EDP – ENERGIAS DO BRASIL S.A. CNPJ n° 03.983.431/0001-03 NIRE n° 35.300.179.731 MINUTES OF THE 18TH SPECIAL SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING HELD ON APRIL 8, 2005 (SUMMARY OF FACTS, ART. 130 § 1 OF LAW 6404/76) 1. DATE, TIME AND PLACE: 4.18.2005, at 10 a.m. at the Company's main office, at Rua Bandeira Paulista, nº 530 - 14º andar - Bairro Itaim Bibi/SP 2. Board: Chairman: António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Secretary: Andréa Mazzaro Carlos De Vincenti 3. Attendance: Shareholders representing all the capital, pursuant to signatures apposed in the Shareholders' Attendance Book. 4. Call: Waived under the terms of § 4 of article 124 of Law 6404/76 and subsequent modifications. 5. Resolutions: The participants General Meeting, by unanimous decision, resolved the following: 5.1 In order to adapt the number of shares into which the Company's capital is divided to the number already contemplated in the "Instrument of Justification and Protocol of Partial Spin-off and of Merger of Companies and of Shares", executed on April 7, 2005, by Company management, and by the managements of Bandeirante Energia S.A., Iven S.A., Espírito Santo Centrais Elétricas S.A. - Escelsa, Empresa Energética de Mato Grosso do Sul S.A. - Enersul and Magistra Participações S.A., approved the grouping of shares into which the Company's capital is divided, in the proportion of 1 share to every 28.18 shares, with this henceforth divided into fifty-one million, eight hundred fifty-five thousand, nine hundred sixty-seven (51,855,967) common shares, all nominative and without par value. The controlling shareholder EDP - Energias de Portugal S.A. will assign to the other shareholders the shares required to complete the respective fractions up to one (1) share. The acts practiced by the Board of Executive Officers and by the Board of Directors of the Company already assuming the grouping approved herein are ratified on this date. Therefore, the company's shares will henceforth be distributed among the shareholders in the following proportion: 5.1.1 The shareholder EDP - Energias de Portugal S.A. will henceforth own twenty-four million, six hundred ninety-seven thousand, five hundred fifty-one (24,697,551) common shares. 5.1.2 The shareholder Balwerk - Consult. Econômica e Particip., Soc.Unipessoal Ltda will henceforth own twenty-three million, five hundred forty-five thousand, eight hundred twenty (23,545,820) common shares. 5.1.3 The shareholder Electricidade de Portugal Internacional, SGPS, S.A. will henceforth own three million, five hundred eighty thousand, nine hundred ninety-three (3,580,993) common shares. 5.1.4 The shareholder EDP - Gestão da Produção de Energia S.A. will henceforth own thirty-one thousand, six hundred (31,600) common shares. 5.1.5 The Shareholders António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa, Joaquim Armando Ferreira da Silva Filipe and Jorge Manuel de Oliveira Godinho will henceforth each own one (1) common share. 5.2 In view of the decision made in item 5.1 above, the shareholders approved the modification of the main provision of Article 5 of the Company's By-laws, which henceforth reads as follows: "Article 5 - The capital of the Company is one billion, three hundred fifty-two million, seven hundred sixty-six reais and eighty-eight centavos (R$1,352,839,766.88), fully subscribed, represented by fifty-one million, eight hundred fifty-five thousand, nine hundred sixty-seven (51,855,967) common shares, all nominative and without par value." 6. Documents filed at the main office: Powers of Attorney. 7. Closing: The floor was offered to those present, and as nobody came forward, the work was concluded and the Meeting suspended for the time necessary for the printing of these minutes in a lot of loose sheets, in the form of a summary, which upon reopening of the session, were read, found correct, approved and signed by the shareholders present. António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Chairman Andréa Mazzaro Carlos De Vincenti Secretary Shareholders: Balwerk - Consultadoria Econ. e Part., Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Attorney-in-fact EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Attorney-in-fact Electricidade de Portugal Internacional SGSP, S.A. António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Attorney-in-fact EDP – Gestão da Produção de Energia S.A. António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Attorney-in-fact Jorge Manuel de Oliveira Godinho António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Attorney-in-fact António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Joaquim Armando Ferreira da Silva Filipe António Fernando Melo Martins da Costa Attorney-in-fact