Rio News. ¦•;¦¦ **.";: *.*¦.' *¦ :*'*.¦- " ,'.'". * * .* d..:-.-'. ¦¦*¦-.*¦¦¦.. V d',*- .' ¦¦ .'**'.'' :*'*\ PUBLISHED ON THE $th, i&k AND 24tó OF EVERY MONTH. .*.*¦. :.-*¦, ;¦:¦* Vm.. XII. RIO DE JANEIRO, FEBRUARY 24*1*11, 1885 *Officíal ptríiicitl putctovu DÍRECT0RY VMÈRICAN LEGATION.—157. Hua cias Larangeiras. THOMAS A. OSIiO*'\', [iliniste' õ'ft.brnntes, Marques 22. LEGATION.—No. HK1T1SH RICHARD G. YOWNLEV, Acting Charge d'Afiaircs. Rua do AMERICAN CONSULATE C.ENERAL.-NV 30 ANDREWS, C. Visconde de Inhaúma. C. Cônsul General. ••UITISU CONSULATE GENERAL- N»-8, Travessa GEÒRGE THORNE RIÇK.ETTS, de D. Manoel. Cônsul General. D". Custodio dos Santos, Surgcon and PhysicianResidem-,: Rua do Haddock Lobo, No. 70- Offi« Rua do kssário; No. 131, from 1 to 3 p.m. Dp. Alexandre Calaza—Surgeon and Physician,— From 1 to 3 p. m*. Office, Rua Primeiro de Março No. 22. Residence, Rua de S. Francisco Xavier No. 47. Dr. W. J. Fairbairn; M. D. Edin; Surgeon and Physician. Oflice: Rua 1" de Março, No. 49: from I[ t0 1 p.m. and 410 4:30 p.m. Residence: Rua D. Carlota, Botafogo.Med. Director of Equitable Life I11s.C0.0f N. York. ©íicmísts k gvu00tsts. ""Qiurch Directory Veiga. Çhurch CHR1ST CHURCH.—Rua do Evaristo da Comof England Service every Sunday at 11 a 111. Holy Clulm. a 11 at munion on tlie first Sunday in tlie moritli month lhe in dreu's Service 011 lhe and and 41)1 Sundays the at 4 p m. Holy Baplism every Sunday, and during Clerk. the to week,on due notice being given FREDERICK YOUNG, M. Ai, Çhaplaiii. 157 Rua das Larangeiras. Clerk. ALI.EN., ALBERT 135 A, Rua das Larangeiras. 15 Travessa da BarreiraCHURCH.-NV PKKSHVTER1AN a. m., and 7 o'clock, o'clock, 11 at Portugucse in Services -it 7 o'clock p. in., every d.* m., every Sunday; and Thursday. M RTHODIST EPÍSCOPALCHURCH—Largo do Cattele. ti;-o English services; Sunday School 10a.m. preacbiiig Fridays; a. m. Sundays; prayerfmeeting7:30Rim Portugucse ser-vices: Sunday School 6;3op.m., preaching Wednesdays. 7 30 p 111. Sundays; nrayer-meeting, 7 3°P-"«J. L. KliMNEDY, Pastor Residence; Rua S. Salvador, 27 A. BAPTIST CHURCH _ No. 95. Rua do Senado. Services ni., in Portugucse at 11 o"clock, a.m., and p,í o'clock, p. every Sunday ; and ut t\t o'clock p. m., every Tuesday Sunday School at 10 o'clock, a. in , every Sunday. W. B. BÀGBY, Pastor —163 da Saude; 3id tloor. SerRua SAII.ORS' M1SS10N Sunday. m. every vices at 11 11. FRANCIS CURRAN, Missionary. -26 Rua do General CaSA1LORS* GOSPEL MISSION. to 4 p m. Gospcl services on mara. Open from 9 a.m. at 7 p.m. Sundays and Wednesclays HERBERT SOPER. Seamans' Evangelist. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBI.E SOCIETV.-Oepotat No 71 Rua Sete dc Setembro, Rio de Janeiro. Agent. JOÁO M. G. DOS SANTOS, -No. i4.TravIGREJA EVANGÉLICA FLUMINENSE ioo'clock, essa das Partilhas. Services in Portugucse at at 7 o'clock. a.m., and 6 o*clock, p.m., every Sunday ; and at school P ¦"'• 4:3". p.m., every Wednesday. Sunday RIO SEAMEN'S MISSION & READING ROOM.-Open ovcr Messrs* from 10 a.m. till 4 P'». No. 5 R"<- ?«*»; Service 011 G. F. Basset & .Co. Ship Chandlers. Divino A hearty m. Sundays at it a ni. and on Tuesdays at 7 P wclcomc to ali THOMAS HOOPER, Missionary. ^RAVELLER? [)irecy ORY RAIA WAFS. -gli Express: Vpward, le.yes DOM PEDRO H.-Th Barr. ÜUllC|iM).ftl 7J43 **)•««•• ** * at Rio at 5 a. m.i arriving ' • Lalaycltc [Queluij Mg R Rios (central line) .0:1. a .1... Rios) .: .«1 .La.-hoe...*v S Porto Novo.branch from Entre .*- Kio K.K). ^ul V. "'• branch» 11-.5fia.rn., Sao Pinlo (fe: , -.«,V. Lafay,-te «W »¦»*. P£luLJ: leaves São Paulo 6 ^rra4ir ana Axo 7.»Porto Novo 12:13 pm.: arriving at ut D****** Une Valençiana iith IT Coxeeis at Commercio. Umao Mt«««r.i>e t acr|» das Flores line .-tio. line d'Ej.Reyl raria; Oeste de Minas (S Joâo e .-as line at Leopoldina lin, ai Porto Nove: Rezende *¦ Surúby: and S. Paulo and Rio de Janeiro li:<ci.t Ca...... amviug .vm^ 6;;o Rjo leaves Limited Express: Opwar.t, 'Liif-hae» at Barra 9:19 «¦">*. Pono *<»¦'- (eemitütate* j.»". leavesCachou*-0.34 Doimwird, branch) Paulo 5 P<«(S. 3? "^ 'i a.m..PorloXovo6:i9ani.;a-.ii>i>i:it •»«« K3-V ,*, Cou-rcis¦*£*&£ sntion*. Siopiarall Rio5:"ôP«» *-—m. >t uraiich Macaco., and ai Sapopemba. Cru, branch «07. the first M.xed Tr.uns: Leave R;» at _.*.*.*.i.m , and Pira*i> do Barra to second llie and Rios gniag to Emre CANrTAGALLOR.R.—Leaves Nithcrohy (Sant'Anna) 1*0* Cordeiro1. hour 7:15'.,: m., arriving at Nova Friburgo Macuco 3: »S d. 111 and 2:42 per tramwav from Cantagallo) 8:30. Cordeiro 9:4B and Nqva Return traín leaves Macuco "»• Friburgo 11:25 P m„ arriving at Nttherohy 4:5- P- with A ferryboat «uns between Rio and Sant Anna, connecung irains. -Steamers leave PETROPOLIS STEA MERS and R. A' 1'rapiche Maná at 4 P «"• wcck days and 7 a. ni Mindays and holidays. Returnine, trains leave Petropolis at r- V> a m. wcek da>*s, and 4 p m. Sundays and holidays. IJBRARlES,Mu^£^IS:i^ -R»a do OuviBRITISH SÜBSCRIPTION LIBRARY dor. No i». ist floor. -Rua do Pas.eio No. «S BIBLIOTHECA NACIONAL 62. Rua do OuFLUMINENSE-No. BIBLIOTHECA vidor. , cor. Kua da MUSEU NUIOXAL-Pwia Accbm^o. Constituição - N« '» (•AB1NETE 1'ORTUC.UK/ DF. LEITURA Beiiedkfno» Jo« Ru» WILSON, SONS & CO., AMERICAN (LIMITED) Bank Note Company, 2. 142 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. PRAÇA DAS MARINHAS, Ineorporated u&der Lava of State of Kew York, 18S8. RIO DE JANEIRO. Iicorirunlised 1879. Engravebs and Printbbs of A.GENTS OF THE Pacific Steam Navigation Company, United States & Brazil Mail S.S. Ce, &c. &c. Commercial Union (Fire & Marine) Assnrance Co. Dispensing Chemist. Rua do Mattoso No, 31. Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have depôts at the Chief Brazil Ports, and among others supply coal under contract to: A. DUVEL, p Dispensing Chemist, Tlie Imperial Brazilian Government; Rua Primeiro dc Março No. 49. F 186 RUA DO QATTETE F. FREITAS, Proprietor J. PETROPOLIS. CAMPOS, Proprietor. ANTONIO PEREIRA "known hotel in Petropolis. The oldesi and best situated and specially adapted for transient visitors. ít Marine Insurances efiected at moderou ses 011 the Island Mocangnê Pcof Merchandise iri transit. ready for service. nrRNHAM, PARRY, WILÍ.IAMS & CO., Proprietor. NGLISH HOTEL Boa Vista, Tijuca. Propriétors. These locomotii-E engines are adapted to every variety of service. and are built accurately to standard gauges and templates. Like parts of differçnt engines of same class perfectly interchangeable. Passenger and Imtyhl Locómòtices, Mine Locomotires. Xarrow Gautjt. Locomotives. Steam Stveel Cars, etc etc, A11 work tlwroughly guaranteed. (late manager of Whytés Hotel) Illustratcd catalogue furnished on application ol customers. Estabiished in the best situatton iri Tijuca. German and Portugnese spoken. Englishi French, THEO. H. FREELAND, Sectj*. A PI D FOREIGN EXPRESS. L. Contanseau & Co„ NEW YORK, John Crashléy, 67 Rua do Ouvidor. R HODE ISLAND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. PROVIDENCE, R. I., U. S. A. Manufactuiers of locomotives of every description and for ali gauges, First class workmanship, and ali parts of Engines of same size thoroughly interchangeablc. Estimates furnished and illustratcd catalogues distributed on application. 117 Rua da Quitanda, Agents in Brazil: Rio de janeiro. Fonseca Machado & Irmão. Deposit of Engineering Instruments. Norton, Megaw &¦ Co. <V<>. Ss, Pita t° de Março. T T WENCESLAU GUIMARÃES ^ Co. Rio de Janeiro. PETROPOLIS. ANTONIO PEREIRA CAMPOS, Proprietor. A new and elepantly furnished hotel, charmingly situated, and ptovided with every convenience. The largèst establishSpecially adapted for ment of the kind in Petropolis. sumnicr visitors UOTEL LEUE\TROTH. NOVA FRIBURGO, (Province of Rio de Janeiro' CARI. ENGERT, Proprietor. This 1'rst class Hotel, est.iblished 40 yeais aço, oppositc the railway Etatión, with fine gardeiis and excèllent cold baths, inc heall y and fávorite summer residence of the nobilíty m..A gíiurj ofthe Capital ofthe Empire is magnificendy situated the 3000 feet above the sca-lcvel, at 5 hours distancc from AH languages Rio dc of and principal city Janeiro. port spoken, Inforniation furnished hy Messrs. Alves Nogueira .**; Dalziel, Rua d'Ouv*Ídor 46. Rio de Janeiro. w. F. BASSET & CO. No. 5, Rua Fresca. Agencies in the principal toivns of Bragil and tlie Argentine Republic. The iiitroduction of goods of American manufacture has been for many years a specialty of their business, and references to the various inanufacturers they represem—which are kindly permitted—will demonstrate the uncqualled facilities they posses», and have successfiilly emplnyed for this purpose. Furtiicrngenci:s, suiiable to their lines of business—hardware, machinery, domestie g^ids, specialties, etc, etc—are respectfully solicited. T RAPICHE 34 Recetves Flour. l.ard, and Goods in bond according to Table No. 7 of the custom house rcgnlations. Rua dà Saude No. 2. Telephone Call, Jfc. 358. D W INAL, RIA DÀ QUITANDA Dealer in Se-wiiig Macliines, and ali article» jwrlaining to their n*e. A:-.- materiais for iightning conductor?. BASTOS. Allen & Co. Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants. Use Scott's ami Watkins codev P.O. tíox 39». Cablcaddress: "Basoet" I\ R. CASSELS & Co. ,3 Rua Primeiro de Março, RIO DE JANEIRO 193 Callc Maipu. BUENOS AYRES üusincôô Annouitccmcnts. c R A. D. SHEPARD, TOURO ROBERTSON. Sole Apents in Brazil: RANDE HOTEL ORLEANS G J. MACDONOÜGH, W. M. SMILUE, G. H. STAYNER, Treas. PHILADELPHIA, PENN. Charles Uttenweiler, Proprietor. G RAILWAY TICKETS OF IMPROVED STYLES. Show Ciirdo, Lubele, Calendars. BLANK BOOKS OF EVEEY DESC5HI-?TION. VICE-PRRSIU-NTS : (Estabiished, 1831) mo E in Fireproof Buildlngs. LITHOGRAPH.C MO TYPE PRINTIN6. LOCOMOTIVE B ALDWINWORKS. Centrally DO CATTETE Wm. D. CARSON, 23 I nsuranee.—Fiic ate rates. Bonded Wa reli quenò for the storage Tuçi Bòats always ARSON'S HOTEL RUA Work Executed Ageut in Kio de Janeiro: TTOTEL BRAGANÇA 160 With special safoguardí to preve&t OOÜS-TUSTlIlTÜTa. Special papers ma&ufaotnreá ezclusively for uio of th» Company. SAFETY C0LOR8. SAFETY PAPERS. Establifeliments: Wilson, Sons ít Co. (I.inrited), I.ondon, Sio, Bahia, Pernambuco, & Parahyba do Norte. Rectíiuly enlarged and refuted. c ENGRAV1NG AND PRINTING, BANK NOTES, SHARE CERTIFICATES, AND GOVERNMENTS FOR BONDS DRAFTS, CHECKS, CORPORATriNS, "CHANGE, STAMPS, &c, BILLS O* most artlstic style in the flnesv. FKOM S-ÍEEL PLATES, ALBERT G. GOODALL, President. The Transatlantic Steamship Companies &c. REITAS' HOTEL BONDS, POSTAOE éí REVENUE STAMPS. LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES, ofthe UNITED STATES; and for Foreign GovernmentSi Her Britannic Majesty'- Government; Bay Rum. Itotets. ItuMneas Foiuided 1?95. ' and the A. SANTOS. Q Number 6 I OHN MILLER & C Importas and Commission Merchants. San ios and São PAHI.O* WINE MERCHANTS. Importers of Oporto, Douro and Lisbon vvines of the best qualities in bottles or in casks, and under the private tnarks of lhe house Sole Agents for A. Izidro Gonsalves, Exporter of Madeira Winesr^* G. Prkm.rr & Co., Hordeaux, Exporter of Bordeaux Wines: & Co., Rrmv Martin E. Exporter of Cognac Dealers in Biirgtmdy, Rhineand Mosel wines, Sherries, Champagnes Coçnacs and I.iqueursof the best brandi. <Rua da Alfândega, 8j. O UBBER HAND STAMPS. For Merchants, Bankers and Prolessional Men and lor ali business purposes, these stamps are superior to any kind ol hand stamp in use. Metal-Bodied Rubber Type. Usefnl ín every fiusiness Office. • An elastic, changeable type that can be set up and used whh-. outdelay and as often as oceasion requires. S. T. I.ONGSTRETH, Manufacturer of RlBBER PRINTING AND DaTING STAMPS Xo. 67, Rua do Ouvidor. Caixa no Coneio No. 906. R»° de Janeiio. ¦¦ TT. - ', ¦" ¦ • ¦ ->¦ ¦ *i i ,im.MlMI1lf^fMllM - '.-¦.*¦.'¦¦'¦¦.:: ¦¦¦/..,¦ '¦'¦{v- .-'i ¦ 1 THE RIO NEWS. produets; for maize is imported from the ledge among American, manufacturers of River Plate; beans, according to the Jornal the wants of the people of Central and do Commercio from Germany, Portugal, etc; South America ; 7th, a system of banking PUBLISHED TRIMON7HLY what does Brazil produce beyond coffee? connection at a common standard of value ; 24M for the mail packets oftliejtA, rjth and A country dependent upon its custom 8th, more liberal credits by American merof the month. houses for revenue, should reduce the import charits; 9Ü1, introduetion of a bonded wareduties to the very lowest possible mark; low house system into those countries. The Comobtained by Paul. A. J. LAMOUREUX, Editor and Proprietor. duties mean increased imports and increased mission continues that with reference to the the contrary. fourth proposition, it has been urged that a afiairs The discovery of a robbery, or defalca- revenue ; high duties just Contains.a summary of news and a review of Brazilian home new executive department similar to the com. list of the arrivals and departures of foreign vessels, the tion, at the Portuguese Consulate is a very If one adds to this that the protected of stock tables market, ofthe current and report price inercial It seems from what we can industries are clearly drafts upon the peoples' Board of Trade in England should be estabtreights and charters, and ali serious matter. quotatíons and sales, a table of necessity of a modification ofthe lished, with a member ofthe Cabinet at its other information necessary to a correctjudgment on Brazilian gather that the safe showed, no signs of means, the becomes unmistakeable. In head and to which might be committed the trade. violence and that the thief, or idefaulter, customs tariffs advance) in tnvariably (Cash made a report to the care and arrangement of the American was perfectly cognizant of the chpracter of 1856 Mr. Campbell Subscription : 20$ooo per annum for Brazil, Ways and Means of the House foreign commerce. We do not know if the . $10.00 ot £2 for abtoad. the documents on deposit, and that he left committee of SINGLE COPIES : 600 reis; for sale at the office suèh as were nominative while ajrrying off of Representatives, upon an oceasion when Commission visited Central American mardo of publication, or at the English Book Store, No. 67 Rua United States far exceeded kets, but presume, as was more reasonable, those to bearer. The police have ^he matter the revenue of the Ouvidor. and from which their propositions are based upon interviews Ali subscriptions should run with the calendar year. in hand, and no doubt the guilty party will the necessities of government, "Under the with merchants engaged in the Central and EDITORIAL AND PUBLICATION OFFICE:- be discovered and, if arrested, dullr punish- wemay extract the following; 70, Rua Sete de Setembro. duty upon pro- South American trade; neither can we ed. The very large sum at whiíh the loss tariffofi842 the average above 40 per speak as to Central American markets from estimated is a serious question ind where tected articles was something is Subscription and advertisement accounts will be received by reeeipts from our own experience, but we may say that the responsibility for this loss will rest still cent.; the average monthly George H Phelps, Esq. amounted to $1,- so far as the report is in relation to Brazilian 154 Nassau Street, more important. Portugal has through a customs under that act of 1846 with its markets some of these propositions are New York. consular treaty with Brazil, the right to take 991,267. Under the tarifT cent., the already comsummated facts and some entirely Messrs. John Miller & Co., charge of the estates of such of her subjects average duties below 30 per São Paulo and Santos. first two years impracticable. South America might inas die here intestate, or without resident monthly reeeipts during the of $2,575,- deed have been left out of the title of the heirs, and very large sums are evidently of its operation reached the sum 1885. 24th, February Rio de Janeiro, We have already expressed our how much more report. collected. That a robbery to tW extent of 207... These facts show could occur shòws great produetive of revenue the lower tarifT rates belief that increased steam communication Rumour anH its many tongues is occupied even 300,000$ care on the part of the consular are than those which, though considered which by furnishing more facilities for trade with a supposed treaty between the opposi- want of or if it be a defalcation extend- higher, are yet far short of prohibiting would serve to augment this, is necessary. tion liberais of the Chamber of Deputies authorities, with If this is to be secured by government inWhatever ing over a greater or less period of jtime, still importation, or seriously interfering and the conservative miriority. As a terference, or the unaided eflorts of comthe fulfillment.of duties the prosperity of the carrying trade. amount oftruth there may*be in this report, greater remissnessin funds belonging to the heirs means of lessening the revenue derived from mercê, we will give no opinion. Simplithe union can only lead to the illegimate as depositaries of desirable Dantas' of their deceased countrymen. Tlie end in customs, or of lessening its proportion to ficaüon and modilication of tariffs, product of a defeat of Senator treaty was noídoubt to the public expenditure, it is thus made as they may be, would require a criticai emancipation scheme and a consequent con- view of the consular the facts of a conclusive study into the financial condition of each The opposition liberais save non-resident heirs the very heavy legal apparent, by servative ministry. ali questions that experience, that a mere reduetion ofthe country, and a.s to commercial and reciprowill in ali propability hold the balance of expenses attendent upon on city treaties, they might be forced on govcast out get into our courts, but if the Brazilian rates of duty cannot be relied upon; but power in their hands; they can charge of excessive the contrary, that the policy has always the ernments, but could not oblige trade to Senator Dantas and call in Senator Paulino; courts are not free of the out of proportion to directly opposite effect, and this for many seek American markets, unless these offer they can condemn this country to a period expenses, at times quite A reduetion of duties better, (or at least equal) facilities than those at leant íook very obvious reasons. of slavery only limited by the death of the the sum in question, they induces increased importations of foreign offered by the markets that have enjoyed Placing aside sharply after the interests of wirds and last slave in the empire. Let it be remembered the patronage of South American countries not legatees and no such accident could happen, commodities...." we do which questions,—with political a written by was report this professed for so many years. Increase and improveCon- that care to meddle—is it not possible to calmly as that now registered at the Portuguese a deniand, ment of consular service is as indispensible to in opposition and treaties, are protectionist review the position of this emancipation sulate. Consular conventions, or that as the revenue of the United States as an improvement in steam communication. chosen a mistake between civilized nations, and it assembled to the show and question consent to exceeded the necessary sum for government It however would involve a radical change of the nation the necessity of sinking per- causes surprise that Brazil should How in the semi-civiliz- expenses, duties should be reduced. present department and this perhaps sonal resentments and political triumphs be considered in the categoryof —albeit backBrazil, is to this applicable to praçticable only through some such departto the wellfare oí the country P The com- ed countries, by allowing foreign consuls enough not has empire ment as the Commission says has been to the wards, for the bined opposition would not even have the interfere in a question tha: belongs ali and collects expenses urged upon it. The consular corps should It is a virtual revenue to meet its common courtesy to discuss Senator Dantas' jurisdiction of the empire. It is clear house. A of this through the custom not be appointed through political influence, scheme; just ar, they would not listen to confession that justice is not to be had. a refuses the however, that if a protectionist but through ment, and it should be formed that proposed by Sr. Joaquim Nabuco, foreigner resident here can legally make would his reduetion in duties becauses revenue into a regular branch of civil service, where consule Sinimbú, for fixing a date when the cônsul of his native country one of name, increase, the application of the idea is prac- ability would be rewarded by promotion. slaves were to become free. This has executors, even without specifying his it die inteat- tical here and the ministry that adopts Tiie adoption of this proposition would now become a plank in the conservative and this should be the rule; ifhe objection only The right; will be possible include that rclative to the ignorance of the estate should- be taken charge platform and while the utter criminality ate then undüly stimbe may importations is that if there be American manufacturers the requireof freeing slaves of 60 years is stigmatized of by the legal authorities and will soon correct ments Of foreign markets, for this ignorance however This ulated. as an attempt at confiscation, the con- heirs, these could through the cônsul prove The itself, lor merchants are not so silly as to should be dispelled by the appointment of a servative party says, "it can, it wishes to their right to succeed to the estate. import goods to sell at a loss, while the higher class of consular agents. Liberal and it must" solve the emancipation matter is complicated at present, and should lower the through the to benefit people credits is a mere matter of commercial The be simplified to the end of rendering ali Here is purê politics. question. would be of consumption prices of articles tinderstanding in which neither the Comconservatives have no claim to the glory foreigners equal, and of avoiding any lepetiin impossible is Protection incalculable, mission, nor the Government can be inof declaring slavery extinct in Brazil, tion of the disagreable accident at the Portthe sources are houses Brazil here, the custom terested. If a man pays cash he will require because a conservative ministry decreed a uguese Consulate. reduca smart of revenue and only through the usual discounts; if time be granted law through which Brazilians were bom induced to con- interest will undoubtedly be added to the imports be tariffs can in tion After the above was written the Cônsul free; but they might have assisted the tribute a fair share to this revenne. One ol cash cost. As we have pointed out however, Dantas cabinet to perfect and complete the has declared in the daily press that no the two is necessary; reduce duties and stim- the American trade have heretofore asked for edifice, they so worthily commenced. The documents to bearer were stolen. ulate imports, or increase exports duties and cash on quotations as high—when not higher chiefs of the conservative party must see oblige the planters to contribute a fair —as Europeans were demanding at a liberal An occasional, we will not say constant, that a change of the party in office would to the charges on the Treasury. credit. A common standard of value is bring a long line of difliculties to the cry for protection for home industries is proportion impossible. Every South American country country ; that with its financial position heard quite too often in a country whose The Central and South American Com- has certain financial necessities that would disarranged. and its credit uncertain, to revenue is derived trom its custom houses, of the render any thing like a leagtie quite out cause political complications would be a or, mulato nomine. the commerce of the mission appointed by the government clear act ol lese natiopi,\mà directly chargeable empire. Were the necessary taxes imposed United States has, according to New York of the question. No merchant would ever to have proposed such a hvpothesis, for it is to them. As has been pointed out by some upon the mills that are being construeted advices of January 8th, presented its report for the extension of trade an interlcrencc with the internai»affairs of polleagues of the daily press the emancipa- to the detriment of the taxpayer, no criticism the President, and and those of Central independent states. How can such an idea tion question must be a feature in the pro- might be possible; but these appeals for between that country By fixing that such a few against the interests of and South America the Commission finds be carried out ? gramme of any party who assumes office ; protection of the regular steam direct be: ist, must weight of gold or silver shall be worth so it cannot be evaded. Public opinion will the many are neither logical, nor econom- there treaties 2nd, commercial to communication; The foreign mermuch merchandise? First; the idea of ptotection is force it upon the authorities: and were it ical. duties; and tariff reciprocai concessions How and chants in Brazil would have a liveiy busnot better to allow the scheme of premier refuse to use ali foreign produets. eusand of tion modification iness, if they demanded specie íor their Danos to otcome a fact and relieve the can Brazil adopt this when flour, butter, 3rd, simplifica American in and South Central This is also a matter imported goods. anxiety of tlie commercial bodv. than to maize, the necessities of life in íact, are toms duties and improvement for commercial conventinn, and not íor keep the matter in abeyance to the detri- imported. Secondly; to produce for onc- countries; 4th, increase of diplomatic or commissional action. These ment of the best interests of the cot nin* ? self. The last is worst than the first: for of consular service; 5U1, establishment We feel no doubt as to the principal quês- the question is at once presented; what does American mercantile houses in Central and matters of tiriffs and currency would correct Few agricultural Soutli America: 6th. more intimatc know themselvc*» if some arrangement could be jion : slavery must and will disappear, for Brazil produce for itself? The Rio News its necessity has disappeared; we only appeal to the patriotism of the legislature, that it do not hamper the passage of a far from radical law, for the purpose of securing for Peter that which would equally well advance the interests of the empire if the made for increased facilities of communication and better information as to the requirements of foreign markets. Let the United States Government confine its attention to these two points and we venture to say, the others will take care of themselves. rio Brazil has soon show an improvement. not cut her coat according to her cloth and must pay the penalty attendent upon ali acts of precipitancy and lack of foresight. Às to our colleagues tccipes for curing, or alleviating, the financial sitíiation they seem to us unjustifiable, for they are ali aimed at already over-burdened commerce and trade. They may be summarised ; an ineome tax oi 3 per cent. on ali shares, debentures etc; a stamp tax of y2 per cent. on ali trânsfers of evidences of corporate debt to bearer ; the oi government to raise a loan in London ^'10,000,000 on debentures of the D. Pedro II railway, repayable in 60 years at 4 x/i per cent. interest. and with a part of the product of this loan pay off the balance oí the 1868 and 1879 gold loans. We claim that these taxes would come out of commercê and trade became the ineome tax of 3 per cent. and the y2 per cent. stamp tax on trânsfers of certificates of debt to bearer would in no way affect the cherished agricultural interest. While as to raising £10,000,000 on debentures of the D. Pedro II railway at 4}£ %, it would be impossible; if the figures as given in the last budget be correct. As voted the : 11,400,000$ Appropriation was Expenses were estimated at . 7,079,272 Under the title La Veritê snr le change our colleague of Le Brêsil seeks to explain the decline in rates of exchange in this market and offers some suggestions to tlie j government as to an improvement in the financial condition oi the empire. Le Brésil does not agree with Sena tor Lafayette's declaration made when minister of finance that this decline is caused by an over-issue of paper money, and attributes the high price of apólices to the uncertainty attending ali transactions in eonnectión with agriculture owing to the emancipation question, which makes capitalists employ their funds in the public debt. Our colleague goes on to say: "the shaking of credit may also be explained by the instability of the cabtnets, that suceed each other with vertiginous rapidity. Each cabinet, having but sufficient time to decree difficult reforms, the situation js aggravated ; its suecessor does not continue them, but desirous in its turn of profitting by its theories, the reforms initiat4,320,728$ Balance . . ... . . ed by the predecessor are a purê loss to the or at 24 pence /"432,00o; a sum less than country." Our colleague, to our mind, is sufficient to meet the annual interest, casíwrong in his appreciation ofthe cause ofthe Nothing ing aside any sinking fund. high prices of apólices. We have pointed can possibly be done in the manner proout in our columns on several oceasions, If the brios of the country will that forced investments, those of orphans' posed. the contemplation of any transaction funds, reserve funds of companies, etc. are permit with the D. Pedro II railway as a basis, it the most likely causes of this premium of upon that ofa lease for a sufficientIf as is must be nearly 7 per cent. on apólices. ly long time to attract foreign capital and stated ad nauseam by the opponents of the the road must be placed for that period Dantas emancipation scheme, the interests under foreign management. Our colleague of the whole country are so inextricably will see that while we agree with some of interwoven with those of agriculture that his propositions, others are clearly untenany meddling with the last would cause the able. We await the publication of premier ruin of the first, we give the Brazilian capDantas' relatório and budget estimates with italists credit for more judgement,than would anxiety, and curiosity also, for upon these be shown by investing their money in apólices will greatly depend the future course of which it is declared are dependent for their exchange and the positiòn of the credit of value on that agriculture they are unwilling the empire abroad. to assist directly. As to the rapid change of ministers ; • we agree with our colleague THE CARNIVAL IN RIO. entirely and have expressed our views on Our colleague ofthe Folha Nova on one We attribute this "vertiginous this subject. oceasion called attention to the absurdity of rapidity" with which cabinet sueceeds cabinet the holidays here, but has never mentioned to the inherent defects of the Saraiva the equal absurdity of this Carnival, which electoral law, through which lhe repreis universally anathametized by every one sentatives of the nation do not in any whose duty brings him into the city during manner represent the nation, but only a the three davs that idiots seem to have very small minority of it; and until these charge of Rio de Janeiro. defects are corrected we are likely to Imprimis; the police and the Municipal - ¦ -a spectacle of 1115 gj.vv».w._ edifying see the UIC i_.III) IU «CC continue . COIUIUUC to announce that the throwing of Chamber I .. «r .soooiiifii nnmirmn*. riilino* runng small group of dtssatishecl poüticians the penahty ofa "a^- is prolnbited under _i ix .,, ~r _n ;_c mhct water r: ._ . the countrv 10 the detnment of ali its most ; this notificato response in shops 11 ._.__,_ I fine The nneUF» * interests. • Our colleague then important ". .1 • ».._ '" the coo est manner,tnsnagas, r 1 ,_ ,_*___ uon tion exl exnose "^ in * > touches on the deprectation of produce and s>'™««*>"'» a»<' «W * <**» consulers it a causo of deprecia*.,, of exHe | bençfit of such of our readers as have been change. Here he is only partly right. fortunate enough to have not seen a Rio shows by figures, that'while'imports for | carnival. we may explain that bisnaga is a seven years, 1876-83, amounted to /i35-" tube ofthin lead containing water, at times 197,240 and exports to /"149,816,65o, or a but not always. scented, similar to the tubes surplus of about £2,100,000 per annum, in which oil paints are inclosed. and upon the government necded annually/3,441,000, the water is expelled to the detriof which no less than £1, 100,000 is put pressure ment of the clothing, and temper, of the down as guarantees and the purcháse of limões de cheiro are thin globes war material. Official values, of coffee more passer-by ; rubber, containing ali under the value or elipses of wax, or ptrticularly, are as a rule the way from a tablespoonful to a tumblcrin the market, at least, to the extent of the thrown upon the So that the fui of water which are 11 per cent. export duty. as a unWarv to the delight ofthe throwerand the estimated annum per /'1,300.00o This unuttcrable disgust of the recipient. déficit would be just about covered : while is the Carnival in Rio. lhe values put upon imports are generally It is to be supposed that the inhabitants excessive and this would still further redtice for any attempt by the We do not think it is too enjoy these baths, any déficit. to interfere with these childish strong to say. that the positiòn of Brazilian police amusements is resented by the populace, credit abroad is lhe real cause of the and if innumcrable tvws oceur the authordecline in exchange ; put the credit of lhe ities never see them. Another fcature may empire <>n a sound bask by acls that show be noted: the city is policed by troops of a firm intention of pmctiátig the economies the lin<* during the thref days oí idiocy ! so often pre.uhed and exchange would ¦__. I news. The authorities have so little confidence in the police force that regulars must be placed under the orders of the police authorities to see that police and municipal regulations are systematically unobserved. The city seems a pandemonium ; the Exchange closes its doors; the banks are closed at 12 o'clock ; every one, who can, goes home, and those who cannot take their baths as they may. No foreigner arriving in Rio during the Carnival could aceredit that there is a fair proportion of sane people here living ; it would seem to him a city such as one of those described by the celebrated Lemuel Gulíiver. Now, what earthly pleasure can there be throwing a pint of water down a man's back ? And what heavenly pleasure can be procured in squeezing a bisnaga into the face of your sweet-heart ? The whole thing is such a relict of barbarous ages, that its continuance is a disgrace to a city that claims to be the first on the South American continenl! ¦* IS BRAZIL A FERTILE COUNTRY? There is a very generally received opinion, in the United States and Europe that Brazil is a wonderfully fertile region ; many persons, well-informed ones too, probably regard it as the richest land in the world. There are plenty of authorities to support this idea. Scores of travellers have described its exhuberance in glowing terms: cyclopaedias and school-geographies have pictured the unbounded luxuriance of its forests and prairies ; it is known to be the great colTeeits producing country ot the world, and sugar, cotton and tobacco have long figured in commerce ; the Brazilians themselves are thoroughiy convinced that the agricultural resources of the empire are boundless, only needing an influx of foreign labor to develope them. In venturing a somewhat diverse opinion I shall be regarded as a heretic, unfriendly to the country and unBut let us look at the worthy of attention. ¦::.. plants, good crops could be obtained almost anywhere. As it is, comparatively little of the land is regarded as frt for plantations, and these are generally abandoned after a few years. AU the great interior region, comprehending the Brazilian table-land, is covered with campo, interrupted here and. there by little oatches of forest on hillsides and along the Botanists who have banks of streams. travelled through the sertão have been struck with the immense variety of families and species to be found among the campo plants, and they have natürally fallen into the error of regarding it as remarkably adapted for The truth is that nearly ali plant growth. of the Brazilian table-land is a howling sandy desert with a wonderfully rich desert vegetation. Tlie botanist may find a thousand species of plants on a square league of land; but I doubt if the same land would produce a thousand bushels of corn or of potatoes. Much of the country is adapted for paslurage, but only in the wet season ; during the dry months cattle must be driven The little strips of away to the lowlands. forest-land can be used for planting, and in some places they give good crops ; but they form only a small part of the whole. A flárge district comprising parts of Ceará, Piauhy, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Bahia are subject to periodical droughts, which destroy the cattle and plantations and reduce the entire population to the utmost poverty—often to starvation. Two elements which go far to determine the fértility of Europe and the United States are almost or quite wanting in Brazil: the winters and the action of earth-worms. Our northem winters are of immense assistance in the formation of vegetable mould. The herbs, grass and forest leaves die away in the autumn and lie in thick beds on the ground, where they are speedily covered with snow; suecessions of thaws, and finally the spring rains, reduce these leaves to sodden masses; as the sun returns they decây slowly, forming a rich, dark soil, replete facts. In with the elements of new plant-growth. At present agriculture in Brazil is nearly the tropies, the leaves and herbs fali singly, confined to a comparatively narrow belt are baked in the sun, broken by the wind, extending along the coast from Cape St. almost entirely in the This region is, in the and finally pass away Roque southwards. form of gasses, hardly anything being added main, very fertile ; the decomposition ofthe Add to this fact the influence to the soil. gneiss rocks, which form most of the mounof frosts in breaking up and disintegrating tains and hills, has given rise to a rich rocks, and the importance of winter cold reddish soil, generally deep and affording in the formation of soils will readily be seen. excellent crops of coffee, cane, and other The elaborate studies of Mr. Darwin have produets even with the miserable no-eul- shown that the despised earth-worms are There are, tivation which is in vogue. the preservers of our farms and gardens; however, considerable tracts of stony, or I unseen workers, they are ever bringing up bádly-watered land which, collectively, are j the rich sub-soil and strewing it over the of great importance, but must practically be j surface : boring the ground in ali directions, subtracted from lhe agricultural lands ofj they keep it loose and soft, and fit it for the the coast region. Now, earthroots of even tender plants. The Amazon valley is a vast stèàming worms are by no means common in Brazil : forest. generally (in Pará at least) with the j wanting in the campos the , they are altogether poorest possiblê soil : luxiifiant às and even in the forest they are rarely seen vegetable growth is, it covers a ground com- j along the banks of streams. Probor at best of a \ except sand, white sharp of posed sandy soils so prevalent in Brazil are the elements j ably the of devoid almost clay, poor ill adapted to them ; very likely, too, they which nourisli forests in other parts ofthe . would be of less use in ground which, by world. Most of the few plantations are on | its nature, is friable and easily pierced by the alluvial iron-bottoms, or tracts oi terra roots. At ali events they are an element. of cenwas formed which land), preta (black or less importance, which is nearly turies ago, by the rubbish and rotting paim greater wanting in Brazil. thatches of Indian villages. Nevertheless, I have written ali this in no harsh spirit; lhe Amazon region is well adapted for Brazil. I wish to point certain crops, and with the introduetion of rather as a friend of which might, in the future, improved agricultural implemente it will out a mistake The first element of The forest lead to grave troubles. give good returns to the farmer. in the individual, or in a new «counis nourished, not from the ground. but by suecess is a thorough knowledge of the resourthe air. which is always surcharged with try. weak points which must determine moisture : some kinds of trees will flourish ces, or or failure. Brazil has great refor weeks after they are cut. This excess suecess : it has elements of agricultural of moisture also tends to support the growth sources wealth which are far from unimportant; of certain cultivated plants. especially sugarAnd if the but by overrating its own riches it may be cane. coffee and tobacco. too and sand, were tempted to waste them; by resting ground. even this poor clay it may the roote of the securelv on agricultural industries properly prepared to reccive ¦ >¦:.-. J THE neglect the no less important ends of manufactures, mining, grazing and commerce. a Brazil is far too large and important country to be content with one element of suecess. She should seek for ali. Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 19, 1885. Herbert H. Smith. <$ RIO MOVEMENT OF PRICES SINCE 1S7S. NEWS. BRAZIL. From Bradstreefs New York Jan. io. SUGAR. The lvistory of the sugar trade since 1878 has been one oi gradual shrinkage in values. \ Although the consumption has increased enormòusly, particularly in this country and Great Britain, the supply has more than kept pace with the increased demands. The great increase in the produetion of beet sugar, caused principally by the artificial system of subsidizing, is responsible for the present overstocked markets. Germany and Áustria are the principal offenders — these countries heavily taxing the consumers at home in order that those of this country and the United Kingdom may enjoy thejldvatttages of cheap sugar. The London mark^pnow the cheapest in the world, and the Engph consumei- can purchase sugar nt a lower The disastrous effects of this price than any other. unsound policy are clear, as the German consumers have to pay 9c. per pound for loaf siigar much inferior in quality to that the Londoner buys for 5c. Good sugar is being retailed in London for 2c. per have éost 10c. in pound; the same sugar would this city in 1870. The bad effects of this system are also visible when the consumption pej- capita is compared; in Germany itamountsto 19.53 pounds, in the United States to nearly 51 poutjds, in the United Kingdom to 71.74 pounds. (The condition of the beet producers is bad; if hot worse, than the cane producers, notwithstandiug the CIVIL MARRIAGE. Ganetade Noticias Feb. As was to be expected the cabinet, by a despatch to the Sociedade (aviso) dated 14U1 inst. addressed Central de Immigraçao, declared that the plan was accepted by the gov(idea) of civil marriage ernment and that ali efforts would be used to make it law. Unhappily, however, in this disevil that exists, as a patch, is revealed the great of decotnposition, in ali germ of fermentation and the laws, regulations, despatches and other official acts, legislative or executive; timidity and a want of fixed principies, which are necessáry to a useful undertanding of public affairs. The despatch says. ••it is necessáry to take steps as to this question of civil marriages, modifying our laws in reference to the marriages oí those .not Roman catholics {acatholicos) and for the government to assume this responsibility; the Cabinet of June 6th recognized the necessity of deciding this question and made it one of the principal topies of its programme when appearing before the General Assembly"; this means, simply and positively, that we are to continue assistance they receive from parentál governin this enormous confusion of having various public ments. That cane sugar will ultimately triumph — . . funetionaries, some civil, and some clerical and^ ^ ill(pr0vecl methocls, ^ d_ '.^ civil, which are to have public credit in civil lav^ can be increased, it is said, at product .1 *__ f__-v.r--.--._l authority -mttinritv should «linnld legis leClSur-,i. temporal the where alone' least 35 and in many cases 50 per cent. With to acatholicos as laws late. What can change our' lhe present primitive methods, British índia— has what discussed, has the What mean ? press which produces more sugar than any other counbeen presented to parliament, is not only the try—according to official documents can produce it '4cerlain number of intention of giving rights to a at one cent. a pound. individuais without fixed religious views, nor to "• •\ COFFEE. those who have no pastors nor priests oi their church in Brazil, nor finally to those who having religious Since 1878 the coflee trade of the country has beliefs, have no externai ceremonies ; even were and steady expansion, that of last a this so, it would be something and this something shown gradual being the largest in its history. The consumpis what the present cabinet wishes. What has been year capita has increased from 6.51 pounds in discussed, what is asked for and what is desired is tion per to 9.52 pounds in 1883. The Netherlands conthe decreeing, fixed and clear, of a civil law in 1878 the largest amount of coffee, reference to marriage and the efficacy of a civil sume proportionately capita. The lowest pricé recorded register of deaths and births. Government cannot 17 pounds per under reyiew was in November, 1882, intrude in, nor parliament decree, anylhing in in the years fair Rio sold at auction on a basis of 7c. This reference to matters of conscience; the legislature when never quoted as a basis of private sales, has nothing to do with the beliel of the betrothed; price was fact that coffee was sold at aucits action is limited to the marriage contract and its but it is a recorded that figure. The New York Coffee Excivil effects, allowing liberty to ali in respect to tion at in the same year, and after the religious ceremonies according to their various change started in Brazil with representacreeds. The legislature, in decreeing civil mar- forrnation of a syndicate Europe, the combination and riage, does not, nor can it, prohibit the religious tives in this country kept it above its value ceremony; (that to Catholics is a sacrament, but to put coffee up to I2^c and many others merely an act of evoking) the prayer until the beginning of April last year; when the lost heavily besides for the blessings oí the supreme and invisible market broke. The syndicate the difference in Power. This duplication of ceremonies is purely taxing the consumers $8,900,000, artificial price. The consumpa voluntary act, as in France, Italy and other the legitimate to the States is principally countries where the State perfectly understands the tion of coffee in the United forming 76.31 per these varieties, boundaries oí its attributes. And, it may be noted, confined to Brazil finest coffee in that the system of clearly defining what is a mar- cent. ofthe total consumption. The and in the ProGeylon in is produced riage contract is seen in countries where there are the world The estimated índia. many Catholics; fervent, even fanatical Catholics; vince of Mysoie, British where the Calholic press is daily, strong, powerful; stock in this country and Europe of Brazil coffee Adding to where finally one is Catholic from conviction or on December 1 was 3,544,007 bags. interest, and not through custom, nor because, this the stocks afloat and at points of shipment in "it is the through incapacity to discuss the question, producing countries it will aggregate 6,000,000 shameful to say one is not a Catholic" as happens bags. in our land, a country so Catholic that there is not sufflcient support to easily keep up a journal, NEIV YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. not daily and of small dimensions! The apprehension of the cabinet, and of many good people is that The New York 1omniereial Bullelin puhlishes the creeds for our íorefathers may be insulted, as the following table of operations on the exchange if our íathers'creeds were very defensible among for the years : us, from that date when the clergy will no longer 1884 18S3 be paid by the public coffers, but be taken charge 869,501 287,250 bags ... of by the religious. Moreover, creeds are not in January 614,250 February.. 527,500 question; to define rights and escape ofTenses is 1,458,750 .. .. March 410,500 sought. If civil marriage be decreed for ali, ali 612.750 April 753.75° will be equal not only in the eyc of the law, but 648,750 May 577*5°" also in public opinion; a fact that the legislator 420,000 778,000 cannot avoid, if he allows the marriages celebrated June 516,250 509,000 by priests and those registered civilly equality as July ... August 370,000 598,250 to civil rights. This is a very hurtful defect in 353,75° 568,750 a country that requires immigration and is the September. 842,250 October... 448.500 of the Portuguese copy of a legislative stupidity 619,250 673.75» November. parliamen'. December. ,077,000 355.25° THEY laid out a new town in Dakotalast fali, and bags 7,356.750 Total 7.521,750 called it Golden City. A Chicago spectilalor who The fíulletin says lhe year was even duller than was out there took 500 lots at $5, ami in thirty days the price oí the city lots had gone to $25 each- 1883 beyond the result shown by the above figures. Some one built and opened a saloon, and the On January 8th the directory was elected. Five figures jumped to $50. A second saloon went up, tickets verv voted, the successful one being comand the city lots changed hands at $75 apiece. posed of Messrs. T.T. Barr, pre. ident Otto Arens, The Chicago man was advised to sell, but he con- vice president; J<.hn F. Scott. t easurer; Messrs. cluded to hang on for a few more saloons. The R. G. Arnold, T. T. Barr, James N. Jarvie and snow carne, and it was with difíicuily the Chicago W. G. Crcnshaw Jr. trustees for three year., and man'.s agent cuuld get through the drilt. to find the Mr. L. Maddux for two years to fill a vacancy The governing complace desertetl by human Iteiugs; but on a tree »a> caused by a resignation. "sell reading, whole a sign city for $lo.'* mittee is composcd of Mes .rs. Otto Arens H. you the — Exchange. Menti and S. M. Lehman. —The From the Statist, Jan. 31, To the Editor of the "Statist." Str,—.1 notice that the Times ncwspaper, in its impression of the 3rd instant, gives a reprint of the Rio Gas Company's recent circular. Comparing present prices of the Government Bonds of Brazil with what they were a year ago, there is a material depreciation in values, and this must be a serious matter for that country, in the face ofthe Government being very shortly compelled to come into the market to borrow more money. Brazil will find it no easy task to another loan, except on terms very onerous, unless she keeps a watchíül on guard at home, and discountenances any action of semblance the officials having of her the part those sharp practice, and prevents a continuance of unwise acts which have become rather frequent of late, to the disparagement of the Ministry at Rio. The granting of so many concessions, to "friends," for sugar factories and railways that cannot be for years needed, which are sold in this country for large sums of money, and which the Government now seeks to repurchase out of the already too much drained Treasury, do not make a good impression; but now we hear that the Government is being pressed lo become the possessor oíthe Anglo-Brazilian Railways—viz., Recife and San Francisco, Bahia and San Francisco," and San Paulo. The Braziliàn Government already has the control of two or three State railways and has been over and over again advised to sell them, and lo Will it separate their management from the Slate. be wise enough lo do this ? State management is wasteful in ali commercial undertakings in ali countries; but in Brazil it is a hy-word and a very upas to the country. The State has been trying its hand for some years past in construeting railways in Brazil; the cost per mile would astonish the mosl lavish. The canying-out of such works by lhe Government is used lor political ends, and it has a most cankering effect, as is too apparent to ali who visit the country; and the present financial condition of Brazil is without doubt in great part, Ifany lhe outeome of this énervaling influeiice, of managethe results lo show wai.tèd probfbe ment in two splendid lines of railway, it is only need fui to compare the Don Pedro Second state line with that of the San Paulo, which is in the hands of practical administiators. The time is near at hand when, unless the Braziliàn Government takes a clear view ofthe criticai condition and needs of the country it will bc too Inte to avert a catas- I am, sir etc, Well-Wisher ok Brazil: London, January 15. trophe. R/l-ER PLATE ITEMS. Standard Feb. i2th. Buenos Aires Custom House will give this month (January) "three millions" National doliars. This is the greatest monthly yield on record. We do' remember when the whole rental for a year did not reach what it now gives in a single month, and this with half the export duties abolished. ,,¦. —Capitain Matherson, ofthe steamer Clyde, has been released from prison on his honorable acquittal by the Federal Judge of the charge of homicide. It appears that the captain let fiy one night with a shot gun at a thieí he saw stealing away from his vessel. The fellow died of his wounds, and the captam had to be tried. It is very rarely indeed that a case of homicide or anything else is so Dr. Balbin and Mr. Mitre y quickly decided here. Vedia as interpretei-, carried captain M. triumphantly through the trial. Herald Feb. 13. — The number of cattle killed in the saladeros oí Banda Oriental during 1884 was 853,600 head, and in the Argentine coast 316,800. —Dr. Rawson says that in 1883 the population of Buenos Aires was 310,000, with 8,510 deaths, of which 1,505 were cases ofsmall-pox. —Reports from the wheat region of Olavarria state that the crop will be ali that could be desired both as to quantity and quality. The harvest is roughly computei! at 75,000 fanegas. —The Liebig's saladero in lhe Uruguay exported during January 18,850 salted hides, 408,780 ks tallow, 15,724 do extract of beef, 10,051 preserved tongues, represen ting an official value of $178,154 m/n. —The country would get on if Government would sell ils railways and litiild no more, close out its banking, and let this business remain with the people. Not lie jealous oí private enterprise, bul Ireat capital and emigrant generously, be content lo govern, and with as much eeonomy as efficiency would allow. —The English Bank (and not the London and River Plate as we once said) has thirty protested gold pagarés, whose colleclion in gold it will endenvour to enforce. It will sueceed in the end, bul lhe chances are that the case will be prolonged until there. is no further need of opposing it. There certainly never was a more arbitary usurpation of illegal authority than the curso forzoso decree, nor do we recall in the history of any country a more high-handed inlciference with It ought to be resisted by men private contraets. of ali parlies as a dangerous precedem and of untold damage to the country. The wrcng may st and for a while, but it will bringits crop of curses in good time. —The following arrivals and departures have tnken place during the past month in the Immigrants' Hotel: 9,753 arrived in ali, of whom 8,957 were Italians, 494 Austrian., 89 French, 75 Spauinids, 43 Swiss, 38 Germans, 16 Portuguese, and 9 Hungarians. Of these, 5,150 are agricultura, la—The Western Railway is a fine line. In bourers, 490 day labourers, 238 bricklayers, 172 January 18S4 its recipts were $247,689 m/n, and carpenters, 127 shoemnkers, 73 tailors, 67 ironlast month $308,875. This is a most respectable workers, 37 bakers, 37 lime-burncrs, 21 engineers, increase indeed. 14 millers, 25 miners, 83 stone-cutters, Sojewellers, —The following is a comparative table of the 12 gardeners, 12 barbers, 10 painlers, 8 makers of Western Railway retnrns for the months of January niacaroni, 7 seiilptors, 6 wine-growers, 3 architecls, ofiS84and 1S85:3 taiiners, 2 druggisls and 233 of various other 188... 1884. callíngs. Amongst these, 987 women and 1,825 85,789.77 children are not included. 63,934.61 Passengers —The totnl value of the imports into the 18,156.48 12,821.28 1 'ackages port of 191,360.02 Buenos Aires during the mònth of Januarv was 161,183.61 Merchandise 6,701.50 $8,143,291 against $4.973,122 in January 1884; and Warehouse 5.958-52 2,5°5-57 Télegraph 3,814.00 lhe value of the exports was $5,704,652 against Funerais 404.74 590.81 $7,182,788 in January 1884. The customs duties 1,663.34 received were, for imports $2,235.017, and for 861.24 Various exports $231,040, against $1,540,086 and $473,Total. 247,669,57 308,075.92 748 respectively in January 18S4. The amount —The railways construeted since the fali of received for import duties was great ly increased in Rosas sum up 2,300 miles, which have cost So conseqüente of the unusually large impoiiations milhou dollars: the mileage and capital compared effected préviously to January ist and which the with population in various countries shew thus— merchants have been allowed lb clear at the old rales. RR cap. Miles —The arrivals of imigrants in the month oí January were splendid 20,970; so long as we can keep up at that rate "curso forzoso" is at most but a mere passing cloud. per 10,000 inb. Ai g. Republic United States Fra rice 8 21 5 per inli 27$ "5 °5 (ireat Britain 5 110 Germany 5 5° 20 Rússia 2 —Telegraphs are likewise very advanced, though scarcely 20 years old in tliis republic, the lines now working reaching a length of 10.250 miles. The proportion to population is as follows :— Miles per icy_o inhab. Argentine Republic United Kingdom France.. Germany United States Austrália Canada 35 7 12 10 22 62 25 1'HIRTY-SIX years ago the foiindations oí the Washington Monument were laid on the banks of the Potomac River, and a few days ago the structtire was completed. On the 22(1 of next February —lhe I53d anniversarv of Washington'., birth—this monument is to be dedicated with appropriale ceremonies. It may interest our readers to know that this great shaft oi stone and maible is now the highest strueture in the world—555 feet. The great Pyramid ul Egypt is 480 feet ; the tower of the Cathedral at Sttas-dnirg 468 feet; the spire at L.ndslint, Germany, 465 fect; the dome of St. I _ler's, at Ronic, 457 feet; the pyramid of Oieplireii, 454 íeet; and St. Stephen's. at Vinena, 441 feet. The monument stands on an open space, sqiiares away from any buililing. There is nothing to obstinei the view <>íit from the rear of the White House or the east end oí the Tr_a«urv BuiUIing; and there is nothing between it and the l'.!«)m_c River.—Exchange. «*"-- 7*T ¦ ~~ L "".^'fr.yxí ':'¦¦*"¦¦ ¦ ¦"!?"*''* 7 "•""¦ ""•'"' '7 r'"~ "7^- ¦"•y-".". *"**7;7 :" ':" '.»-.' ;.¦.¦>.,... , ¦ ¦ .¦ " ¦ 7- . ¦ ¦ '¦'..,.-.. ¦¦ :...¦:¦¦¦¦-.:'.-;¦ ^ THE Legislative Notes Feb. i§.—The conuniitee on crédcpliáís has not yet presented a report. RIO —The S. Paulo papers hear that nine chevaliers d'inditslrie arrived in Santos, but they feli out, one turned informei* to lhe police and the swindlers are so closely watched that their business is seriously interfered with. Cruel police! NEWS. 5 —The January traffic receipts of the Campos and Carangola railway were 64,3o8$9oo and expenses 3l,28o$o8i. —Tlie traffic receipts of the "Bahia ao S. Fran- —The vacancy heraldry. King at Arms is dead and there is a for such a person as is inventivo in —While we Brazilians call paving stones parallelepipedos, the Buenos Aires people call them adoquines. Funny is n't it ? —An unfortunate mother, on learning that her -f 7 ' cisco" railway in November were 47,io7$830 and —S, Paulo is to have a great factory for the expenses 38,964$ 180. preparation of lard, pork, etc. The ground has been son was hoplessly ili, jumped from a third floor pnichased and an agent sent to lhe United States lo purchase the necessary machinery. The factory window in the Rua da Saude on the morning of the of the out drive American to 22nd and was instantly killed. produets Feb. 17.—The above named journal gives ifie próposes —O Paiz oi the 151b thinks lhe United States I —A peculiar feature in the earthquake subscripnumber of Deputies approved at 68, of which 29 Brazilian markets. in ahad is --An extension of time for six months has been wayTmancially. tions is the number of lottery tickets offered to the are conservatives, 26 government liberais, 11 op¦ —Tlie Factories Sugar conimittee. Rio de It looks just a little bit like soliciting Diário Officiai received 5,6i9$340 injangranted the Janeiro Central posilion liberais and 2 republicans. "Typogiaphia Nacional" 38, _79$26o. charity to come out for speculation. Feb. 18.—The coinmiltèe ou credeiiliáls reported Company for completing the usines at Araruatna uary aid the supply for and the tlie contracts Mangaratiba; and —The local lhe native insurànce companies have the uncontested elections and the three committées papers say that «ali the paper money presentVilla ed shares and de S. of lhe usines at Matta cane to João and money to the value of §;ioq$-among in the Treasury has been signed. The number of for héaiing the parties interested in those contested I do Conde of the Bahia Central Sugar Factories the ol.irer.s and men of our fire departmél^». notes is said to be 5,300,000 and the value 17,by lot. drawn A peculiar feature is, that were approved; the supply to the first wil ' —One are Company 200,00.0$. The government expended 21,200$ in whereas Deputy Affonso Celso Jr, is among those pound of oak-bark in fourteen pounds of be 30,750 metrical tons of cane and to the second whose election is contested he has acted as secretary boiliru» water will niítke eight yards of canvas water- the matter. 28,200 tons. —Two more accidents caused by the trams: a and is a niember of one of the committées. proof. But we don't grow oak-bark in Brazil. --The slave population of the province oi Sta. child killed and an old black-woman's hand crush—Tiere are some awful diseases in Rio: Feb. ig.—The three committées of nine each foi* febre he to estimated last was on Catharina June 30U1 exàmining into contested elections were sworn in exarilluinatica ; nephrite intersticial; nephrite pa- ed. Will they never take steps to preveni conthe Rio Branco law the slatistics are: 8,317; and since and will commence their labours to-inorrow. ienchimatosa and encephaliie lachidiana are samples. verting our streets into race-courses, where the cais represent not only the horses, but infernal 011 301b Sept. 1873.. '3*547 —Tlie Feb. 20.—The commitees have made no reports. Registered police sueceeded in capturing the man who machines also ? 1,776 Arrivals A petition from planteis of Campos was presented, stabbed onother on the 15Ü1. He confessed his 2,765 989 —The Diário Popular of Lisbon says: "the Departures in which the necessily of abolition is virtually crime, but says it was committed in self-defence. recognized, and the petitionersask ; that a period of Deaths 1,591 Beaulies of the Carnival ! On Sunday the 15U1, Marquis of Vallada went to show himsell on the 12,558 seven years be marked for lhe total emancipation Emancipation 2,593 4,184 a mulatlo was stabbed in the Rua da Carioca and 20U1 ultimo at the Prado fair in a gala carriage, wilh footmen, long-beards on the box and out of Brazil; for a law creating correctional tribunais died almost immediately. The miirderer was 8.317 The fair was not the best chosen oceasion ridérs. where insignificant questions may be settled, wilhinaskeil and escaped. figures, in the be a mistake There seems to for so much show, for it was a miile fair." Hard out the delay now inseparable from legal questions; —We are aware lhat Saigon was intended, on the Marquis is it not ? quite transcribe. which we lor the orgànizatiòn of a great bani. of emission, *\\ when Setigon was printed, but none the less do —The grand procession for collecting contribubased on a deposit of apólices with branches in we thank our correspondeut. It was what Artemus certain provinces and the obligation to lend money tions in aid af the sufferers by lhe earthquakes in Ward used to call a goal: lo the planteis at 6 per cent. with a maxinuim If was rather a fanSpain carne offon the 22nd. —Improbus labor omnia vincil, says a genlleman aniortization of 5 per cent.; an increase of duties mind the old time Cartastic afiair, and called to —By decree of the 141b such changes were who is desirous of getting up an exhibition of news- niyal, without the masks. It served its purpose howon maize, beans, potatoes, rice and other articles the staff oi the D. Pedro II railway as will papers from everywhere. He can not bc a news- ever for lhe streets through which the route lay which we unfortunately import etc. We regret made in of 13,755-$. in an annual saving paper man himself surely. were filled with people and ali the windows crowdwe have not tlie space to-day to coniment on this result —The "Caixa Econômica" here received during ed. —Tlie November traffic receipts, as reported by repiesentação which has called forlh praises from We shall no doubt have more of these our colleagues. the fiscal engineer, of the Bahia Central railway January 011 deposit 425,65o$5oo and paid out 376,- processions. The immense crowd were very or63Ó$6o5 ; the balance due depositors on lhe 3151 derly and we signalize the fact with pleasure. were 36,419$! 15 and expenses 30,2Ó5$785. was i2,o82,3o5$5l6. —The Japanese, if some of our provincial e::—The November traffic receipts of the Minas ult. —The premiei* in a dispatch to the vice-president changes are right, have a unique m.anner of freeing and Rio company were 37,952$97o, expenses 29,They close the chamof the "Sociedade Central de Immigração" recog- their houses of mosquitoes. 533$49°. —The receipts at lhe Ceará custom house in a lighted lantern, which is first and hang up nizes the necessity of a marriage law for persons bers —The traffic railway and were Carangola 87,0I4$I2S. Campos January smeared with honey; the light attracts the mosquito who are not Roman Catholics. —During January there were 14 marriages and receipts in 1884 were 59o,93i$89l and expenses —The Portuguese Cônsul denies that any and the honey finishes him. Now, in certain parts The company 247,242$7oo. balance 343,6S9$i9l; 40 baptisms in Santos. Good, for Santos ! documents to bearer were stolen from the Con- of the United States it is slated, they shoot the under 18S kilomelres. traffic has —There seems to be a.s much trouble with lhe sulate, and while he says the amount stolen is pests and need No. 6 shot fot the purpose. While The fiscal engineer's report of the November known, he does not say what that amount may be. Mark Twain prescribes lying in bed until ali the telephonic service at Santos, as we have here in mosquitoes get under the net, slipping out quickly Kio. traffic of the "Recife ao S. Francisco" railway An American exchange says there are $40,000,shut them in, and go to sleep 011 the floor. —The Ipanema iron works received in fanuary gives receipts at I05,i70$88o and expenses 44,- 000, say 1,000,000,000$, of unclaimed funds in the —The Gazela da Tarde of the 20th says : "We í>39$352Could not the American United States Treasury. 4,45o$92Ó against 5,7I4$473 for the same month oi 1SS3. ll is expected that work 011 the Macahé government be induced t»> loan these unproductive hear lhat in the Recebedoria (internai revenue dedepartment) there oceurred some days ago a very O Paiz says that tlie relatório of the president extension of the Rio Bonito branch of the Canta- funds to the empire ? fact to which we call the at—We had the pleasure of seeing one of our high- serious (giavissimo) of Rio Grande do Sul acknowledges (aceusar) a galló railway, province of Rio de Janeiro, will be tenlion ofthe minister of finance. A clerk of this inaugurated to-day (23rd). déficit of 107,000$. ly ornamental fountains at work a few days ago, department went wilh an account of taxes to a Dr. Carlos Eboli, the founder of the liydro—The fiscal engineer reports the traffic receipts but it has struck since. Are these fountains merely merchant of our city and illegally (indevidamente) foroinament, or are they intended for the use of such "Recife ao Limoeiro" palhic establishment at Nova Friburgo, died in for November 011 the (Great received that which could only be received by the avail of them for their Kio on the ítjtj. inst. Western of Brazil) railway at 87,852$6.So and of our population as wish to We know (sabemos) that on regular collector. no water supply? We see preparation about them —The Victoria, Espirito Santo, custom house expenses 59,520$l8o. account, the name of the collector is counterthe for even quenching one's thirst. feited, which renders the case still more serious. collected in January 35,994$377« against 27,263^275 —A São Paulo paper says lhat the Oeste de —A telegram received by the New London and This item is for the same month of 1Í.S4. given with ali reserve, but should de Minas railway had ordered from Rio a large the 14U1 announced the death at awaken the recognized zeal of the minister of on Bank Brazilian —The Manáos, province of Amazona'., custom quanlity of Portuguese potatoes for distribution Pau, of Mr. William Scully, formerly editor of the finance, who only thinks of the moralization of his house receipls for the six months July to De- among the planters of S. João d'el Rey to promote Ançlo-Brazilian Times of this city. Mr. Scully department.'' cember 1S84—were 387,4921206. the planting of this almost iyidispensible esculent. left Kio in very bad health, but his death will be a —Tenders lor the Santos port impiovement We ofTer our —Including the tax on tickets and.other govern- painfui surprise to his friends here. A Sl-ÀNlSH writer calls to mind that the earlhworks are called for. They are to presented up ment chargés lhe Bàturité railway receipts for 1884 sympathy lo his widow and children. quakes in Andaluzia were forecast by the celebrated to April 141I1 próximo in S. Paulo. 261,157$793The and expenses In Engwere 209,5oS$6_4 The 6311! concert of lhe Club Bcelhoven was prophet of the Pyrenees, Bug de Milás. —The provincial safe (cofre provincial) at Maceió balance, 3S,35o$82i, is 32,452$228 less lhan last ! Zadkisl, author astrologer, of famous another not but land did be desircd, as varied a bànquet as could on Ô Paiz, according to on is 109*4 kilometres long deposit, and is line announced The almanach ha»l 76,304$235 year. I allogethèr satisfy lhe fastidious taste of the criticai a very popular prophetical of the fact the marthe I2lh inst. Might it not have becn sent lo Rio? government property. I critic of the Jornal, who leais that lundus and some months in anticipation with Prince Henry of of Beatrice Princess —The deaths in Santos during January were 48; —The Rio Claro, S. Paulo, railway traffic re- • other opposites of classical music may be introduced riage Lnavoidable circunistan- Battenberg. In view of this result, that much surof which 29 were males and 19 females; 21 were ceipts for the last half oi 1S84 leit a balance of into future programmes. our atiending. Could we have caus- passes Nostraldamus and Paracelsus, an English from I to 10 years old and l between 90 and íoo. 97,t75$0I5* the receipls being r7Õ,259$gi5 and ces prèventeii paíer, the Daily Nèivs, consulted a prophet of --The Visconde de Itú presented the Miseri- expenses 79,o.S4$90o. For the twelve months of ed the varied programme ? reputation in London, as to the events to be —There was an important robbery discovered on great cordia hospital in S. Paulo with 100.000$ in '8.S4 the receipts were 3_o,500$8to :tn»l expenses expected in 1885. It seems that the year 1885 will hypothecaiio noles of the lianco de Credit»» Real i49.033$6oo; balance i6i,4Ó7$2lo. lhe 171b at the Portuguese Consulate in this city. one. In February there is to be a ' to bearer be a terrible de S. Paulo. —The annexed figures show the produetion of The sum stolen in money and documents and in March a horrible storm in catastrophe For the place of notai v public at Macahé, estimated at from 800.000$ to 300.000$. great steel rails in lhe United States year by yeai during is variously London; in June, an exalted personage of England ihinks tlie defalcation has been going on candidates. are 13 O Paiz there of de I —1874, Rio 1883, inclusive: ending with Janeiro, province the ten years will be seriously endangered. through an unexpectThe disappòinted twelve will utuloubted.)' cnll lhe 144,944 tons; 1875, 290,863 tons; 1876, 412,461 lor s»»ine time and as the documents lefi were lo e»l and surprizing oceurrence in Turkey ; in April more lhau implies where the criminais are to order lucky one, Judas. '^T8. t°'is : t°»s. 1877, tons; 55°«398 432«,69 there are to be earthquakes ; Áustria is to be in—There is to be another central sugar factory 1879. 683,964 tons; 1S80, 954.460 tons; 1SS1. be sotight. volved in a war; about the same time one of the most —The Folha Xota learns irom recent illustrious establishèd in lhe province of Rio ile Janeiro, in the 1,330,302 tons; 1882. 1,438,155 tons; and 1S1S3. persons of England will die. It is perStates, in the —çe. United <if doctors 62,000 Nictlier.div. are there thal district of Cordeiros, municipalily 1.2S11,554 tons. fectly certain that the Emperor William will die this in her colonies, and in Great Britam 32,150 There is no interest guarantee. vear, noi from violence. but from either an apo.lectic \ recent railroad/eat in transportion illustrates 3«,ooo F.rance, in and Áustria-liungary, 36,300 Germany —A Maceió paper says that an Alrican niother attack. or Irom paralysis; the Emperor may rest in how near México has been brought by the compleRussia ; total 181,450 in 6.000 in Italy and 10,000 lie very surprizing if but son, slave free her to money has saved enough peace until June, but it will tion of railroad omnectioiis. The Baldwin ..«.comoto licensed of those lot seem a It does Ds. M. cholera will appearin was In he pa>s September. she cannot find out where the boy i«. Me July, tive \Y«>rks fmished four heavy locomotives for Italy will lie the Aiistria; collcague the not whv does and ravage But publish Amenca shipped fr«»m Maceió tn Pernambuco in Febr. 1877. México, and shipped them from Philadelphia kitl. On September 26th of catastrophe. a victim bc interestmg. would great Brazilian statisties ? They —Tlie Santos harbour improvements are t»> he : December 15 disaster in a theatre or in a The shipmeitt, with accompanymg is to lie a there great Both the police an I the "Camara Municipal" college. Shortly aficr a high funetionary of the a <juay 910 ntetres long, 7 bonded warehoiises and extras. &C, aggregated tweU'e car-loads. Tlie conlhe Kingsof Italy, Greece. *ted for their trans- published prohibitions of this disgraceful water- United States will «lie. Mindry stippl. mental works; the work must be signees had previ<»us!y contra of Turkey are in serious and the Sultan Saxonv notice more No during the Carnival. completed in. thiee years, and the contrnrlor will portation by the Blue l.ine. via Philadelphia and throwing lhe end there will T.nvards during the «»f their prohibitions. lhan of the reniark- peniwar. or th reaisyear. of war, in Rússia, Tunis, on the Reading Railroad from Philadelphia, the Atchison, was taken ilojKisii 100.000$ as a guatantee. be Innune-s. For lhe three days lhat this idiotic West coast of África and in British índia. A tèlegnnn to tlie Jornal da Commtrtío of Topeka and Santa Fe Railway from K tnsas City, of the p Asia in Central earlhauakes any without iu Holland, iations Central Railway from El Paso tn Carnival lasts the city i*« virtually very seriouand a Ireiand tlie 2lst states lhat some 300 slave* have been and the Mexican in catastrophe a be great twelve cars were run n<* police. Fortunately very few persons were to calamity in America.—Dtarto de iVofinas. discovered in lhe province of Ceará. whose masters the City of México. The public as find malucos such Mreets except on the seen Leaving Philaway through. ali the Feb. II. Such of our readers as can. will Bahia, train have n«»t ieg)*teied iheni nor |>aifl any taxes on a S|>ecial «luties obhgc wlio>e wetting those kindly inform n«s as to how much of this comes hi enjoyinent reached of Dccemlicr 15. they thriu. Tlie amhoríties are .aking -tep* delplna on the nighi Irue. out to the city. come — them io the Cin of Mevto. January l. Exehiinçt. in the matter. Feb. iô.—The Gazeta de Noticias says lhat the committee have approved 6o diplomas, ns not contested of which 28 are conservatives, 23 government and 9 opposition liberais. Local Notes Railroad Notes Provincial Notes :_rT-üir«ü__. "^'¦''li^WiiajjBjg ¦ '7 .''¦¦'. '.'¦¦ THE ^ Commercial Rio de Janeiro, Febivary Par value of the Brazilian mil reis (iSfooo), gold in U. S. do d0 do do stg coinat$4 84 per £1 do $1.00 (U. S. coin) Brazilian gold..... of £1 stg. in Brazilian gold do --3rcl, 1885 27 cl. 54 45 cents. t$837 8 889 18 J_ d. Bank rate of exchange on London to-day 699 rs. gold reis mil (paper).... Brazilian Present value of the S. do do do in U. 37 75 cts. coin at $4 8o.per ^1 stg Brazilian Value of $1.00 [$4.80 per £1. stg.] in 2 649 currency [paper] 12^715 Value of^t sterling DAILY COFFEE REPOR1S. to New York Rio Associação Commercial daily cablegram market. regarding position and quotations of the Coffee o. o arq g.a. *l 8 s n p P^ ft o ; 3,336 -The R. M. S. TViwmr, arrived on the 15U1. brought Feb. 14 Havre Fr str Ville de Maceió' 628 Petropolis Bank. str Hambnrg Germ 19 Brazilian and London £,0,000 in gold to the New 83 Equateur. Fr str Bordeaux 19 thf Docas of -At the general meeting of the shareholders was Nielsen Mr. Emil Elsewhere : D Pedro II company held on the ,9th, Domingos Oliveira, de Pinto Messrs and josé 111 elected director íeb. 19 River Plate Br str Tamar. Moreira d» Rocha 220 Araucanta. Ferreira de Araújo Seara and jeronymo ai Valparaiso Brito, auditors. Receipts for the past nine days have averaged 8,360 bags, -"Brazilian Securitics have again been ollercd this week, against 7,628 for the preceding nine days, and thc daily of what Brazilian railway partly under a misconception since the ist inst. is: average A road bearing a government gliarantee guarantee: means 8,047 bags its working etpenses, having eamed insufficient to cover in 1884 against trenched upon, and the „ been has 9,954 the government guarantee not the government has 1883 9.558 shareholders have imagined that Jan.fei, 1882 agiee.nent."-.S7«^ 4,701 with accordance paid up in * 13,817 ,, for 1881 „ house january custom -The receipls at the Santos n 33 a- tr P TO' w trq cr u rs SALES OF STOCKS AND SHAKES. a February 14- 3 3 • Ul o Six per cent apólices 27 **« uj ^3 *• ^, S.*fP . -i *3 4,ooo!p C 1,600$ 3 do O. 3 2 I 2 ò** U M io ^¦o5,Suo 5* 1,000 Sovereigns 8,700 Franes -¦ 25 Banco Brazil Padua R.R de Antônio S. 75 deb. 10 Jardim Botânico tramway 200 deb. Fei ry Co "i 8§°0 * H -"I t; 39 Six per cent apólices. 12 O ™ ^ * * í';l"õ«'So, _) " * 3» » -M -o "a.rí ;*li "õ ° t s 00 S. "fl » S 5,^^80,^ 10 200 I ' \' -Ti 30 10 % Fessets làading and to had. 000 500000 300 coo 1,069 000 12 930 *« 5i3 ^ 000 140 do do WEEKLY SUMMA RY. February t4th. 62,000 ongs the week Sales for United States during 12,000 ,, Sales for Europe do do 000 ,. States S9. Sailing clearances for the United Steamer clearances do (2) Elsewhere 37.°°° and Europe for Clearances 4S Six per cent apólices i,5o4 do 3,500$ 1868 Gold Loan6% 83 °ò New York Br str Siiius Ptolemy '• do ,, Sikh do ,, do Belg str Hipparchus Port ship Amciica do bark Triumpho do ,, Baltimore Amer bk Serene Gamaliel do ,, do ,, Julia Rollins 106 \ Br str Ashbrooke do New Orleans Belg str Pascal Galveston Ger schr Clementina London and Havre Br str La Pinta Hamburg Ger str Baumwall lOÓJá % Havre *><*9 °°° 1,070 000 '38 00° 5OOO0° 000 ?5053 140 000 14° °°° í3> OOO 230000 161,000 51,000 15,000 13,000 54,000 February 2ist. 47.°°° h*^ week Sales for United States during the 8.°°° " do. do. Sales for Europe '".'*"" Sailing clearances for United States 48,000 ("2) .... do Steamer clearances 4,000 Elsewhere Clearances for Europe and 192.000 Stock at Santos this morning Feb 54.°°° 2oth to Receipts during week week 9.°°° during States Sales for United 7.00' do do Clearances 40,000 d» Europe do Banco Commercio Jardim Botânico tramway 14 65 '5J 150 do (241I1) (251b) do do 200 250 Carris Urbanos 40 100 do 60 hyp.notes Banco C. Real do Brazil (6%) Banco Predial 70 ,, February 20. Six per cent apólices BancoBrazil tramway (24tbi 350 Jardim Botânico do (3oth April b. o.) 2oo 200 deb. Carris Urbanos 7% 36 °/0 000 140 000 142 000 146 000 Maskclyne from River Plate: 142 ooo 500 bags 233 000 2 ^4 000 °/o 67}* % 1.070 000 ^ 00° 140000 159 000 o 98 >°7° Six per cent. apólices Rio >^3 Prov. do 3,500$ >/° °°° ,00 deb. LeopoldinaR.R. aoo$ °°° 2*4 150 Carris Urbanos ?ço 000 tramway S. Christovão 150 000 do 200 Jardim Botânico ¦3 00 do 151 000 53' do 11,2 000 100 5*4 152 000 153 000 a;2 000 EXCHANGE. of '/» d and Febmary 14.-The maiket opened at an advance and 626-628 on rates were: i8JÍ on London. 507 on Paris .$690. ComHamburg at 90 d^: on New York at sight of i-#~'9 «1*0 mercial sterling was quoted at the extremes closed Bank sterling was re-passed at i8#. Sovereigns with buyers at 12*070, sellers at i3$ooo. Commercial February 16—Market unchanged and quiet at 3 P «". closed Exchange The 19. at sterli«e i« quotcr* at 12Í900, Sovereigns sold at i2$93°. closing with buyers sellers at i3$940. on London, 503 Febmary 18 Rates were advanced to: 18JÍ at 9odp. on New York —504 on Paris and 624 on Hamburg nn head offices al drew banks English at sight 2I680. The sterling Commercial doing. much not was 18TÍ. There with closed Sovereigns at franes and 19 5°° at was quoted sellers at i3$9SO, no buyers. rates. February 19.—Market quiet, but firm at unchanged was sterling Commercial at done 5°4Bank on Paris was at sight at drafts bank and 19% 19 19. Mt6, quoted at ,8n-,i6. Sovereigns ckwed wilh buyers at taí86o. scll«5 MARKET REPORT. Riode Janeiro, 23rd February, 1884. the 141I1 we have had but Coffee.—Sincc our report of during this pciiod repotted five working days and thc sales European efiected prcvimisly are supposed to have been have increased Receipts reserve. buyers continue to show great will of estimates thc and day question by about 700 bags per of ist thc Since long. July ere again no doubt bc ventilated Prices have been last we have received 2,948.124 bags. A sale of some 5,000 firmly supportcd at our last quotations opinions difietasto but bags from second hands is reported, Our principal commercial paper what ts still in stock. bags. estimates it at 80.000 Sales since our last report have lieen: 6».V4 bags for United States ,. .. Ç»™!» . „ Cape of Good Hope 6,íoi .. Elsewhere 78.986 bags. and since the ist inst they are; the New 335,516 bags íot United States February 20-The only change in the market is that Europe .16 SS-* at ~*J5o london and P,rariian Bank will only draw tm head office Cape of Good Hrpe * N«t 1 EJ*ewnere ia, 531 «• tifi: the other banks d>aw on bankers at that rate much doing; with cmnmcrcisl sterling quoted all$—19!$ afS.aSi bag». <e«m at iií^eo. | Sovereigns cl«ed «iib baftt. ai ufSíft, ati7$9oa River Hay.— The Pascal brought 379 bales from the Plate. Brokers quote at 70—75 reis per kilo. Codfish —Arrivals are. 200 cases per Tamar from England Baumwall from Hamburg. „ 500 At retail tubs are quoted at 23$ooo—24^000 and cases at 27SP000—28^000. Coal.—Receipts have been : 1,506 tnns per Forest Rights from Cardiff Wavc King from Greenock 1,098 ,, Victoria from Newcastle „ ali to dcalers and companies. Cement.—There is no changc*in the market. Rice. —The Rosse brought about 500 bags from London. Brokers quote thc market firm at 9$300—9^400 for invoices and 9$700—9$8oo at retail. Shipping News. 22,000 — — 14,000 8,000 ?.°oo 4,000 6,000 34,000 ARRIVALS OF FOREIGN VESSELS. l'EBRUARV 14Cardiff— Br ship Foi est Rights.- 1132 tons; Murphy; 52 ds; coal to order. OpoRTO—Port bk Nova Vencedora,- 319 tons; Marques; 39 ds; sundries to José Antônio Gonçalves Santos. FEB. 15. 4,200 2,000 — — 4.°o° 2.°°° Richmond—Br bg Aldina; 344 tons; McCarty; 38 ds; flour to Francisco Clemente & Co. Brunswick—Swed bg' Vigilant; 235 tons; Sundbcrg: 55 ds; pine to order. Amer lug 4,5°o Charles Platt; 609 tons; 65 ds; Sharp; pine to order. Bai.ti.mork—Amer bk Grey Eagle; 420 tons; Boyle; 32 ds; sundries to Francisco Clemente & Co. Flour.—The arrivals sincc our last report have been : jw brls. Aldina from Richmond: Dunlop McCance 3.'?4 htU 1,000 ,, 19. \Vesti!r\V!CK—Ger bg Speculaut; 99 tons; Vieveck; pine to C. W. Gross & Co. FEB. 20. Baltimork—Br bk Campanero: 271 tons; Kiehnc; sundries to Phipps Brothers & Co. Gi<t£KNOCK— Br bk Wavt King; coal to Rio Cas Co. Sta. Catharina-Ger bg Activ; ds; ballast to masti-r. 55 ds; 733 tons; Johnston, 64 ds; 199 tons; Mahlmann; 20 4.,i4 NbwCASTLE—Ger bk Victoria: 742 tons; Ilinter; 49 ds; coal lo Watson, Ritchic & Co. Grey Eagle from Baltimore : Codorus Bradley. Baldwin FEB FEB. at. brls 150 7° 4,330 DEPARTURES OF FOREIGN VESSEf.S. Campanero from Baltimore; Castilla Baldwin Bradley Codorus Chesapeake FEB. 1,500 brls 375 ,. 315 " So ,, tons; Fischer; coal ;>,Soo Pastai trom River Plate: 1,000 bags Codorus Mt. Vernon.. FEB. 15, MabaNHAM—Port dries. lug Joven Alberto; 430 tons; Paulo; sun- Aracaju—Port bk tsoliua; 254 tons; Camisa; ballast Cohanin from United States : Jcwell Fosca Castilla Silver Spring. 14 Savannah—Ger lug Diana; 376 lons; Heychen; coffee. Rio Grandr uo Sul—-Dan bg Andreas Linnemanu; 121 500 ,, 1.100 brls FEB. 16 Makanham— Port bk Humildade; 333 tons; Velha: ballast. 960 Soo FEB. 18. 300 200 2CO 3,560brls. 15.954 brls. Exports. 8.071 -00 Indian Corn. — No receipts and quotations are unchanged at 3$8oo—4$ooo for River Plate. The markets show less movement and receipts except of Flour have been moderate. Camival has intei vencd since our last and two Sundays so that the working days were reduced to five. Flour has declined anti is weak; Pine maintains former is now supplied; quotations although the market for Swedish at a decline. weak Lard and advance Kerosene is firm at an 000 °°° "'o do (b. o. 36th). do (281b) Brasil Industrial Turpentine.—None arrived, and it is now quoted at 430—450 reis at retail. FEB. 18. 222 February ai. 500 Market rather weak at about 410 perlb. for invoices and 420 at retail. Rosin.—Arrivals nil and no change in the article. Imports. 1,331 70 .. Fr str Ville de Rio Mediterranean Ital str S. Goitardo Trieste Aust str Manji Cape oi Good Hope Swed schr Grunhild .,07o ooo 106 Lard.—Arrivals have been : 200 kegs per Grey Eagle from Raltimore Campanero do ,, goo bags. February 19. o~ Stock at Santos this moming Feb... Receipts during week to 13A week. during Sales for United States Clearances do do. Europe do. do 103 do Jardim Botânico tramway do b. o. 5thMch • n tt 2^ Carris Urbanos Nacional de Navegação 300 .1 *= « 81 g g ! 881» Swedish Pine.—Arrived S/eculant from Westerwick with 202 dozen which were sold to arrive on private terms. Brokers quote luhite deals at 37$ooo—38$ooo and red ty 39$ooo—^ilfooo. Market supplicd. Kerosene -The Cohanin from New York brougKt 3,500 cases. The qttotation is about 6$30o per case, market with upward tendency. Brokers' quotations are : 2o6 °°° 26 LeopoldinaR.R ;_5° 60 deb. do S* 1 5oS L 3" 3 -° do 7,50o? 700$ | Spruce Pine.—No arrivals. 1880 1879 9.786 February 18. r I £ * I í I i I § I § .-•-¦ Prov. of Rio do Industrial Banco Sorocabana R.R. deb. Leopoldina R.R ^5° Brazileira de Navegação [28th] White Pine.—No arrivals and the qttotation remains at 125 reis per foot. per 10 kilos per arroba 6$40o — 7$8oo Washed 4$360-- sfaio Superior nominal nominal 6800—7000 Good first 4630 — 4770 6 500 — 6 700 Regular first 4 430 — 4 560 — 6000 — 6200 4220 Ordinary first 4090 5600 — 5800 Good second 3810—3950 — 4 000 — 5 200 Ordinary second 3 540 3 270 nominal nominal Capitania 1,069 00° 2720 — 2860 4000 — 4200 Escolha 105 % °/o Stock was this moming estimated to be 116,000 bags in 106 % first and about 75,000 to 80,000 bags in second hajids February 16. 21 Six per cent apólices * w : do 3,000 50 200 ,07 xoo •*> 4.867 were : 350,1814*774 Importation 3J510 000 Port dues 197,202 259 Exportation i6,546 042 Interior 2429 452 Deposits „ ',."¦; .. 3,900 842 ££ 1 Ali other 574.07°ít?369 X "O a í*; Europe : g*• g* w S w S o n •oX » a u o°- o The clearances have been: &«£* United States: rchimedes «9>0l5 A str Br York 13 New Feb. Guadiana 22,939 do 16 ,, 5,000 19 Galveston Gr bg A mazone as.4°4 20 New York Amer str Advance 1 o, 4 50 bk D. Pedro II 21 Baltimore ,, 13.098 Gr str Célia do 21 London -The rates are unchanged, viz : 18% on Jlanuary ai New .$68. and k d* at 90 04 on Pam, 6,4 on Hamburg Commercial stjrhng is York at sight. Market quiet. of 19-.9J- ™* '*ead <4* "*! quoted at the extremes at 19. Sovereigns clotjcd with hands passed from second buyers at i2$87o, sellers at aa$94o. ia rates and litll| moveFebruary 23.-There are no changes ment in the market: f E1 n "i » o Q jj O 2. E. w K vff s* 3 ¦ ¦' o-¦ ¦." ? 3* 2. «__ . *tr I ? ET o " o S. n NEWS. UO Sales have becn about 7.000 brls and slork iu first hands is estimated d" bc : 73,400 brls, American 1,400 ,. Trieste River Plate 1,200 ,. Chili 2,400 ,, 78,400 brls. Brokers quote thc market weak M lhe foH.wing quotations: tfiíooo— i8$ooo ist 17 000—17 500 2nd 16 oo»—16 500 ist 17 500—17 750 ind 16 500—17 osx> Western&lnt. 15 500—17 750 Chili 15 000-16 000 14 500—«5 ooa River Plate Trieste Richmond ,, Baltimore Pitch Pine — Receipts have been 182.266 feet pe' Vigilant fttm Rninswirk, sold at about nfooo and 433,054 f«* «arac place. sold at about 4a$#x>, per Charles Platt from lhe The tnutket is steaily al abou; of cbims, free both price* these piicet Ilha 00 Sai.— Port bk Noemia; 345 tons; Campos; ballast. gT TlíoMAS—Ger schr Polliix; 240 tons: Tortgcise; do. FEB. 19- Clt\Kl.":STON— Br lug Gordon; 349 tons; Mitcbcll; ballast. Maranmam—Port bk Alexandre Herculano; 419 lons; Gomes: sundries. Pkrnambcco— Port bk Ceies; 304 tons; Gomes; do. Bmiia—ltal bg Zio: 330 tons: Schiffiano; do. FEB. 20. Fílkland Islands r;'.i Capr tons; Patmorc; machinery Frio—Br lug Psyehe; 340 Cu.vkston— Ger bg Amasone; 315 tons: Brumund: coffee. Bt-RNOS Aiisks—Port bg Armando: 467 tonv Soares; paving stones. FEB. iu C.vixjx—Br ship Gtyje: 1068 tons; Robert-; ballast. OroHTO— P»rt bk Impnrtw; 645 ton»; Canfcso: sundries. BvnMMH^-lh bg IsaMia Ba.',.¦»>; 308 tons: Bommell; halla--l FEB. a*. Baitimõhk—An-er l>k D /W>n //,' 4T tons: Johnww: cofice. . ... ., 1 ... I,_. . THE VESSELS AFLOAT &> LOADING FOR RIO. 6 Jan, Shiclds A de/e ton Liverpool A rHng ai Jan. Alvega lj0ndon ii Jan. Augusta Lisbon <-'ardifl A tinte Goudrey 19 Jan. Cardiff Aiklçw.. 14 Ja"' Cardiff Britisk£PtiiMcess 17 Jan Liverpool Birgtttt. 20 Jan. Newcastle B. C. Boysen. Brunswick Bay lis.. C. S. Richmond Clara Jane Roíiario Cupid.. 13 Ja»Cardiff Dalhanna 20 London Jan Exctllence Silbern Richmond E. A. Sanches Cardiff Emil L. Boyd Miude Sharpness 15 Jan Fatniliens Falmouth New York 3Üer.. frode Freiderichstndt Galathea.. Cardiff 17 Nov. Cardiff 15 Jan. Gerhard Erdwin G.B.Doane Liverpool 16 Jan. Henry Cardiff 13 Jan. Hansa Westerwick Brunswick Heltn G. Mosely London Hermann Behrendt jsmir Cardiff aó Jan. índia Cardiff Hamburg 22 Nov. J G. Fichte Joaquina Rosário Cardiff John Hougvalstadt JohnT.Ives Liverpool 30 Josephine Brunswick Lusitânia Oporto Lessa London Mallowdale London 18 .Malta Cardiff 26 M.J.Brady New York 5 Cadiz M. J. Foley Liverpool 6 Maria Stoneman Rosário McLeod. London 26 Peter Supetcich Cardiff Robert Kerr Ruby Liverpool 21 Signal New York Solveig Marseilles 4 Schiller Liverpool Sopliie Laurvig 4 Hamburg 16 Sophie Gorbitz Sorensen Cardiff Rosário Tayio, Dkkson União '. Oporto 19 Cardift 20 Ungdoms Venner Liverpool Venus IVilhelmine Rosário 27 IVartior Liverpool 21 Dec. Jan. Jan. JanJan. üec. .«1-1»"»- NEWS. RIO LATEST LONDON QUOTA TIONS OF BRAZILIAN STOCKS AND SHARES. ARRIVALS OFFOREIGN STEAMERS. Fcb. NAMIt Vllftltt'. RROM CONSIGNEI) TO Rosse Blg Glcnbervíi; Br Mnskelyne Br V. de Maceió Fr Tamar Br Bisagno Itnl Ptolemy Br Célia Gr . Baumwall Gr Petropolis Gr Equateur Fr Sirius Br San Gottardo Ital Còhanin Br La Plata Br Pascal Belg Chatham Br Araucania Br London* 27d Antwerp 27a River Plate 4^d Santos 19I1 South'ton* 23d Gcnoa* 23d Liverpool* 25d Santos :d Hamburg* 28d Rosário* i6d River Plate 4d Liverpool* 35c! Genoa* 58c! New York* 4od River Plate 3^d do sd Porto Alegre* gá Liverpool* 2sd Norton,M'w & C E Peclier & C Norton, M'w &C A. Leuba & C Royal Mail G. Cresta & C Norton,M'w & C H. Stoltz & C E. Johnston & C do Messagerics Mar Norton,M'w &C F. & Tarolara Monteiro H. &C Royal Mail Norton,M'w &C do Wilson Sons & C "RAILWAY NEWS" OF JANUARY 24TH. EXTRACTED FROM THR "STATIST," AND Government Stocks. -• '875 5 per et. Loan 98—100 84—86 1879 4J4 ., 95-97 82-83 1883 4*á .. 95-97 Railways. paid paid 20 Imp. Braz. Natal& Nova .Cruz d'A—7lA 17^—18 * per et guarantee 20 Alagoas, Lim. . scrips^ per et 73—7° do. 98—too 100 deb do 100 Minas & Rio Lim. 7perct. guar 20 22 20J4—21% 20 Bahia a S Francisco 7 per et. guar ... 101—103 do deb. 6 per et IOO 12 10 Great Southern Brazilian 20 100 Porto Alegre & Nova Hamburgo deb 6%.. 80—84 18—19 Bahia Cent. ,, Imp 20 roo Recife a S. Francisco 7 per et. guar 95—97 99—101 do deb 6per et 100 — do deb. 5$£ per et 100 et. 6 issue 2nd 99—101 per do ,, 20 Paulo S 20 et 7perct guar 37lA—38 deb 99—101 per & 5^ Carangòla 100 Campos 121—123 do deb. stock 5^ per et 100 16—17 et guar 20 Conde d'Eu, Lim. 7 per et 104—106 Paulo Rio S 100 deb. 6 & per et 94—97 do deb. s^ per 100 104—106 do 100 do and series 89-91 deb. 5% per cent 100 D. Thereza Christina 16 Jé—17 20 South Brazilian ".....' 12—13 do 7 per et guar 20 99—100 do óperct Irred et gvar .... 21 Vi—22K ioo 20 Great Western of Brazil 7 per 109—111 West. S. Paulo deb. 7 per et IOu 117—119 do 6 per et. deb stock IOO 1863 \% per cl Loan 1865 „ 1871 .1 DEPARTURES OF FOREIGN STEAMERS. DATK Fcb. NAMK WH.BRK CARGO TO Trieste Coventina Br Archimedes Br New York Maskelyne Br ! Southampton* River Plate Rosse lilg V. de Maceió Fr Havre* River Plate Bisagno Ital New York* Guadiana Br Porto Alegre* Cavour Br Santos Ptolemy Br River Plate Tamar Br Hamburg* Petropolis Gr Bordeaux* Equateur Fr Baltimore Célia Gr Advance Amer New York* Bahia* Glenbervie Br Santos Baumwall Gr Araucania Br \ Valparaiso" Coffee do Sundries • do do do • Coffee j Sundries do do do do Coffee do Machinery Sundries do Calling ai intermediate porte. SANTOS. The clearances since the ist inst. have been : Amazon Steam Navigation. Lim. ^ of m.Rio, .ml* Inulln- "• English 11(11 K, ' l'"1'* Bank New London & Brazilian Bank, Lim Cent. braz. Sugar Factories Pref.... Rio City Improvements do deb 5 per et Braz. street tramways, Lim Braz S.ibmarine Tel 15 West & Braz, Tel. Lim do prefer. defer do 7% »5 10 10 20 25 IOO 2 IO Miscellaneous. ' 9lA 100 West & Braz. Tel. Lim. deb. A 6 per cent.. 105—107 11—12 .*% fiei 9 , *4& 103 !?í lofá— .0% 6-6JÍ 4^-4^8 100 10 100 20 20 10 20 10 too i#—«Mi do 339,075,10:, #000 336,003, ioo$ooo oco 000 000 000 000 000 000 2,158,400 119,600 8,142,800 30,000,000 51,885,000 1,997,206 119,200 B do. .. 90—101 3ft—33A 101—103 24^—25^ 4lA-5% 10%—11% 13—14 70—80 BONDS DENOMINATION CIRCU1.AT10N do London, Plat & Brazil Tel. Lim do 6 per cent deb Bahia Gas. do. 10 per cent Pref.. Pará do Rio de Janeiro do São Paulo do. S. John dei Rey gold mine. GOVERNMENT KMlSSli.S ¦ . General Apólices, currcncy Provincial apólices of Rio de Janeiro . 000 National Loan of 1868, gold....43>3«9.o0° 00° National Loan of 1879, gold ,. 1NTBREST NOMINAL VALUE 6 o,'/o °/0 °/0 °/0 '22,443,500 *lA°lo I,OO0$0O0 800—200 1,000 000 1,000 000 500—200 1,000 000 1,000 000 QUOTATION I,070$00O 106 °/0 86 °/«, 103 0/ Â" «.33«; 000 1,180 BANKS AND PUBLIC COMPANIES A* baBsLAST DIVIDEND United States LAST s g 45° RESERVE FUND QUOTANAMES Feb. 10 New Orleans Ger str Santos'' CAPITAI. paid 3 3 am't TION 4.4°7 11 New York Br str A rchimedes *" Guadiana 7,949 do w „ BANKS Jan 7,391,682$ioí 248$ooo 9$ooo Jan. 1885 7.'°5 AU Banco do Brazil iS Baltimore Ger str Célia 200$ Ali 165,000 33,000,000$ • e Hypothecario 2,102,723 702 280 000 10 000 Jan. 1885 Rural Ali 200 Ali Europe: Dec. 8,000,000 I 40,000 Rio de do Commercial AU Janeiro 1,647,969 524 232 000 10 000 Jan. 1885 200 00,000 30,000 Treni 3°° 12,000,000 Br str s Nov. 1884 6 Antwerp Feb. English 10 (limited) £ 170,000 140 000 20 Jan. AU 825,000 000 206 000 000 Jan. 1885 17,283 £ X,000,000 50,000 AU Industrial e Mercantil Havre Ger str Uruguay 200 AU 30,000 0,000,000 Santos 375,ooo 000 255 000 10 000 Jan. 1885 de Mercantil Ali 200 Condor 5,893 5,000 Antwerp 5,000 1,000,000 '*3,'50 957 50 000 6 000 Jan. 1883 Ali Banco Predial 200 20,000 10,000 do 25° Oct. 1884 11 s Bremen £ 225,000 4,000,000 10 New London and Brazilian 20 £ Jan. AU 730,000 000 222 000 000 Jan. 1885 4>'52 £ 1,000,000 50,000 Banco do Commercio do A11 Hamburg 200 00,000 30,000 Jan. 12,000,000 3 000 Jan. 1885 30 000 60 Banco de Credito Real do Brazil.. 39.258 600 200 '>583 20,000,000 100,000 I 2. 5O0 7 Trieste Br str Coventina 004 000 Paulo! 36,442 Real de S. 3 300 Jan. 1885 55 de Credito Banco 1 200 70 AU Dec. 2;, 000 5*° 160 000 do Venice 5 000 Jan. 1885 598 5,000,000 Auxiliar 3.053 Banco AU 200 1,556 Jan. 500,000 ; 2, 500 RAII.WAVS 5.008 7 Lisbon f.o. lir bg Blanche 108,192 481 95 000 000 Jan. 1885 i AU Macabé e Campos 200 19,017 3.471 10 Hamburg Ger str Santos 8,000,000$ 40,000 80 0/0 6}á "/o Jan. 1885 FOREIGN SAILING VESSELS IN THE PORT OF debentures — do do :• o 500 Sept. 1884 Berlin 3,OI7 698,897 176 250 000 Antwerp RIO DE JANEIRO, FEBRUA RV 23rd, 1885. 3,035,750 „ 1 Ali Paulista 200 65,000 65 000 20,000,000 100,000 Sorocabana ~ 25° do AH Bremen 200 a 6°/0 Oct. 1884 36,000 23,591 440 000 7,200,000 do debentures — li 50 40,168 Havrc Ital str Bormida 6°/o Nov. 1884 — WIIKKK X 55 °/o 320,000 £ do do 100 CONSIGNKR W NAMK '36 500 Jan. 1885 138 000 2,000,000 Stnra 34>765 FROM do do , 99.89' '5 Leopoldina Ali r t70 000 6Já°/0 Oct. 1884 Z. do debentures | 3 00 2,000 20,000,000 100,000; 70,000 200 Fr str Ville de Maceió do '5 Ç. til 6°'o Oct. 1884 8,399-43» 500 000 do do AU 2.».U 50 '9 Mediterranean Braz str Aymoré*" 142 000 5 000 July 1883 £ 500,000 e Rio de Janeiro. Paulo AU S. 200 '•'¦Io 10,663,000 167 000 53,325' 30,000 str Petropolis do do with right to subsid. shs A mencan .'9 Hamburg Ger 20 000 do do subsidiary shares *transhipped at Rio to the Pascal. ~AU 000 80 000 1% •Io Feb. 1884 Marseilles.. Ccrf, Dale & Co.' Valenciana 34,6011 União Al bk J. H. Pearson 401 lan. 200 ** .(,000 800,000 High Seas. In distress do do per San Gottardo. 167,258 166 230 000 7 500 Oct. 1884 377 Feb. bk Adelaide AU Mogyana 200 25,50° 25,500 April 1884 205 000 High Seas In distress debentures 5,100,000 do bk Abd-«l-Kader 394 200 Bàltimote. Phipps Bros & Co 8,717 036 180 000 5 000 July 1883 Minas 970,000 538 Oeste AU bk Gamaliel 200 6,000 4,350 8°/o Oct. 1884 195 500 Baltimore. Phipps Bros & Co • 1,200,000 do debentures 522 do 200 bk Serene "au & Co F. Clemente 200 000 854% Tan. 1885 Baltimore. debeiit'es Padua de 495,000 Rollins Antônio 565 bk Julia 200 Santo 200 10,000 Pensacola Phipps Bros & Co t, 000,000 7 000 May 1884 474 493 145 000 AU S. Izabel do Rio Preto bk Commerce .. 453 20O 19,000 14,267 Phipps Bros & Co 182 000 P.altimore. 7 7o Feb. 1885 debentures 4U do '1,600,000 3,800,000 bkAlbemarle 300 215 000 Brunswick F. Clemente & Co 9 000 Jan. 1885 9.156 HA VRE. lug Chás. Platt.. 609 AU Principe do Grão Pará 15.500 15,500 25 000 Baltimore. F. Clemente & Co subsidiary 3,100,000 i do bkGrey Eagle.. 420 89 °/o «JÍ-/o Jan. 1885 From Messrs. Guimarães &» Hutchinson's Market Report, debentures do IOO 130 000 7 7o May 1884 2,000,00:1 300 British Carangòla M.643 January 2ind. AH 200 12,718 00) 5X°/o ooo, of 30,000 6, at date Jan. 1885 article in this debentures ruling do weakness AU "au IOO Cokfek.— The V, M. Leone&Co Nov. Cadiz 3,8'6 108 331,60) .* C Ali Corcovado bg Romola 200 2,000 F. Clemente & C our last report became more marked and there has been dur35 000 400,003 Pirahyense bk Mark Twalft 765 Jan 20j New York 200 market. time the in 7,000 F, Co Clemente decline York & sensible 7,500 New 25 a days 1,500,00) few the Piáo a ing 301 Fora de past AH lugGalcna 200 Juiz 1,926 6,000 291 New York F. Clemente & Co 1,200,003 debentures ~AH do bg Terra Nova.. 212 200 The most direct cause has been the continued large reeeipts 30'I. de Maio. L. Carvalho k Co 350,00) Ramal Bananalense closing lug V. & Mcbane 296 for 200 sales added °/0 9 7o July 1884 been A11 have which to Santos, 2,000 ítJ.Peake Rio and in Liverpool.. I 90 321 311 debentures 400,00) do bk Freuchuy IOO ruling feeling order buli To The ij 246 Cardiff Feb in difficulties. TUAMWAVS up contracts of houses 370,000 lug Brizo 000 Jan. 1885 t' Rangoon... Burnett. W>& DeC 447.350 793 290 000 and coníidence has passed through a bk Nor' Wcsler. 547 A S. Christovão..' 200 disappeared, has AU here 20,000 152 000 \ G. Gudgeon New York 290 1 500 Jan. 1885 Botânico t,ooo,ooo:|: Aurelie AH Jardim bk 200 A11 000 Feb. 188c Norton, M'w & Co trembling condition, and become shaken. Some holders, who 10,000,000 50,000 000 130 000 "7,000 25,000 3!Cardiff.... Cann.. Paulo B. Ali S. bk H. IOO AU 120 000 „.000 July 1884 61,926 797 ... Cardiff.... D Pedro II RR. had secretly realized, appeared afterwards openly as sellers to 700,000 ., Ali Pernambuco sp Miri. Burnll.. 1465 200 A11 6,000 Messagerics Mar ¦3°4 t,:00,00o long Cardiff.... So debentures 7 'o Oct. 1884 ~A11 do sp True Britou 200 New York has accompanied the decline. '357 5 000 Feb. 1885 000 IOO 000 5. Cardiff D. Pedro II RR. deliver. 40,000 Alegre 305,000 Porto sp Mornington.. an Brazil 200 in reeeipts 8 000 Jan. 18S5 6,000 3i5po 167,157 870 238 000 af. there is not a marked decrease of 1,200,000 48' Richmond F. Clemente & Co Izabel Villa AII bg Acadian 200 A11 10,000 202 234 000 u 500 Jan. 1885 2,000,000 5 Swansea... Watson, R. .t Co is not probablc. The stock in H >lland is very 56,970 urbanos Carris improvement AU bk Martha Reid 630 200 Ali 6.7o Jan. 1885 27,000 674 450 000 Newcastle. Nitherohy Gas Co that the do debentures 5,(00,000 bk Nevada ç 00 large (avultado), and it is almost the general opinion York. Phipps Bros & Co 7'7o New 983/o 573 468,000 do do Aspotogon... bk 100 Wilson S ns & C will show lower prices, so much the more Newcastle. auetions 6 February 852,000 729 Nitherohy AU bk Rowena 200 AU 8°/. Jan. 188^ 180 000 2,000 be in a pre8 New York. Phipps Bjos & Co 400,000 do debentures.... as some of the markets there are considered to lug Har. Upham 5°4 / 200 C F. fc Clemente York New 8 569 to COMPANIftS according 300,000 NAVIGATION lug Flash Light. carious financial position. The crop estimates '.177,5*8 616 300 000 15 000 lan. 1885 «3 Richmond Phipps Br is & Co 39' Ali Brazileira de Navegação lug Wandrian .. 1132 200 AU are: Faro 20,000 Hamilton & 000 authorities Cardiff.... 1* trustworthy 43,921 190 120 000 (,000.000$ Ali Paulista sp For. Rights.. 200 208 000 8K°/o }an. 1884-85 an. 1885 1885-86 '5 Richmond F Clemente & C 5,000 2,500 1,000,000 344 debentures do bg Aldina 200 sh uo 000 12 Phipps Bros & C 271 20 Baltimore. July 1884 Navigation j£ 60,775 Steam 300,000 Amazon bk Campanero .. AH 15 |0,4'9 í 228,837 545 230 000 10 000 Nov. 1R84 20 Greenock.. Rio Gas Co tons 206,000 against 206,000 C 75°,,,0° 50,000 Rio—3,500,000 bags AU Nacional de Navegação \ bk Wave King.. 733 200 000 125 20,000 16,000 132,000 : «*,:.,_i$P — do 2iid series ~ÃH 4,000,000 Santos? 4 000 Feb. 1885 12,500 000 180 000 5.400 • S. João da Barra e Campos | Nowegian Bahia? 200 1,853 000 000 190 3,000 Jan. 1885 600,000 5,538 731 Ceará? Ali Espirito-Santo a Caravellas 200 Ali 282 8,000 Hamburg. H Stoltz & Co 93,000 etc? . 1,600,000 1NSIM1ANCK Padang, bk N H .Knudsen 278 Jan. Java, 10 000 C >°5 000 16,200 Cadiz ... JC. W. Gross & Jan. 1885 ¦ Çeylon? *«3.>6° 5«° bk Anna 125 Fidelidade I,O00 12,000 8,000 000 530 000 32 000 Jan. 1885 ,,000 17,000 Setúbal :J. A. Moura 4°5 etc , 3,000,000$ Calicut, Fluminense 300,000 Beypore, Argos bkCodan 250 15 000 AU 1,000 13.500 Newport.. I Watson, R. & Co 588 Feb. Jan. 1885 3,000 191,250000170000 9,000 Costa Rica 3,000,000 bk Nausick 100 Garantia. AU 1,000 2,500 67,94' 405 '7 000 9°/. jan. 1884 London ..* .Monteiro, H. St Co Venezuela? 33.900 487 2,500,000 Permanente I Nova bk Lufra. 20 200 000 jan. 1885 20,000 10,000 25,000 54 000 Marseilles.. Cerf, Dale fc Co • Porto Rico 4,000,000 bk Kong Karl... 504: «0,000 000 20 Confiança 200 19,000 7 500 1884 100 '55 000 20,000 10,000 • 30,000 Hayti 4,000,000 »93.8o3 00° 35 000 2 000 july 1885 100 Integridade 1,000 4,000 8,000 Jan. . S,000,000 Enconge? man Afnca, Ger "5°.°°° ao Previdente 200 6,000 25,000 12,500 . 3».»7* 945 26 000 7?< 7o Jan. 1885 Cazengo? I do 5,000,000 20 Alliança 200 For repairs 356;Oct 20,000 10,000 lo.Cardiff • MARKRTS „ « 4,000,000 Jamaica? bk Lina Schwoon »°7'Fcb.*5:C»rdiff 1 800 Watson, R. & Co *V 35 000 5.900 Jan. 1885 !7».74« Manilla bg Clementine. Gloria Ali aoo & C AU 15,000 V. Sauwen 250 2,500! 12 Antwerp. GAS 000$! COMPANIES Guatemala? 500 bg Aradus Co ion/0 Nov. 1884 240 0001 Westerwick |C. W. Gros< & 9,000 99] San Salvador bg Speçulanl.. AH Rio de Janeiro 20 6,000 AU s Nov. 1884 «99 55 000 20 St Cath*naToorder 37.50o5 __ __ Honduras bg Activ Nictheroy ^7so,ooo Ali 10 Ali 21 Newcastle..;Rio Ga* Coj 74» 7.500 New Grenada? MISCBLl.ANKOUS í £ 75.o°° bk Victoria.... _ the 9.7'5 637, AU Agrícola de Campos The Santos and Bahia crops are it is supposed about 200 7o 7o Feb. t884 96 6,000 3.750 debentures — 1,200,000$ do Swedtish 200 112 000 000 Jan. 1885 same as last year: Ceará, large; Java. etc large: Çeylon, II — Pedro de 300,000 AH Docas 6 7, Jan. 1885 200 | 192 000 África. Enconge is supposed will give 10,000,000 393 an. 19 I. de Maio.. L Carvalho & Co fair; 50,000 18,000 Venezuela, debentures — fair: __ do bkVere.....---- 666|keh-s London ...|F. M. Bi«#>n ~AU aoo 222 000 12 000 J«iy 1883 last — 338,400 bk Nordenskj "ld- 219 AH Brazil Industrial the double of last year and Cazengo a largcr crop than 200 I 000 8 London .. Mantell A: Ç**,7.500 debentures — '¦-" 210 1,500,'WO do bg Grunhild & Co crop: Manilla, fair: Guatemala, $an 200 150 000 1885 5 000 12 Westerwick Hartwifr W. 364 45.77" year; Jamaica, a good 3 IO.OOO Fluminense Carruagens bk Union AH 10 000 lan. «885 but 200 000 To onlfir crop. »35 75 6,000 Brunswick New Grenada,a ¦5i fair; 5,000 — goód Honduras, Lavoura.. e Salvador and 1,200.000 Commercio bg Vigilant óo 1 0/0 lan. 1884 200 12,500 j 180 000 7.500 there. 3,000.000 AU Associação Commercial $hipm«ils will be interfered with by the revolulion I 35 000 Ali 500 6.000 de Caçapava P,,nhh Minas ist on AU 3,000,000 I 100 000 AU 50 16,0001 Stocks nf coffee in the principal European ports SOO.OOO I AU Petropolitana IOO '5* Dec 4 Antwerp.. F. Sauwen &CÔ1 120 000 7 000 Jan. 1*85 10.0001 5,000 • 770! S4.043 .... (kiosquesl... It000.000 Flum. bg Dorothea AH Indust. Janwar>": '7«iFeb. o.Carlshamn Mamar k Co 188) 000! 58 000 3 000 Aug. 1884 1S84 18S5 So 8,000! 4,400 «9-335 Industrial e Agricola 4OO.OOO bg Danemark.. AU Pastoril ¦£ 000 too AU °oo 80.000 t3»,87" de Quissami AU Engenho Central 8 too Nov. 1R84 000 200 8,500) tons 18,000 '4.500 18,500 3,500 1,700,000 debentures do Great Britain .. ParlHguttr 200 ' 57,».x> 47.5»° .íí.6*» de Aracaty Holland do 940.000 AH 200 1.450 690 i Feb. 111 Brunswick A. M. Norton 18,500 S7.5°° '7.500 1,500 debentures. Hamburg do JOO.-X» bg Ame"a Norton •48ijMar.Jo;L 8°/o •r 1884 A. M. Norton Sal 10,860 9.8°° 5>255 do Piracicaba debenture» .. Trieste 70,300 do sp Con». Fontes an. 8J4 1885 Norton «9% M. J» 7o 300 A. Vista 6-,252 64.871 5*.39*> Boa kI. Apr. do 446 350.000 Porto Feliz Havre do bk Zulmira Norton 000 M. 200 A IOO Maio 8.700 9,100 9,700 de §JI. --• Lorena Antwerp 300,000 do bk Laura Norton 997! Aug. 2siBnmswick. Ali A. M. Nottor IOO Ali 6,200 6.6j4 5i5°° 2,500 822, Nov. Rio Branco Marseilles 500.000 do bk Rita Norton Co S 20 Pinto Veiga 200 5 =00 Jan. 188$ Ali Sal... 6.000 6,300 6,320 do 09,604 330 215 000 14li. 4,000 8oo.«oo 43« Marüimos Bordeaux 0/0 bkSuhana Co ÃHJServiços 1884 6 Leoneft OOOj V M 200 130 AU Jan IOjOOOj iS Cadiz 477!, 2,OOC.O.X) °/o Oct. 1884 Teleohonica bk Triumçho. A'l 8 .Santos G 000' A. 190 200 AH j. 186,712 i86,78s 148.77» Sal... "I lons I do . Total» 3.75o' 9 dchentures Silencio 35o'Jan 750,0-" do bk Noto AlSl 8% Nor. 1884 88 "i. A G *ani<»« 200 AU ol do Sal, 3,y>.'X>T lug N-va Unia'» 406 _. • Feny Co- debentures • 1 i»»,^ 185.877 156.6^ 100 C AbrancliM & li' Again*! ist December — Oporto Feb. I.377-3*» 4 C»alv — Rato» 315 lug Al***.S S. Ali'Arroto dos 200 A!l 6.000' Mock in the 1'nite.l State»: » vB Aires . Hime. Zenha j^ *p America 9>>' Ali ¦ S. J oã"> Nepomuceno Gold «S-°19 G. >«nt<* 2>5" A. IOO AU; "'''* *¦» 2.000 ]. 14'Oporto 10O.OO*-, »t January bk Nova Venc*ra 3'* Jan. ;i-.i jTM;;ÍT _J ; Foreign Markets ¦ I ¦" '^''''^-ij^y* ¦¦ yyyi'yy*"i THE RIO 8 %uz\xxmit*. STATES ANDj BRÂZLL MAIL STEAM SHIP (fo. UNITED FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO. GUARDIAN Agents . . ROYAL STEAM MAIL Under eoritracts with the British and Brazilian Governtnettts for cariying the mails. FINANCE in Hio de Janeiro March at 10 am. for will sail i8th Establishéd in connection with the publication office of "Tlie Rio News." Well mounted with the lateststyles ot American type and the best of American presses. TABLE OF DEPARTURES, YORK NEW No. 62, Rua i° de Março. Ali kinds of Commercial work executed at rcnsonable prices and with dispatch. 1885 calling at Bahia, Pernambuco, MaraiJham, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE THE [entering the two last named Date Destination Steamer Special attention is given to English work. The office will keep in stock ali the commercinl regular use, and is now prepared to ftirnish : ports | Feb. 24 Pará and St. Thomas INSURANCE COMPANY. Agents in Rio dejaneito Phipps Brothers & Co. Southampton, calling buco, and Lisbon. I No. 2 Praçajdas Marinhas And for cargo to W. C. Teck. ONDON AND LANCASHIREFIRE ' INSURANCE Co. Agents tn Rio de Janeiro Watson Ritchie & Co No. 25, Rua de Theophilo Ottoni. T)HCENIX FIRE OFFICE. L IVERPOOL, BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE MAIL STEAMERS. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE BELGIAN and BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENTS. February Departures ? To New York: 1782 Tagus Montevidéo and Buenos Ayres. Rubens Feb. A rchimedes [Loading also in S'tosl ,, Sirius , Ptolenty fdo dol E. W. May, New York. The homeward bound steamers continue to leave Rio 011 the oth and 24th ot every month. The steamer to New York will call at Barbadoes and St. Thomas, thus connecting with the West índia line of thc same company. Through tickets will be isstied to any ofthe West índia ports. For freight and passages apply to E. W. R IO Agents for the Empire of Brazil Cavour.. f Every aJ"a"t. ( Chathant or Canmng Canning ) No. 82, Rua i° de Março, Rio de Janeiro. MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. THE «V ™" Capital £1,000,000 sterling ,, Reserve fund £ 410,000 LAMPORT & HOLT, Capital Ditto, paid up Reserve Fund Draws and £ £ £ ',000.00o 500,000 > 7°,ooo 011 B.I.Y/L, JOIMT STOCK iransaets every description of Ranking business. ilUUHinHHilMmU!MIÜUJiininiMti!nUlHnUHHiti!Hn!M!!liHiUU!HHIHmMÍtniimtUUlMEUH11HHmmiHU9I!Hm! ARTHUR HOLLAND & Co., For freight and passages apply to Typogruphi^Üldinã Broker:—Slvert Slvertsen, E. W. May, Rua i" de Março No. 35.' 79, Sete k Setembro. The Rio News rife. AH kinds of com mercial and grtieiçl printPuòfished three times a month for thc Anieiiciiii una ingexecutedwith neatnessanddispatcks'English No. 49, Rua i° de Março. MARINE. FIRE! AND 11B. A, FahnestockV Vermifuge. 17, Leadenhall Street, London No. 82 Rua 1? de Março. OMMERCIAL UNION ASSUR ANCE COMPANY. valuable remedy has now been prominently before the people for fifty-seven THIS years, the manufacture and sale of it having been commenced in 1827. Its popularity and sale have never been so large as at thc presenl time, and this, of itself, speaks loudly as to its wonderful efficncy. We do not hesitale to say, that in no single instance has it failed to remove worhis from either children or adtills who were afllicted by these foes to human life. We are constantly iri rcceipt of testimonials from physicians as to its wonderful efficacy. Its suecess has produced counterfeits, and tlie buyer must be particularly careful to examine the entire name, and see that it is 21 Water Street, Liverpool Agent in Rio de Janeiro c tt»HESr0Gfy "B.A." de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Santos and Pará Agents:—Norton, Megaw & Co. ' T HE NEW LONDONl AND BRAZILIAN BANK com•mercial printing a specialty. A new assortnient oj the latest styles oj type «í 7 " "r*:í;fe ' just received from thc United States, in which will be found ihe best for circiilars, bill % heads, letter heads, and cards ofiiny office iu this -ymyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyym:yym.y.mã HEAD OFFICE: LONDON •jt- Wilson Sons &• Co. Limited. .y. BRANCHES: 1|R OYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LISBON, OPORTO, PARA. PERNAMBUCO BAHIA, RIO DE JANEIRO, RIO GRANDE DO SULÍSANTOS, SÃO PAULO, AND MONTEVIDÉO Capital LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Capital ,£2,000,000 Accumulated Funds — .£5.245- ,04 Insures against the risk of fire, houses, goods and merchandise of every kind at reduced rates. John Moore &• Co, agents. (Agents for Lloyds) CRASHLEY & Co., Ne-iv.uicaleis and Booftsellerx. No. 2 Praça das Marinhas. No. 8, Rua da Candelária EXPLOSIVES Co. NOBELS LIMITED. Blasting Gelatine and Dynamite In cases of 50 lbs. ea., nett weight Also patent Detonator caps and Bickf ord'S patent use. For further information and price. apply to the t.000,000 £ Capital paid up j?t5,ooo Draws ou: Messrs. GLYN, MILLS, CURR/E & Co.. I.ONOOX. Messrs. MAI.LET FRÈRES &> Co., Paris. Messrs. SCHROEHER ò- Watson, (Ritchie âf Co. No. 75. Rua Theophilo Ottoni Rio ée lanei»*» Thc European Mail. Wjtll thc bcginning ofiiseleventb volume (January, 18841 the editors fccl themselves warranted in calling attention to the iiniform and general satisfaction with which theii policy and management have thus for been received, and in advising their patrons that no deviation whatever from thera will be made. Thk Nkws will seck to keep its readers tully and accurately infórmed 011 ali commercial questions, and upon ali matters of Brazilian news or policy WI1ICI wF1** l,'?Yc more or less bearina upon any and ali enfcr) pite-, and investincnts. In its discussione it will treai cvfcy ^question frankly, and for the opinions expressed lhe -will c di»l» hold tlieiiisílves personally rcsponsible. In • columns it willieck to kcep its readers fully in011 ail^ticr*,Jp4Àja,rrenc„ throiiKhout llrazil A large assortnient of English novéis, of lhe Tnüçlmitz Fditi<nis, ofthe Franklin square Lihrary and ofthe Lovell I.ihiary constantly on hand. Orders "feBSir iccuved for Scientific and othcr books. I lo.iltri- in A tkvisons, Piesscâ^L ltbin's and Royal Perjluueiiet and Pears Soaf Ouvidor. f'7, Rua dn No. m Co., MAMBURr.. Messrs. MORTO.V, B/JSS & Co., N K\v VorK. ESTABLISHÉD 1847. A. WHITNEY & SONS, PHILADELPHIA, PENN., U.S.A. Agents for Brazil: Subscriptions received for ali the leading English and Ameriir.-ui newspapers and periodicals. Agents for 500,000 Reserve fund Chilled CAST WHEELS for RAILWAYS, TRAMWAYS and MINE ROADS. WHERIÍ IN ROtr.H, K«»RKI»,«tk H11H« *«N AXI.R*. m .?^TllK Rio Nkws was establishéd under its present title aud management 011 the ist of April. 1870, sueceeding the British and American Mail. Althoúgh tlie stylc, title and frequency oi issue were changed at the time of transfer, the designations of number and volume were continuei! unbroken. At the bcginning of 1881 the stylc of the publication was still further changed by an increase from four tb eight pages, and a diminution in the size ot the page.* This change not only largely increased lhe size oi thc publication, but it added greatly to its conveniente for office and reference use. ' T poiicy adopted by Thk Nkws at thc outset was that of strict iiidependence and impartiality. The editors had well-grounded cnnvictions 011 politica! and economic quêstions, and as they believed that ali such questions had a direct or indiiect influence 011 commercial and financiai enterprises they decided to discuss them just as far as their relative importnnce made it desirable. Í11 this line of policy TiIkNbws has been successful even beyond alt expec- city. Agents for the Empire of Biazil European mails. , , Ws* (LIMITED) Marine Eisks Attthorized 1884. Fire Risks Àuthorteed 1870 names printed on MAY, Superiniendeiit. BRANCH ES: THE LO.\'DO.\ 7 ¦¦"'¦¦' Special forms with firm JAN EIRO DE Feb. 15th To Rio Grande Ports: Norton, Megaw & Co. for general use. short notice. IIKA1) OFFICE IN LONDON For Other Ports: Pascal New Orleans Custom-house Dispatches (LIMITED) Maskelyne C Southampton Ant-? Feb. 15th Lcibnitz \ werp & Liverpool 5 ,. =9'b OME AND COLONIAL MARINE INSURANCE Co. 100 and 200 fortiis with blanks for insertion of firm names. Special orders for forms with firm names filled with dispatch. BANK PNGLISH OF 7th i.ith ai th i8th JTj in pads of U. S. Consular Invoices Rua 1V de Março No. 49. To Europe: No. 49, Rua i° de,Março. for lhe Government lines, each. This Company's steamers leave Southampton on the ist, on glh and 24th of every month and arrive in Rio de Janeiro River the to The latter two proceed the 26th, 2afh and i6th. Plate the former going on to Santos only, where she loads for [Every SaturdayJ Agent in Rio de Janeiro H No. 6, Praça do Commercio. in Télegram Forms Agents Wilson, Sons &• Co., Limited; No. 16, Rua do Visconde de Inhaúma. Establishéd 28 For passages and information apply to forms at Bahia, Peruam- La Plata. ' L Typographia Aldina PACKET COMPANY. 79, Rua Skte de Setembro. The fine paeket Smith & Youle. -.¦-.;. NEWS. THE CRUISE OF THE BROOKLYN. on the SOUTH ATLANTIC STATION ¦ (* Wlr II *f fm TERMS: V'*- Compilcd from the record r>f the cruise publi»hc»l in 7*4#j fírookiyn F.agie. Contains a full account of thc principal incidents nf the 1 crui*e: a graphic description of the place* \isitcd and the officers by thc of social entcrtainoienl* given and received the ship at Rio. Montevidéo, Cape Town. St Helena and elsewhere. I .i*»y*» *(,#|pt'S subseription zo$ooo imlnd American subscriptions • .-.ii.dii. &". . Ali imscn/tions should nsn with the cilendar yeA. /ff.V/.VA.S.V » 79, ,"OS%OFF!CF Paper, 272 pp.: Price 4SOOO. For *a!e at Xo. 70 *ete de Setewibrt». í«t flnnr. 3V|/ m * AXD EDITOS!AL Rua Sete de Setembro. ADDKFSS.-.CúnnoCotnio, A Aimv». 74. S-tc de v,„„,(.,„ l mF: r* I ROOMS:- .'* W>