses on improving them. 3.2.3 A Sub-linear Scanning Complexity Algorithm Huang et. al [17] proposed a pattern matching algorithm which is sub-linear in the scanning time complexity. It uses a shift table and hash technique (somewhat similar to Boyer-Moore) and inspects overlaps between pairs of patterns to ensure worst-case performance. Huang et. al calculated the average pattern length of ClamAV, and like was shown earlier in this chapter, they found that it was lower than the one on other systems such as SNORT. It was due to that observation that they decided to use a shift and hash technique (also ClamAV at the time only had used a shift technique in its algorithm). They also found that the number of long overlaps between suffixes and prefixes of pattern pairs was limited and as such, their algorithm can shift more bytes after a pattern is matched, ensuring worst-case performance (where many patterns are present in the text). The proposed algorithm consists of two phases: an offline preprocessing phase, where the shift table is constructed like in the Wu-Manber algorithm. Along with each pattern, a list is also stored, composed of prefixes of other patterns, that overlap with the suffix of the one they are being associated with. This allows the algorithm to continuously perform matching on the text, and detect multiple patterns that overlap with each other. The other phase of the algorithm is the online matching phase, in which a lookup is performed on the shift table. If the shift value is zero, the prefix hash is calculated and compared with the value present in the list. If the hash table entry is empty, then the matching continues starting from the prefix’s last character. Otherwise, exact comparisons are made for each possible pattern (whose prefix hash is the same as the one that was just calculated) to confirm a possible match. If a pattern is matched in this phase, then the algorithm checks its data structures to try to find a consecutive overlapped pattern (and thus match more than one pattern in a single algorithm iteration). The proposed algorithm was found to have a speed-up of around 6 and 1.5 for the Aho-Corasick and Boyer-Moore implementations in ClamAV, respectively, while consuming roughly the same amount of memory. 3.2.4 Rearranging the Aho-Corasick States When it comes to the Aho-Corasick algorithm, Nishimura et al. [23] proposed speeding it up by rearranging its states. 24 The Aho-Corasick algorithm consists of two parts: first, a pattern matching automaton is constructed from the given pattern set; then that automaton is used to search the text. The time complexities of both parts of the algorithm are, respectively, linear in the total length of the patterns, and linear in the length of the text. The pattern matching machine is usually implemented as a two dimensional array (with O(nm) space complexity, where n is the number of states and m is the alphabet size), which represents a table that is inspected at each input byte, in order to fund which transition on the state machine should be taken. The execution time of searching for the patterns in the text depends on the time that it takes to transmit data from primary or secondary storage. In order to reduce this overhead, data compression can be used to reduce the text’s and the patterns’ size, therefore decreasing the table’s size and the primary or secondary storage transmit time. However, a high compression ratio of the patterns and text does not necessarily lead to a speedup in the matching phase of the algorithm. In order to make the frequently used states be collected on RAM in order to improve CPU cache efficiency, Nishimura et al. proposed rearranging them in a breadth-first order: frequently used states are usually close to the initial state. Using the rearranging techniques led to a reduction of about 71% in the matching time on a random text (on an English natural language text, the reduction was of 80%). Such an improvement was possible due to the pattern set characteristics, causing mismatches to occur often and early. If that was not the case, the reduction in matching time would not be so significant. 3.2.5 Re-writing some Regular Expression Rules We have seen earlier in this chapter that some regular expression rules can be quite problematic for DFA, leading to state-space explosion. Yu et al. [34] tried to optimize DFAs by re-writing some of these rules. Remembering the problem of regular expressions, a pattern can be matched on the entire input string or on specific substrings of the input, rather than being only matched on a simple string (of fixed length). Without a priori knowledge of the starting and ending positions of those substrings, DFA created for recognizing all substring matches can be highly complex, and such a feature (reporting all matching substrings) may not be fully necessary for the application being considered. In fact, in payload scanning applications (intrusion detection systems and anti-virus solutions) we are only interested in knowing if certain attacks or patterns are present. Some regular expressions have a special character to indicate that this expression should be matched only at the beginning of a line. Without this character, there is no prior knowledge of whether or where a matching substring may appear. To handle these patterns, two types of DFA can be created: repeated searches or pre-pending ”.*” to each of these patterns (thus explicitly stating that the pattern can occur anywhere in the input). As the input is scanned from start to end, the DFA can recognize all substring matches that may start at different positions of the input. However, patterns that do start with “∧ ” may also bring some problems. If there is a class of characters that can overlap with the pattern’s prefix (such as for instance the rule “∧ B+[∧ n]” which means matching at the beginning of a line a positive number of Bs and then anything except a newline), then the resulting DFA can be quite complex (because in the given example the DFA needs to remember the number of Bs it has seen and their locations in order to make a correct decision with the next input character). From an analysis done by the authors, a significant number of patterns in the SNORT rule fell into this category. In order to solve this issue, they proposed re-writing such patterns. In the example given above, due to the fact that in payload scanning applications only non-overlapping matches are of interest, the pattern could be rewritten to “∧ B[∧ n]”. For patterns targeting buffer overflow attempts (existing on intrusion detection signature sets), that 25 have a length restriction and check if newlines are not present in the pattern, they proposed adding the “∧ ” character, avoiding state-space explosion. They also proposed algorithms to efficiently group patterns together, such that patterns in each group do not adversely interact with each other. Two patterns interact with each other if their composite DFA contains more states than the sum of the two individual ones. This can clearly happen in our work, as plenty of patterns contain a wildcard equivalent to “.*”, and we wish to be able to transition between states of different patterns (as to guarantee O(n) performance). In order to perform the grouping, they used the notion that if there is no interaction between any pair selected from three regular expressions, the composite of those regular expressions is not likely to exceed the sum of the individual ones. Grouping is done for every pair of regular expressions that do not interact, and until the group dimension is not exceeded (a threshold that is manually set). Using these re-writing techniques, the authors found that the overall DFA reduction rate in the SNORT signature set was of about 98%, a large improvement. When it comes to grouping multiple patterns, they found that the signatures in another intrusion detection system, Bro [2], could all be grouped, so creating a composite DFA greatly improved the throughput for this signature set. Their implementation was overall 48 to 704 faster than an NFA implementation. However, the memory usage was still about 3 to 8 times the one used by an NFA-based approach. Another disadvantage is that rewriting patterns is something that has to be done specifically for each signature set, and as such cannot be automated. So while in fact this set of techniques does bring benefits in terms of throughput increase and some memory reduction, this reduction (which might not be sufficient in every application) comes at a cost of having to be manually implemented, which may not be feasible for huge signature sets, like for instance that of ClamAV. 3.2.6 Symbolic Finite State Transducers One of the biggest security threads in the web is (and has been for some years) Cross-Site Scripting (or XSS). Cross-Site Scripting is possible due to the existance of a flaw in a server, allowing a client to send data containing malicious code, that will then in turn be sent to and executed by browsers belonging to other clients. This flaw is usually present on servers due to the non-escaping of some some critical characters that are specific to code from web pages. If these characters are not modified in any way when they are sent to other clients’ browsers, then the browsers will interpret them as valid code instead of data to be viewed. Writing string manipulating functions to handle these specific characters is a hard problem, as the functions must be efficient and bug-free. Veanes et. al [22] addressed this issue by using symbolic finite state transducers (which extend classic transducers - a special automaton allowing for both input and output data on each state - with symbolic predicates). The key difference between these symbolic finite state transducers and classic finite state transducers is that each transition, instead of being labeled by a character, is labeled by a formula. Therefore, if we are at a given state of the transducer, we can only advance to a next state if the current character respects the formula for the corresponding transition (usually these formulas are like a range that the character must be in, or a specific value that the character must have). By having different possible execution flows at each state, the traversal of the transducer is not trivial for a processor: on each state, instead of simply following the transition, the formula for each transition must be checked, and if it is satisfied, then we can proceed its corresponding state. Chapter 2 showed that divergence is one of the main factors that can cause a great loss of performance in GPUs. As such, symbolic finite state transducers are not at all appropriate for a GPU, as they have different execution flows on each state. So far, we have seen standard improvements done to the standard pattern matching algorithms in- 26 troduced earlier in the chapter. We continue to present work that improves them, but doing so by implementing them in GPUs. 3.3 Pattern Matching on GPUs With the rising computational power of GPUs, research has been done for their use in several application areas. Many of such areas require pattern matching algorithms, so implementing them in GPUs is a key factor in improving the overall performance. Kouzinopoulos et al. [19] performed a comparison of the execution times of parallel versions of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt [18], Boyer-Moore Horspool [16] (an improvement over the classic Boyer-Moore algorithm), and Quick-Search [28] algorithms on an NVIDIA GPU. These algorithms were run on several bacteria sequences, as genome sequencing is one of the areas that benefits the most from GPUs being used for pattern matching. They also ran a naive string searching algorithm, and they found that the speedup compared to the CPU-only version, was of 2.4. The speedup achieved in Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore Horspool and Quick-Search was of 18, 20 and 19 (respectively), proving that GPUs can be quite efficient on pattern matching. They found that the speedup could be further improved by only using the GPU’s shared memory (instead of using the global memory). They concluded that the GPU can run string matching algorithms in a very efficient manner, outperforming the CPU. However, in order to do so, these algorithms cannot be directly ported from the CPU to the GPU: they have to be adapted in some way in order to fully use the GPU’s computational power. 3.3.1 Using SNORT Signatures Extended Finite Automata on the GPU Smith et al. [27] implemented a pattern matching system on a GPU based on XFA (introduced earlier in this chapter). While XFA might seem like a good improvement, they introduce serious challenges for SIMD architectures. Having more variable updates involve memory accesses in a manner different than the access patterns used for traversing an automaton. In a GPU memory accesses should be as few and simple as possible, as they pose one of the most common bottlenecks of an algorithm. In addition, some XFA use offset counters, which are just like standard counters but store the vale in an offset list. These special counters, while eliminating some increment instructions, require additional work at each byte read. Performing matching with a DFA has two levels of control-flow: a function is applied to every input string, and then that function iterates every character of the input string. XFA have a third level: for each state, the interpreter must then execute every instruction for that state and then iterate over the entries in the offset list (in order to increment the respective counters). It is clear that processing these instructions causes many conditional branches. XFA thus suffer from large amounts of control flow divergence in their third level: as a statement must be evaluated on each state, different instructions may be executed after that evaluation. In their implementation, the authors found that the percentage of SIMD instructions that diverged was more than 50%. As mentioned on Chapter 2, modern GPUs do support divergence, but at a (sometimes large) performance cost. The authors concluded that signature matching requires memories that support efficient regular accesses, some fast accesses to a smaller memory and capabilities to hide the latency of irregular accesses. These are all characteristics that are present on modern GPUs, so DFA processing (which has a somewhat predictable control flow) should be efficiently supported. 27 As their proposed XFA alternative exhibits branching that is dependent on the input data, it cannot be reasonably supported by GPUs. The authors did propose that as they found such branching infrequent on real traffic, some mechanism could be implemented to deviate from SIMD instructions once data that could cause divergence was found. Measurements from their work proved the disadvantages of XFA: their measured speedup with XFA was of about 6.7, while a DFA implementation reached 8.6. They proposed caching the XFA on the GPU in order to improve throughput, but this could also be done for DFA, so the performance issue should not be tackled from an implementation point-of-view, but rather from a design one. Porting of Aho-Corasick to the GPU Vasiliadis et. al proposed a solution in which the Aho-Corasick algorithm was ported to the GPU, in order to perform high-speed intrusion detection [30]. Section 3.1.1 described the SNORT intrusion detection system, which organizes the signatures in groups based on the source and destination port numbers of each rule (it therefore groups signatures based on the protocol that the packets that contain such signatures use). In the authors’ implementation, a separate detection engine instance is used to match the patterns belonging to a rule group. In order to improve the CPU to GPU memory transfer throughput, each rule group is copied using a buffer that was allocated using page-locked memory. The CPU to GPU transfer is also performed using direct memory access, thus freeing the CPU during this time. They have also used a double-buffering scheme, so that when the first buffer becomes full, it is sent to the texture memory so that the GPU can process it. While this processing is in place, the CPU is copying newly arrived packets in the second buffer. The processing that the GPU performs is the execution of the Aho-Corasick algorithm. The automaton used by Aho-Corasick is stored in a traditional two-dimensional array, where each cell contains not only the information of the next state to move to, but also information regarding whether that state is final or not. As to improve memory access efficiency, the automaton is stored in the GPU’s texture memory. Two different parallelization methods were implemented. In the first one, each packet was split into parts of an equal (and fixed) size. Each thread then searches each part of the packet in parallel. In the second method, each thread is assigned a whole packet to search in. Every time a thread matches a pattern inside a given packet, it reports the occurrence by appending the pattern to an array present in global memory. The reports for each packet will be written in a separate row of the array, following the order that they were copied to texture memory. This means that the array will have the same number of rows as the number of packets contained in the batch, which can grow to be quite large. This array is also copied to the CPU memory when the pattern matching execution has finished, as for the CPU to report the occurrences of matched patterns. However, reporting an occurrence is not a simple task, as some corner cases must be handled. Casesensitive patterns (Aho-Corasick is a case insensitive algorithm) must be handled by performing an extra search, offset-oriented rules (which state a location on the input string where the pattern must be present) must be explicitly checked, and patterns with a common suffix must be confirmed. Returning to their proposed parallelization methods as briefly described above, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the approach of assigning parts of a packet to each thread (and assigning a packet to each multiprocessor), all threads are assigned the same amount of work. This causes the execution to have very little divergence (which as seen would hinder SIMD execution). Moreover, in this case the texture cache is used entirely for the state tables, as no other data is present on the texture memory. 28 A drawback of this approach is that extra processing is needed for solving the border detection problem. What happens is that as each thread is assigned a different part of each packet, there is a possibility that some patterns are not found, as they could start in a given part and finish in another one (so a thread would never completely finish the matching of such a pattern). In order to solve this issue, all of threads must scan a little longer (the largest pattern’s length) than the length of their assigned part. The authors mention that, as each packet is copied to the shared memory of each multiprocessor, communication costs between threads are avoided. But if a packet is so large as it cannot fit into the shared memory (which in our Tesla C2050 card is 48KB), then these costs are no longer avoided. As for the second approach, assigning a single packet to each thread, its biggest disadvantage is that different threads have different amounts of work (due to varying packet sizes). This means that threads of a same warp will have to wait until all of the threads in that warp have finished searching in the packet that was assigned to them. However, no additional computation will occur since every packet is processed in isolation. The authors found that overall, due to the cost of divergence in the execution, the best parallelization method was assigning chunks of packets to different threads. They found that the system’s performance was quite good, as it yielded a speedup of 2.4. The CPU was not completely offloaded though, so this opens up the system to targeted attacks. An attacker could craft packets that would need to be able to be verified by the CPU (after the GPU processing), thus slowing down the system. Lin et al. [21] also proposed a port of the Aho-Corasick algorithm to the GPU, but with a somewhat different approach than the one by the work described above. As stated, a problem with running the Aho-Corasick algorithm on a GPU (while dividing the file(s) to be scanned amongst threads, which is a direct implementation of the algorithm) is boundary detection. This problem can be resolved by having threads process overlapped computation on the boundaries, but the overhead of such overlapped computation can degrade the performance. Due to this issue, the authors opted for another approach: instead of assigning a packet’s chunk to a thread, they assign each byte of the input stream in order to identify any pattern that may start at the thread’s starting location. This idea of allocating each byte of an input stream to a thread to identify any virus pattern starting at the thread starting location has an important implication on the efficiency. First, in the conventional AhoCorasick automaton, the failure transitions are used to back-track the state machine when a mismatch occurs, so as to identify the patterns starting at any location of an input stream. Since in the proposed algorithm a GPU thread only needs to check for patterns starting at a particular location, back-tracking is not needed. Therefore, the failure transitions of the Aho-Corasick automaton can all be removed. And also, as each thread is allocated a different input stream byte to search for, there is no need for border detection. The authors’ algorithm allocates a large number of threads, and most of these have a high probability of terminating early. This means that threads will have to wait for others in order to proceed, which can lead to some overall performance loss. In the implemention, the authors used the maximum number of threads per thread block. The AhoCorasick automaton was split as to be able to fit into each multiprocessor’s shared memory. The split was done by dividing all of the patterns into several groups (patterns of a same group have some prefix similarity), and separately compiling these groups into smaller state machines, leading to lower memory usage. Due to the fact that all threads of a warp traverse the same state machine (which has no failure transitions) but start at different bytes on the input stream, it is likely that many threads terminate much earlier than others. In order to fully utilize the stream processors of the GPU, the authors evaluated two different ways to assign the threads. A first approach was to equally distribute the bytes of an input 29 stream to each thread of the same block. A second one was to utilize a global variable that assigned new jobs to threads that have already finished. As this variable can only be accessed by a single thread at a time, its accesses should be atomic. Atomic accesses in a GPU can lead to a serious degradation in performance, as threads need to wait for the same resource. The authors decided, based on experimental results, that equally distributing the bytes of an input stream to each thread was the right approach to use. Their results found that the system had an overall 2 to 2.5 speedup over the CPU version (taking into account memory transfers). Although a nice improvement in performance, the authors’ proposed system has a simplistic work division, leading to possible uneven work between threads (depending on the input data). Regular expression matching Vasiliadis et al. [32] extended SNORT to support regular expression matching using a GPU. The proposed system is based on DFA: all of the contained regular expressions of the SNORT signature set are compiled and converted into DFA using Thompson’s algorithm. Unlike regular DFA-based solutions, in the proposed work, each regular expression is compiled into a separate automaton (that is then transferred to the GPU). This work effectively serves as an extension of one described above by the same authors, but which performed regular expression matching on the CPU. In this one, packets are sent to the GPU along with an identifier of the regular expression that they need to be matched against. So packets are not scanned in parallel on the same automaton, but on different ones. During the search phase, all of the automata reside in the GPU’s texture memory. Using the identifier of the regular expression, each thread will scan the whole packet in isolation. The automata used do not support all possible wildcards of a regular expression though (in order to prevent state-space explosion). So in order to preserve accuracy and precision, all of the regular expressions that fail to compile into DFA are matched in the CPU using the corresponding NFA. While the speedup achieved by the authors was quite good in their measurements (about 48), an alternative could be used: compiling all of the regular expressions int o a single one, effectively increasing the overall system throughput (although also increasing, potentially exponentially, the memory required). And as in their previous work, the CPU was also not still offloaded: it had to scan every packet for some special rules that could not be converted to be processed on the GPU. Cascarano et al. [13] proposed an approach based on NFA. The adoption of a NFA instead of a DFA allows the system to efficiently store a very large regular expression set in a limited amount of memory. Instead of the regular representation of automata (a table which in every cell contains the number of the next state to transition to), the authors opted for a ”symbol-first” representation: a list of (source, destination) tuples representing transitions is kept, sorted by their triggering symbol. This list can grow to be very large, so it must be stored in the GPU’s global memory, along with an auxiliary data structure that records the first transition for each symbol (in order to allow easy random look-ups). To reduce the number of transitions to be stored (and also to speed up execution), the system adopts a special representation for self-looping states (those with an outgoing transition to themselves for each symbol of the alphabet). These states are marked as persistent in a dedicated bit-vector and, once reached during a traversal and marked as active, will never be reset. To improve memory access throughput, the bit-vectors containing current and future active state sets are stored in shared-memory. As for the work division in the GPU, every thread in each block executes the main scanning algorithm. After the execution of some instruction, threads explicitly wait for the others to reach the same point before proceeding. Parallelism is exploited not only because at any given time multiple blocks are active to process multiple packets, but also because for each packet, each thread examines a different transition 30 among those pending for the current symbol. In this way, a large number of transitions can be processed in parallel, and if there are enough threads, then the time spent in processing a single symbol will be effectively equal to what would be required for a DFA. A comparison of the throughput achieved by the authors’ system was made against the one achieved by a HFA (Section 3.2.2) solution. If the NFA was multistrided (instead of considering a single character for a transition, pairs of characters are considered), then the throughput reached far better values. When it comes to the memory consumption, it was comparable to that of corresponding HFA: multistriding does improve the run-time performance (mainly due to shortened input packets), but it also results in larger automata (due to increased transition counts). In the authors’ system, in contrast to other approaches, the bottleneck was not memory bandwidth, but the processing speed of the execution cores. So as faster hardware arrives, the system’s throughput increases. The overall speedup when compared to a CPU execution was not as good as a typical DFA approach, which can be explained by the fact that NFA still have a higher per-byte processing cost. The proposed system becomes ideal when signature sets become extremely large (at which point DFA solutions have their memory usage become too high). 3.3.2 Using ClamAV Signatures Vasiliadis et al. [31] proposed a solution in which ClamAV was modified to run on a GPU-based DFA matching engine. As mentioned above in this chapter, DFA are the automata with the highest performance, being able to guarantee O(n) time complexity. However, they also have a high memory cost, causing some researches to find alternatives with lower performance. The proposed system took into account the fact that most approaches rely on fast and accurate filtering of the ”no-match” case, as usually the majority of network traffic and files are not malicious. The system contains two major phases: a high-speed filtering engine on the GPU, and a lower speed verification engine that is run on the CPU. The system starts by preprocessing the DFA from the signature set of ClamAV. Due to the large size of the virus signature set of ClamAV, constructing a single DFA is infeasible. In order to overcome this, they chose to only use a portion from each virus signature. At the scanning phase, the input data will be initially scanned by the DFA on the GPU. Due to not using the complete signatures, the DFA may not be able to match an exact virus signature from a data stream, as in many cases the length of the signature is longer than the length of the prefix used to create the automaton. This causes the GPU scanning to become a first-level filtering, effectively offloading a significant portion of work from the CPU. However, the longer the portion taken from each signature, then the fewer the number of false positives that the CPU will eventually have to scan. When it comes to assigning input data to each thread, the simplest approach would be to use multiple data streams, one for each thread, and in separate memory areas. However, this would result in asymmetrical processing for each shared multiprocessor, and would not scale very well (if the sizes of the input vary, then the amount of work per thread will not be the same). As such, they decided to have each thread scan a different portion of the input data stream. Using such a strategy means of course that boundary detection is necessary. The approach to this problem described in previous works, which is to scan each chunk and continue on until reaching the length of the largest pattern, would not work in this case. As mentioned in Chapter 2, ClamAV’s signatures may contain wildcards such as ’*’, which means that we cannot determine that signature’s size. And in that case, we no longer have a ”largest pattern” for which to calculate its length. As such, the authors found that the best approach was to have each thread scan further from its chunk 31 until it reaches a fail or final-state. This avoids communication between threads regarding boundaries in the input data buffer. The measurements done reflect the efficiency of a DFA-based solution: they found that the system had a maximum throughput of around 20 Gpbs, which constituted a speedup of around 100 over the CPU-only version. 3.4 Summary In this chapter we have described relevant work performed in the area. Most of it focused on SNORT, and as such the algorithmic choices were different than the ones we face. However, one piece of work is close to ours, using GPUs to speed-up ClamAV. It brought a very important idea: that the GPU can be used as a high-speed filtering mechanism. Using that idea, we build our system such that most of the GPUs capabilities are taken advantage of. Our system differs from the one just mentioned in regard to the work division: the solution by Vasiliadis et al. [31] was only capable of scanning a small number of files in parallel, due to each thread being assigned to a different portion of a file. Our system however, has its strength in scanning multiple files in parallel: that is the case when the biggest improvement is had (if only one file is scanned then our system performs poorly). Details of our implementation are described in the following chapter. 32 Chapter 4 System Architecture In this chapter, we will explain our system’s architecture and the decisions behind it, along with some optimizations done to improve overall performance. 4.1 Algorithm Decisions ClamAV has a signature set that can basically be divided into basic strings and regular expressions, and we want to scan files against these two signature subsets. String matching algorithms are varied, but when it comes to regular expressions, the choice is between an NFA-based solution or a DFA-based one. As we saw in the previous chapter, NFA-based solutions don’t work as well as DFA-based ones on GPUs: NFAs need to backtrack each time a mismatch occurs, and as such a stack of states already processed is needed (as to know to which state to backtrack to). This stack would have as maximum size the length of the largest pattern, so it can grow to be quite large. Having multiple stacks per thread means that this approach can be infeasible for GPUs. Chapter 3 evidenced that the best possible scanning algorithm for regular expressions is a DFA-based algorithm, as it has a complexity of O(n) (each byte is inspected once). It is also quite simple in its online scanning phase (the automaton construction is the complex part), and as such its GPU implementation should be somewhat straightforward. However, for the signature set with no wildcards (or static strings), the choice is not clear. We can use fixed-string algorithms like Boyer-Moore, or we can again use an automata-based one. As mentioned in Chapter 3, ClamAV does use different algorithms for the different signature subsets (Aho-Corasick for the signatures with wildcards, and Boyer-Moore for the ones without). As we are considering implementing the system on a GPU, we can not simply blindly apply ClamAV’s techniques: those algorithms were chosen due to ClamAV’s requirements for memory and speed. Namely, memory usage should be as low as possible - speed can be sacrificed to keep it low; in our system, we use all of the available GPU’s memory. Also, as mentioned in Chapter 2, divergence is a big cause for performance loss in GPU programs, so we need the simplest algorithm possible. A Burrows-Wheeler-Transform-based algorithm would seem like a good algorithm to be used, but it also brings some issues. Such an algorithm works by applying the BWT not to the signature set, but to the text that we want to scan in. In our use case, this would mean that for each and every different file that we wish to scan, we would have to calculate its BWT, which means spending pre-processing time that on other algorithms would be used for scanning. Other algorithms also do pre-processing, but they do it on the signature data, which changes a lot less than the files to be scanned (signature data can change once a day, which would entail doing the automata pre-processing phase once a day; with BWT, the pre-processing has to be done for every file). 33 Besides, due to the algorithm that uses BWT, files might end up using much more memory space (due to the suffix array that has to be kept as mentioned in Section 3.2.2) than what is available on a GPU. BWT-based algorithms are popular for genome sequencing (due to the way sequencing works by splitting the DNA into small fragments and matching them), but our case is somewhat the inverse of genome sequencing: we apply pre-processing to the queries, which are fixed (instead of on the text, which is what BWT-based algorithms do). Due to this, BWT is not the best choice for use in our work. We have also implemented the Wu-Manber algorithm (in the CPU) in order to compare its execution time against a DFA-based solution, and we found that despite its complexity being theoretically better, it actually performed worse on the ClamAV signature set. This might be due to the fact that the algorithm’s performance is directly related to the length of the smallest signature, and ClamAV contains signatures with only 3 bytes of length. This means that in the Wu-Manber algorithm, the biggest distance we can shift by is 3. Having such small minimum signature lengths effectively limits the values possible for the shift table (2563 values at most). In our tests, performed with real-world files from the /usr/bin folder of a Linux distribution, we have found that the algorithm spent most of its time trying to check if a match actually occurred (the shift value was zero). As this process (checking if a match occurs) involves access to different data structures, hash calculations and string comparisons, the more times we have to perform it, the lesser the performance of our process. Given that the algorithm needs to run on a GPU, the thread divergence caused by this process would be far too great. Taking this into account, together with the fact that other static string matching algorithms didn’t prove quite as fast as one would hope, we decided to use the same O(n), DFA-based matching algorithm for both regular expressions and static strings. We also chose to represent the DFAs as 2-dimensional transition tables. Other representations (such as adjacency lists) are more efficient in terms of space, but less so in terms of processing complexity. As we are using GPUs, we want the processing of the state transitions to be as simple as possible in order to minimize divergence. 4.2 Design Decisions In this section, we explain some decisions made for our system. 4.2.1 Reducing Memory Space As we saw in Chapter 3, ClamAV’s signature set can be very problematic for some automata-based systems (designed for sub-string matching): the existence of a high number of the “*” wildcard, means that if we are to build a full DFA, then at each point where we must represent the “*” wildcard there will be a high number of additional states to represent the possibility of all of the other patterns occurring at that point. Due to the design choice of using an O(n) scanning algorithm, we found that the above problem was present on our signature set, and as such we could not include the whole signature set to be scanned, both in the case of regular expressions and static signatures. In our system we have two available GPUs, and our total DFA size was larger than the sum of both of the GPU’s available space. Truncating Signatures We have thus decided that for each signature, only part of it would be considered as to reduce the memory requirements. This will lead to occurrences of false-positives, but later in this section we will describe a mechanism to greatly reduce them. 34 The choice of the signature subset to be considered for use in the scanning is not trivial. Signatures have semantic meaning, and as such, we can not just consider the greatest possible sub-string of each signature. As an example, consider the following signature: “ABCDEFGH*.rdata”. In this case, it is clear that of both signature parts, “ABCDEFGH ” is the greater one, and as such, if there was no semantic meaning, it would be the one with lesser chance of not happening in a file (if there is no semantic meaning, the probability of a string with size s being existent in a file is 1/256s ). However, if we are scanning Portable Executable files, then that same substring has a much greater chance of happening than “ABCDEFGH ” (in fact, all PE files include the “.rdata” substring in them). Our process for extracting substrings from signatures was the following: • For static signatures, we simply chose a string of a given size (detailed later on) that is present in the middle of the signature. The position in the signature in which to choose the string is the middle: usually this is the part with the most variance, as both the beginning and the end of signatures most times contain characters that are present in regular files. For instance, a Portable Executable signature is very likely to contain the “DOS HEADER” substring in its beginning. • For regular expressions, we first check if the signature has a substring with no wildcards. If it does, then we use that string. If it doesn’t, then we try to find the largest substring containing the least possible amount of wildcards. This mechanism of extracting smaller parts from signatures still yielded some false positives. In order to reduce them, we opted to introduce another step in the matching algorithm: note in Chapter 3 that each signature has a given file type associated with it. Instead of reporting all of the occurring matches of signatures for all of the file types, we check if the current file being matched has the same type as the signature that was just matched (we have modified ClamAV to expose this file type detection functionality, and we perform this detection before scanning a file). If it does, then we report the match. If not, then we carry on with the algorithm. Even after this optimization to reduce false positives, some were still present. This resulted in we having manually chosen the subsets of signatures with a low matching rate on a set of test files (corresponding to the /usr/bin folder in a Linux distribution). A more automatic method would be to choose a set of test files, and for each signature, find all of its subsets. Then, scan the test files for each of the subsets, and whichever subset has the smallest matching rate, is the one chosen to be used. Such a process, although automatic, can be very costing in terms of execution time if the signature set is very large. False-positives were still not fully eliminated though, due to some signatures being especially problematic: some of them are very small, such as 3 or 4 bytes in length. This means that they have a very high probability of occurring anywhere in a file. In fact, all of these signatures have a given file position associated with them, which indicates that their match is only to be reported if they occur at that position. Constantly checking positions in files is definitely not ideal for a GPU though, as it would either massively increase the complexity (for each position in a file, check for the signatures associated with it), or either bring divergence to the algorithm (some signatures can actually be present in intervals of positions, so checking them would not be a trivial process, causing other threads to be stalled waiting for such process to complete). We have decided to keep this small number of remaining false-positives in order to save matching efficiency. As they are pertinent mainly on Portable Executable files, the fact that these files are present as an attachment to an e-mail should be seen with some suspicion, so doing a full-verification of them is not wasted time. Some even more problematic signatures were discarded for future work. The problem is described in detail in Chapter 6. 35 Due to not being able to use complete signatures, some false-positive verification mechanism has to take place: it is possible that a given signature’s part matches, but the whole does not. If a match occurs, then that signature needs to be verified, and in our system that is done by simply passing the corresponding file to ClamAV (this means that we only scan up until finding a match in a file). If however no match occurs, which should be most of time (considering that most of the files are not malicious), then no further verification is needed. In the case that the files are in fact malicious or are specifically constructed in order for a match to occur in the pre-filtering phase, then the execution time greatly increases, as we shall see in Chapter 5. Splitting the Automaton The choice of using only a signature’s subset however is not enough to mitigate the memory space issues (it could be enough, but in order to do so, we would have to consider a tiny subset of each signature, which would massively increase the false-positive rate, at a point where manual interaction would not yield less false positives). Another design choice done to resolve this issue was to divide the final signatures DFA into several smaller DFAs. As these different DFAs are composed of a lesser number of signatures, the subset construction algorithm doesn’t have to keep track of as many emulated states, which not only allows it to run faster, but also causes the resulting automatons to be smaller. In order to further reduce the number of states in each automaton corresponding to a signature subset, we have decided to group signatures (in order to form a subset) based on shared prefixes. Signatures that share the same prefix will also share the same DFA states. A diagram of the overall process is shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1: Processing the signatures and sending them to the GPUs. 4.2.2 GPU Memory Space for the Files and Work Division Even though we want to utilize all of the GPUs memory, we cannot simply use all of it for the automatons. We want to scan files, and if we would to send these files to the GPU on each iteration of the algorithm (or even read them directly from the CPU’s memory), the execution time would be severely impacted: memory transfers from the CPU to the GPU can be costly depending on the size of the data transferred. It was straightforward to decide that files to be scanned should reside in a GPU for as long as the matching process takes place. This does limit the size of the automatons that are present on each GPU, but it is certainly a better option than constantly transferring the files from the CPU (or reading them from the CPU’s DRAM, which has a large latency when accessed from the GPU). 36 Some space in the GPU’s global memory is therefore allocated to files. However it is possible that the size of the files to be scanned is larger than this allocated space. In order to overcome this problem, we chose to divide files into chunks (or parts). Each file to be scanned is divided into several parts, which will separately be sent to the GPU to be scanned. Having files split into parts means that the GPUs need to keep track of the states (and results) of the automatons in between the parts. For example, if the matching process of a given file’s first part ends at state 1, then the next part should start to be matched at state 1 instead of state 0 (the initial state), as to ensure that possible pattern matches between a file’s parts are reported. When it comes to the work division, taking into account our GPU’s (Tesla C2050) characteristics, we have chosen to assign each of the smaller automata to a different multiprocessor: as they are already independent from each other, we can exploit that fact to have threads process files in different automata in parallel. Our GPU has 14 multiprocessors, so there are 14 smaller automata for each of the GPUs. Assigning each automaton to a different multiprocessor, and taking into account the fact that most of the e-mail attachments present in e-mail gateways are small files, we have decided to assign each of the threads in a multiprocessor to a different file. A different work distribution could be had, such as having multiple threads process different parts of the same file, but this would not be ideal as only a small number of files could be scanned at a time; this would also mean that memory transfers from the CPU to the GPU would be an overhead to consider, as they would be done very often. Having multiple files being scanned at a time leads us to performing less overall memory transfers (performing a single transfer of the files to memory instead of performing multiple smaller transfers of single files). In order to reduce possible divergence inside a warp in a multiprocessor, we have decided to order the files sent to the GPU by their size. This way, if the files to be scanned have similar sizes, warps in a multiprocessor will scan files with similar sizes, thus reducing the amount of time that threads wait for the others before completing their work. We also avoid situations in which for instance there is a single file whose size is bigger than all of the others. This would lead to the thread that is assigned to that file having a much larger processing time than all of the others (which would have to wait for it before completing). Overall, the process of verifying a set of files is: • 14 Automatons are built for both the static strings signature subset and the regular expressions signature subset. The process takes around 2 hours for each, so it is expensive. Signatures are not updated that often though, so this is not a problem. The automatons reside in each of their GPU’s texture memory, until they are eventually updated with new ones. • At some point in time, the CPU is given a set of files. If the set’s total size is less than the available remaining space in the GPU’s memory, then the files are simply sent to the GPU (in groups of 1024 - our GPU supports a maximum of 1024 threads per block, and remember that each block is processing files for a different automaton). If the set’s size is bigger than the available size, then files are divided into parts and groups of parts are sent to the GPU. • Once the GPUs receive the data to be processed, they run the matching algorithm: states are fetched from the state table resident in texture memory, and checked if they are final. If they are, their corresponding signature file type is verified against the file type of the file present in the current thread (these file types are saved in shared memory). If these match, then the current file is marked as being suspicious and the thread responsible for it stops processing. • Once all of the threads in both GPUs stop processing, then their results (files marked as suspicious) are aggregated and sent to ClamAV for a full verification. Figure 4.2 shows a diagram of the matching process. 37 Figure 4.2: Matching process. 4.2.3 Mapping to the architecture As each of our GPUs has 2.7 Gigabytes of available memory, we decided that having around 2 Gigabytes for the automatons was a good enough amount of space. We have found that each of the automatons’ maximum number of states was around 130,000 (recall that each state has 256 transitions due to the alphabet being 1 byte in size, and each state number is represented as an integer, which is 4 bytes). The total size of the automatons is in fact less than 2GB, but it is so because there is another restriction on the automatons’ maximum number of states. That restriction is related to how the automatons are stored in the GPU’s memory, and it limits the maximum number of states to 130,000. Details are presented in Section 4.3.2. The space to allocate the files to is the remaining one, so it amounts to around 700 MB. As the system was designed to run on an e-mail gateway, which contains mostly small files, this value does not pose any problems. We mentioned earlier that in order to choose a substring from each of the static signatures, one was taken from the middle of each signature. We have found the optimal value for this substring’s size to be 22 bytes. This is the largest value that we can choose so that our automatons do not exceed the aforementioned space limit. For regular expressions, a similar mechanism was performed: if there was a substring with no wildcards that exceeded a given size, then we chose that substring. That size was found to be 25 bytes: it is the smallest one that incurred in a small amount - around 3% - of false positives on files from /usr/bin. If there is no such substring, then we find the largest substring with the least possible amount of wildcards. We found that in order to respect the size restrictions on the automata, we can only have some “??” wildcards (around 1600 in a total of around 8500 regular expressions) and “OR” expressions (stating that at a given position some given characters can be present). 4.3 Optimizations After implementing our system according to the decisions described in the previous section, we found that its performance was not satisfactory. Namely, little or no improvement was had over an equivalent 38 CPU version of the algorithm. In order to improve the system’s performance, we implemented some optimizations, which are described in this section. 4.3.1 Memory Accesses Automata-based scanning algorithms are quite simple in computational terms: all they do is repeatedly fetch values from the state-transition table, and the values to be fetched depend on previous ones. But even though it is simple computationally, this does not mean that it cannot pose a problem to some architectures: a minimum of two memory accesses are required for every algorithm iteration (one to fetch the next input character, and one to fetch the next state), which can be costly in case the accessed positions are not present in the cache. Also, verifying if a given state is final translates to another memory access. As was seen in Chapter 2, the large memory present in a GPU is the slowest and it does not have the support of a large cache as is the case in CPUs. Performing various memory accesses per algorithm iteration is quite costly, and effectively becomes the GPU’s bottleneck. In a first implementation of our algorithm, we performed these such accesses for each iteration, and we found that the performance while processing 64 files in parallel was actually worse than a serial CPU version: threads would be constantly waiting for their turn in accessing global memory. 4.3.2 Texture Memory As also seen in Chapter 2, texture memory has a separate cache, and it is designed to be used in algorithms with 2D locality. Automata-based algorithms can exhibit such locality (depending on the input data, the algorithm can be constantly fetching the same states), so the texture memory was a natural choice to include our automaton in, instead of global memory. Global memory is in fact a bad choice for the automatons to be present in. Automatons have random access patterns, as the states to be fetched depend on the input data, which cannot be predicted. Global memory does not work very well with random access patterns: if two threads request values from two memory addresses that are distant from each other, then the GPU performs two serial memory accesses. However, if the two memory addresses are sequenced, then a single memory access is performed, and the two values are broadcast to each requesting thread. Global memory is therefore a better suit for linear access patterns. We have one data structure in our algorithm that has such a pattern: the input data. As we will see in a following section, performing memory accesses to sequenced addresses greatly improves the execution time over performing them to addresses spaced from each other. Using texture memory is not trivial though: the data structure to be used has to be bound to a texture, and thus it must adhere to some restrictions on its dimensions’ size. Namely for 2D arrays, each of the dimensions (x and y) must not exceed 65,536 elements in size. Our automata (shown in Figure 4.3) do not adhere to these restrictions: the y dimension is larger than 65,536. So some re-structuring of the data is needed: we decided to separate each of the automaton parts (recall that we have a separate automaton for each multiprocessor in a GPU) into two separate sub-parts, to adhere to the 65,536 size restriction. This is shown in Figure 4.4. This however means that we also need to do some re-sizing of each of the automata: if we are only to have two parts with 65,536 elements each (in a dimension), then we can only have 65, 536 × 2 (131,072) elements in total for that dimension. With this re-structuring, the addressing must also be changed. Previously, if we wanted say to fetch the state pointed to by a transition by the character ‘A’ from state 70,000, we would go to the table cell with coordinates <65; 70,000> (65 is the decimal value of the ‘A’ character). But now, the table only 39 Figure 4.3: Structure of the automata. Figure 4.4: Automata after the re-structuring for texture memory use. has 65,536 values on the vertical dimension. What needs to be done is that, each time we want to access values from states above 65,536, we must do a change in coordinates: the vertical coordinate is now equal to the modulo of itself with 65,536, and the horizontal coordinate is added 256. 4.3.3 Final States and Signature Types At every iteration of the algorithm, we need to check if the state fetched from the automaton is final or not. Performing this memory access is quite expensive and most times useless, as most files in an e-mail server (where the system is to be placed) are not malicious. Also, as described above, we need to keep in memory the types corresponding to each signature in order to reduce the rate of false-positives. But keeping these values in global memory would not be ideal: they are only accessed in the case that we have found a final state, and they are not accessed in an orderly fashion (so no coalescing of accesses could be done). In order to save these memory accesses, the same idea is applied: due to the choice of using texture memory, we can only have 130,000 states in each automaton. This means that in each cell of the statetransition matrix, there will not be a number larger than 130,000. However, we still need 4 bytes to keep this value in, and many bits will be unused (as the value 130,000 does not use them all to be represented). Taking this into account, we decided to represent final states as negative values. Checking if a state is final is now a trivial operation, compared to accessing a value in the GPU’s memory. The type corresponding to a given signature is also embedded in that signature’s final state number: as ClamAV only has 10 types, from 0 to 9, every time we reach a final state in the NFA to DFA conversion process, we simply multiply that state’s number by 10, and add the corresponding signature’s type. As an example, let’s say that state number 100 is associated with a signature whose filetype is 5. That 40 state’s number will now be 100 × 10 + 5 = 1005. Conversely, checking a type for a given final state is now reduced to getting the remainder of the division of that state’s number by 10. For the above example, fetching the filetype is done this way: 1005 mod 10 = 5. This has a limitation however: if a new filetype appears in ClamAV, then we can no longer perform these operations. A better solution would be to perform a bitwise shift operation: this would ensure that only the exact number of needed bits would be used. In our current solution, we use all of the 4 bytes. 4.3.4 Coalescing GPUs benefit greatly from aligned memory accesses. If accesses to global memory in a warp are not to sequential memory accesses, then the GPU’s hardware will have to perform one separate memory transaction (occupying the bus) for each access. If they are aligned then a single transaction can be performed, and the fetched values broadcast to the warp threads. In our system, as mentioned earlier in the chapter, each thread in a multiprocessor is assigned to a different file, and naturally they all start processing the file at its beginning. Having each of the threads accessing contiguous memory locations means that the files can not be stored contiguously: they need to be interleaved, so that all of threads access the same position at the same time, and in contiguous addresses. Figure 4.5 shows both of these situations. Figure 4.5: Contiguous and interleaved files. Blocks marked with an X have no meaningful data in them, as they are out of a file’s boundaries. Files are stored contiguously on the disk, so in order to have them interleaved, we need to perform an operation on them. As a set of files can be represented by a matrix, interleaving them is equal to performing the transpose of such matrix. This transpose is not a trivial task to perform though. Having a set of test files totaling 600 megabytes, this transpose takes around 2 seconds, which is a significant amount of time considering that the GPU’s processing time was around 9 seconds. An alternative was studied: the problem with non-coalesced accesses is that the transaction bus is not fully utilized. Threads must wait for others to use the bus to perform their accesses, which only fetch 4 bytes at a time (in order to reduce the total number of memory accesses, instead of having each access fetch a single byte, we have grouped 4 subsequent bytes from each file into a single data structure which is what is fetched on each access). We increased the amount of data that each memory accessed fetched (so the transaction bus occupation would increase) and found that coalesced accesses were still faster: having a single memory access broadcast values to every requesting thread provides a great benefit. 41 Figure 4.6: Difference between sending a whole file and sending it in two parts. 4.3.5 Double-buffering Transposing a non-square matrix takes some time in the CPU. If we were to perform this transposing every time we want to send files to the GPU, then some inefficiency would be present: the GPU would be waiting for the CPU to finish the transposing before being able to process the data. Likewise, sending the data from the CPU to the GPU also takes some time, although far less than the one needed for the transposing (in our card, sending around 600MB takes around 40 milliseconds). In order to cut these times, we have chosen to partition the data to be sent: the GPU will effectively process all of the data as before, but not all at once. We divide each file into parts, and we only send parts of files at once. The smaller the parts (and thus the bigger the number of parts of a file), the less time we spend performing the transpose, but the more launches we perform on the GPU. Separating the files into parts allows us to perform background execution on the CPU: while the GPU is processing a given batch of parts of files, the CPU is already transposing them; the CPU even sends them to the GPU while it is processing the previous batch (this is possible due to the use of page-locked memory on the CPU). Once a batch is finished, the GPU then has to wait a very small amount of time (compared to waiting for a transpose) before it can start processing the next one. This waiting is due to the fact that splitting files into parts means that we have to keep track of states in between file parts, as not to loose any possible match information. So each time a batch is finished, the GPU copies the last processed states and results onto the next batch. Figure 4.6 shows the overall scanning process this way and how it differs from just sending the whole files. As we can see, even though small copies need to be performed in between the processing of parts (because as mentioned earlier in this chapter we need to keep track of states in between parts), the fact that the transpose operation on the files can be performed in the background decreases the total execution time. The chart on Figure 4.7 shows the improvement over sending several parts of files with double-buffering when compared to sending the whole file. The execution times were measured by scanning a set of 3431 test files with various sizes, which correspond to images, PDF files, videos, audio files and others. The time for sending a single part is our baseline, and what we wish to improve. We can see that the optimal time was reached when files were divided into 16 parts: by Figure 4.6, the execution time of the transpose of the first part decreases as the part’s size also decreases; the rest of the total time is unchanged. So as we further divide each file into several smaller parts, this initial transpose 42 Figure 4.7: Difference between execution times of sending a single file parts and sending several parts. time becomes smaller. However, execution times when the number of parts is larger than 16 depend on the files themselves: it is possible that we divide the files into so many parts that each part contains only 4 bytes, which is the amount of bytes that each thread requests on each iteration. Thus, having such small parts can lead to the sending of the states from a previous part to the current one being the bottleneck of the system: if we have plenty of small parts, then the processing time for each one is very small, but we need to do more of the aforementioned copies of states in between the processing of parts. These copies cannot be overlapped with the execution, so the more we do, the bigger the execution time becomes. Based on this set of test files, which corresponds to a real-world scenario, we have decided to divide each of the files into 16 parts, the optimal value found for that set. 4.4 Summary We have described our system’s architecture, along with the decisions that were behind it: truncating the signatures and splitting the automaton in order to reduce memory space. We then presented some implemented optimizations, which allowed the system to have good performance values. In the next chapter, we will see how it compares to ClamAV’s pattern matching module on sets of test files. 43 Chapter 5 Evaluation In previous chapters, we have described our related work on the area, along with our system’s architecture. In this chapter, we will present results on how our system performs when running on different sets of test files. 5.1 Experiment Setup For our experiments, we use a computer equipped with two NVIDIA Tesla C2050 cards, an Intel i7 950 processor and 12GB of RAM. All of the times for ClamAV were obtained by calling the clamd daemon and then scanning files using clamdscan. This way, the time used to initialize ClamAV’s data structures is not counted in the total scan time. Additionally, we could not reliably profile the pattern matching portion of ClamAV. Thus, considering that, by Table 3.2 the pattern matching portion of ClamAV uses approximately 80% of its time, we have taken the times given by clamdscan and multiplied them by 0.8 in order to obtain an approximation of the time spent in pattern matching. The execution times for the GPU are given by the largest execution time of both of the GPUs: if a GPU finishes processing before the other, then it waits before the verification module is executed. The times for the CPU are measured with an equivalent version of the algorithms on the GPUs: two threads run in parallel, and each of them respectively processes files on the automatons for the regular expression signatures and the static signatures. When they are both done, the verification module is called for any file which matched a signature. 5.2 Results Our algorithm is memory-bound, so with less memory accesses, the faster it performs. This means that performance is highly dependent on the sizes of the files to be scanned. The chart on Figure 5.1 shows just that. It shows the total execution time for the GPU when scanning constant-character files, which are composed of repetitions of a single character (so there are no matches on the sub-signatures by either GPU; the texture cache is also always being accessed, as the algorithm continuously fetches the same state). The total size of the files is the same (around 670 Megabytes), but more files were repeatedly added (so each of them has a size smaller than on a previous measurement). As we can see, having around 1024 files yielded the smallest total execution time: this is because each of them has a smaller size than any of the others, and as such less memory accesses are performed in total. But comparing the execution time of our GPU algorithm with ClamAV in the case where the files to be processed do not contain any structure does not constitute a realistic scenario: users usually send 45 Figure 5.1: Execution times for random files with the same size. pictures, documents, archives, and other files which have some structure. ClamAV performs some preanalysis on the files, and as such if they don’t have any structure they will be skipped, leading to a very small scanning time. We have thus performed the above comparison, but with real files (with equal sizes - again reducing each of the file’s size when adding more files to be scanned): images, videos, archives, PDFs, and others (including one executable). The chart on Figure 5.2 shows the results. Like in the files without any structure, the biggest improvement was seen when scanning smaller files. A nuance happens in this set of test files though: one of the files is a portable executable. As we mentioned in Chapter 4, some signatures are very small, and occur very frequently in executable files. Thus, each time a portable executable file is to be scanned, those signatures match, causing the file to be marked as suspicious and subsequently verified by ClamAV. In our test set only one of the files is an executable, so the verification process is very fast (ClamAV takes a significant amount of time when scanning various files, not when scanning a single one). But this set of test files is still not completely realistic, as all of the files have the same size, thus not leading to any divergence. We tested our algorithm on a more realistic set of files: files from the /usr/bin folder of a Linux distribution, which contains files with different sizes. We changed the number of files that were scanned, along with the total amount of data and the size of the largest file, to see what each of these characters had an impact on our system’s performance. Table 5.1 shows the results. We can see that as expected, the biggest speed-up was had when scanning a large amount of files with a relatively small size: it appears that ClamAV does not handle a large amount of files very well, but our system does. Scanning a small amount of files however led to our system having a worse performance than ClamAV. As such, we can conclude that our system should only execute on situations where many files have to be scanned, and ideally, these files should have limited sizes. This is the case in e-mail gateways: they contain many e-mail attachments, and usually e-mail servers limit attachments to a given size. In Chapter 4, we mentioned the possibility of false-positives being present in the system, and we described a mechanism to verify them: we simply use ClamAV itself to verify files that had a given 46 Figure 5.2: Execution times for files with a same size. Number of files Total size (bytes) Size of largest file (bytes) GPU (ms) CPU (ms) ClamAV (ms) Speedup (vs ClamAV) 10 114,870 44,552 40 11 34 0.9 100 17,815,178 3,974,440 2,744 660 830 0.3 1000 57,702,247 663,936 956 2,364 1,829 2.7 2000 85,604,681 340,376 674 3,329 10,218 15.1 3431 97,291,831 170,176 527 3,667 14,691 27.8 Table 5.1: Execution times for files with different sizes. 47 Figure 5.3: Execution times for different numbers of false positives. signature match in them. This characteristic of our system is in fact one of its weak points, as it can be attacked by a malicious user constructing specially crafted files. In order to see the impact of such an attack on the system, we measured the execution time for the above 1024 (real) files, but while continuously adding a signature to them, so that a match would be reported by the GPU. With an increasing number of files (out of 1024) having a match, then the most work the verification module (ClamAV) must perform. The chart on Figure 5.3 shows the results. In the case where only one false-positive out of 1024 is present, our system performs well as expected (ClamAV only has to scan a single file, which is a fast process). However, as the number of files needing to be verified increases, so does our system’s total execution time. At the point where more than 512 files out of 1024 need to be verified, our system’s performance is worse than ClamAV’s, thus eliminating the purpose of having implemented our system. Despite being an extreme case (as the vast majority of files is not malicious), this test helps understand what would happen in the case of a targeted attack. 48 Chapter 6 Future Work and Conclusions Our system has a good speed-up over the CPU-only ClamAV in some cases. However, in other cases, our system does not perform as well. In this chapter, we propose future work that could be done to improve some drawbacks present in our system. 6.1 Problematic Signatures In our system, some false-positives were manually resolved by choosing a different substring of a signature then the one that caused the false-positive. However, for some signatures this is not possible. These signatures are small variations of one such as “62696e{-10}47455420{-50}2e657865{-5}627965 ”. We cannot include wildcards such as those present in these signatures because the combination of generating a full automaton with the relatively high number of regular expressions leads to state-space explosion. Including parts from this signature (“62696e” and “47455420 ” are different parts for instance) would be the natural solution. However, this signature can be matched for any file (it is not restricted to any file type), and all of its parts had a high occurrence in our test files. Additionally, considering the subsignature “2e657865{-5}627965 ” was not helpful, as it was also present in the test files. This family of signatures was thus discarded to future work, as at the time focus had to be shifted to implementing and optimizing our algorithm on the GPU. As for what could be done in regard to including these signatures: we could either reduce the size of all of the other ones in order to be able to include the wildcards present in this signature family, or we could have some mechanism that in the matching algorithm, would separately report matches of each of the parts in these signatures. After the processing, we could check if all of the parts matched, and if yes, further verify the signature with ClamAV. 6.2 Scanning Method for Large Files Currently, the biggest problem with the algorithm is the way it handles large files. When a large file is sent to be processed by the GPU, a single thread takes responsibility for it, and scans it in a serial manner. This causes a great deal of inefficiency, as all of the other threads are idle. This is an extreme example, but it can happen in some other cases where for instance we have 1025 files needing to be scanned. Our system scans files in groups of 1024, so it would be possible that a single file would be scanned in isolation. If this file is large, then our system performs poorly. As future work, we propose implementing a new manner of scanning such large files: when a large file is sent to the GPU, instead of a single thread being assigned to it, we should assign several (optimally, the number of remaining available threads). Each of these threads should then scan its assigned piece of the file, while respecting some boundary conditions. These conditions relate to the possible occurring 49 patterns: as a pattern might occur between two pieces assigned to two different threads, each thread should not stop scanning at the end of its assigned piece, but instead continue on until it reaches the length of the smallest pattern. Doing so, we can guarantee that any pattern that occurs in between pieces is correctly detected and reported. This is the approach taken by related work on the area (such as [31]), so it is proven to be effective. 6.3 Incremental Automata Changes Currently, each time the signature set is changed (such as for instance when a new virus signature is added), we re-calculate all of the automatons. This means that the propagation of a change in the signature set to our system can take an hour, as that is the time needed to rebuild the automata. Alternatively, each time a signature is added, then we could create a DFA for it, and merge it with one of the existing ones. While this would also take some time (the back-transitions would have to be re-calculated for that automaton), it would take less time than rebuilding all of the automata. 6.4 Transposing the Files using SSE Instructions In our system, we use coalesced accesses to global memory as to increase the transaction bus occupation rate. However, using coalesced accesses means that the files need to be stored in an interleaved manner, which in turn means that we need to apply a transformation (a transpose) to them in order to have them interleaved. We have shown in Chapter 4 that this transpose takes a significant amount of time (that was reduced by splitting the files to be scanned into several parts). In order to further improve the transpose of the files, we propose that some Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instructions which can be used in modern CPUs be used to optimize the transpose process. 6.5 Verification Mechanism In Chapter 4, we showed that in our system, the verification process in order to confirm if a given signature matches in a file was simply to pass that file to ClamAV. This can be inefficient though, as if a given signature matches, then we only need to verify the file against that signature. An alternative to our current solution would be to associate all of a signature’s details (file type, positions in a file where it occurs, etc) to the sub-signature chosen to be used in the automaton building process. When sub-signatures matched, then we take their respective details and use the Aho-Corasick algorithm to completely verify if the full signature is present in the file or not (this is what ClamAV does). However, this means that we can no longer stop scanning when we find a match: if we did, then some other occurring signature might be lost, as the verification process would only check for the first signature that matched. We would have to scan the entire file, but this is not an issue: this is effectively what already happens in our dual-GPU system. Even if all of the files to be scanned have a match in a GPU, then that GPU still has to wait for the other one to finish its processing before the verification process can take place. 6.6 Conclusions We started by showing the problem that we proposed ourselves to solve, along with background on it. We gave an introduction to general purpose computing on GPUs, and showed how they can be utilized 50 to achieve high performance. We then presented related work on the area, which served as a basis for our own. Details were shown for our system, an O(n) algorithm running on two GPUs which pre-processes files in a high-speed manner in order to detect if possible virus signatures are present in them. It differs from other related work using ClamAV as it is capable of scanning a high quantity of files in parallel. The system was found to have a good speed-up on the case that it was designed for: an e-mail gateway with a large amount of files with limited sizes. A number of optimizations were implemented in order to achieve this performance, which was not possible with a first implementation. Our solution did not perform so well on some cases, and it is open to targeted attacks. Future work was then proposed to mitigate some of these issues and further improve the solution’s performance. 51 Bibliography [1] Amd stream. [2] Bro network security monitor. [3] Clamav. [4] Nvidia cuda. home new.html. [5] Nvidia cuda programming guide. [6] Open cl. [7] Portable operating system interface. [8] Snort. 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