Partners The Consortium Erasmus Al Sud The Consortium Erasmus Al Sud intends to create synergies between Higher Education Institutions (HEIS), University and Polytechnic, assembled to form an extensive network of educational institutions, municipalities, companies and other organizations. This consortium aims to provide internships (Erasmus Placement), in Portugal the European students in higher education by promoting the internationalization of Portuguese companies and organizations, and also finance internships to students of universities and institutes integrate in the countries participating in the LLP - Erasmus Program. The sharing of human and financial resources between the consortium HEI, allows a better management of mobility, through the redistribution of financing among partners and sharing tasks in organization of internships, in particular, applications from students who are nationals and foreigners in Europe through the creation of a computing platform and respective delivery to partner companies, preparation of search and reports on the quality of erasmus placements the spread of the brand, the organization of training actions for the business and university audiences. The main mission of this consortium is to strengthen the link between the HEI and Portuguese companies/organizations, stating by their visibility on a European scale, while promoting cross-border cooperation, and with the commitment to empower regional and local development of the geographic areas covered by the consortium institutions network, by enhancing the circulation of knowledge, through the formation of partnerships with local authorities and companies/organizations in territories tend to be aged. Coordination University of Lisboa; Coordinator: Maria João Antunes Phone +351 210 113 482; E-mail: [email protected]; Higher Education Institutions University of Lisbon (coordinator) University of Évora; University of Algarve Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal; Polytechnic Institute of Beja Organisations AICEP Global Parques Associação Centro de Incubação de Empresas de Base Tecnológica Vasco da Gama - Sines Tecnopolo Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola Associação para o Desenvolvimento Rural da Península de Setúbal (ADREPES) Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) Câmara Municipal de Alcochete Câmara Municipal do Barreiro Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Câmara Municipal da Moita Câmara Municipal do Montijo Câmara Municipal de Santiago do Cacém Câmara Municipal de Sines Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve (CCMAR) Fundação AMI Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém Fundação Luis de Molina Fundação Oriente Museu Botânico do Instituto Politécnico de Beja Nautialqueva - Serviços Náuticos, Lda. Portugal Telecom (PT) Rede Europeia de Turismo de Aldeia do Alentejo (Genuineland)