1. The Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias (Journal of Agroveterinary Sciences) publishes three types
of articles: Research Article (divided into four major sections Science of Plants and Derived Products,
Science of Animals and Derived Products, Science of Soil and Environment, and Related Areas), Scientific
Note, and Review. The type of article and journal section must be informed in the Front Page (see number
5) and in the on-line submission process.
2. Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. Both title and abstract should be
supplied in two languages (English/Spanish and Portuguese) as well as the title of figures and tables (see
number 13).
3. Submissions must be on-line, using Word (preferentially) or compatible software, paper A4, page
margins 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman 12, and the text must be double spaced and justified.
4. Pages and lines must be numbered sequentially.
5. The Front Page is mandatory for all manuscripts and must contain: (i) Type of Article (according to
number 1); (ii) Journal Section (according to number 1 - Science of Plants and Derived Products, Science of
Animals and Derived Products, Science of Soil and Environment, or Related Areas, for Research Articles;
and Scientific Note or Review, if appropriated); (iii) Title of the Manuscript (two languages, see number 2,
in bold, and the first letter uppercased); and (iv) Description of the Importance for Manuscript Publication
(brief summary). Front page must have just one page.
6. Research Articles and Reviews must contain up to 25 pages (front page is not considered). Scientific
Notes must contain up to 10 pages (front page is not considered). Graphical elements (tables and figures)
are counted in the page limits.
7. Research Articles must be divided into the following manuscript sections: Front Page (see number 5);
Abstract, with up to 300 words (in two languages, see number 2); Keywords, up to 6 (in two languages, see
number 2); Introduction; Material and Methods; Results and Discussion (can be in two separate sections);
Conclusion; Acknowledgements (optional element); and References (see number 16). The title of
manuscript sections must be written in uppercase letters and in bold. For non-native Portuguese writers, the
journal may supply the foreign versions.
7.1. For manuscripts in Portuguese, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Folha de Rosto,
Resumo, Palavras-chave, Introdução, Material e Métodos, Resultados e Discussão, Conclusão,
Agradecimentos e Referências.
7.2. For manuscripts in Spanish, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Hoja de
Presentación, Resumen, Palabras-clave, Introducción, Material y Métodos, Resultados y Discusión,
Conclusión, Agradecimientos y Referencias.
8. Reviews must be divided into the following manuscript sections: Front Page (see number 5); Abstract,
with up to 300 words (in two languages, see number 2); Keywords, up to 6 (in two languages, see number
2); Introduction; Development; Conclusion; Acknowledgements (optional element); and References (see
number 16). The title of manuscript sections must be written in uppercase letters and in bold. For non-native
Portuguese writers, the journal may supply the foreign versions.
8.1. For manuscripts in Portuguese, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Folha de Rosto,
Resumo, Palavras-chave, Introdução, Desenvolvimento, Conclusão, Agradecimentos e Referências.
8.2. For manuscripts in Spanish, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Hoja de
Presentación, Resumen, Palabras-clave, Introducción, Desarrollo, Conclusión, Agradecimientos y
9. Scientific Notes (case studies are also considered) must be divided into the following manuscript
sections: Front Page (see number 5); Abstract, with up to 200 words (in two languages, see number 2);
Keywords, up to 6 (in two languages, see number 2); Main Body of the Text (with no divisions, however the
text must be in the sequence: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion – graphical
elements may be used); Acknowledgements (optional element); and References (see number 16). The title
of manuscript sections must be written in uppercase letters and in bold. For non-native Portuguese writers,
the journal may supply the foreign versions.
9.1. For manuscripts in Portuguese, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Folha de Rosto,
Resumo, Palavras-chave, Agradecimentos e Referências.
9.2. For manuscripts in Spanish, authors must use the following manuscript section titles: Hoja de
Presentación, Resumen, Palabras-clave, Agradecimientos y Referencias.
10. Graphical elements (graphics, photographs, and drawings are referred as Figures, and Tables) must be
supplied after References and numbered sequentially (e.g. Figure 1. Title...; or Table 1. Title...), according to
the sequence of citing in the body of the text. Figures must be inserted in the body of the text from JPG
archives (300 dpi or higher), and also be supplied as supplementary documents during the submission
11. Colored figures are not acceptable.
12. Tables and figures must be in portrait orientation, not exceeding the page limits.
13. Title of figures and tables of manuscripts in Portuguese and Spanish must also be supplied in English.
Manuscripts in English do not need the Portuguese version of the title of figures and tables.
14. Name of authors should not be supplied in the manuscript, but just in the on-line submission process.
15. Citations in the Text
a) (MOULTON 1978), (DUBEY & PORTERFIELD 1990), or (MARSH et al. 1998) for three or more
authors. We prefer this form.
b) According to TENDER (2000), SANTOS & BARROS (1999), or MARSH et al. (1998) for three or more
authors. This form should be used just in special situations, opting generally for the type above.
16. References
a) CARVALHO LB, or CARVALHO LB & BIANCO MS, or CARVALHO LB et al. for three or more
b) Title of journals must be abbreviated.
c) The city of the journal's publisher must not be cited.
d) Author must supply the DOI (Digital Object Identifiers), if available (see below).
e) Reference models:
Scientific Articles
MEWIS I & ULRICHS CH. 2001. Action of amorphous diatomaceous earth against different stages of the
stored product pests Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera:
Tenebrionidae), Sitophilus granarius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera:
Pyralidae). J Stored Prod Res 37: 153-164. <>.
Books and chapters (should be avoided)
DENTON GW. 1990. Iodophors: disinfection, sterilization and preservation. 4.ed. Philadelphia: Lea &
Febiger. 614p.
CONCANNON PW & DIGREGORIO GB. 1986. Canine vaginal citology. In: BURKE TJ. Small animal
reproduction and infertility: a clinical approach to diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.
Annals of events (should be avoided)
GROLLI PR et al. 1993. Propagação “in vitro” de Limonium latifolium Kuntze 15/O. Kuntze. In: 1 Encontro
Brasileiro de Biotecnologia Vegetal. Resumos... Brasília: EMBRAPA. pp.79.
Thesis, Dissertations (should be avoided)
RADUNZ NETO J. 1981. Desenvolvimento de técnicas de reprodução e manejo de larvas e alevinos de
jundiá (Ramalia quelen). Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia). Santa Maria: UFSM. 77p.
Bulletins and other similar publications (should be avoided)
BECK AAH. 1983. Eficácia dos anti-helmínticos nos nematódeos dos ruminantes. Florianópolis: EMPASC.
10p. (Boletim Técnico 60).
Electronic documents
RIBEIRO PSG. 1998. Adoção à brasileira: uma análise sócio-jurídica. São Paulo: Datavenia. Available at: Access on: Sept. 10, 1999.
GARDNER AL. 1986. Técnicas de pesquisa em pastagem e aplicabilidade de resultados em sistemas de
produção. Rio de Janeiro: UFRRJ. (CD-Rom).
For no included examples, please, contact the editor-in-chief.
17. Measure Units must be in accordance to the International System [percentage must be close to the
number (10%), while other measures must be separated (10 cm, 30 oC, 2 m s-1, and so on)].
18. The name, e-mail, and institution/company of TWO POTENTIAL REVIEWERS (from different
institution/company of the authors) must be informed during the submission process (in the field
Comments for the Editor).
19. Manuscripts not conforming to the guidelines may be rejected with no evaluation.

GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The Revista de Ciências