Extra Edition E A R J Ne w s l e t t e r Issue # 01 Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro www.earj.com.br Gávea: 55 21 2125-9000 Barra 55 21 2495-2485 Macaé 55 22 2763-7320 Date: August 5, 2011 Your Weekly Link to School News & Events! Message from the Headmaster Headline News Laura Lynn Barros In Memoriam Dear Parents, Staff, & Students, Welcome back for the 2011-12 school year! We all look forward to the students returning on Monday and to a great year. With the increase in enrollment we have added several classes and new staff, however we still have waiting lists as we can not accommodate all the families and still maintain reasonable class sizes with appropriate teaching staff. Fortunately we have received almost all of our new school materials and we have new curriculum programs for both science and social studies for grades K-9 which will be implemented this year. For the Middle and Upper school social studies classes we will be piloting a new interactive technologybased program which should be very exciting. In addition we have made other modifications in other disciplines and continue to make physical improvements throughout all the campuses. We welcome our new staff to EARJ and BrazilIn and will introduce them in the next issues of Extra Editions. In closing, I look forward to another exciting year as the school continues to grow with the construction of the new campus in Barra and as we make further improvements in Gávea and Macaé. Sincerely, Robert Werner, Headmaster By Caren Addis The art gallery in the corridor near the Snack Shack usually exhibits photographs, painting and sculpture created by students in their art classes. While we are waiting for students to prepare their projects for exhibition later in the semester, we got very lucky! Acia Stern (Arthur and Thomas' mother) has lent us many of her beautiful works for a very special exhibit. Acia was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where she graduated in Industrial and Graphic Design. In 2000, Acia moved to New York where she pursued her interest in Fine Arts, studying painting for three years at the School of Visual Arts and Art Students League of New York. She teaches art classes in her Studio and at Morro Feliz ONG in Favela da Rocinha. The exhibit is stunning and well worth a trip to EA! For information on her work, previous exhibits and/or art lessons, click on: www.aciastern.com. 1 Art Gallery Exhibition Headmaster’s Message Art Gallery Exhibition Table of Contents: 2 News from the Lower School Media Center College Corner 3 Athletic News 4-5 Setor Brasileiro 6-7 Announcements 8-9 Menu 10 Calendar of Events From Our School Divisions 11-13 Page 2 Extra Edition Laura Lynn Barros In Memoriam Laura Lynn Barros, who many of us knew as a dear colleague, parent and friend, tragically passed away at the end of July. Laura held a number of appointments during her 15 years at Escola Americana: first as the Headmaster's secretary, then expat coordinator and then development officer. She is fondly remembered for her kindness and vibrancy, as well as her tireless advocacy for EARJ. She was responsible for most of the key publications, including Panther Pause and Extra Edition. She was intimately involved in the opening and marketing of the current Barra campus in Jardim Oceanico and oversaw the capital campaign to build the Museon. Our community also benefitted from Laura’s firm belief in environmental responsibility. She spearheaded the effort to begin the recycling program at EARJ and assisted educational programs promoting environmental endeavors throughout the school. Our hearts go out to Laura's daughter, Manuela, Class of 2009. News from the Lower School Media Center By Beth Freitas News from the Lower School Media Center: Milk Campaign: Our weekly milk drive for creches ASPA, Tio João, Maria Maria and Alegria da Crianças started and we thank the families who already sent milk cans to our project. A letter with detailed information was sent to the new students this week. Thank you for your generosity! DestinationImagination By Ana Melo Welcome to another Destination Imagination season! Soon you will be receiving more detailed information about this after-school program. Students who would like to participate will need to sign-up for the Instant Challenge Workshops which will start on Tuesday, August16th. For the third year, our teams will travel to São Paulo for the Tournament in March of 2012. As happens in the USA and in many schools around the world, we would like to count on parents to volunteer as team managers. The number of teams will depend heavily on the number of volunteers. If you would be interested in volunteering or would like to know more about the program, please contact Ms. Ana Melo – [email protected] or 2125-9071. Page 3 Extra Edition College Corner Kristine Werner, College Counselor Common App 2011-12 application now online! Seniors, may start completing the Common Application already as the new one was posted as of August 1 at www.commonapp.org. They should complete the basic data, start their essays, and see Mrs. Werner when questions arise. SAT and ACT Registration SAT sign-up deadline online is Sept. 9 to take the Oct. 1 test. Go to www.collegeboard.org ACT sign-up deadline online is Sept. 16 to take the Oct. 22 test. Go to www.actstudent.org All seats get full VERY fast - so Seniors should sign up right away! University Visitors Expected: Aug. 25 - University of Notre Dame Aug. 26 - Univ. of British Columbia Aug. 30 - Austrailian College Fair at the Sheraton, 3-9 pm. Sept. 2 - Education USA College Fair at EARJ in the Tartan, 1:40-3:00 pm with 50 universities coming. Parents and and interested students of grades 9-12 are always welcome. PSAT for grades 10, 11 The PSAT will be administered at EARJ on Wednesday, October 10. Unfortunately, it is a holiday but that is the official date. We will give it to the first 100 students from grades 11 and 10 that sign up for it. Why take it? It is a practice for the SAT and serves as a useful college advising tool for the student and myself. In addition, a strong performance raises the interest of good colleges in the student and outstanding results lead to possible scholarships for U.S. citizens. Finally, the PSAT allows all students to hone their standardized test-taking skills - for example, students who excel on PSAT tend to perform well on vestibular. Extra Edition Page 4 Athletic News Neíse Abreu, Athletic Director Greetings from Physical Education & Athletic Department THE HOME OF THE PANTHERS ATTENTION MIDDLE and UPPER SCHOOL STUDENTS ATHLETES STOP BY THE PE & ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT TO PICK UP FORMS AND SIGN UP FOR THE SPORTS OF YOUR CHOICE. REMEMBER: YOU CAN ONLY PAPERWORK IS COMPLETED. PRACTICE ONCE THE Basketball and Soccer practices will start on August 8 or 9, depending upon the sport. Middle School Athletics and Upper School students up to 14 years of age 1st semester: Boys Basketball: Mondays/Fridays (coach Bernardo Pedro) Girls Basketball: Tuesdays/Thursdays (coach Vitor Boccardo) Boys Soccer: Mondays/Wednesdays (coaches Gustavo Quintão & Fábio Figueiredo) Girls Soccer: Tuesdays/Thursdays (coaches Marcelo Cecchi & Ricardo Marques) Practice times: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays: 15:40 to 17:10 Wednesdays: 15:10 to 16:40 Fridays: 15:10 to 16:40 Upper School Athletics – 15 to 19 years of age 1st semester: Boys Basketball: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays (coaches Marcos Mendes & Vitor Boccardo) Girls Basketball: Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays (coach Marcos Mendes) Boys Soccer: Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays (coach Gustavo Dias) Girls Soccer: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays (coaches Marcelo Cecchi & Samuel Wold) Practice times: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays: 15:40 to 17:40 Wednesdays: 15:10 to 17:00 Fridays: 15:10 to 16:40 or 16:40 to 18:10 Please make sure to arrange transportation after sports practices. Extra Edition Page 5 Athletic News Neíse Abreu, Athletic Director * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Congratulations to our 13 and 14 students participated in the USA CUP Soccer Tournament which included 670 teams (composed of students ranging from 11 to 19 years of age). We are CHAMPIONS of the USA CUP 2011 (see photo below). We played seven matches, against USA (two teams), Cayman Islands, Bermudas, Denmark, Puerto Rico and Japan. Our team did a great job. More important than the gold was their excellent attitude, sports ethics, outstanding conduct and self control. As their coach, I am very proud of them. If you have a chance greet them next week. They are: Roberto Breitman, Jung Woo Moon, David Saade, Pedro Curvello, Bruno Ferneda, Clelio Alves, Henrique Bulus, Guilherme Barbosa, Eduardo Alves, Luis Felipe Gros, Kenji Flores and Markus Lund. For more details click on http://rioselectearj.blogspot.com/ HAVE A GREAT SEASON! NEÍSE ABREU - ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Tel: 2125-9111/9222-0829 [email protected] Extra Edition Page 6 Setor Brasileiro Therezinha Fittipaldi, Brazilian Director Publicada em 23/06/2011 às 10h44m in Leonardo Cazes ([email protected]) Quais são as notícias que podem ser temas de questões da prova do Enem 2011? “Você já deve estar até cansado de ouvir dos seus professores: no ano do vestibular, é preciso acompanhar o noticiário, seja em jornais, revistas, televisão ou internet. E eles estão certos. O Enem é uma prova que exige do aluno bastante interpretação de textos, gráficos, tabelas e charges. Logo, quanto mais o estudante estiver por dentro do que está rolando no Brasil e no mundo, mais facilidade terá para identificar o que está sendo pedido em cada questão. Conversamos com professores e fizemos uma lista dos temas mais quentes do momento. Agora, é meter a cara e estudar! CHUVAS NA SERRA: - As chuvas que castigaram a região serrana do Rio no verão podem aparecer no Enem. A prova privilegia temas ligados à urbanização e ao meio ambiente. O impacto da ocupação desordenada de encostas e a erosão do solo estão ligados à tragédia. COPA E OLIMPÍADAS: - Ninguém fala de outra coisa: qual será o legado da Copa do Mundo de 2014 e das Olimpíadas de 2016? O tema pode estar presente em diversas disciplinas. Na matemática, cálculos de geometria plana, como a área de um estádio, ou volume, para saber a quantidade de cimento a ser usada em uma obra, podem ser exigidos. Na geografia é possível tratar de investimentos em infraestrutura nas cidades-sede da Copa, crescimento do turismo e necessidade de qualificação de mão de obra para os eventos. ACIDENTE NUCLEAR: - O terremoto no Japão e a consequente tragédia na usina de Fukushima comoveram o mundo e têm chance de cair no exame. Na parte de Ciências Naturais e suas Tecnologias, a abordagem deve envolver o que provocou o acidente e as medidas tomadas para minimizar a tragédia, assim como os efeitos da radiação e a contaminação da água e do solo. Até mesmo em história o assunto pode estar presente, principalmente relacionado à Segunda Guerra Mundial, durante a qual os Estados Unidos jogaram duas bombas atômicas nas cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki, e ao poder de recuperação japonês após os ataques. MEIO AMBIENTE: - No ano que vem será realizada no Rio de Janeiro a conferência sobre o clima Rio 20. Nela, serão discutidas novas metas de redução de emissão de gases causadores do efeito estufa, entre outras medidas. Além disso, o Código Florestal, aprovado na Câmara dos Deputados e em discussão no Senado, provoca polêmica com suas propostas de mudança na legislação para crimes ambientais, exploração em áreas de preservação permanente, entre outras. Os dois temas podem ser abordados nos âmbitos da química, da biologia e da geografia. Questões sobre energias limpas, combustíveis renováveis, créditos de carbono e também os ciclos da natureza podem aparecer. Não deixe de visitar a página do Setor Brasileiro: http://www.earj.com.br/setor-brasileiro Extra Edition Page 7 Setor Brasileiro Therezinha Fittipaldi, Brazilian Director MUNDO ÁRABE: - Este ano, o mundo viu explodirem diversas revoltas nos países árabes, no norte da África e no Oriente Médio. Esses eventos podem ser ponto de partida para a cobrança de conteúdos relacionados ao imperialismo, influência americana na região, regimes totalitários e até mesmo disputas ligadas à religião. O assassinato do líder da al-Qaeda Osama Bin Laden pelos EUA pode trazer também perguntas sobre terrorismo e as guerras do Iraque e do Afeganistão.” VULCÃO CHILENO:- Um vulcão no Chile provocou a maior confusão na América do Sul, com reflexos até na Austrália e na Nova Zelândia. Na química, questões relacionadas à composição do magma, os gases emitidos e os impactos disso no solo e nos sistemas hídricos podem cair. O vulcão também pode ser o gancho para falar de fenômenos naturais também na parte de Ciências Humanas e suas Tecnologias. DITADURA MILITAR: - A eleição da presidente Dilma Rousseff, uma ex-militante de esquerda que viveu na clandestinidade e foi presa durante a ditadura militar, gerou grande expectativa, principalmente em relação à abertura de arquivos do período. Somado a isso, há grande mobilização pela aprovação do fim do sigilo secreto de documentos do governo e a criação de uma comissão da verdade para investigar os crimes ocorridos naquela época. Ou seja, assunto quente e atual. ANO DA QUÍMICA:- Em 2011 são comemorados o Ano Internacional da Química, os 100 anos de Marie Curie, pioneira nas pesquisas sobre radioatividade, e também os 100 anos do modelo atômico de Rutherford. Olho vivo nesses temas. CENSO 2010:- O Enem adora um gráfico e uma tabela. Com os dados do último censo divulgados no início do ano, é bem provável que haja questões ligadas à população, com uso desses recursos. ENEM MEC define certificado do pelo Enem regras para Ensino Médio O Ministério da Educação publicou portaria na edição de 28 de julho de 2011, no Diário oficial da União para regular a obtenção de certificado de conclusão do Ensino Médio pelo Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem). De acordo com a medida, o estudante deverá ter 18 anos até a data da prova, marcada para os dias 22 e 23 de outubro de 2011. Além disso, o aluno deverá atingir no mínimo 400 pontos em cada uma das provas objetivas - são quatro áreas: linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias, ciências da natureza e suas tecnologia, ciências humanas e suas tecnologias e matemática e suas tecnologias. A nota mínima na redação será de 500 pontos. O estudante não precisa ter estudado em escola pública para garantir a certificação. O processo de emissão dos certificados é de responsabilidade das secretarias estaduais de educação e dos institutos federais de educação, ciência e tecnologia, que receberão as notas e dados dos interessados. Vestibular UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) Inscricões de 04/08 a 05/09/11 Provas: 15/11 e 18/12/11 Valor: R$ 115,00 Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis Inscrições a partir de setembro/2011 Prova dia 09/10/2011 Não deixe de visitar a página do Setor Brasileiro: http://www.earj.com.br/setor-brasileiro Extra Edition Page 8 Announcements Extra Edition Page 9 Announcements The Parent Teacher Association cordially invites new families to a Welcome Breakfast Tuesday, August 9 at 8:15 am in Room MuseOn Come meet new and “old” Escola Americana families and learn about the PTA and the many volunteer opportunities. The monthly PTA meeting will begin right after the breakfast. We are looking forward to having the opportunity to chat with you in this very relaxed setting. Jennifer Dowek, 81530357, [email protected], ex-EA mother has an apartment for rent: Edificio Praia Guinle-São Conrado, 10th floor, 260 square meters, three suites with closets, unfurnished, varanda, maids room, 24 hoursecurity, squash court, gym center, three garage spaces + a visitors space. Extra Edition Page 10 Menu for Next Week — Gávea MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY PROTEÍN 1 Chicken medallions Beef steak rolled around a carrot Beef crepe Fried fish Pizza PROTEÍN 2 Grilled steak strips Beef and onions Grilled chicken SIDE DISH Spaghetti Mashed potatos Carrot au gratin Rice with broccolis French fries LIGHT OPTION Grilled beets Sautéed spinach Sautéed chick peas Sautéed light green vegetable (Chuchu) Sautéed watercress DESSERT Caramel/ Doce de leite Chocolate pudding Coconut sweet Banana compote Chocolate cake and ice cream Grilled chicken Chicken cubes with tomato sauce * Menu subject to last minute changes Calendar of Events SCHOOL-WIDE August 9: PTA Welcome Breakfast in the MuseOn, 8:15 am LOWER SCHOOL August 17: Open House MIDDLE SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL August 12: Via Sapientia meeting August 17: MS Open House for Parents August 17: MS Open House August 22—24: 9th, 10th & 11th grades, individual pictures taken August 29: 6th Grade, Individual August 25: College Visit: University of Notre Dame , 12:30 and class pictures taken -1:20pm August 30: 7th Grade Individual and class pictures taken August 26: College Visit: University of British Columbia Stewart Lampe, Homeroom August 31: 8th Grade Individual and class pictures taken For more information visit our page at http://www.earj.com.br/events Extra Edition Page 11 From Our School Divisions Ms. Cristiana Jurgensen, Lower School Dear EARJ Community, Hello! I am excited to begin the 2011-2012 school year here at EARJ. I am certain that this year will be full of HANDS ON/ MINDS ON learning in the Lower School. For those of you who do not know me (we have over 100 new Lower School students this year!)… I started teaching 16 years ago in Pre-Kindergarten in Portland, Oregon in the United States. I taught in the elementary grades before moving into administration positions. My husband, Ryder and I (with our two children Koa and Nai’a) have lived in Salvador, Bahia, Lagos, Nigeria and Qatar. Please come up and introduce yourself if you see me on campus or make an appointment to visit my new office which is located together with the Middle School Office in Block 5, one floor up from the Little Shop and the Student Canteen. Help me in welcoming new LS staff members who have recently joined us: Samantha Schall, a Pre School Teacher, Grace Heim, a 5th grade teacher, Julie Buck, a ESL teacher, Monica Tinoco, a Kindergarten teacher and our assistants: Ana Claudia Carvalho (3rd grade), Ana Luisa Moura (2nd grade), Eduarda McDowell (Preschool) and Annamaria Bakx (Kindergarten). Each school year brings opportunities and challenges. I am looking forward to fostering a partnership between the students, parents, teachers and administration so that we can create a wonderful place of learning and growth for all EARJ students. I look forward to having a chance to meet and talk with each one of you individually so we can get to know each other. It is going to be a great year! Dr. Cristiana Jurgensen Lower School Principal Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro Page 12 Extra Edition From Our School Divisions Isabel Baltazar, Barra Welcome to the 2011/2012 School Year! We are very happy to welcome all our returning students and families. We also extend a warm welcome to our new students and families joining our Barra campus this semester. Congratulations to the Barra teachers, assistants and support staff for working hard during the break to get our campus ready for the new school year. The children looked very happy and comfortable in their new classrooms and truly enjoyed our new cafeteria space. The new preschool children are exploring their different environment and adapting smoothly. Arrival Time: 7:50 a.m. Dismissal: 3:25 (Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays) 2:50 (Wednesdays and Fridays) Please be punctual and follow the drop off and pick up procedures in the morning and afternoon to ensure the safety of the children and facilitate the flow of traffic. Thank you for contributing to a smooth and safe transition. Barra PTA New Parents Breakfast: All parents are cordially invited to the first Barra PTA meeting when we will officially welcome all our new families. The meeting will be held on Thursday, August 18th, at 8:15 a.m. Join us for a get-together breakfast! Barra Open House Dates: Please mark your agendas and join us for the first semester Open Houses . This is always a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet the teachers, greet other parents and visit the classroom. Monday, August 15th: 3rd Grade Friday, August 19th: Kindergarten Monday, August 22nd: 1st Grade Wednesday, August 24th: 2nd Grade Tuesday, August 30th: Preschool Extra Edition Page 13 From Our School Divisions Luke Walbridge, Middle School Dear Parents, Welcome to the new families and welcome back to the returning families. I hope your holiday has been all that you hoped it would be. We are all excited about the beginning of another school year! Mark your calendar, there will be informational meetings for parents about the Via Sapientia trips on August 12. The 6th grade meeting will be at 8:00 am. The 8 grade meeting will be at 8:40 am. and the 7th grade meeting will be at 9:30 am. This will be your best opportunity to learn about the trips that are scheduled for the week of November 7 to the 11. The teacher leader and the tour operator will be making the presentations. Open House is scheduled for the afternoon of August 17. This is a great opportunity to put a face to the name of your child’s teachers and learn about their plans for the school year. We hope you will be able to attend. Supply lists are available on the Middle School section of the web site. Kind Regards, Luke Walbridge Middle School Principal From Our School Divisions Erich Heise, Upper School We are pleased to welcome 25 new students from around the world and five new teachers to the Upper School this year. Mr. Scott Berthiaume and Mrs. Becky Berthiaume join our math department following extensive teaching experience in the United States. Mr. Christian Prendergast and Ms. Christine Smith, our new English teachers, each have teaching experience in the United States and overseas. Ms. Ursula Rodriguez, who will be teaching in our science department, is coming home to Rio de Janeiro after teaching at Chapel School in São Paulo. The first week of school has gone extremely well in the Upper School. Teachers and students are getting to know one another and are adjusting to their class schedules. Athletic team sign-ups began on Thursday, and practices begin next week. Student Council (STUCO) had its first official meeting of the new school year on the first day of school, and other clubs and activities are getting organized. STUCO will host a back-to -school barbecue for students and staff on Monday, August 8, during lunch. All of us in the Upper School are committed to achieving excellence in teaching and learning and preparing our students for a meaningful and productive life in the 21st century. We are truly thankful for the support we receive from parents, our partners in education, and we welcome the opportunity to answer your questions or concerns. We look forward to another great school year at EARJ.