do Diamante
de História da Matemática - Vol. 3 no 6 (outubro/2003 - março/2004 ) - pág. ? -?
Publicação Oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de História da Matemática
ISSN 1519-955X
Tassos Lycurgo
Review of: FOSSA, John A. (org.) Facetas do diamante. Rio Claro:
SBHMat, 2000, 272 p.
Brazilian academic production could use more deep works on the
history and education of mathematics. Facetas do Diamante - Facets of the
Diamond -, which is mainly written in Portuguese and published by the
Brazilian Society for the History of Mathematics - SBHMat -, comes into our
hands as a satisfactory and competent attempt to better the situation.
Before getting on with the review, however, it is by no means unimportant
to understand how a book with such a title is related to mathematics. The
fact is that its title - Facets of the Diamond - is related to the idea according
to which mathematics is said to be so austere and imperious that it can be
compared with a diamond. Keeping this analogy in mind, it is said that, just
like a diamond, mathematics has many facets. In order to approach some
of them, as it is said in the introduction, it would be necessary to think of
mathematics as a cultural product of society or, in a narrower sense, as a
technique mankind uses to produce culture. It is also important to note that
the scope of the book is not that wide because to consider mathematics in
all its aspects would be too pretentious a project to be undertaken in a
single work. The book, thus, concerns only three facets: 1) Mathematics
Education (p. 09-106), 2) History of Mathematics (p. 107-202) and 3) The
Relations between Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics (p.
Facet (1), as was just said, concerns mathematics education. It is
subdivided into the following four articles: 1.a) "Etnomatemática na luta
pela terra" (p. 11-30) - Ethnomathematics in the fight for land -, which is
written by G. Knijnik and relates to a Brazilian social movement in proRBHM, Vol. 3, no 6, p. 99 - 101, 2003
Tassos Lycurgo
agrarian reform and shows how mathematics can be involved with the
attempt to construct a fairer society; 1.b) "Proposiciones para un estudio
dinamico de la medida" (31-58) - Propositions for a dynamic study of
measure -, which is written in Spanish by C. S. Fernández and C. V. Castro
and is concerned with the attempt to show how applying a problem-solving
strategy mixed with historical information can be successful in getting
students to be committed with pleasure to mathematics; 1.c) "Pesquisaação para formação de professores" (p. 59-98) - The teaching experiment
and teacher-training - which is written by R. R. Baldino and others and
shows how mathematics can be approached from a variety of perspectives;
1.d) "Funções e gráficos: alguns obstáculos cognitivos" (p. 99-106) Functions and graphs: some cognitive obstacles - which is written by J. A.
Fossa and M. G. S. S. Fossa, and shows, as its title suggests, the
difficulties students have in dealing with functions and their graphs and
proposes a methodology based on historical aspects in order to reduce
some of the aforementioned obstacles.
What is important to say, however, is that all of the four articles in
section (1) are in one way or another concerned with the attempt to
facilitate the process of teaching and learning of mathematics. The way of
approaching the problem, however, as it is said in the book, is quite
different from those undertaken by the tradition. According to the
introduction, in the past, studies in mathematics education were mainly
related to techniques for making mathematics more comprehensible to
students; but now studies in mathematics education consider teaching of
mathematics as a continuous process of getting students to think
mathematically (p. 7). It is important to say that it is according to this
paradigm that the aforementioned authors try to cut the diamond in order to
make its first facet as bright as possible.
Facet (2), which is on the history of mathematics, comprises the
following four articles: 2.a) "O livro didático no Brasil no século XIX" (p.
109-162) - The textbook in Brazil during the 19th century -, which is written
by C. M. S. Silva and presents a list of textbooks used in Brazil in the
aforementioned period and organises them according to the area of
mathematics to which they are mainly related; 2.b) "Um processo de
Newton para encontrar a tangente à uma cônica" (p. 163-168) - Newton's
process for finding the tangent to a conic -, which is written by E. S.
Ferreira and takes into account Newton's first chapter of "Miscellaneous
Researches" on finding the tangent to a conic without knowing its diameter,
RBHM, Vol. 3, no 6, p. 99 - 101, 2003
Resenha: Facetas do Diamante
published in 1667; 2.c) "Contribuição de jesuítas para a escrita da história
da matemática" (p. 169-184) - The Jesuit's contribution to the writing of the
history of mathematics -, which is written by S. Nobre and presents the
most important Jesuit mathematicians and some of their important works
on mathematics; 2.d) "Sobre a proporção entre os elementos materiais no
Timeu" (p. 185-202) - On the proportion among the material elements in the
Timaeus -, which is written by J. A. Fossa and G. W. Erickson and solves a
problem that was raised by their article entitled "Os sólidos regulares na
Antigüidade" - Regular solids in Antiquity -, published in 1990.
What is important to see here is that history as a whole, in order to
make sense, has to take into account at least the presuppositions that a
specific historical fact really happened and that there is sufficient evidence
for the assertion that it took place somewhere in the past. History of
mathematics, in its turn, goes beyond this and tries to establish how a prior
fact has influenced a latter one or, in other words, it could be said that the
history of mathematics is mainly concerned with how mathematicians deal
with mathematical information in order to come out with some other new
mathematical facts. The four articles in facet (2) are evidently related to
these questions.
Facet (3) concerns the relations between mathematics education
and the history of mathematics and is subdivided into the following two
articles: 3.a) "Histórias da relação matemática/música e construção de
significados" (p. 205-240) - Histories of the mathematics/music relationship
and the construction of meanings -, which is written by O. J. Abdounur and
shows how mathematics and music can be related and how this
relationship can be useful in motivating students to enjoy mathematics; 3.b)
"A interface entre história e matemática: uma visão histórico-pedagógica"
(p. 241-271) - The interface between history and mathematics: a historicalpedagogical perspective -, which is written by U. D'Ambrosio and discusses
the history of mathematics extensively, making competent approaches to
some of the main questions relating this history to mathematics education.
The fact is that both articles in facet (3) try to relate section (1) to
section (2). That is, it is reasonable to say that the way historians of
mathematics see how the history of mathematics is constructed has an
enormous influence on how this mathematical information could be
apprehended easier by the students. And, of course, the way mathematics
is taught modifies the lens through which mathematicians and students see
RBHM, Vol. 3, no 6, p. 99 - 101, 2003
Tassos Lycurgo
the mathematics of the past and, therefore, the way they construct the
history of mathematics. It is, therefore, a two way street, which is properly
approached by article (3.a), in specific terms, and by article (3.b), in general
In short, Facets of the Diamond is a remarkable work in the field to
which it is mainly dedicated, which is the history and education of
mathematics. That is, the book raises some of the most important
questions in the subject and presents ways according to which these
questions can be approached. It is, therefore, strongly recommended.
RBHM, Vol. 3, no 6, p. 99 - 101, 2003

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