IS IT POSSIBLE TO OBSERVATIONALLY DISTINGUISH ADIABATIC QUARTESSENCE FROM CDM? Luca Amendola1, Martin Makler2, Ribamar R. R. Reis3 and Ioav Waga3 1 INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, 2 Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, 3 Instituto de Física – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro THE COSMOLOGICAL STANDARD MODEL 0 m0 The universe seems to be dominated by a smooth component that drives the accelerated expansion. The spatial curvature is very close to zero (from CMB). K.G. Begeman, A.H. Broeils, R.H. Sanders, MNRAS 249 (1991) 523. Allen et al. – astro-ph/0405340 The non-relativistic, pressureless, matter is predominantly dark and non-baryonic (from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis). SOME IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: - What is the nature of the Dark Matter? - What is the nature of the Dark Energy? -Could these components be different aspects of the same substance? UNIFYING DARK MATTER OR QUARTESSENCE A prototype – the generalized Chaplygin Gas. • Chaplygin Gas (=1) – initially suggested as an alternative to quintessence Kamenshchik et al. PLB 511, 265 (2001). • Motivation: D-Branes. Dark matter regime Dark energy regime For every quartessence model, the density decreases towards to a minimum value min and remains constant. In this phase, it behaves like a cosmological constant (w=-1). w<-1 is forbidden for such models BACKGROUND DEPENDENT OBSERVATIONAL CONSTRAINTS SNeIa + Clusters + Radio-galaxies + weak lensing Makler, Quinet & Waga PRD 68,123521, 2003 PROBLEMS – LINEAR PERTURBATIONS = - 0.1 = 0.1 = 0.2 =0 Sandvik, Tegmark, Zaldarriaga e Waga, Phys. Rev. D 69, 123524 (2004). Beça et al.- PRD 67,101301,2003 Reis, Waga, Calvão & Jorás –PRD 68,061302 (2003). L. Amendola, I. Waga e F. Finelli, JCAP 11, 009 (2005) PERTURBATION THEORY IN COSMOLOGY Linear evolution equations in synchronous gauge (A=B=0) for a multi-component fluid. Assuming vanishing spatial curvature and anisotropic stress, and conservation of the energy-momentum tensor of each component. ORIGIN OF THE PROBLEM A finite sound speed in recent times is responsible for the instabilities in the power spectrum SOLUTION: Reis et al., Phys. Rev. D 68, 061302(R) (2003) CHAPLYGIN L. Amendola, I. Waga e F. Finelli, JCAP 11, 009 (2005) OTHER CASES Reis, Makler e Waga, Class. Quant. Grav. 22, 353 (2005) , Erratum-ibid.22, 1191 (2005). = 0 = 0.3 = 0.2 = 0.1 OTHER CASES Reis, Makler e Waga, Class. Quant. Grav. 22, 353 (2005) , Erratum-ibid.22, 1191 (2005). = 0 = 0.3 = 0.2 = 0.1 A NEW TYPE OF QUARTESSENCE L. Amendola, M. Makler, R. R. R. Reis e I. Waga, Phys. Rev. D 74, 063524 (2006). TYPE Ia SUPERNOVAE X-RAY CLUSTER GAS FRACTION CONSTRAINTS FROM SNeIa AND CLUSTERS CONSTRAINTS FROM MATTER (SDSS) AND CMB POWER SPECTRUM (WMAP1) COMBINED ANALYSIS: SNeIa + Clusters + SDSS + WMAP1 zt CONCLUSION • We have on known manner of obtain quartessence models, distinct from CDM, in agreement with Large scale structure and CMB data: considering entropy perturbations; • Observational constraints on the step-like model impose which implies that the transition has occurred at . • The hypothesis of unifying dark matter cannot be ruled out with the present observational data.