ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORES CIENTÍFICOS – ABEC BRASIL CNPJ: 29.261.229/0001-61 - INSCRIÇÃO ESTADUAL: ISENTA HEADQUARTERS OFFICE: RUA JOÃO PASSOS, 1677, SALA 4, CENTRO, CEP 18602-140, BOTUCATU, SP PHONE: +55 (014) 3815-5095 email: [email protected]; site: Botucatu, December 10th, 2014 Dear Sponsor, The Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos – ABEC Brasil (in English, Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors) would like to invite companies, associations and other institutions related to scientific publishing or those interested in supporting the dissemination of science to become sponsors during the year of 2015. In return, the company can promote its brand, products and services in accordance with the acquired quota and according to rules established on this invitation. In 2015, the following events will occur in Brazil: the XXIII Curso de Editoração Científica (XXIII CEC – in English, XXIII Course on Scientific Publishing) in partnership with the Federal University of Goiás, from June 25 to 27, 2015 in Goiânia, GO; the XV Encontro Nacional de Editores Científicos (XV ENEC – in English, XV National Conference of Scientific Editors) in partnership with Senac – SC and the Federal University of Santa Catarina, from November 22 to 25 in Costão do Santinho Resort, in Florianopolis, SC; and IX Seminário Satélite da ABEC (IX SSABEC – in English, IX Satellite Seminar of ABEC) during the III Encontro dos Usuários do SEER (III EUSEER – in English, Third Meeting of SEER Members) scheduled for the second semester in João Pessoa, PB, organized by Ibict. The sponsorship is valid for the fiscal year of 2015, regardless of the date of accession. The quotas include the categories listed below, with specific rights and values. Diamond category – Annual value of R$ 15.000,00 (fifteen thousand Brazilian reais) with the following characteristics: Institutional inserts: ! Inclusion of the logo on the website and in newsletters of ABEC. Events inserts: ! Use of booth in XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. ! Inclusion of the logo in newsletters and on websites of the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC e IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. ! Inclusion of the logo on leaflets, folders, certificates and banners of the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. ! Placement of the company's promotional material in the folders of the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. ! A total of five free registrations per year to participate in the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. Obs. The free registrations include people who are working in the company booth and do not extend to participation in mini courses. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORES CIENTÍFICOS – ABEC BRASIL CNPJ: 29.261.229/0001-61 - INSCRIÇÃO ESTADUAL: ISENTA HEADQUARTERS OFFICE: RUA JOÃO PASSOS, 1677, SALA 4, CENTRO, CEP 18602-140, BOTUCATU, SP PHONE: +55 (014) 3815-5095 email: [email protected]; site: Gold category – Annual value of R$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand Brazilian reais) with the following rights: Institutional inserts: ! Not included. Event inserts: ! Use of one booth only in XV ENEC. ! Inclusion of the logo in newsletters and on websites of the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. ! Inclusion of the logo on leaflets, folders, certificates and banners of the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. ! Placement of the company's promotional material in the folders of the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. ! A total of two free registrations per year to participate in the following events: XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER. Obs. The free registrations includes people who are working in the company booth and do not extend to participation in mini courses. General comments: Sponsors who want to promote gift drawing during the XXIII CEC, XV ENEC and IX SSABEC/III EUSEER are allowed to do so; however, ABEC is not responsible for the organization or divulgation. Sponsors may also offer advertising material in the event, such as pens and paper blocks, but only if provided in a sufficient quantity to meet the estimated number of registrations. The advertising material must be delivered at an address that will be set fifteen days in advance of each event. It is important to emphasize that the amount spent in advertising material will not be deducted from sponsorship values. The events mentioned in this proposal can be changed/canceled without previous notice. To confirm your interest, please contact Maria Judite Bittencourt Fernandes (second treasurer of ABEC) by phone: +55 (11) 5087-1714, or by email: [email protected] or [email protected]. We hope we can count with your support, thank you in advance. Sigmar de Mello Rode President of ABEC Brasil