Natural Rubber Membrane with Silver Nanoparticles to the Development of Leishmania braziliensis Antigen C. S. DANNA1, F.C. CABRERA1, C. G. BARBOZA-FILHO1, A. JOB1 1 DFQB-Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia-UNESP, Presidente Prudente, Brasil This work shows the different stages for obtaining and caracterizing the natural rubber (NR) membranes employing a coloidal incoporation of silver (Ag) nanoparticles generateing NR/Ag. The NR membranes are obtained from the Hevea brasiliensis rubber tree latex by means of a casting technique. The silver nanoparticle were incorporated on the NR membrane by a in situ reaction method through the salt reduction of the silver nitrate (AgNO3) considering different reduction times. The NR/Ag composite caracterization was realized through Ultraviolet Visible Spectroscopy (UV-Vis), thermal analysis (DSC, TG) and combined TG/FT-IR. The results obtained from the UV-Vis techinques shows an absorption band close to 420 nm due to the silver nanoparticle surface plasmon and to the intensity absorption growing following the reduction time suggesting a higher silver nanoparticle concentration in the NR membrane. From the DSC curves one can check that there are no changes on the composite thermal behavior once for disting reduction times the glass transition temperature and thermal degradation keeps unchanged. From the TG/FT-IR one observes a good BN/Ag membrane thermal stability when compared to a purê NR membrane. The menbranes are going to be applied on a separation process of infecting L. braziliensis and antigen factory on an important stage of the development of an efficient vaccine against the brazilian leishmania species. keywords: natural rubber, silver nanoparticles, Leishmania braziliensis antigen. [1] DALL’ANTONIA, A.C., Estudo do desempenho mecânico e térmico de compósitos de borracha natural (BN) de diferentes clones, dissertação de mestrado, área de interunidades em engenharia e Ciência de Materiais (USP – São Carlos), 2003. [2] Neto, E.A.B.,Caue, R., Zucolotto, V., Síntese de Nanopartículas de Prata para Aplicação na Sanitização de Embalagens. Comunicado Técnico, 99, 1 a. edição 1a. impressão 2008: tiragem 300, p.1-4. [3] DÓREA, R. C. C.; BARBOZA-FILHO, C. G.; MOREIRA, D. F.; GUIRRO, M.; CHAVES, A. A. M.; DUNDER, R. J.; SOARES, E. A.; SANTOS-JUNIOR, V.; SPINOSA, W. 2003. Behavior of Leishmania major metacyclic promastigotes during course of infection and immune response development in resistant versus susceptible hosts. Braz. J. Microbiol. 34 (1): 17 - 20. e-mail: [email protected], endereço: Rua Roberto Simonsen, 305 CEP:19060900 Presidente Prudente - SP