-.*¦; ¦ The Rio News PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. Voi.. XVIII. RIO DE JANEIRO, JUNE 9th, \171LSON, SONS & CO. ** (LIMITE D) 2, PRAÇA DAS The NEW YORK COMMERCIAL CO., Limited CHARLES R. FLINT, Treasurer. MARINHAS 140 Pearl Street, RIO DE JANEIRO. AGENTS NEW YORK. Chesterfield House - Great Tower St., LONDON, MACHINERY AND RAILWAY Si, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI. Caixa do Correio 248. 17 Rua de Paradis 142 Pearl Street For free Sample Copy, apply to the office at COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Caixa 392. Fresca No. 5. RIO DE JANEIRO Henry Robertson, Secretary. A /./, Kua Sete de Setembro RIO DE JANKIKO. Importers and Wholesale and Retail Drugg-ists Joseph Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers. W. Mee, Manager. Sole Agents in Brazil : Norton, Megaw &• Co. No. Sa, Rua / ° de Março. gotds. Rio de Janeiro. TTEIDSIECK& Co's. /^ARSON'S HOTEL. H. BELLAMY & Co. IOHN General and Commission Merchants, DRY MONOPOLE. 15S, RUA DO CATTETE. SHIPPING AND STEAMER AGENTS. AGENTS FOR ESTABLISHED 1872. THE ONLY ENGLISH HOTEL IN THE CITY. Provida! with first-cl.iss accommodntions, baths, atlendancé, etc. AU information given by lhe Proprietor personally. w WILLIAM D. CARSON, Proprietor. Several leading Manufacturers, R. CASSELS & Co. ALSO 13 Rua Primeiro de Março, KIO DEJANEIRO, 51, Rua de Boa Vista, SÃO PAULO, and CASSELS, KING & Co. TIJUCA HOTEL And also that full authority has been granted 1'toprietor for lhe management of the same, to by tl.e 858, Calle Cangallo, This be.-UtifulIy-Mtu.ited hotel, so weil known for its healthfulness and nccessibility to the city, will continue to ofTer tle best of entertainment to travelleis seeking to escape the heat aud discomforts of the city. Applications for ap.trtments and traníporiation of baggage may be made by Telephone J001. ENVELOPES. ASSORTMBNT JUST RECKIVED OF manufactuicd from Uue and while ctoth-lined l.ip.mese p.irchmciit: paper Km ther Agencies, suitable to their lines of business— Hard* ware, Doinestic good, Specialties, etc, etc—are respecttully solicited. V \. .VENCESLAU GUIMARÃES ,v_ Co. WINE MERCHANTS. Importers of Sole made from the best while and tittted papers. LINEN ENVELOPES, made fiom the best «pialities of linen papeis United State*. These known in lhe envelope* ate superior in both quality >..-..¦:_¦- may be seen at the Typograpliia and make Aldlna, ?9 Sele de Setembro—ist ll -. 1 111 Bur^undy, Khine and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champagne Cfcgnacs and l.i«pieurs of the best brands. 'kua .ia Alfândega, from supeiiot talcmlared papers of various color-»* Envelopes, Agents for Dealers O 8). KELL, WILSON & Co. 21 Rna Conselheiro Saraiva 22 Beceo de Bragança. AOEXTS OK TIIF. Nòfthern Assurance Company, General and Commission Merchants for foreign ani home trade with the interior. lhames and Mersey Marine Insurance to. Alliance Insurance Co. P. O. Box 741. Rio de Janeiro. EXPLOSIVES Co. N OBEL'SLIMITED. Gelignite and Dynamite In, cases of 50 Ibs. ea., nett weight Gelignite is a new and very pnwcrful explosivo. Hesidcs posse.-ing great breaking power it commends itself for use in this Cl uiitry by reason of the fumes after explosion not being injuriou* to the workers. On this account alone great advanlage is obtained over most explosivos, by tts use, and more especially when operating in confined places. Also patent Detonator caps and BickforcTS use. For further information and price, apply to lhe patent Watson, Ritchie é. Co. No. 25, Rua Theophilo Ottoni. P.lanuv Hrothrks __ Co., Exporter of Madeira Wines; G. Pkei.lkk & Co., Bordeaux, Exporter ol Bordeaux Wines; K. Rkuv Martin & Co., Exporter of Cognac and FOR THE Agents íor Brazil: Oporto, Douro and Lisbon wines ofthe best qualities in bottle-.oriii casks, and under the private marks ofthe house. SQUARE COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES American Commercial I1UENOS AYRES. importers ami Agents for Manufacturers. Mr. Charles W. Tross. LARGE 1S31) Passenger a na'Freight Locomotives, .Mine Loeovwlhes, Narrcnv Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Cars ete., etc, solicited. Correspondence A {Established, AU work thoroughly guaranteed. João Baptista de Mello Oliveira, President. Water supplied on short notice. NDRÊ DK OLIVEIRA £ GAD, AND EXPORTERS. DIEECTOES: LONG DOCUMENT ENVELOPES, Run DEALERS PHILADELPHIA, PENN. These loeomotive engines are adapted to every variety ol service, and are built accurately to standard gauges and témplates. Like parts of different engines of same class perfectly interchangeable. a-____sr__3_R____L IMPORTERS, LOCOMOTIVE B ALDW1NWORKS, BURNHAfá WILLIAMS & CO., •'roprielors. (THE S. PAULO TRADING COMPANY.) CAPITAL—i,ooo,ooo$ooo, or /"100,00o Sterling. IGREJA EVANGÉLICA FLUMINENSE.-No. 175, Rua de S. Joaquim. Services in Portuguese at 10 a. m. and 6 p. ra., Sundays; and at 7 p. m. Wednesdays. c JAMES MACDONOUGH. President. AUG. D. SHEPARD, _ . ... ,. . V'"-Presidents. TOURO ROBERTSON, ) THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Treas. JNO. E. CURRIE* Ass-tSec'y. J. K. MYERS, AstH* Treas. Companhia Importadora Paulista. The Proprietor begs to advise his friends and customers, and the public in general, that from the ist December forward this old aud popular establishment will be known under tlxdcnomination of HARLES HUE JUNR. & CO. Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants PAPERS. UTHOQRAPHIC AND TYPE PRINTINQ. R/O DE JANEIRO. T TOTEL WIIYTE— TIJUCA. Dr. Oliveira Aguiar. Physician. Residence: Praça Duque de Caxias No. 39. Telephone 1147. Oflice: Kua do Ouvidor No. 145; hours from 2 to 3 p.m. SAFETY KAILWAV TICKETS OF IMPROVEI» STYLES. Show Curd-t, l.ul) cl», üitlcndur-*.. PARIS. NEW YORK. Caixa, do Correio 24S. BAPT1ST CHURCH.-Rua do Conde d'Eu, No. 122. Services in Portuguese every Sunday al ti a.m. and 7. p.m; and every Wednesday at 7. p.m. W. B. BAGBY, Pastor. Residence: Rua de Petropolis N. 2. Dr. W. HaveIburg,«I'hysician, Surgeon and Aceoucheur: just returned from a visit to Berlin to study Dr. Koeh_ new remedy for tuberculosis. Olhce and residence : Rua da Alfândega No. 29, from 2 to 4 p. ni. Dr. Cleary, Physician and Surgeon ; Oflice -ji, Rua dos Ourives, llours, from 12 to 3. Residence, Rua da Real Grandeza No. 33, Botafogo. Telephone 1550. Dr. C. Feldhagen, Surgeon and Aceoucheur. Cons. from 2 to 4, Praça General Osório No. 63. Res. Rua Marquei 6111. de Abrante. Nu 57. Telephone 1138. COLORS. W«rU Exeeutcd In Flreproof Ilulldlncu. 81, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Largo do METHODIST Cattete. EnèlishstrvictstnX 11:30.1.111. Sundays, and 7;3o p.m. on Fridays.-C. Ii. MC FAR LA NI), Pastor. Portucjiiese senaees : at 11.30 a. m. and'7.30 p.m. IttrDmil pivcrtmu YORK, Chesterfield House-Great Tower Street, LONDON, E. C. -fftjuvrl) PttTctovtj PRESHYTERIAN CHUCH-N'.' 15 Travessada Barreira. Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 11 a.m,, and 7 p. m., Sundays; and at 7 p. m. Thursdays. A. TRAJANO, Pastor. NEW S. LEVY LAWSON, Editor and Proprietor, COffirinl pivcttovtj 41 Rua S. Salvador. PARIS and 1795. Reoi-^aiiizi.-d 1879. Engravers and Pkinteks of BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for Foreign Covernments. ENGRAV1NG AND PRINTING, BANK NOTES, 811 AUE (*KKTIKI«ATE(*, BONDS FOK IJOVEKNMENTS AM» <'OI__>OKATIONS, DUAj-TSj OIIKÇKS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, STAMPS, Ac, in tlie flnei. nn<l iihmI urtlutlc «tjle FKO.U STEEL 1'LATES, With SPECUIi SAKKOIIAUIIM to 1'RKVRÜT rO|-STKRFKITISG. Siweial papers mánufactüred oxelusively íor use of tho Company. SAFETY of LONDON, Establishments : Wilson, Sons & Co (Limited), London, Cardiff, Si. Vineent, (Cape Verde), Rio. Bahia, Pernambuco, Santos, Montevidéo and Buenos Ayres. Residence: RIO DF. JANEIRO. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN FlNANCIER Coal.—Wilson, Sons ,-i Co. (Limited) liave depois at St Vineent, (Cape Verde), Montevidéo, and at the cbief Brazil Ports; and, among olheis, supply coal under contract, at Rio, to: Tbe Braziliàn Government ; Her Brilannic Majesty's Government: The Trnnsatlantic Steamship Companies ; The New Zealand Shipping Companies ; .te., S:c., Foiinded Incorporat-tMl under I.iihs of tlu* Stat-y of Ntsw York, lããó. S. LEVY LAWSON, Commercial Union (Fire & Marine) As si trance Co., f.imite d. Sundays; 7 p. rn. Tuesday.-J. W. WOLLlNG. 78 to 86 TR1NITY PLACE, NEW YORK. Business SUPPLIES. Correspondents of and tbe CHRIST CHURCH.-Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Divinc Service every Sunday at 11 a.m. and at 7.30 p.m. CHARLES WINTER, M. A., Cl.aplain. Bank Note Company, C. Sole Kxport Agenls in New York lor niany of tlie Leading Manulaclurers of tlie United Slates. Establislied Houses in Brazil can secure exclusive rights on specialties. Pacific Steam Navigation Company, United States & Brazil Mail S.S. Co., S/taiv, Savill & Albion Co., JJ. The Nciv Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. U. S. LEGATION.—No. 45, Rua das Larangeiras E. H. CONGER, Oflice hours 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Minister. BRITISH LEGATION.-Travessa de D. Manoel, No. 8. GEORGE H. WYNDHAM. Minister. AMERICAN CONSULATE GENERAL.—N? 20, Largo da Carioca. O. H. DOCKERY, Cônsul General. BRITISH CONSULATE GENERAL.- NV 8, Travessa de D. Manoel. WM. GEO. ABBOTT, Cônsul General. E. 23 AMERICAN CONTRACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS OP THK Insurance,—Fire and Marine Insiirances alTccted at moderate rates. Coal. — Large stocks nf lhe best CardifT Coal always kept in depot 011 Conceição Island. Ti.iq BoatB always ready for service. Bnllnst Supplied to ships. Number 1891 Kio de Janeiro. WESTINGHOUSE AIR THK BRAKE COMPANY, P/TTSBURG. PA., U. S. A. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Westinghouse Automatic Brake The Westinghouse Automatic Brake is now ín 12,000 engines, and 250,00c cars. This includes Freight Cars. use on 161,000 This is ib per cent of the entire freight cett tquipment of the United States. Orders have been received for 100,000 Quick Acuon Brakes since December, 1SS7. For further partkubrs apply to Norton Afegaw & Co. 82, Primeiro de Marçij. ¦-¦ ¦ ,:*¦ RIO THE and S. T. LONGSTRETH, Office and works: 18, Travessa do Ouvidor, ist floor. NIL—Special .-ittcntiort given tolarge stamps (trade-marks) and large type for marking coflee bags. OF THE UNITED STATES. 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Companhia União Industrial £24,842,446. Assets, 1 st January 1891 Surplus .......£ 4,945*926. £ 7,299*309Income 1890 £ 42,463,772. New Business „ Debentures RTT.A- IDO HOSPÍCIO INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT. The ALLIANÇA Insurance Company, PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, 4c RIO DE JANEIRO Insures against every kind and description or liodily accidents, or exclusively against accidents encountered in one's occupation and on railways, and against loss of life during sea voyages. By the payment of a trifling sum, any person can guarantee a small fortune to his family in case he should lose his life by accident, or secure àmp\e support for himself and family during a fixed period in case of accidentaí injury. For Prospectus and other information, inquire at the Company's offices—Accident Insurance Section. S. S. Castro e Mello. Manoel Cardoso Pereira. Leopoldo de Carvalho Rirei ro. Wm. A. Gordo/t, Sues. piICENlX FIRE OFFICE. G. C. Anderson, Agent. Telephone No .427. COMPANY, LIMITED, OF LONDON. MARINE. Marine RiukB Authorized 1884. R Agents fbr lhe Republic of Biazil Wilson Sons &• Co. Limited. No. 2 Praça das Marinhas. No. 84, Rua Io de Março. Rio dc Janeiro. UARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO. Rio de Janeiro No. 62, Rua 1 H Youle. âf de Março. OME AND COLONIAL MARINE INSURANCE Co. Agents for the Republic ol Brazil Norton, Megaw 6* Co. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL Capital ,£2,000,000 Accmnulated Funds ^6,000,000 No. 8, Rua da Candelária. INSURANCE Co. G. C. Anderson. Rua de S. Pedro No. i—ist lloor. & Co No. 25, Kua de Theophilo Otton . ASSURANCI': NORTHERN COMPANY. Agents in Rio de Janeiro • Okcll, Wilson, 21 Telephone No. te)p & Co. Rua Conselheiro Saraiva. RIO ruled, and in padS Just received at thc Typographia Aldina 79, Sele de Setembro. RIO DE JANEIRO. DEJANEIRO UAUPT& Co. * * II EA D OFFIcFlN LONDON BRANCHES IN BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro, Pará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Santos, São Paulo and Porto Alegre, Capital.. Ditto, paidup Reserve Kund £ £ £ 1,000,000 500,000 175,000 Draws 011 THE LONDON J'OINT STOCK BANK, J- Capital..... Capilal paid up Reserve fund r ,, ,, i,j5o(ooi. («5,000 .,00,000 Cable address: Avlis. P, O. Ba*: No 76 Rua Brigadeiro Tobias and 43 Rua Episcopal. São P.tnlo, Brasil. FRÉRES &> Co., II AMitiiki;. S. PAULO E BANCO RIO DE JANEIRO 42 RUA DO HOSPÍCIO (provistonally) Consigiunents of ali kinds received. Advances made on cuiiMgntiients. Correspondente solicited. 97 Bankers: Banco Commercio c Industria, Banco Constnictor e Agrícola, Companhia Mercantil c de Otras Publicas • 5' (Secção I'.1 -.• ¦:. ¦ 1 JOHN REID, Treasurcr. Caixa do Ccncio 841. Telephone 353. Cable Address: "MARQUES" Rio. THEATRO Capital: subscribed . do realized . . Reserve Fund . . . 25,ooo:ooo$ooo 7,50o:ooo$ooo 557:ooo$ooo Transacts every description of Banking business. Draws ..n S. Paulo, Santos and other cities in the Stale of S. Paulo. Rcccives money on depont «11 the following conditions: In account cunent . . 4«0 By bills at futed date: Kiom 2 to 5 months 5% 6 to S. PEDRO DE ALCÂNTARA EDWIN CLEARY, Manager A SUBSCRIPTION 9 do 10 to ii do Stamps for account of the bank. 6*0 7% I1AS BEEN OPENED 1-0 R 8 NIGHTS 8 OF MILLS, CURRIE ã>- Co., Messrs. J. ll. SCltRODER & Co., Import, Export and Commission Merchants. J. F. MARQUES, Secretary. BANK, LIMITED. 1'AKIS, SILVA & Co. GEORGE ARMSTRONG, President. L ONDON AND BRAZILIAN Messrs. MAL LEI imports and Commissions. Railway Material. Rolling Stock. Dealers and Importers of ali kinds ol Machinery and appurtenaiiccs. Iron, Steam, Gas, and Water piping. Packing, Helting, Rubber, Asbestos, etc. Contracts made for erecting and construeting any niachinery. Manufacturers of Nails, Rail-way spikcs, and Bolls. Also Lead, Gas, and Water piping. and transacts every description of Banking business. I .ONDON, RIO DE JANEIRO. Stores: 84 Rua S. Pedro, and 73 Rua Theophilo Ottoni. (LIMITED) Urtiws ou: Messrs. GLYN, Machinery, Rio tte Janeiro Watson Ritchie A large assortment of FINE WRITINC PAPERS, Companhia Marques Limitada, HEAD OFFICE: LONDON MAR INE INSURANCE COMbranches: lisbon,oporto, pará, pernambuco,bahia THK \NY LIMITED. PAI rio dejaneiro, santos,são paulo, rio grande do sul, pelotas, porto alegre Capital .£1,000,000 sterling and montevideo. Reserve funil £ 450,000 ,, agencies : buenos avres and new york. Agent in Rio de Janeiro 5j, Rita da Alfândega. ONDON AND LANCASIIIRK FIRE Agents tn in_j [Direction der Disconlo ) N1GT;lls1c,,Í'"*.'/'l*"c°n^ Morddi.-uische Hank 111 |>™d pondents. I Haniliiirg, Hamburg. ) fN. M. Rothschild & Sons, London. ) Intcni.ilirnial Hank ol Loinlon, l.imited - plain, Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. OYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Insules against the risk of fire, hotises.goods andiuerchandise of every kind at reduced rates. No. 82, Kua i" de Março, Rio de Janeiro. L p TTAUPT & Co. BRANCHES IN THE RIVER PLATE: John Moore &- Co, agents. Smith & Co., HALL OF Established 1782 OMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCI Agents in V. J. gatvlis. ISH BANK pNGLIS Rua de S. Pedro, No. i —ist floor. G Germany FRIED. KRUPP, Insures against risk of (ire, houses, goods and iiii-ieliandi.se, .ind oflers tlie best of guarantees with lhe most favorable conditions. Agent in Rio ae Janeiro Fire B.inkn Authorized 1870 factories : RIO DE JANEIRO, Caixa 766. Representatives in Brazil of Authorized by Imperial Decree No. S,05f oj March 24.H1, rSSi. ^1,000,000 sterling AND (Anthortsed by Decree No. 10,030,) Essen, Rhineland. RITISH & FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIM'D FIRE BRANCHOFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO. / A, Rua da Candelária, 1 A 53, Rua da Alfândega Cable address: NI ATER. Postoffice address : Caixa No. 1,074. Telephone : No. 129. c 10,000,000 Marks. J. II. LOWNDES & Co. Carlos Américo dos Santos. 31, Rua General Câmara. . l Wm. Ilrandr.s Sons & Co., London. France CCíédil Ly011 liais and branebes 1 Spain ÇBánque d'Anvers, Antwerp, D . BelBlum ) H. Albeit de Rary & Co., Antwerp. FABRICA DE TECIDOS S. CHRISTOVÃO í Banca Generale, branches and corresltaly \ Cotton, wool and silk goods, pondents. ( MeuiicolTre & Cn., Naples. FABRICA NACIONAL DE TECIDOS DE MEIA PortuKal r, . (j Banco Lisboa ít Açores and conespondents Undersliiits, hosiery, etc. United States G Amsinck & Cn„ New Vork. Uruguay Ernesto Tornquist & Co., Montevideo. FABRICA MANUFACTORA DE RENDAS Tornquist & Co., I!. Ayres. Ernesto ( Argentine j Lace goods of ali kinds. Detitselie Ucbersec Bank, B. Ayres. | and any other countries FABRIL BRAZILEIRA Opcns accounis current: Small-ware, pins, needlcs, bultons, etc. Pays interest on deposits for a eertain time. TECELAGEM FLUMINENSE ~\14 % P- a- f°r 3 ,0 5 months; -I % ,, .. .. o •. 9 .. Gimps, fringes, gold and silver lace, embroidery, etc. >5 % .. .. .. lo >> ,2 FABRICA DE FERRO GALVANIZADO. Executes orders for purchases and sales of stocks, sjiares, Galvanised iron rooling slieels, zinc liles, baths, kiteben etc, and transacts every description oí banking business. ware, silver and nickel plaiing, etc. (Boettger—Krah, Soi.k Acbnts : Directors. June 1891. Manager of Section : Capital . FABRICA DE TECIDOS S. JOÃO Hessians, coflee bags and jute goods of ali descriptlons. RIO DE JANEIRO. B Capital. RIO DEJANEIRO. Comprises the rollowing Board of Directors : Established in Hamburg on ibth Dcccmbei iSSf h' M'e "Direction der Disconlo Gescllscliaf" in Berlin and the " Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg," Hamburg. Draws on: Rs. 10,000,000$ £ 675,000 stg. Share Capital 1891. BANK FUR DEUTSCHLAND. BRASILIANISCHE S. SEBASTIÃO Branch Office for Brazil : RUA HAND STAMPS. Metal-Bodied Rubber Type. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 4Ç, [June çth, R UBBER Qumxmxt&. 71 NEWS ENGLISH COMIC OPERA Commencing June I8th wilh THE MIKADO. PRICES: Boxes (Frisa) for the season. 500S000 450S000 „ (Ia ordem) „ „ 350SOOO ,, 2a ordem) „ „ Orchestra chairs. .... S\xTDscrii>tioii. "be Ixacl of 60S000 llsts may Crashley & Co. 07 Rua do Ouvidor. 1891.] june çth, THE NOTICE. IN TIIH HIGH ÇOURT 01' CÍIANCHRV JUSTICE. DIVISION, Mr Justice C/litty. In the Matter of the Oiiro Preto Gold Mines ol Brazi Limited aud Reduced and ln lhe Matter of tliò Çòiripanics Act 1817 and of tlie Companies Act 1877. Notice is hereby given thal a pelition lo tluHigh Court of Justice Ghancery Division presenled 011 lhe 161I1 day of February, 1801, foi* corifirniing a special Résoltttíoii rcdueing the capital of the above liientioiicd Company froin £.|oo,ooo to £ 320,000, is directed to be heard before his Lordsllip Mr Justice Chitty 011 Salurday lhe i8tb day of August, 1891. Any creditor or shareholder of ibe Company desiruig< lo oppose tbe mnkiiig of an Order for tbe reduclion of tbe Capital of tbe said Company iihdcr ibe above Acts Should appear at the time of líèariiig by bimself or bis Counsel for thal purpose. And a copy of tlie pelition may be seen by any creditor or shareholder al lhe Office of tbe and on of tbe regiilntèd charges for ibe Company same a copy willpayment supplied be by tbe Snhcitors under nientioned. Dated this 251b day of April tSqr. John Wm. Ilawkins, Chie/Clerk. Campbell Recves & fíòopcr, 17 Warwick Street. Regent Street, London, W. Sólicitors. No Tribunal Superior de Justiça, Repartição da Chancellaria, () Senr. Juiz < hitty —No assumpto da Companhia The Ouro Píctp Gold Mines of Hrazil Limited aud Reduced—e— No assumpto dn Lei sobre Companhias de 1867 e da Lei sobre Companhias de 1877.—Por esta presente se dá aviso que uma petição apresentada ao Tribunal Superior dc lustiça Repartição da Chanceilaria, no dia in dc Fevereiro de 1801. para confirmar uma deliberação especial reduzindo o capital da Companhia acima mencionada de ^.(oo.ooo A /120,00o, fica mandada a ser ouvida perante Sua Kxcellencia o juiz » hitty, no sabbado, o dia 18 de Agosto de 1891. Qualquer credor 011 accionista da Companhia que desejar oppôr-se ao fazer-se uma Ordem para a reducção do Capilal da dita Companhia debaixo das Leis acima mencionadas deveria apresentar-se nn oceasião de ouvir-se a petição pessoalmente ou por intermédio do seu advogado para esse fim. E se pode ver uma cópia dá petição por ijünlquer credor ou accionista 110 escriptorio da Companhia e pagando-se ps gastos estabelecidos para a mesma, se fornecerá uma cópia pelos advogados aqui abaixo mencionados. Datado neste dia 25 de Abril de 1891 John W. Ilawkins, Enacrregado principal. Campbell Recves Sc Hoopcr—17 Warwick Street, London, W. A dvogados. The Rio News PUBLISHED WEEKLY A. |. I.AMOUKEUX, Editor and Proprietor. Contains a summary of news and n review of Brazilian aflatuj, a list oflhe arrivals ami departures of foreign vessels, the commeicial report and price current of the market, tables of stock quotations and sales, a table of freights and charters, a summary of the daily coflee reports from lhe Associação Commeicial, a synopsis of the monthly balances of local banks, and all other information necessary to a correct judgment on linu-.ili.iu trade. (Cash invariably tn advance) Subscription : •-•o$ooo per annum for lirazil. $10.00 or £2 abroad (2.1$ when paiil here). SINGLE COPIES: 400 reis; for sale at tlie office of pnblication, or at lhe English Hook Siore, No. 67 Rua do Ouvidor. All subscriptions should ruu with the calendnr year, or lenninate on June joth and December jist. EDITORIAL AND PUBLICAT10N OFFICES:79, Rua Sete de Setembro Rio pk Janeiro, June çth, 18.91. We are glad to state thal the project for founding a strangers1 non-sectarian hospital in this city has been taken up anew, and will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. The undertaking was checked last year by the ràpid increase in ilu- valuatipn ol" land, and the committee was unable to obtain a site before the hot season The saci experiences of the past set in. súmmer have made the enterprise seem more necessary than ever, and it is now proposed to carry it out before the next hot li tti(. season il it can possibly be done. foreign residente here will all unite in assisting lhe committee, we believe this can be The proposition now is not lo done. undertake lhe erecíion oi ,t costly edifice, hnt to construct two or three cheap and isolated buildings 011 the plan of the barrack hospitais so successlully employed elsewhere. With a good building site which will uilmit of pleasant surroundings in the way oí ornamental gardens, etc, we feel certain that this idea can be made highly successful and may be made the means of propagating newer and better ideas of hosIt is pilai administration in this country. now generally admitted that small and inexpensive hospitais are much better than lhe large unwicldy institutions which have thus far been construeted, particularly in tropical countries where the climate does RIO not require thc costly heating and ventilating appliances of colder countries. [f this idea is adopted lhe sum required for iniliating lhe hospital will be less lhau was thought necessary last year. Preparations must also be made for the proposed training school for nurses, which is becoming more than ever necessary. The greatest didicully was experienced during the past sum mer iu finding nurses lo caie for the siek, and much of lhe labor unavoidably feli upon lhe friends of lhe patients. The usèfulness of thc proposed training school can not and will noi be queslioned, anil if the foreign residents of Rio join hands iu carrying it into effect we believe lhat another sumnier will (ind us better prepared to take care of our sick. Tt would bc interesting to know just what is lo be done toward giving this city a clecent, efficient municipal government. Had as this government certainly was under lhe monarchy, it is now immcasurably Il has become almost impossible worse. lo transaCt any business there because oí the confusion, ignorance and venality which (ili its departments. The new men who now fill ils offices have neither experience nor good will; they simply serve as obstruetions to the performance of even the simplést routine work. In lhe hcence department the work is from four to six weeks behind, and yet lhe offices close pròmptly at 2 p. m., and the men employed lhere dawdle away their four hours of nominal labor smoking and gossiping. There is hardly a man in the whole place who does a good, honest hours work during the whole day. They can neither give information correctly, nor do they even take the trouble to confess their ignorance politely. And not only this, they have assumed dictatorial powers and are inçreasing taxes and imposing regulations which have no other source of authority than the arbitrary will of a body of men placed there by lhe provisional government. Although the national government is now góverned by a constitutional president, thi.s city is still góverned by a dictatorial intendencia. Although this body has no legal status under the constitution, it is enforcing new taxes and increasing old onés in a manner which a spirited people would not submit to for one single moment. We i\^ not know how widely their impositions have been carricd, for the residents ol this city are aceustomed to submit and say nothing, but we do know that our own licence tax has been quadrupledj than an inspection sei vice has been added to the department, and that ii took nearly two months with an incredible waste oí lime in dancing attendance, to secure the desired Ii this is the improved kind of paper. government the republic proposes to supplv, then we have very little to th.ink lhe revolution loi*. N> man objects lo paying his share ol all necessary public expenditures, but there is certainly very little satislaction 111 paying salários to parasites and idlers for attending to the peoplc's public business and then submitting to the delays and 111 civilities which are lhe rule in the inun icipal departments of this city. Among the many questions which must claim the first attention of Congress is that ol public instruetion. The constitution has lelt lhe question in a verv unA cabinet position was certain position. created by the provisional government for a minister of public instruetion, but «as the primar)" control of public schools throughout the country belongs to the slates, and to the general government only in regard to schools of the higher grade, there appcars t" be very little for such a departIt bis control; however, of ment to do. NEWS. public instruetion in thi.s capital, and ofthe higher grade schools, colleges and institutes throughout the whole country, and may through these instrumentalities do much to improve the school systems left to the control ofthe states. The alarming high percentage of illiteracy in Brazil, ranging froin So to 90 per cent. in the various states, renders the question one of vital and urgent importance. A republic can not be created froin such a mass of ignorance, and every eflort in that direction can only be attended by disorder, class lyranny and failure. It is urgently necessary therefore lhat immediate steps should be taken to improve the educational facilities and melhods of the country so lhat this large proportion of illiteracy may be reduced. In the first the place jurisdiclion of thc new ministry should be clearly defined, so that the stale governments may understand exactly what is required of them in the matter of creating and maintaining schools. There is so much work to do and so great an expenditure will be required that no time and money should be wasted in duplicate ündertakings. Foi* instance, if the general government undcrtakes to creàte and maintain normal schools, then the states should not enter into competition with them; and if, on the contrary, the states consider such schools as belonging to their control, then the general government should let them alone. And in thc second place, but no less important, the fullest powers and opportunities should be created by Congress for the founding and administration of private institutions oflearning. A considerable amount of money has been given to hospitais and asylums in this country, and we have no doubt but that an equally large sum would be given to schools and colleges if lhe needed incentives were given. To provide for this a legal status must be given to every corporate body controlling such an institution, which must be empOwered to administer the estate of the institution, to transfer the administration to a legally chosen suceessor, to employ and dismiss teachers, to enact by-laws for the government of students, and to grant the diplomas conferred by such institutions elsewhere. And all this should be permittèd without the slightest interference Irom the state. Oflicial examinations should not lie imposed, nor should the slightest discriinihation ever be shown between the graduates of such an institution and one maintained al public expense. Tlie natural results ofsuch a policy will lie to siimulate beqüests to educational institutions, and to largely increase their number and elliciency throughout the country. The question of normal schools has already been discussed iu these columns, but il is one ofsuch vital importance that it can not be discussed too often nor too minutei}'. As a natural consequence of the scarcity of good schools, and ofthe overwhelming prevalence of illiteracy, there must be very few capable teachers, and very tneagre facilities Ciood schools are for professional study. impossible without good and wcil-trained teachers, and such teachers are very rarelv found where special facilities do not exist for training them. A certain degree oí education may ol course be provided for without the assistance of normal schools, but if the best results in the shortest period of time are required, then the teachers themsei ves must be properly tniincd by competent instruetors before entering upon their work. We have already called attention to the wise policy adopted by President Sarmiento twenty years «ago for tlie creation of normal schools iu Argentina, and thc suecess of those schools is to-day the noblest monument that he, or any other mler, ô could desire. There has not yet been time enough for them to exercise a controlling influence in Argentine life, for the instruclion they give bas flowed out among the people rather than among the ruling classes. These schools have already educated thousands of Argentine women who would otherwise have received only the scantiest instruetion in the rudiments of an education. And they have educated hundrèds, il not thousands, of ambitious young men, who have gone out into the provinces as teachers, or as business men, and whose influence must same day be felt for the regeneration of that country. In view of the fact that the direction of these schools has been almost wholly in the hands of experienced teachers procured in the United States, who have been authorized to employ their own ideas and methods, Brazil might justas easily secure the same results through the same médium. It will be better to create the schools here and send abroad for the teachers, than to send Brazilians elsewhere to study melhods, or to await the slow and uncertain development of a national system through an unskillíul copying ot any foreign system. A well-equipped normal school in the hands of experienced foreign instruetors, would be ready at once to train teachers for the primary schools.and would at the same time afford an invaltiable opportunity for the education of children by means of the inodel schools attached. And not only would the country benefit in this way, but also in the improveinent in other schools through the higher standards created by such models. More schools and better schools Brazil must have, and in our opinion these can be obtained only through the creation of at least ten fully-equipped normal schools on modern principies. If Congress will provide for these at once, leaving them free to organize their own courses of study and methods of government, and then authorize the employment of at least twenty experienced normal teachers, it will do more for the future development of public instruction in Brazil than can be done in any other way. Let us hope that not only will this be carried out on a liberal scale, but also that it will be enacted without a moment's unnecessary delay. Tiik report that the government has entered into contracts for the construction oí three cruisers iri Kurope, raises two questions which the Brazilian people ought to take into serious consideration. The first ol these is the manifest usurpation of power on lhe part oí the present administration, which this act implies ; the second is the policy of expending more m »ney in the increase ol the army or navy \vh :n the revenues ofthe country are so much needed in oiher direedons. On the fiist point, we áo not know that the slightest dUthority exists for the celebration 01 such contracts. Brazil is now, nominally, under a constitutional governménl, and the constitution does not authorize the exercise of any such power as this on the part ofthe executive. The voting oí supplies, and the consequent authorization of such contracts, is vestéd in Congress, and without such a vote the executive has no power to acL lf it is true that such contracts have been made, President Deodoro is guilty of an usurpation of power no less flagram than those which precipitated revolution in Chili. In that case it should be lhe duty of Congress to demand an explanation at once, and to settle once for all the limitations which the constitution fixes for the exercise of executive power. On lhe second point, the question is one of sound policy and common sense. No one will dispute the premises that very little use is made of the Brazilian navy, thal the credit of lhe country is not very good at THE From the Chilian Times, Api-laçUi. are the present moment, that the revenues CHILIAN DICIA TORSH1P. maturing and expenses meet insufficient to some forThe Senate mel on Friday and after threatens danger no that Don Carlos obligations, and mal business had been disposèd of the If lhawithout. governSenator from the country Bombal was elected vice-secretary. the a speech in. nez then obtained the floor, and, in ment desires to re-establish the credit of of the causes that have nation and to secure an equilibrium in the tended to be an exposilion a bill of brought about the revolution, introduced budget, then economies must be enforced translation: indemnity, of which the following is a in every department, and every unnecessary «Honorable Chamber: The joint-committeeof Senexpense must be cut off. As the country ators and Deputies appointed to dralt a bill to veis not threátened with war, and the Argen- form the constitution, in initiating its labors, has to believed it to be its duty previously to present to tines are too weak and impoverished lay on the Congress the bill I have the honor to threaten trouble for many years to come, table. One honorable Senator and one honorable there is absolutely no necessity whatever Deputy has been appointed to state verbally in for any new rnilitary and naval expénditures. each house the anlecedents oí the bill. Taking the into consideratión the extraordinary circumstances The naval vessels already possessed by in created in the republic by the revolutionary movenation rarely ever leave their anchorages useful ment which broke out on Januaiy 7fch last, and this port, and the officers render no of considering that it has been the bounden duty contrary, the On service to the country. the President of the republic to preserve order and source constant a is the rnilitary element to cause the constitution to be observed, in conAs the íormity with the 72nd article of this charter, the 2t disorder and political discord. nation following bill is agreed to: chi^ètement of strength of every "Art. I.—AU the acts executed by the governis to be found in its wealth and sound ment since the before-mentioned date until the credit, the Brazilian people should devote present time, in so much as they may have been the every energy in that direction, in contrary, in a normal situation of the republic, to development of commerce and industry, lhe constitution and laws, are hereby legalized. of "Art. 2.—Pending the complete pacifkation in the reduetion of their public debts, lhe country, the President of the republic may arand in the recovery of their good credit rest and transport oí llie persons from one part no their abroad. New naval vessels can serve place ol territory to another, determining display, useless other purpose than that of residence, or changing il if it should be necessary; better augnienl lhe sea and land forces to lhe number and the money can be used to much that circumsiances may require; expend the public purpose in other directions schools is from six to fourteen, inclusive. Basing an estimate on the enumeration of 1884, the presand ent school population approximates 600,000, this of poputhe attendance less than 40 per cent. •lation. the In 1871, after Dr. Sarmiei.to\s return from a of United States, he secured the establishment of system of normal schools, lhe declared purpose teachmg. which is to give practical instruetion in the The first normal school was opened at Paraná, now are capital oí Entre Rios, in 1871. There each of two-one for boys and one for girls—in Cordova, the fourteen provincial capitais, except are which has three; and in additíon to these there ali capital—in five in Buenos Aires, the national Dr. Sarmiento was also instrumental thirty-four. in introducing into lhese schools teachers from the United States. Al the present time about forly American ladies are employed in them, receiving a liberal compensation, and commaiiding high respect. The schools of application are so few that much ol the work prescribed for them is really This course must be done in lhe normal schools. without being limited by estimates; to lhe credil oí lhe state, procure money by pledgmg rendering account to congress; declare the territory of the republic in a state of siege in the parts that may be considered necessary; lo appoint and dismiss public employés without restrictions, and suspend or limit the right oí meeting and lhe lib- revenue ? [June 9th, 1891 NEWS, RIO Pellegrini is reported to have reccntly made the following statement to a representative of the Adicional: ."I declare for the thousandth time, and I am tired oí repeating it, 'executive lhat lhe power will noi decree either curso J01 zoso or any ncw issue ol notes. Wilh thc care and zeal which duty imposes upon me, 1 have —President studied and am studying these vital questions.seeking the best solution, with no other interest than that ofthe country, bul I require the assistance of sound opinion, not carried away by hallucinations, in order to atlain lhe resulls which thc whole country desires." —The municipal bakery has been suppressed by the Intendente, in view of a petition addressed to him by lhe leading bakers of the city, in which they undertake to study the interests ol the public as well as their own and lo supply good bread by Dr. Carrasco has weight al reasonable prices. doubtless been güided by a sense of justice in listening lo this petition and in acting upon il and he is none the less deserving of public thanks for the intelligent zeal he has displayed in securing thc studied before passing to the normal department, dcsirable results to which we refer.—¦ Argéntine in which there are three years' training wilh spe- News [Rosário]. cific reference to teaching—professional training. Those who receive public aid must leach three years. The normal schools, in support and administration, are national institutions, but they are entirely Of these there distinet from lhe national colleges. are fiíleen; one in each of the provinces, in mosl instances at the capilal, and onc at Buenos Aires. As the name imports, these also belong to and are Such stuniaintained by the general governnient. rooms with accommodatcd denls as desire it may be and boarding in the college buildings. These buildings are fine struetures, in harmony with lhe ênterprises ol tlie public pride in the educational state. In the provision for classes the liflccn buildings will accommodate about twelve thousand scholars. There is a six years' course oí study, eleineiilary and embracing history, geography, higher malhematics, cheinislry, physies, natural history, political economy, ancient aud modern laiiguages, literature, music, drawing, book-keeping, etc. The nggregale allendance is about two thousaiul, and one-ftflli "I these atlend in P.ueno.s Aires. Only a lew, coniparatively, have conipleled lhe course of sliniy; ilu; large proporlion study Iwo 01 three years, and tlien engage in other pur suits.—Bishop IValdcn 111 llaipiAs Magazine foi DEBT CO ELECTIONS IN PARA'. The officiai documents 011 which our commeiits of May 19H1 were based, are as follows, 1 he it advisable to give them lhe plaintiffs thinking widest possible pttblicily. Para', 17 de Janeiro dc 1891. Amigo c Sr. Rudolph Zielz. Presente. Tendo sido encarregado por V. S., como procurador dos Srs. Bieber & Co, ile Londres, da defesa das.'dmis causas abaixo mencionadas, e dcselando V. S. dar aos seus commillenles uma noticia minuciosa do andamento das ditas causas, venho por meio d'esla carta expor-lhe o seguinte : Sobre a causa da liquidação forcada com a Como seguinte : panhia União Commercial, ha Esta companhia ou sociedade anonyma loi fundada em Janeiro dc 18S4 com o capital de dois mil contos dc reis, tendo por lim o commercio de compra e venda no mercado, de conta gêneros do pai/., e a exportação por de terceiros ou própria, quando não tiver The situation in Argentina has now reached a point where complete bankruptcy During seems to be almost unavoidable. went the past week tlie price of sovereigns "run'' above $22, a panic occúrred and a of erty of the press." was made on the foreign banks, and five The bill passed a first reading and lhe minister ol Happily doors. their close to these had the interior tl.ahked the Senate in lhe name oí llie was of these three least at of President ol lhe republic, and on behall of himsell the suspension on and colleagues, í«.r tlie prompliUulc wilh which only temporary, but thc incident shows of lhe lhe bill had been passed on the first reading. Thc how unstable a loundation the credit ordens de conta alheia. second reading was then proceedeil wilh, and the country now stands. To remedy these lirst article was amended to read "from January As chamadas forão feitas ali. 35 % do capiMay. suggest to had the aU "January politicians difliculties, lal. I Pestes 35% parle não íoi paga ainda, ist" in lieti ol 7U1;" and lo lhe second "/'„ a nrreca. "The ficando por tanto a parte dos 35 was a general suspension of payments article there was added lhe following seclion: SANTOS AÍIILETIC CLUB. dar, <• mai'. ainda 65 % do capilal, 1,300 contos six months and a suspen- President ofthe republic shall render opportunely (moratorium) for l.l.KVKN VS. CAPTAIN'S l.l.KVl.N I.TAUY'S Sl.ri. Ac- in lhe cuslomary form, an account uf lhe ex pendido capilal responsável pelas dividas da socicsion of interest on the foreign debt. May on Suiulny, was The above match was played dade. passUue caused by the war." A third artich* cording to the telegram thc commercio 15 ruiis. ihclormerby for from a vvin in law ami resulted shall become As dividas podem no total sommar 0111 .) a 5 mil ed Io lhe eíTecl lhat lhe bill 31.SI, their recommended the last named step, but we the date of its publication in the Diário Officiai. well for Messrs. Barber and Caley playing libras, incluindo o credito de £ 2,700 dos rule a As Srs. Bieber & Co. can hardly credit the slatement. 48 and 23, respectively. are countries Subjoined is the score: Km Fevereiro de 1S89 lui encarregado de prothe leading merchants in ali EM. SYS1 SCHOOL ARGÉNTINE TBE Depois de 'SECRETARY-S l.l.KVKN/ mover a questão da liquidação forçada. not in favor of repudiation ; they know sem thc in negocio ter procurado debalde, conciliar esle The Argéntine school system is einbedded Second llinillgs, First Innings. how to appreciate the value ol good credit, national constitution, which 17 demanda, lequeri a liquidação lorçada da sociedade provides that Con- C. \V. Young.b, Elworthy 3 <:t. Lloyd,!)'. Fussell. to hit wickel Skey, E and they would therefore be thc very last A. C, ior o fitiz do Commercio, e este depois de lei general gress shall have power to decree plans ct. Ashton, b. Fusscll ia perante li. Ashton have could which sen' recommend a measure and university educalion, and requires that the P.S. Barber, b, Ashton.. .|8 b. Fussell procedido ás diligencia. legaes, decretou por Fusscll. 11 b & ct. Elworthy. o b. a F.H. Gcpp, of ruin intias for sendo partes pri- 15, Wysard, 1>. Ashton ... 5 b. Elworthy constitution of each province shall provide 1 lença a liquidação forçada, e no other result than the complete o recurso b. Elworthy of organic interposto Fussell i,. 33 foi wilh não this P,Caley,b.. da sentença, H. In harmony centres mn.d/ts education. mary country's credit in thc financial 1 Ashton o b, Fusscll F.J.Colbourno,b. do consta como some made o algum, e passou cm julgado, provis- W. T. Orslcr, li. Asliton. 6 b. Elworthy In our opinion, the Argentines law lhe several provinces have the world. a Elworthy.. »» b. b. Ashton. documento 11. 1. of ion for common 01* primary schools. Congress has A.K. C.Islcy, ¦• A. Santlnll.b .Elworthy 3 noi mu have at last reached a point where one makes also and o Decorrido bastante tempo e feita a arrecadação o b. Fussell found some legislation necessary, J.O'Doherty, not out comt chosen—either Bycs 1 be ila sociedade, aconteceu two courses must some appvopriations where the provincial fund is WtdéBalls & dos livros e mais papeis 3 .1 01; disgrace, and de muniISalls.... 1 Some schools. No mudanças darem-se Juizes, o que occnsioiiou insufficient for the primary plete national bankruptcy Tolal 5.1 demora da conclusão da causa, dando-se lambem 97 Total the immediate overthrow of lhe corrupt cipalities are charged with the maintenancc and suof these The schools. of n'este lempo a morte do escrivão Bandeira que era "CA1TAIN'S I5LRVRN." grade rings which have been misgoveming and pei vision primary schools depends upon their locality, those do feito, o processo ficou paralysado devido a estes A. O. Tweedie.b. Orslcr.. 38 robbing the country, and the confiscation inpublic which taught and are branches which the most acontecimentos imprevistos. J.W Elworthy, b, Orsler. —5 of E, M. Sonderson.b. llarhcr of their ill-gotten wealth for the benefit Removidos os obstáculos expostos, forão os are supplied with the most efficient teachers being H. Fusscl.b Barber 6 honest — 111 the most advanced provinces, and generally in A... Dewar, b. Barber autos preparados e subirão a conclusão do Juiz do the public treasury. To do this, the li. Barber .... — I. Ashton, Iront, the cities. The presence of normal schools and C. Lloyd, l>. Orsler 2 Commercio, para conforme manda a lei, o Juií men ofthe country must come to the to b, Orslcr A. Sell,ct.Young the stimnlales capitais lhe in and colleges nomear os syndicos, para promoverem a liquidação provincial II. Bom, run out whatever may be the cost and risk, 3 schools. their common interest oí the citizens in 11. Bõrton, ct. Young, b. final da massa; porém o Juiz em lugar de fazer a 8 (írsler must divest themselves of ali false senti- The number of pupils in attendance throughout the nomeação dos syndicos, como era de espetar, ret P. Barclay, not ont ofthe lhe to regard prosecution in the at been Bycs ment 5 placed republic in tSÔ4 has 39,000; vogou ex-ofiteio t) despacho ou sentença que de1 LcgByes and rich promis- number reported for 18S8 was 175,239. men who have brought so cretou a liquidação lorçada da companhia, <píe Sa Tolal liscal There schools, called of these The nuniber public tinha passado em julgado, e ordenou que se proing a country to such sore straits. Hon. Sec. from 1*' . funds, CoLBOURNE, increased by supported J. corwhere public seguisse na liquidação amigável ; como do do* is now no compromise possible. The the latter, Oí 1S88. 2263 in 34 1515Í11 188410 cumciito n. _». rupt elements have had their opportunities were schools oí application, in which the pupils RIVER PLATE ITEMS. No despacho que mandou sustar o andamento da to evade the consequences of their ex- must pass in the cominon branches, aud, in addi—A Buenos Aires telegram of the 71I1 says th.it causa, encontra-se um considerando que não lem the save to and tion, study French, geometry, civil government, the Chilian revolulionists will deliver up the /laia procedência e não é regular ou legal, no qual diz o travagance and dishonesty credit further and recebido duand some oí the natural sciences; and thc girls are and her cargo to lhe American authorities. situation by compromise Juiz, que tendo os Srs. Bieber & Co. -.ewing, domestic embroidery, and taught Bolívia is certainly a model state. According tante o tempo da liquidação amigável pagamentos operations, but have signally failed. The also tn schools were in these economy: 12,915 pupils havião assim reconhecido .1 legalidade whole world knows what they have done iSSS. Under the general classification of public to a Buenos Aires telegram, President Arce recently por conta, student in the street who neglected to da dita liquidação. and how they have done it, and it is idle to schools ín 1884, theie were leported lhe 1515 fiscal ctificd a Esta razão não é de valor ; porque tendo cessa»io salute him, whcreupon the university protested. suppose that they can secure any further as- schools, 41 conueclcd with charitablc institutions, The next telegram will e por prõbably advise us of the esses pagamentos por conta inteiramente aud 3Ó4 private sentmsistance. The Rocas and Celmans have 32 maiiitained by religious orders, Co., os anil student in the credores Bieber & muito tempo, shooting ol every professor ali 2094—with an attendance of 104,Tlie dignity of the President must bc dose prejudicados com .semelhante demora, requehad their day, and even the Pellegrinis no schools—in institution. 139 m the fiscal schools, and 41,521 in the others rerão a liquidação judicial e forçada como lhes longer command confidence. If the Ar- —total number, 145,660. Ol these, 70,187 were prolccloi, no matter what it costs ! se rehabilitate them- j Thc gieat hydropathic hotel built by the penniuiaa lei, para serem pagos, visto que gentine people desire 10 males, and 68,473 females. The increase of attenbut which was assim nâo fizessem ficai ião talvez na contingência selves, they must now resort to heroic j dance in the fiscal schools irom 1884 to 1S8S was National company in Montevidéo, Entendo que o and opened, is to be sold at dc nunca mais serem embolsados. measures and turn the wholc corrupt horde ! 71,100. There are private schools more or less never completed o andaauction lins month. Wc behcvc the fur- despacho ou sentença que mandou sustar loi out of office. Rigid economy and strict j closely connecte»! with the Protestant cl.urches.and judicial was iu lhe Montevidéo cuslom-liousc not mento da causa não é jurídico, e |»elo contrario « the Mc.hodist mission maintains a school at each niture ruin. irom Argentina save da may honesty yet h»ng ago, under an einl-argo. proferido contra lei expressa e os princípios liscal I for lhe age The school station. mission bul nothing else will ! «li 7l n m June 9th, 1891.] RIO NEWS I, Septimüs Brocklehurst Her Brilannic Majesty's todos os tratos, composição, compras, promessas, seguinte despacho: Distribuída autoada, como rein Pará hereby cerlify that the fore- etc. quer, designando o escrivão dia e hora. Belém, Acling Cônsul Considerando que o réo em seo depoimento nega E sendo clis- going is lhe true and genuine signature of Jayme 18 de Março de 1889.—A'. Danin. além de não lhe lerem sido aprezentatrihuida ao escrivão que este subscreve, foi proce- Augusto Oliveira da Cama Nolary Public and as a divida, e as cartas originaes de il. 71 e ilida a justificação; sendo-me depois os autos con- such is enlilled to lull faith and credence in testi- das, quando depoz, elle comprehendidu na excepção estaclusos, ".'elles proferi a sentença do theor seguinte: niony whereof 1 do hereiinto set my hand and aflix 78, não eslá 15 da cilada ordenação. Procedi á justificação a vista dos documentos de my seal of office at Pará this thirleentll day of belecída pelo paragrapho Considerando portanto que os autores não aprefls. 3 a 15, e depoimentos de fls. 28 v. a 30, e visto January one thousand eight hündred and ninety zentão prova jurídica de seu pedido, jiilgo os mesestai* provada a liypotliese 2'' do artigo 97 do de- one. mos autores carececlores de acção intentada e os creto n. 8821 de 30 de Dezembro de 1882, hei por ) Stamp Septimüs Brocklehurst, coíidemhó nas eusíàs. Ií. B. M. Acting Cônsul. / ami Seal ^ declarada a liquidação forçada da sociedade anoBelém, 22 de Outubro de 1890. nyma— Companhia União Commercial — de conDOCUMENTO III (Assignado; JOSE' D'ARAUJ0 ROSO IMNIN. formidade com o n. 2 do artigo 98 do decreto c*iCópia do Depoimento do Réo Declaro que esta copia foi tirada por nnin d**S lado. Publique-se esla sentença como determina o e tres Aos dias do mez de Junho de mil oitocentos autos. artigo 101 do mesmo decrelo. Custas pela justiPará, 13 de Janeiro de 1891. Estain- \ ficaçâo. Belém, 30 de Março de 1889.—José tle noventa, n'esta cidade do Pará. na sala das audienANT0 R. DE S. Uchôv. do Roso Danin, pilha. E portanto liei por decla- cias Araujo Roso Danin. Juiz do Cível, Dr. José d'Araujo Reconheço a assignatura supra. racla a liquidação forçada da sociedade ariònyma — comigo escrivão cio seu cargo, presente o réo Freter Poud, annos, Paia, 13 de Janeiro de 1891. de idade disse Jerico E para que cheCompanhia União Comniercial. quarenta que Em testemunho de verdade. gue ao conhecimento de todos mandei fazer tres de casado, empregado no corrimercio, brasileiro, resi0 tabellião, é o á Alfredo e rua do Conselheiro dente das um em unia serão affixados, igunl theor, que João que portas da sala das audiências, na praça do commer- próprio de que se trata n'esta causa, o dito Juiz lhe Jayme Augusto oliveira da Gama. cio, outro na junta comniercial e publicado pela deferio o juramento dos Santos Evangelhos, em um I Septimüs Brocklehurst Her Britannic Majesty's Dado e passado em Belém do Pará, livro dos mesmos, e lhe encarregou que sem doto Acting Cônsul at Pará do hereby certify lhat the imprensa. 10 de Abril de 18S9. liu Raymundo Bandeira nem malícia deposesse sobre o libello de fl. tres. E foregoing is the true and genuine signature of escrivão o subscrevi. —(Assignado) José dc Araujo recebido por elle o juramento assim prometleo cumJayme Augusto Oliveira da Gama Nolary Public Rosa Danin. — Está conforme. 0 escrivão Ray- prir ; e sendo perguntado respondeo : ao 1" artigo and as such is entitled to full faitli and credence in do libello, que náo. Ao 2° respondeo que pagou testimony whereof I do liereunto set my hand and inundo Bandeira. Declaro que esta é unia copia exacta do edital da indevidamente a Rúd. Zietz seiscentas libras ster- seal of office at Pará this thirteenth day of January linas por conta de uma importância supppsta, que liquidação forçada da Companhia União. one thousand eight hündred and- ninety. os autores Bieber & Co. serem credores diseni ará, I de Janeiro de 1891. { Es Iam- l ) Septimüs Brocklehurst, Ant0 R. DK S. Uchôa. (Pelle réo. Que não pôde diser se lem em sen po- $ Stamp \ pilha. \ H. B. M. Acting Cônsul. and Seal \ Reconheço a assignatura do Dc. Antônio Raulino der um recibo igual á copia que se acha a fl. dezePará, 13 de Janeiro de 1891. de Souza Uchôa. Ao 30 respondeo, que não deve seis destes autos. Em testemunho de verdade. as quatro mil e quatrocentas libras sterlinas de que O tabellião trata este artigo, e que não se lembra se escreveo — ln the city of Pelotas there is a woman 103 Cama. as cartas de fl. 13 a fl. 19. Ao 4'-' respondeo : que Jayme Augusto Oliveira da I, Septimüs Brocklehurst Píer Britanriic Majesly's depois de ter dado as seiscentas libras de que falia years old. —Work on the Quixadá reservoir has been susActing Cônsul in Pará hereby cerlify that the fore- acima, indevidamente, não deo mais importância íoi want of cement. of Jayme alguma. Disse mais que a respeito iPesta divida pendei! going is the true and genuine signature —Tbe president of Paraná was inaugurated on Augusto Oliveira da Gama Nolary Public and as nada tratou com Franck da Costa, que era procurathe 3rcl inst. Disse mais such i.s entitled to full faith and credence 111 testi- dor dos autores segundo estes diseni. —In Santos the police is investigating an alleged niony whereof I do liereunto set my hand and aflix que elle respondente nunca teve transacções comto the amount of 12,000$. forgery of day my seal oí oflice at Pará this thirteenth merciaes com os autores, e nem nunca se conslituio minha carta como lhe convier. —Within three or four months 50,000 immiJanuary one thousand eight hündred and ninety devedor a estes autores Bieber & Co. E nada mais Sou com estima are expected to arrive in S. Paulo. grants one. disse nem lhe foi perguntado dando-se por findo e Obrú. Vmc. Am". Cr°. Estain$ Dc —In the Pernambuco legislature the 2nd discusSeptimüs Brocklehurst, este depoimento que sendo lido e achado conforme \ Stamp ) Ant" R. de S-ZA Uchôa. \ pilha of the constitütión began on the 2111I inst. sion Acting Cônsul. PI. B. M. Seal and \ \ assignou com o Juiz e parte. Reconheço a assignatura supra digo, retro. In Mar de Hespanha, Minas Geraes, there died Eu Benjamin Ferreira Valle, escrivão que esPará, 21 de Janeiro de 1S91. 28U1 ult. a woman said to be 117 years old. the on DOCUMENTO II. crevi. Em testemunho de verdade. —There were 17 votes in favor of a single legisTendo o Dr. Jttiz do Commercio (Roso Danin) Declaro que esta é uma copia fiel por mim tirada O tabellião JAYME AUGUSTO OLIVEIRA DA chamber in the legislature of Minas Geraes. lative declarado a liquidação forçada da Companhia União dos autos iPacção entre partes Bieber & Co. e Fred. Gama. —Il is thought that the state constitütión of a requerimento dos credores Bieber Poud. I, Septimüs Brocklehurst,! LB. M. Acting Cônsul Commercial, Minas Geraes will be adopted before the 20th of tendo a sentença passado em julgado sem Pará, 13 de Janeiro de 1891. ( Estitm- \ at Pará hereby cerlify that lhe above is the true and & Co., e this month. Ant" R. de S. Uchoa. opposição dos liquidantes que não interposerão \ pilha. —In the parish of S. Sebastião, municipal disgenuine signature of Sr. Jayme Augusto Oliveira Reconheço a assignatura supra. no prazo legal, e tendo os reque» algum recurso to is eiitilled as such and Public, trict of Campos, there were three murders on the da Gama, Nolary dos Pará, 13 de Janeiro de 1891. a continuação & Co., Bieber rentes pedido 3ist ult. full faith and credence in testimony whereoí I hereverdade. de Em testemunho fossem lhe o mandou da liquidação, Juiz que Tlie Paraná legislature has adopted Gen. Aguto set my hand and aftix my seal of oflice at Pará termos O tabellião, se sentença a e n'elles autos os as a citizeti of the state. An "honorary conclusos iar Lima proferio this twenty-sccond day of January one thousand da Gama. Oliveira Augusto citizen" ofa state ià good! [ayme guinte, muitos mezes depois revogando a sentença eight hündred and ninety one. renada Majesty's —Tlie election in Bahia on lhe 5U1 excited little ' Stamp I Septimüs Brocklehurst Her Brilannic da liquidação forçada (ex-officio) porque Septlmus Brocklehurst, interest. There is said to be no doubt of the quererão os liquidantes no sentido da dita sentença Acting Cônsul al Pará hereby certify that the foreActing Cônsul. \ and Seal election of Dr. Galvão Queiroz. guing is the Uue and genuine signature of Jayme que é a seguinte. —The governor oí Pará gave a breakfast on the sentença : Augusto Oliveira da Gama, Nolary Public, and as DOCUMENTO I. inst. to Lieut. Sawyer, U. S. commissioner Vistos estes autos, &c. Considerando que as such is enlilled to full faith and credence in testi- 311! lhe WqrkPs Coluinbian Exposition . for Cópia tirada do jornal A Provincia do Pard {No. 3,861) sociedades anonymas podem ser dissolvidas amiga- mony whereof I do hereunlo sei my hand and affix com dala ile 3 de Abril de 1SS9 —In the Espirito Santo legislature the contestvelmente, art. 77 do Decreto n. 8821 de 30 de De- my seal of office at Pará this thirteenth day of EDITAES. ants were debarred from discussing the elections, zembro de 1S52, por deliberação (1'Assembléa fanüary mie thousand eight hündred and ninety. and the government candidates were ali seated. LIQUIDAÇÃO forçada UA COMPANHIA UNIÃO. Geral *, Considerando que pela acta de 11. 33 a 34 <, Stamp —The legislature of Minas Geraes has adopted Septimüs Brocklehurst, O doutor José de Araujo Roso Danin, offieial da se vé Geral 1!. M. da Assembléa Acting Cônsul. II. Seal deliberação ami íoi constitiuional \ ppr a \ que provtsion requtriiig .t coinpetitiye imperial ordem da Rosa, juiz de direito do comse liquidou for the appointment of judges. examination Commercial União sociedade a que mercio da comarca da capital de Belém do Pará, amigavelmente, tendo sido por ella cm virtude do —Di*. Mesquita Barros, son-iu-law of Visconde DOCUMENTO IV etc. Ouro Preto, was robbed of a valuable gold de por S. M. a quem Deus guarde, arl. 86 do citado Decreto, nomeado liquidante o sentença proferida na ousa de Bieber & Co. da Copia virem, edital watch at Juiz de Eora on the ist inst. de que capitão Faço saber aos que o presente cora Frederico Pond. Joaquim Rodrigues Roxo, que procedeu representados The Meicanlil, oí S. Paulo, says thal it is por parle de Bieber & Companhia, conformidade com os números 1 c 2 do art. SS Vistos estes autos de acção ordinária civel em de a toi apresentada that Dr. Américo Braziliense will not petição por seu advogado, me como consla dos livros apresentados em juizò; (pie sào autores Bieber & Co., negociantes estabe- probable ol the portfolio oí finance. charge take theor seguinte : Illttstrissimo senhor doutor juiz Considerando que os credores Bieber & Co., que lecidòs em Londres e reo Fredetico Pond, tendo A Ceará telegram of the 2111I inst. says that de direito do commercio.— Dizem Bieber & Com- hoje requerem a liquidação forçada se conformarão sido ein ultima instância a excepção de injulgada have been many deaths from yellow fever at lhere em Londres, que panhia, negociantes estabelecidos com a liquidação amigável, decretada pela Assem- competência do Juízo Commercial para n'elle ser Caio Prado, a litile town on Lhe »;xlension of the são credores da companhia ou sociedade aiionyina, bléa Geral. proposta a presente acção, vierão os autores com Balurité railway. de rSS$ em estabelecida 11'esta cidade sob a denominação de o anno que o libello de íl. 4 allegando que das tiansacções Considerando que desde The rainiall in the capital of Ceará from JanuCompanhia União Commercial, da importância de teve lugar a deliberação da Assembléa continuarão coninierciaes esie resultou ficar o réo teve com ary lo May inclusive >vas ÓSS inillimeters, or 673 que /2,('>7"j."7-2 como mostram pela conla corrente os requerentes a receber do liquidante nomeado a dever-lhes a miiliineters less than iu the correspoiiding period quantia de 5,0.10 libras sterlinas e of 1S90. da Companhia da directoria tas cie que e cai conla do seu junta, pela dita Assembléa quantias por por conla do seu debito deu 600 libras ficando que liquida —The I'n iept11lente of the 271b ult. says that it receberam este credito, e ilo encarregado dito, (documentos de ti. 3) reconhecendo assim a devendo 4,4.10 libras sterlinas, como consta dos ilação amigável capitão Joaquim Rodrigues Roxo, legalidadò da nomeação do mesmo com com o qual autos, nada mais tendo dado por corna pelo que was reported in Bagé, where that paper is published, thal a detaelunciii of sixtv soldiers had been enão tendo os sttpplicanles podido receber esta sempre .se conespondeião; documento de ti. 14 réo nessa importância, do a condemnaçSo sent from Jaguarão 10 arrest Gen. Astrogildo. pedem importância, e lendo .1 dita companhia cessado ds depoicustas, e da mora protestando pelo -The eleciions in São Paulo on th- 4Ü1 i»> fill juros seus pagamento?, não só para com os supplicantes, Considerando por tanto cm tudo isto, e mais que mento do mesmo téo. Veio este com a contrarie- vacancies 111 the S. Paul») delegatiou in lhe national Pile govcomo para com outros credores, querem o-» suppli» dos autos consla, julgo improcedente o requeri- dade de fl. 62, allegando que a divida é superior á congress, excited very little interest. 10 have eiouutered de conformidade appear V. S.. candidates cantes justificar perante menlo dos credores Bieber & Co., e mando que se taxa da lei e como tal só pôde ser prov.\da por ernment very bule opposiiion. com a lei das sociedades anonymas, o allcgado entreguem os livros e mais papeis que existem em escriptura ; que os autores não juntão esta publica — A majority of lhe S. Paulo congre^-ional Geral escriptura e ii'esla petição alim Ae que provado quanto haste, juij,0 fto ]iqUiUante nomeado pela Assembléa por este motivo deve ser absolvido e delegatiou (opposkionislas) gave a dinner to Ada liquidação* se dignai V. S. decretar por sentença Capi|lo Joaquim Rodrigues Roxo, ficando salv condemnados os autores nas custas. mirai Wandenkolk at the Hotel de França, São suppli Os companhia. da dita ou d.içada The principal speakers judicial aos requerentes o sen direito contra o liquidante. Replicando os autores por negação a fl. 62 v. Paulo, on the 4U1 inst. denunciations of the their in very òutspoken cantes ulTciecem como testemunhas, <vs negociantes were requerentes. Custas pelos correo a causa seus lermos até final. Einesi Schramm, William Brambeer e Alberto Au- , present national government. Paia. 7 de Abril de 1890. O que Iudo visto e examinado. mandigne s., se v. ¦—The long continued sécca in lhe interior disa. D.\NIN. gusto da Costa, e requerem Considerando que decidido como foi pelo accoulão (Assignado) JOSÉ D*ÀRAUJO RosO direcos tricts ol Bahia lias led tò tlie organization of dar, que distribuída esta, sejam citados Declaro que esta é uma copia fiel por mim tirada de fl. 5S .pie esta acção não é commercial deve ella seveial small enterprises for the supply oí potable tores da dita companhia Jo*é Ayres Watrin, Barão da sentença do Juiz do Commercio constante dos ser legislação civel ; water to various towns and villages of the interior. julgada pela de Gòndoriz e Joaquim Rodrigues Roxo, para as- autos. de l'be prices charged are low and lhe enterprises are Considerando que sendo o pedido dos autores lima e dia, logar 110 of every encom agement. worthy que á sistirem OrdePará. IJ de Janeiro dr 1S9I. justificação, \ listam ) 4,400 libras sterlinas é superior á taxa da revelia; de S. Uchôa. i>e R. com V. S. for sei vido designai pena —Among the members of the Rio de Janeiro Am" | pfoa% nação, Livro terceiro, titulo 59 e Alvará de 30 «le documen- , supra. Com mercê. assignatura a receber 7 esperão legislature there is circulating a paper reqoesting Reconheço i lutubro de 1793 ; pelo que 1SS9. dc 1S91. de Hermes to withdraw his restgnation Fonseca Dr. de Maiçn iS de 13 Pata. Para, Janeiro tos c uma ptocuração. j a citada ordenação exige que a oí lhe seal oí deputy 111 the fedeial congiess. We Considerando que Em testemunho de verdade. Por procuração janta Antônio Raulino dc .Souia . prova ile tal pedido seja leito exclusivamente por had forgotten lhat lie had resisgned and ha i almost O tabellião, Uchoa, Estava unia estampilha de duzentos téís ! escriptura publica e essa disposição comprehende forgotten that he had ever been a deputy. da Gam \ Joaquim Augusto Oliveira devidamente inutílisada. N1 mesma petição dei o sciencia do direito ; enlreianlo para garantir o direito do.s Srs. Bieber & Co., não me conformei com a sentença do Juiz do Commercio, e requeri appel- : lação para o Tribunal da Relação, a qual foi dele- : rida e os autos subirão para o dito Tribunal, onde i j vão ler andamento. A causa contia Frederico Poud: Elle reconheceu I ser devedor aos Sis. Bieber & Co., da quantia de ;£ 5,000 por conta da qual pagou £-6op',ò que tudo eslá provado com as cartas escrqitas pelo próprio Fred. Ponde recibos passados por conla e minutas d'estes fornecidas por elle. Em Maio de 1889, tomei conta rPesln questão; Em Junho chamei Poud a conciliação perante o Juiz de Paz, onde não appareceu, e em seguida intentei acção perante o Juiz do Commercio. O advogado de Poud, allégou que a causa não era commercial e sim ci vel, e sendo decidido que a causa era civil, a despeito de estar provado com documentos que a divida era proveniente de transacções cominérciaes, e que o.s credores erão commereiantes ; fiz remetter os auios para o Juiz do Civel cm obediência á decisão'dos tribunaes é ahi correu a causa seus termos (Documento ii. j). Conclusos os autos o Juiz do Civel proferiu sentença absolvendo Poud, (Documento •*. .;. ) sobre fundamento de que sendo o pedido excedente a quantia de lei (um conto e duzentos mil réis) fundado na Ordenação Livro 3 Titulo 59, do anno de 1793 que semelhante divida só podia ser provada por escriptura publica. Entretanto o reo não negou a divida, pois serviu-se de subterfúgios deixando visivelmente ver a confissão da verdade. Da sentença appellei para o Tribunal da Relação onde vou dar andamento á questão. Sem intenção de (.(Tender aos Juizes, vejo n'estes dois casos uma prova da maneira frouxa porque é administrada a justiça entre nós. As leis são boas, porém a sua execução è sofismada, para serem applicadas conforme a posição das partes conteiuloras. 15' este o resumo do estado dos negócios de que estou encarregado, e pôde V. S. fazer uso iPesta lâ THE Provincial Notes ; THE ¦ ; : —The editor of lhe Republica of Curityba has been challenged by a mem ber of the Paraná legislature. —On the 5lh inst. the Ceará constitution was approved in 3rd discussion and sent to the engrossing committee. —Gov. Portella has granted an exclusive privilege to Visconde da Cruz Alta for estàblishing a Cassino in Petròpolis. _•¦ —One workman was killed and several wounded in blasting rock on the 4th inst. at a quarry belonging to the Companhia Industrial in Santos. —In the Rio Grande do Norte legislature the friends of the government are quarrelling over the election of governor and lieutenant-governor. —A violent wind and hail storm in the vicinity of Jaboticatubas, Minas Geraes, caused considerable damage to the crops and killed chickens, hogs and even a calf. —A proposal has been submitted to the S. Paulo intendencia for the construction of swimming fànksj hotel, restaurant, public garden, etc, in the neigliborhood of the Ponte Grande in that city. —The Espirito Santo constituent assembly was formally opened and organized on the óth inst. Its first act was to elect a governor, the lucky man being the Barão de Monjardim. —A Pará telegram of the 4th inst. says that the manager of the English Bank of Rio deíjaneiro in that city had been wounded with a revolvei shot by the book-keeper of the Companhia Industrial. —The Minas Geraes assembly has voted to refer the question of moving the capital to the ncxi legislature, which is to select a special commission to study the proposed removal and report to the second legislature. —Those who have been a little backward in coming forward to bid for the Ypanema iron works, will be allowed just one more chance. The open ing of the tenders—if there are any—has been postponed to the I4th inst. —There were 99 deaths from yellow fever in Santos during the month of May. It is stated that, notwithstanding the cool weather; lhe number of cases has increased. On the 51I1 inst. there were 138 patients in the hospital. • —At the election held in S. Paulo on the 4tb inst. Drs. Jesuino Cardoso and Rodolpho de Miranda were chosen deputies to tlie federal Congress. The only opposition candidate, Dr. Carmo Cintra, received very few votes. —Among the rules adopled by tlie S. Paul" legislature are the following: Members willrio j receive pay for the days on which they are absenl; no debate will be closed as long as there is any member who vvishes to speak; the vote will be nominal whenever any member shall demand it. —The people of Santa Catharina are complaining of the quarantine service at Desterro, which is described as vexatious and produetive of excessive delays in lhe delivery o( goods. The treatnient ai tlie lazaretto is said to be very bad. Scandalous thefts of goods in the quarantine station are also the subject of bitter complain!. —On the 2nd inst. the Paraná legislature, foilowing lhe example of those of Rio de Janeiro and Ceará, elected the governor of the slate before adopting a constituiion. The governor elected is Senator Generoso Marques dos Santos. It is a very singular idea of constitutional government, to say the least. — Better late than never. Dr. Jesuino Marcondes, the last monarchical president of Paraná, lias ' at last discovered what a good administrator he was, for the legislature of the state has just conPerhaps, gratulated him on his administration. when congress meets, it will pnss a vote of thanks "Sebastianism" seems to be be to the Emperor. coming fashionable. —On the 22nd ult., at a political meeting at tlie house of Visconde de Pelotas, Porto Alegre, it was resolved to issue a protest against tlie manner in which the election on the 5th was condticted in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This document will recite at length the acts of fraud and violence that yitiated that election. This should have been done in ali the states, as without some display of public spirit, there is little hope for any improvement iu the political coi>dition of the country. —The vice-governor of Alagoas seems to be just a little tricky. He first adjourned the constituent assembly to June íoth against the wishes of a majority of the deputies, and now, when these same deputies are absent, he suddenly revokes his former decree and calls the assembly to meet 011 the 8th, giving only a day's notice. The vicegovernor wants to be elected governor, and is not at ali particular what means are employed to secure that result. It is even charged that soldiers have been stationed so as to prevent the entrance of any opposition deputies during the election. —On the arrival of the steamer Ibéria at Bahia on the 3rd inst., the Visconde de Ouro Preto had a very cordial reception. A small steamer decorated with flags and containing friends of the Visconde, among whom were the most prominent leaders of the former liberal party in Bahia, went out to meet him and took him ashore. He then went to mass in a special tram-car, proceeding aftei wards to the house of Councillor Carneiro da Rocha, where he remained a short time, and laking luncheon at that of Dr. Ferreira de Barros. As is natural under the circumstances, he displayed much reserve, declining to be interviewed. It is stated, however, that in conversation he expressed his intention of devoting himself to the practice of law in order to pay his debts, for, although he was at one time supposed to be worth several hund rei contos, he is now said to be poor. Maititaining his monarchical convictions, he says that he doe, not come to conspire or to oppose in any way the present form of government. When the restoration oi the monarchy is demanded by a majority of the people, it will be accomplished by means of a natund and peaceful evolution. -. ¦.-'''.'.-.... RIO —The governor of Espirito Santo has granted to Dr. João Teixeira Maia and others an exclusive privilége for estàblishing in Victoria an academy to be called Instituto Polytechnico do Estacio do Espirito Santo. This academy is to have an annual :,ubsidy of 50,000$ (about one-eighth of the present revenue of lhe state) for 25 years. To its graduates he guarantees places as public school teaçhers or in the hureaus of public works, colonization and public lands. They are also to have preference for employment in ali companies receiving state aid. If the governor supposes that the people of Espirito Santo are going to tolerate this, he must think that they are grandíssimas bestas. Railroad Notes —The laborers on the Baturité railway, Ceará, struck for higher wages on the 2nd inst. —The station of Junco, 169 kilometres from Fortaleza, on the Baturité railway, was opened on the 3ist ult. —The Correio de Campinas is informed that the Paulista company has finally sueceeded in efiectint; the purchase of the English railway from Santos to Jundiahy. —It is stated that if the government decides to sell or lease its railways, it will call for tenders which will be received not only here but also in Europe and the United States. —On the 4th inst. in a derailment of a train near Itajahy, on the Baturité railway, II employés of the road were injúred, six of them severely, and the tender and five cars were badly damaged. —It is announced that the Jardim Botânico company is making arrangements to use electric motors of the Thompson-Iiouston system on its lines, the first experiments to be made on the new Praia do Flamengo line. —The Jornal de Minas of the 22nd ult. notices the departuie of a party of engineers to survey a line to connect Bello Horizonte with the railway Bello Horisonle is the prosystem of the state. of site of Minas Geraes. the new capital posed —On the 2nd inst. there was a collision of trains at lhe station of Sapopemba on tlie Central railway. One of the engine-drivers was severely wounded and several other persons were injured. One of the two engines, called General Deodoro, was severely damaged. The damage to the other, called D. Pedro II, was very slight. Evidently the rolling stock 011 tlie Central railway is •'Sebastianisl." —The Jo> nal do Commercio of the 2rd inst. says that the goyernmeni has received at least four proposais for lhe lease ol the Central railway. One ol these proposals, il says, oflèrs to advance 60,000,000$, to extend lhe road to Pirapora, thus connecting ir with 1,500 leagues (6,000 miles] of navigable water way, and lo widen tne gauge between Cachoeiro and S. Paulo, so as to make the gauge uiiifonii belween the latter cily ami Rio de Janeiro. —The Jornal of lhe 71I1 is informed that a 30 years concession has been grani ed to lhe Banco da Republica and Dr. Caminhada for a circular railway in this city and suburbs, slarling from lhe Largo da Carioca and following lhe range ol hiíls from Santa Thereza lo Tijuca, and thence around lo the Ilha do.Governador and the Largo da Carioca. A pari of lhe scheme is good, but the greater part appears to be just a litlle visionary nt the present inoinenl. —On lhe 7U1 lhe Joiual mentions the following railway concessions—without guarantee of interest: a metre guage line from Ponta Grossa in Paraná lo Corumbá, Matto Grosso, with branches from Nioac to Bahús and navigable water 011 the Apa river, and also branches lo connect Jatahy, Guarapuava and Tibagy ; another metre guage line from Ouro Preto to Peçanha and a circular line lo serve the suburbs of Rio, with a connection to the Governador island, and a central station in the Largo da Carioca. There must be a tremendous fund ol hope in thc future still existent in the Brazilián breást, when a concession, without an interesl guarantee, is accepted. Coffee Notes —An interior tax of 200 franes per ioo kilos 011 raw coffee has been imposed in Servia. Roasted and ground cofTee will pay 300 franes. —The imports of coffee into Germany jjuring the two months ending February 281b amounted to 457,260 bags; against 426,035 bags in the same period of lasl year. —The French cônsul-general of Guatemala directs altention to the great advance which cofTee cultivation lias made in that country during the last few years. Statistical reports make it appear that in ten years produetion has more than doubled, and the prices realized by the product lias more than qu.idrupled. It was calculated at the time the consulgeneral wrote (uth February) that the harvest of 1S90 would reach about 700,000 quintais, representing the sum ol $16,100,000. The extraordinary high price of coffee has led to a Iransformation of the country; small landowners, who drew from their harvest resources merely sufiicient for working purposes, find themselves now with considerable capilai, with which they can improve their property. These good results have led to unbridled speculation, and large companies, principally German, have been formed for creating vast "exploitations;" "they have bought for 7 to 8 hundred thousand piastres, or 3 million franes, that three years since were estimated to properties be worlh 2 to 3 hundred thousand dollars." Tlie impulse has become general, and every small artisan who ha> been al>le lo save a little has abandoned his first work and turned agriculturist." This will last as long as the price of cofiee rules so high, but a reaction may be produced shortly, and com* plete ruiu will be the consequence ol a large number of producers. The harvest of Brazil, which was last year only 4,200,000 bags, is 9 mdlions this year ; the European markets will therefore lie largely supplied, and the Guatemalan cofTee will have to bear a fali in price. of which the reflex will make itsell íelt on the economic condition of the whole country."—(MoniUur Officiei du Commerce, No 407, 1S91.) NEWS. Local Notes [June gth, 1891. —Thc United States minister at this capital, Hon. E. IL Conger, is making a visit to São Paulo. —The European Afailoí May 7U1 annouces the completion of four gunboats at East Cowes for the Amazonas flotilla. —Councillor Saldanha Marinho visited President Deodoro on the 5U1. —The municipal council has decided to repave —The preparatory sessions of the first Ruas Direita, Quitanda, Ourives and Ouvidor. republican coiijTiess of Brazil began on the —The new minister of 5U1 inst. justice arrived from Bahia The formal opening of Congress oceurs on the rljth. on the 2ndand took charge of his portfolio on tlie following day. —The "Banco Fiscal" exhibited a new Fichet —On the morning of the 2nd inst. the building lottery machinc at the offices of the Cidade do Rio No. 64 Rua do Visconde da Inhaúma was com- on Saturday last. The machine is to be used in the business operations of this so-called bank. pletely destroyed by fire. —At a cabinet meeting held 011 the 2nd inst., —Visconde de Ouro Preto, with his family, Gen. Quintino Bocayuva, ex-minister of foreign arrived here by the Pacific steamer Ibéria on lhe aflairs, was present and read a long statement in 71I1. A number of personal friends and admirers regard to the Missiones boundary question. met Sr. Ouro Preto and accompanied him to his —The Diário Ojjicial of the lesidence. A gold card was inflicted on the leturncontains no less 3r.1l than sixty decrees relating to the òrganization of ed exile, but otherwise lhe reception was quiet and the nàtional guard. If this sort of thing continues in good ias te. tlie new minister of justice will eam his salary. —The nàtional may be a very good thing —Dr. Aurelnno Portugal recommends the re- but it seems to us guard that Barão de Lucena hns been moval of the immigrants station to Ilha Grande. displayinga trifle too much zeal in its òrganization. The idea is worthy of consideralion. The immi- Not long ago he gave a lieutenant-colonelcy to a grant should never be landed in this city during man who has been dead ever since last December. the hot season. It is to be hoped lhat tbe new minister of justice —According to our latest exchanges from the will be somewhat more moderate in his ideas. United States the provisions of the reciprocity —The director-gencral of military works has treaty under negotiation with Venezuela had been been directed to a plan ofthe top of Nova prepare agreed upon, and it was expected that the treaty Cintra hill, where the projected new observatory would soon be signed. is to be located. He is also direcled to find out —The Joinal is still seeking to "prove" that the easiest approach to lhe If a layman's place. the reciprocity design is general in characler, and suggestion is acceptable, we would specify'a capnot confined exclusively to Brazil. The JornaPs tive balloon, anchored near the Gloria stone quarry. hallucinatioti in this respect will soon be creating —The minister of interior has again refused lo a continental smile. sanetion the project for a by-law proposed by the —Some ol the friends of lhe minister of justice aldermen for the regulation of domestic service. went 011 board lhe Malange (o meet him before lhe It is to be hoped that the minister will continue to steamer had received the custom-house visit. Con- withhold his assent to so iniquitotis a measure. In sequently the captain was fined, but lhe penalty view of lhe disorder, inefficiency and venalíty shown was at once remitted by the minister of finance. in thc public administration of this city, it can --The poor immigrant is now being held res- hardly be deemed advisable to grant an authorizaponsible for the expiring epidemic of yellow (ever tion to municipal ofiicials to meddle with lhe private in this city. There is no doubt but what the im- affairs of the people. migrant suflered most severely and helped to in—The complaints of delays in the custom-house, crease lhe death rate, but it can hardly be shown only in dispatching goods, but pariicularly in not that he was the cause of il. of duties where the facilities for receiv lhe —We are shortly the first volume of ing paying promised money are utterly inadequate lor lhe volume oí the "Panlheon do Commercio e da Industria do business now transacted, are becoming louder every Brazil," to conlain thebiographiesof lhe financieis, day. lt frc-qucntly takes a clerk from Iwo to four and olheis, of Rio, and it will be distributed gra- hour to pay a dispatch, which ought not to require tuilously by the admirers of the genlleiiien whose rnore than ten or liíteen minutes. It is simply li ves are placed before an admiring public. inexplicable tbat the officials can not see how much —Subscriptions have been opened here for a better for themselves as well as for lhe business season of 20 representations by Ferrárps Italian community il would be to lacilitate lhe quick opera company, now in Buenos Aires. Subscrin- dispatch of business. tions are also opened d 30 representations by —ln view of the inability of lhe Botanical Garden Dltcci-s Ilalian opera conipany. Ji ooks very tramway to handle lhe increased traffic cõnfortably much like a melodious season for Rio. and expeditiously in its district, why can not sohié —Oli tlie t,\i\ inst. a forged note foi_ 3,000$ was one start a shore-line ferry service between Praia presented at the office of Antônio Leite Ribeiro, das Marinhas and the Botafogo landthg place at the Rua do Rozario No. 29, in this city, by Domingos head of Rua dos Voluntários da Palria? During Pinto de Viihena Sampaio, who, in being"aliei the morning and evening hours at question from 10 ed by lhe police, at first denied and wards to 15 per cent. of the passengers present, 011 lhe footride acknowledged having committed lhe forgery. boards and platforms for lack of seats. As far out On the 3rd instant a man was knocked down as (lu- Voluntários da Pátria business men are on the tramway track in Riu do Cattete by a car- compelled Io wait frequently 10 to 15 minutes for riage and was run over and killeil by a tram-car. a sent. As lhe manager of the tramway iij either It is to be noliced lhat the carrjage driving in íbis ihdifierent lo ali this, or unable to for il, city is becoming most dangerous because oí ibe some olhei means lor liansporlingprovide passengers "bloods" who have taken to this should be provided without delay. A young pastime. good boat —A local colleague says that Sr. Medeiros, the could easily make lhe trip within half an hour, and editor ofthe exrTtibitna, is growing cofiee in the would acçommodate the public much bclter than state oi S. Paulo 011 a plantation that cost 136,000$. the tramway is now doing. This is probably lhe first time in the history of —Some une ago the wjthoul con"pi-ing" a lot of type, and assauli- stilting lhe rector of thegovernment, jouiiialisin lhat boaiding-school ol lhe ing tlie stafToí a newspaper, produced so much Gymnasio Nacional (ex-Collegiò de Pedro II) fruit — cofTee fruit. appointed Dr. Epiphanio dos Reis vice-rector of —It is said that a bolsa building is at lasl that establishment. This led to bad feeling, which projected, which will conlain the necessary "bear finally resulted in the dismissal of lhe rector, Dr. garden," and a large number of offices for lhe Paránhòs de Macedo. The studeiits, taking part spoiling fralernily. he localion desjgnated is the in the aflair, declared themselves in favor of the place occupied by lhe old Ucharia (Kuchre-ia) of dismissed rector, and 011 thc 5U1 inst., when the the Imperial Palace. Perhaps lhe old name might vice-rector entered thc college building, they be retained and appropriately, appliecj to lhe new received him with Misses and' then, after doing edilice. considerable damage to lhe school furniturc, brnke —The laying of a branch line of the Botanicnl into the cloihes-rooin, changed their clothing and Garden tramway along the Praias do Russell ami left lhe college. Committees ofthe studeiits called Flamengo is not only causing greal ihconveniencè 011 the President of the republic and the minister to lhe residents, but is completely ruining those ol public instruclion, both oí whom, after heating streets for pleasure seekers. It is an abomination the complaints of the studeiits, promised to into have every street in this cityspoiled by Iraimvay vestigaie the matter and see that justice is done. The vice-rector has expelled six ol the studeiits and tracks, bul if the people have not spirit ennugh tó resist lhese impositions then we see very little use the government has decided to close lhe college until lhe matter is investicated. in complaining. It is proposed to remove the capital of Brazil to the city of Formosa in Goyaz, and it is said that TESriMO.VI.lt. TO CAPT. ARMSTRONG. lhere is an ofler to erect tlie necessary huildings in exchange for an exclusive privilége for li^lithnr, R. M. S. Elbe. water supply, sewcrage works, etc. It is also' Aíter a very happy voyage, íavored ali the way stated lhat lhe investigation of the meteorological conditions and climate of the locality will be en- by very fine weather. the following testimonial was Irusted to Dr. Cruls, director of the astronômica] presented to the Captain of this steamer 011 the observatory. If the removal will deliver us from 25U1 oí April, 18*91. the political parasites who alllict us, then let it be Ofi' U.SHANT. done at once! We the undersigned passengers of the R. M. S. —According to a letter read before the academy Elbe, feel especial gratificalion in uniting to exof medicine on the 311I inst., Dr. Aiireliano Poi- press our cordial appreciation of the excellent seaniansliip, impaitial courtesy, and happy tugal gives the following significam proportion ol genialitv, deaths from yellow (ever ihis season between nal- on the part of Captain Armstrong and his officer's. ives and foreigners. He calculates that m every which have given so pleasant a character to the IO00 death 52.2 are Brazilians, 918.2 are foreigners voyage. ami 29.5 are of unknown nationality. He shows (signed) Philippe Comte de Paris, G. King by comparison that the proporlionof foreigners has Me.trs, Chás. Lehman, Min S. Watson, been larger this year than in 1SS6. J. P. T. These figuiès ought not to be overlooked in Europe where the Allen, Walter Douglas, H. H. Woodgate, C. S. Douglas, P. A. C. Mackenzie, P. ?. Ritchie, Dr. Brazilián immigration agent is so btisily employed H. Armbrtister, Jacob Levy, C. G. de Azopa, in enticuig pour people to emigrate to this country. Fred. T. Pountney, J. de úon v Castillo, Alfred —The public will breathe a sigh of relieí on Robmson, R. Bei eus, W. J. Garrett, A. G. learning that there is no truth in the report that Douglas, 11. 11. Cobb, P. Hopwood, Alfredo f. Jarbas Tupinainhã de Mattos Guaryannas is to hc Pinto Leite, Manoel Pinto Leite, Francis A. private secretary to the minister ol finance. In- Gwynne, X. M. Fenebee, Wm. Barnetl, L. C. deed it is high time to put au end to this new inva- Irvine, W. Ellis. John Davy, AUierto Verquein», sion of barbanans. this inflnx of barbarous nameJorge Muir. Rolam! II. Atcherley, W. Ofiicer. W. into places of honor and profit. H this thing were A. Rose, M. Turncr, Mrs. W. Baraett, Mrs. Ellis, to continue, we should soon hear of lhe revi vai of Mrs. Mee, Mrs. I. I^ovegood Watson, Mrs. Mansthc celebrated Clemente Piedoso 0*Poce da Virgem fieldTunier, Mrs. P. A. C. Mackenzie, Mts. Alfred Maria and perhaps ofhis Iransformation into chief Robmson, Geo. H. Dyson, Mrs. Dyson, Jas. o.r that very police to which he lormerly seemed so Ashton, Mrs. \Vau, Miss Lazelle, Mrs. Fanny oonoxiotis and whose actívity he certainly did stim- W.Kxlgate, Mrs. Spottiswoodc, Miss L. Cobb, Mrs. ulate to a degree that was really excessive. P. J. Ritchie, Mrs. Mary Scott. THE June oth, 189t.] ENGLISH OPERA. Commercial We hear good accounts Irom Pernambuco of lhe vcception accòrded there to Mr. Echvin Cleary's Rio de fo neiro, June Sth, 1891, English opera company, and'the prospects are very receplion Par value of lhe Brazilian mureis (i$ooo), gold. 27 d. promisihg for an exceptionally good and we anticipatmg a treat, is Everybody do in U. F dp do do here. ability of Mr. Cleary's doubt slightest llie not have 54 75 cts. coin at $4.86,65 per fi stg to satisly ali expectations in tliat direclion. do i$827 $1,00 (U. S. coin) Brazilian gold It will be seen from the advertiseinetit in another 890 do of^i sig. in Brazilian gold 8 only are asked, which is place that London prices considered particularly advantagéous al the present time, and specially so in còmpanson with thè Bank rate o( exchangé,official,on London to-day 17 ><í d íor Italian opera. Present value of the Brazilian mil reis (gold)... i$554 prices asked We are informed that the house will be almost, do (paper).. 644 rs. gold do do if not entirely, soldby subscription, the applications do do in U. S. do for boxes and stalls being already largely in excess 34.75 c coin at $4 80 per £1 stg of ali anticipation. As the first effort to give our Value of $1.00 ($4.80 per f\. stg.) in BrazEnglish-speaking colony a season òf English opera, iíiàn currency (paper) 'i^ll il certainly dtiseryes a most generous supporly and Válueoí sterling i3$Sl1 „ £1 we shall be glad to see a crõwed house every night. Ali information desired will be (urnishèd by Messrs. Crasliley and Co., No. 67, Rua do OuEXCHANGE. vidor. Financial Notes —Tlie city of Tatuhy has been authorized to contract a loan of 150,000$. —The municipal receipts of this city in May amonted to 26S,7oS$l24 and the expenditure to 151,114*506. —The Bahia custom-house receipts amounted in the month of May to 887,164$ 196, against 749,511$!20 in May, 1890. —Gov. Pórtella has given Barão de Mrsquila two inonllis more for organizing llie llanco do each olher's noles. 334 h. n. Republica ., 500 Geral do 100 1000 V,F.Sap'hy7o$ June 5-The London and Brazilian Hank and tbe Hanco Sul Americano advanced tlie sterling 1 ale to 17^. The market was not s*> very lirm, although business was reported in Commercial sterling was bank sterling direct at 17 Vi —17^, formei was lhe rate for the 17^ bill al quoted business. Sovereigns closed with buyers at 14+200, sellers at 14+350 for cash: buyers al 13+900, seiler-. .it i.|$5oo íor ihe 30U1 and sellers at 14+000 for july t5t.l1. lime 6— The Knglish Hank and the Sul Americano advanced the sterling rale to 17TS3, tbe olheis were at 17íi• The markel was steady, but rather quiet with bank steiling diicct reported at 17 7(16 and repassed paper at 17/2. 'ommercííil sterling was reported at the extremes ót 17'á— 17.}*,. Sovereigns sold at 14+210, and closed with buyers at ia|$2òo, seilers at 14+280. were 17'4 —17Já on [une 8 ¦ Oflicial rates at tbe banks laondon, 546-552 011 Paris and 677—6S3 011 Hamburg, at llic markel 00 d|s; 2+V)io—49S0 un New York al s'£luBank >.n I.ondon oflice was steady, without much doing. was reported at 17 7p6- 17«í and repassed paper at 17 9J16, Conuiiercial sterling was quoted al iiyí — il npô. Sovercigns closed with buyers at 14+3..0, sellers al 14+360 for cash : buyers at i,i$ooo, sellers at 14+300 up to the 30th. 7,000,000$ Up to the present nothing certain, oflicial, railway. transpires as to the loan íoi lhe Geral to tend toThe reports are numerou*, and appear will be funds wards some settlement, by which Local inslitutions will probably take foithcomiiig. some share in the operatiòn, whatever it inoves to be. Tlie Banco 1^ e New York commenced busNo. 97, iness 011 the 4th^ist. at Rua do Rosário 2nd floor. Tlie May receipts at the Rio custom-house were : 1S91 Importation, gold. currency 1'ott dues Exportation — Siutiliics Sutups l^P 4.Ó49.859$2I9 203,439 4&« 4.913,298*687 3,962,757*940 24,137 4o8 J9»°99 7/2 246,224 554 838,035 814 14.462 871 206,247 oi < 2,528 óoo i,95s °°° 5,200,6525120 5,028,099*137 Prciiiiuinoti^iS?'íruin sold 519 I2lli tojoth.... 1,386.072 428 Deposits 6,586,724*548 830 4S.5 Restiuuions...... 6,635.240*57* $,ú6i,ó74$üSS ''55 54-ip 5<*> *•>?• A2 127 500 140 194 59 35 294 Miscelianeons. Serviço Marit. uo 400 Melh. no Braz do F.mp. Hypoth.. 545 750 do Forjas e Estai.. 28 5° do Inic de Melh.. 3S 500 1300 do 39 1400 Obras Hydr do do 40 100 do 100 Territ c Const 57 500 do 3oth.. 65 700 100 200 300 230 2co 100 350 96 97 97 230 97 500 26 j6 500 27 Coffee.—The market has been compartively active during the past week wilh sales amounting to some 35,000 bags, at prices showing daily reduetions, which for the week amount toi$6ooper arroba. Receipts are now steadily increasing and a daily average of 8,000 bags for this month is generally counled upon. The quality of lhe new coffees so far as we can leam is far from satisfactory : il is badly cured and shows ali evidence of great haste in its preparation. Of course this matter will be remedied as the season advances, and more sun light is granted to the planters, than is obtainable at present. On the 2iid brokers reduced quotations by 400 rs , on the 3rd another 500 rs. was taken off, 011 the 4th another 400 rs and finally on the 5Ü1 300 rs: The market is rather steadier this morning, but prices are still comparatively very high, besides which an advance in exchangé rates is pretty generally expected. The shipments since our last report have been : 1,815 June 5 2900 deb. Geral do 500 do 900 70 deb.Sorocabana .'7 Ap.*lices, old .. 990 do 23 4S 1000 8 C.old 4ÍÍ S.-79.U98 51 900 deb. Geral do 1200 12 52 52 195 ... '97 50 Republica do 30 100 Uuião de Cred 20 Commercio . 50 Pariz e Kio 270 127 220 250 400 50 do 100 l d . 300 1000 d« do i.a., Sul Americano. 127 250 127 500 104 Gera 190 192 225 50 3,954 58 - 5S 500 54 '7 1500 Viação do Hrazil 500 Reg Minas, 40$ 4,004 1900 1000 620 do do 35 5°° 95 96 do 250 Obras Hydr .. 50 Obras Publicas |une June 290 14 210 6177 deb-Geral Sovereigns -.- Apólices, old... 990 do 270 da. 200 200 deb. Bragantina 196 260 ,, Sorocabana. Geral 500 53 ,. 500 do 33° do 53 75° 50 Banks Brazil as do Cou.slr'tor, ijth C. Movei 40+ Pariz. e Rio 393 197 195 48 r-*8 51 230 52 5-i 5°o S7 87 500 300x1 P.e Rio, 31 Dec ióS 62 Republica do 30 Sept. 2000 5.-10 Reg Minas,40+ tódvKmp Hypoth. -5° 550 Melh. no Braz.. «o ao Form. Cap'ema 193 25° 20 do 194 '5s d0 ...... 35 5™ 35 Metr.ip P.aul.. 35 75" 300 Obras Hyd..., do 56 aoo Furope Cape of Good Hope ,, Elsewhere bags. bags. 4,418 | i ST, London Hr str Moselle Antwerp do Trieste Aust str Zichy. Hamburg Ger str Campinas Aniwerp Ger str Baltimore 509 556 Ó08 i,nio Tbe market is aboui steady this morning at the f 11..wing quotations, on the basis of New Yotk types : Type. per arroba. Type per arroba. 12^200 13+700 No. No. 4 ti 900 >3 4°o 5 500 ó 13 100 7 I2 7°o 11 10 500 On Saturday last tbe pauta was reduced to 877 rs. per kilogramme, equal to about 800 r<. per arroba only. Receipts for llie past week were 45,745 bags, againsl 24,570 bags for lhe precedim; week and 19,160 bags for the week before. 94 5°° 95 95 Soo 40 •*7 COMPANHIA UNIÃO INDUSTRIAI S. SEBASTIÃO, UAI.ANCK SIIKKT, DltCK.MlU-TR 2 ? Railways and tramway: 1200 Viação Feri. 200 Geral 30 .Sapucahy, 70$. Tlieresnp 55 ;)Oth 300 Miseeiioneous. 820 Inic. de Melh . do ,0 (.70 O. Pub. new is. ,, 2 New Vork Hr str 1'ainiyck JÓ June 6 20 !0 lõo íoo Sou ,, Ritrope: 450 Melh. no Hrazil 100 bags for the United States United States 250 32 Miscelianeons. 1,1.. t.'lraldoHr.So+ 50 36 400 Inc. de Melh 37 do 200 3° do :4o Elsewhere The vessels cleared with colTee are : 6600 Viaç. F. Sap'hy 3o 3' 11 For the same time the daily foreign clearances at tbe custom house amount to Railways and Tramways ¦5' 2,139 F.urope Cape of Good Hope 9,172 bags. 2S do do ,, ,, 5° 75° 53 87 do 2S bagsforthe United States 5,218 500 Banks. 123 Hrazil 1891. Stocks were this ali hands morning estimated to be 82,513 bags, in Vessels loading and to load. New York Hr str A nliimcdes Amer str Vigilância do 11avre Fr str Concórdia London and Antwerp lir str Magdalena bags. Bordeaux Fr sir Portugal 11 amburg Ger str .-I rgenttna Genoa ltal str Umberto I. 1890 /(ssets. DAILY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS OF • • SOã^SÓo+ooo Shareholders; calls to bc made. • - -: COFFEE AT RIO DE JANEIRO. jão, S. Buildings;and machinery- of lhe S. Ji >aulellla-, Meia Christovão, Tecidos de liraziletra taria, Ferro Galvanisado, 1-abril 8.375.9Í» 468 V! factories Rendas and 115,642 550 • -•_••,,•,\"'' •5' , O Real estate Hotel.. 70,397 000 Dwettings houses and S. João r. w 3 6.SS.454 411 C/5 = Lands .....-•-• 314,000 000 Re-claiined land {marmitas) 28,000 000 factory... Oflice and stores of S. João Ç c/i 3* 14,379 890 Shops of S. João factory t/l 2,191 860 25 o Tramway o 120 3 9,025 llrick yard C 1,897 02° - O Cost oi bticks 166 30,117 Funuture c53.74a 450 o Sttpplies for factories oao 3,849 • Fite service 109 45,264 Tools and implements lor Iron factory. 23,000 000 Shafling • • • • _¦*"*. 4,295 320 Material at S. Christovão factoi-y Banks. 10,123 839 insurance.. 309,839 811 1850 Pariz eR.3iDcc 158 Raw material -4 7 Hrazil......-- 393 •143.950 415 W O U» 194 Republica 1740 .Commercial— 300 Merchandise. 26 Lu 130 a. 8 8 195 3i°55 d 1320 ... 190 material Starching 5j_ Cousliucior 1,001 8 to 195 do 500 •.oo Econ. Popular. 300 9 Lubricants 9,663 500 aoo União de Cr.. 220 <' Banco U nião de_ Credito shares do xa sS$28o 150 do 2S.... 63 c Cash : at Iron factory _ Ul - Z, * 100 000 3 - w at S. Christovão do n 0\ u\-* o> l3° ^95 Railways and Tramways. do 1 in 00 at Tecidos de Meias 623 1 do 579 at Passanientaria 31 50 V.F.Sap'hy 70$ 30 500 4 ,344 77° 50 Geral at head office do 100 37 do 25 536 240 at S. João factory. 200 S. Chiist. tram. 300 JJ4 7.927 999 _-)>•;_,_• 340 Jar.liot, tram.. 55,046 960 Incorporation expenses Miscelianeons 126,000 000 % ** * 8 S Cost of loan 000 Braz. 95 110 600 Melh. 360,000 100 Hi>coiint on loan 35 Conf Ind. mill. 118,771 544 50 Melh. do Norte 40 Sinking fund of S. João loan :jo Centr. do linu. 60 140,000 000 1050 Obras Hyd.... 27 250 :*•*" Hypoth. Shares Emp pledged 50 various .. 27 at do balances 500 sundry 530 Melh.. current: de Accounts 150 Inic. 217781064 160 ^ 150 Obras Publicas. 360 banks 39 do 50 208,090 59S e Const.. 58 Territ 1000 Uo balance of sundry accounts 40 do iõo do 58 500 tooo 94 300 Melh. no Brax J9.3S3.9t7*f'5í U.I.dosE.20o$ 150 50 5-t-o 94 da 3OJ do 153 50 Liabilities. .- <- c: .*•• 00 *\ te O "i to,ooo,coo$ooo 2005. at « sh.ires 3. t June 00 Capital: value of 50,000 8 8 3*68,301 S54 Hills payable 1600 deb. Geral -••¦ 50 143,180 480 41 Apólice», old .. 990 debentures.... 1050 do 50 250 Interest payable on sh.ircs and íoo do ts— 1,400 870 7,oooè Accounts 625 do payable 50 500 o 20,ua>ÍGuld4>*sS, 79 U9-7 14,485 7"a » <*• c; 2» v due..,. Wages 17 do 51 «^ V» sia 271 4C0 ;_-. ' o service *4 «N Medicai «N 00 S 8 4 700 tíanis Iknevolent fund 6,000,000 O30 194 500 Debentures 1S6 64 40 Republica 246 Commeicio *s. Current accounts, balance of sundry account». 1,061,952 195 do 140,000 000 1650 ... 190 r 130 Coiisttucti Directors' guarantee , —.. 196 19^ 5-« dShares tô b« paid: of the S. João factory com50 500 Un. Ib Amer, 92 516,600 000 ,c*i Cr. Univ. 60$. 30 pany 698,000 coo do seo 95 55 oí the S. Christovão company -..,í,-a VUíãú do !>r,, do de Tecidos de Nacional of the do Raihtxtyt and Tr.imto.tys. 100,000 000 •*• Meia do *s 5*> Vuçâu Kcrrea . 71,800 000 seo Est. a Ch»pim of the Tecelagem Fluminense do. do 3» Sapucahjr, 70$ 39,400 000 ««o Geral do ofthe Fabril Bnwriicira da 300,000 oco ofthe Fem»Galvanisad*» do .... do MiSíelliiHeostx, o - Çs 137,000 000 ofthe Manufoct.ira de Rendas do do oa v» v* 100 Obras Hydr.... 2/ mili tro Ind Hi.u 519 9°° 5, Profit and loss carried to nexl half-year. Aug.. <i»> 4S iooo 5 Metil 4« 400 tiik. de io,3S3,9l7$i50 «oo Melh. no Unt. <H 5»» 100 O. Publicas as.. 60 6* f8ó p do 650 "União *»*» ij Uniâi» Ind. tndustti-n S. bevía^tw^ S .05 do É, & O E. — CJffice <>f the i . _ S. Seb»>iiío. lê» ,. 9» Jaalh. 1S90. JOO *li» a -To Deceniber Cooipany," |tst, *«* " 1 Noite. 5*" 3! áo 4» Uéh5cs OCf "HI 30 President. ¦o Losvndes. e // C«m«t. $** . T<?*« Teriit. *7$ iã» *»<> &t Ofkam Mackitdo, Chict Accountant. z mi O' ¦<_.•' 33*574 95' 6,581.1151812 5.013,97» í'35 Internai levenue icccipl-s 300 V.F..Sap'hy 70Í do. first trans. iooo day 40 S. Chiist. tram. ?o 31 34 8th June, Exports. Railways and Tramway: June 4—The market was higher again and firm. No changes were made iu tbe official rates at the banks, and tlie business doing was small at 17—17'^ for bank sterling an.l 17^-- i7'.í for commercial. Sovereigns advanced smartly, under a demand said to be for tlie River Plate, and sold ai i.|$.I90 —500—520—600 and i.($7oo, sellers at 14+800 for cash; buycrs íit 14 + 100, sellers at 14+500 s. o. aotli. 5,000,000 ?* 100 Pariz e Rio.. do 25 Aug 6000 100 Republica 200 Un. de Cr. 2S.. 400 837 Brazil 395 5 i'0 195 200 do 2s... 100 Parta e Hio.... 127 REPORT. Kio de Janeiro, Banks. —On tbe Sth lhe Banco Regional do Pará e Ama/onas was organized. The new bank should liscal sueceed, (or it has eleven directors and seven Nearly ali are doclors, with a few councillors. SALES OF STOCKS AND SHARES uiajors and private individuais. June 1. —-Although lhe present minister of agriculture; 50 cons Cr. Movei 1450 deb. Geral 5° do 15 do 500 50 250 has declared a lol oí guaranteed cenlral usine 1000 do 500 50 Treas3470 coucessions lapsed, the Jontals&ys tliat lhe Banks on ury is still responsible ím- interest guarantees 395 320 Constructor.,.. 190 40 Hrazil an aggiegate capital of 39,350,000$. 189 zs 194 55" Republica 160 do 60 194 500 50 Sportivo 240 do —The Companhia Criadora c Fornecedora de 195 70 U.Tb. Amer... 100 140 do Virgem Aves Domesticas, (lado e Carvão de Matto Raihvays and Tram ways. the number has lhe very laudablc desire to reduce 20 uoo Geral 3" Est. Chopim the oí its shares and increase their value, ami Miscelianeons. minister oí liuaiue. ol whom it t.-ked aulhoiuation 100 Obras Publicas. 360 .. Territ lir.uil V lhe too tu acconiplisli this, wishcs to know whellier 100 do 40$-. 6.Melh no Hrazíl 94 450 he suggest at 200 Territ. e Const. 56 J$U Uil 94 500 company is organized l Why didn'1 do 200 59 4.. Melh. do Norte 40 to leiigllieti do 59 aoo 400 the same time that it -vouli! do well 101 Obras Hydr..., 25 eo do 27 900 300 do its name a bule ! 1780 U. 1. dos E. 200$ 170 — The (ollowing new companies were advertjsed June á 13 95° 45° Tteh. Geral... 5° iluiiiig lhe week : iooo Sovereigns do 13 980 1700 50 250 do 1000 capital do 50 500 14 íoo 1950 i,o.>o,ooo$ 53 6 Apólices, 4S.... 998 30tb Pelropolis Industrial e Agricola..., do 600 100 54 .... 1,000,000 00$ do Lixo de Remoção na Melhoramentos 200 cons. Cr. Movei 43 5°° 89 .. 1 Gold 992 ó 4S, do 200 45 Banco Meicaulil e Territorial Bra zileiro d< 1 do do 1000 1000 2000 480 12 Apólices, 4S...1000 500 40,000$ Gold 4%$, 79 119-8 51 520 340 deb. Geral .... 600 100 cons. Banco C. 44 7&0 Movei do 45 IOO 14 14 14 14 14 96 2000 Sovereigns do Ic.oo June 3 —The oflicial rates were unchanged and lhe market was steady during lhe day. The business doing was small, with bank sterling direct reported at 17 — 17^ and commercial at 17^. Sovereigns closcd wilh buyers at i4$a6b, sellers at li^og for cash; buyers at 13.Í901 s. o. soth and at i4$.ioo b. o. 2otb. of real estate lo 444,169$ 183. —The miiiister ol finance lias decided thal neither private persons, nor banks without issue, are obliged to receive ilu* notes of banks of issue. Ali the laller, however, are obliged to receive MARKET June 4 June -2—Official rates at the banks were advanced to 17011 I.ondon. 560—562 011 Paris and 692—694 on Hamburg at 90 d|s; 3$ooo on New Vork at sight. There was a very fair business doing. and more money appeared than was expected, for the banks after drawing at 17ÍÍ1 refused money at over 17 in the afternoon. Commercial sterling was quoted at the extremes of i,lA—liH- Sovereigns sold at 13+950, i3$*;3oand t.($ioo. and closed with buyers at i4$o8o, sellers at i4$iõo for cash: buyers at 13Í650 up to the 20th. Estado do Rio de Janeiro. —The receipts al lhe custom house of Rio Grande do Sul 111 February were 365,053$! 11. against 277,i3ò$879 in lhe corvcspoiicling month ol 1890. — In lhe inonlli oí May lhe revenue dcriyed from the stamp tax in jhis city amounted 10418,I40$iooand that derivei! Irom lhe tax ou Irahsíers 7 NEWS. RIO i,U3.5&7 042 712,856090 Í2I í ¦-, úi* * *«* * H o s y$ ,.,,....,._...,.- ,.:...: THE 8 Total foreign clearances of Coflee from Rio for eleven months of crop-years: dbstination 1890-91 Unitbo Statiis New York Baltimore Richmond New Orleans Galveston 1889-90 1888-89 Bags. Bags. Bags. 1,215 8ió '.336 f'47 1,631 299 151 720 153 ()°" 336 870 1 000 1 55" 1 500 '27 475 '43 3M 233 47" 18897 4S 958 31 49° *>5'7 Total 3;;8 1,664 171 2,252 097 ElIUOlMS Channel f. Havre Antwerp North of Europe & Baltic. England Bordeaux Lisbon t. Gibraltar f.o Portugal Mediterranean lotai 2 500 55 '.8«. "9 098 205 061 61 273 30Í.6 14 232 961 580 862 7 61 40 119 112 25 969 90 695 97 719 348 '53 292 494 7847 5 5° 817 497 676 643 975 7238 90 193079 398 8.7 543 565 1,261 694 El.SlíWIIIIltlt Canada Cape of Good Hope Austrália River Plate & West Coast Rio and coast Total 63 800 61 537 44 "- 50 112 220 87 655 233 43 752 111 649 «3* 860 108 088 ',5>7 United States Europe Elsewhere 338 1,664 171 2,252 097 543 565 1,261 694 580 862 131 860 111 649 10S 088 2,206 288" 2,319 385 3,^45 651 Totais Total foreign clearances of Coffee from Rio for five months: DBSTINATION 1891 Bags" Unitiíd Statiís. New York Baltimore Richmond New Orleans Galveston 518 661 79 106 800 29 366 5S57 Total 633 690 1R89 1890 Bags. 724 098 80669 Bags. 663 627 20358 162 35S 1 500 99 745 18 789 888 814 946 019 1 000 62 689 ElIROPK. Channel t. Havre Antwerp North of Europe ít Baltic England Bordeaux Lisbon f. Gibraltar t. Portugal Mediterranean Total 2 500 ?9 176 7025 7029c 27 Sriú 1 í>99 _7'_8?6 25 27 '9 i°7 179 7 55o 28 17 73 59 474 74 955 512 975 3 38o 969 691 547 547 194 3 235 70 73 273 120 3SS 210 332 264 930 15 700 19 650 30 290 14 069 14 724 16 899 Total 29 769 34 374 47 '89 United States Europe Elsewhere 633 690 888814 264 930 34 374 946 019 483 57' 47 )?? Ei.skwhhkb Canada Cape of Good Hope Austrália River Plate & West Coast Rio and coast Totais , 210 332 29 769 483 571 873 79i 1,188 118 «,476 77') Imports. do 2nd 21 Indian Com.—No receipts and quotations are nominal. Receipts in May were nil, against 24,964 bags in May last year. Hay.—Receipts have been 18,857 bales per Victoria, Matapan, Oneata, and Gesinc, from the River Plate. Receipts Brokers quote, for lots, 80—87 rs. per kilogramme last month were 75,267 bales, agains 16,638 bales in lhe same 111011 th of 1890. Turpentine.—Quotations are 800—840 rs. per kilogramme. Receipts since our last report are 258 cases, and in May 745 cases, against 450 cases in May last year. Rosin.—Receipts have been 234 brls per Vigilância 'There are lio changes made in tlic quotations of o$ooo— i2$ooo per bri. Receipts in May were 1,839 brls. against 925 brls. in the same moiith last year. Coal. - Receipts since our last report have becn : CardilT: 2,270 tons per Inga, 1,772 tons per Bellonn, 3,532 tons per Cawdor Glasgow: 2,269 tons per Pa.v. Newport: 1,614 tons ller Anglesea; ali to dealers and comIn May receipts were 46,885 tons, of which 70 tons paniès. were Bclgian and the balance British : in May, 1890 receipts were 51,608 tons of ali descriptions. Cement.'The Riughorn brought 1,000 brls. from Marscilles. Quotations are smartly advanccd and the market is lirin. Wc may quote British al 9$8oo—io$2oo, German 7$8oo—8$300 and French io$oio—loíji.soo per bri. Receipts in May were 13,517 brls. British, 11,099 brls. German and 6,635 French and Bclgian, or togetlier 31,251 brls. against 7,829 brls. for tlie same nionth last year. Shipping News. ARRIVALS OF FOREIGN 000—21 250 nominal Western & Interior River Plate do ' City Mills 21 000—22 501 Receipts last month wcrc 22,037 brls American and 900 brls. Trieste, against 29,735 brls. of ali kinds in May, 1890 Pitch Pine.—Receipts nil and quotations are nominal In May receipts were 3,5371989 at 484Í000—49.IÍ000 per doz. feet, against 3,006,397 ^ct f°r l^,c same month last year White Pine.—The market continues flat, and we may 'There are no receipts since quote at 11 o—115 rs. per foot. our last report; in May there arrived 867,822 feet, against 241,295 feet in May, 1890. Spruce Pine.—Nothing to report. Swedish Pine.—Receipts have been 854110/ per Ete na Receipts last month wcre 3,635 from Hango, to a conipany. doz. against nil in May last year. Kerosene.—Receipts are 5,100 cases per Vigilância The market has advanccd and is firm at 7f8oo—8$ioo per case. Receipts in May were 14,750 cases, against 17,500 cases i 11 the same month last year. Lard. — Receipts are 8») packages per Vigilância. (Juotations are rather lower and the market is reported (lat. We may quote George's lard, in lots, at 420—440 rs jier lb and In May receipts were 7,028 other marks at 400—420 rs kegs, 1,356 cases, or 8,384 packages, against 18,510 packages in May, 1890. Codfish.—Receipts are 125 cases Norwegian per Argrtttina. Stocks are estimated to !>c about 1,000 packages and dealers quote cases at j3$ooo—35$ooo, barreis at jo$ooo— 32^000. The market is firm and the demand continues fair. Last month receipts wcrc 2,395 cases Norwegian and 450 barreis Canadian, against 6,574 packages in May Last year Rice. -Receipts have lieen 22,150 bags per Lorrainc from Rangoon. Brokers quote at 1 _•$.»»—i2$5oo per bag, according to quantity and marks. Receipts last month were 114,552 bags of foreign rice, against 11,210 bags for the same month in 1S90. Bran—There is nothing 10 report. City mills bran is selling at i$fx*3—3$7oo per bag. VESSELS. JUNE 1. Mai.sbiu.i_s-Ger bk Ratinha; 805 tons; Kohler; 65 ds: sundries to order. Buiínos Aires—Nor bk Victoria; 748 tons; Muller; 23 ds; hay to order. Rio Grande do Sui.—Br lug Thomás Boustead; 17* tons; Jones; 16 ds: sundries to Commercio dc Cereaes company. JUNE 3. Astoria -Amer ship Reaper; 1,305 tons; Taylor; wheat to Rio Flour Mills. Hango - Ger bk Ele na; 7S2 tons; Gerber; 75 ds; pine to Rosa liio-Br bk Oneata; 588 tons; lsbistcr; 63 ds; J. de Souza ít Co. Buenos Aires -Br bk Sovereign; 486 tons; Cook; wheat to Moinho Fluminense. 81 ds: order. hay to 10 ds; JUNE 4. Rosário—Nor lug Bieu; 338 tons; Gcraldsen; 21 ds; wheat to Rio Flour Mills. JUNE 5. Cardiff—Br ship Cawdor; 2,354 tons; Jardalla; 44 ds; coal to Lage Irmãos. Newport—Br bk Anglesea; 978 tons; Bain; 51 ds; coal to Messageries Mãritinies. Rosário—Br bk Towy; 303 tons; Jones; .3 ds; wheat to Rio Flour Mills. Ger bg Gesine; 248 tons; Roseman; 16 ds; hay to Coudeluria Cruzeiro. Ajo'—Arg lug Emilia Ardinicar; 107 tons; Ccrnati; 19 ds; jcrked-becf to Luiz de Azevedo & Co. ? UNE 6. Porto Alegre—Nor lug Bos; 144 tons: Nielscn; 44 ds; sundnes to order. JUNE 7. London-Br lug lonc; 319 tons; Richards; 57 ds; cement to order. CAHüíFK-Swed bk Albàiross; 959 tons; Frostberg; 50 ds; coal to Belmiro Rodrigues & Co. -Nor bk Mary Stewart; 996 tons; Jobnsen; 47 ds; coal to belmiro Rodrigues &Co. RosarkS—Br bg Alice A da; 292 tons; Leigh; 23 ds; wheat to Rio Flour Mills. DEPARTURES There has been a moderate business done during the past week. Flour remains quiet and lhe stock is comparatively small, but dealers are not doing much. A joint stock company formed by the principal dealers in flour is projected, but, so far as we know, is not yet a reality. The markets for pine are rather flat; the only receipts are a cargo of Swedish to a company. Kerosene has advanccd again and is firm at the higher quotations Lard is rather flat and quotations are somewhat nominal. Codfish is about unchaiigcd and stcady under a fair demand. Another cargo of Rangoon rice has arrived and prices are rather easier for lots. No Indian com has arrived and quotations are Receipts of Hay and Wheat are still very quite nominal. considerablé; of the latter we received 118,189 bags in May, of which only 1,936 bags were from the United States. Since the ist inst. some 63,000 bags have arrived, including a large cargo per Reaper from Astoria. Flour.—Receipts are 3,445 brls. per Vigilância from tlie United States. Sales and withrawals are about 8,000 brls and stocks in first hands are estimated to be 16,000 brls. ali American. Brokers report the market quiet and quote as follows : Trieste nominal Richmond ist 20S750—2i$ooo 2iid nominal do Baltimore ist 21 750—22 000 RIO OF FOREIGN JUNE .. Bardados—Nor bk Subra; 562 Mossouo'-Nor bk Graziclla; JUNE 2. Smi- Island-Swed bk Olivia; IQUIQUIÍ-Br ship Carpathiàn; Valparaiso.--Fr ship Astríe; VESSELS. tons; Knudsen; ballast. 412 tons; Eskeland; do. 701 tons; Janssen; ballast. 1,444 tons; Findlay; do. _;on tons; Donct; do. Barbados—Br lug Tyree; 332 tons; Corkran; do Br bk Virgínia /_. Staf/ord; 432 tons; Beilliet; do. JUNE 3. Bardados - Br bk Laura Emily; 778 tons; Durnian; ballast. jUNi-y. Yarmouth—Bi bk Palerinq; 799 tons; RpgersoiT; ballast. Svdniív, C. 13.—Nor bg Vtgelaud; 48a tons: Jacobsen; do. Svdnkv, N.S. W.-Nor bk Nep/uu; ,,,„., tons; Sorensen; uo. NEWS VESSELS AFLOAT & LOADING FOR RIO. Alice Ancaios Activ Alfhild A dele O Alice Afghanistan Aitne E lha bc th Apollo Aruidne Bay of Fundy Broderfolkct Bienia Bertie Biglow Boinbay Cari Celeste Burrill. CiumDolikin Cathcrinc ,... Clãn Grani Baltimore Cardifl Marseilles Cardifl Cardiff Cardiff CardilT F.cdericksladt Tlnmhiirg London Cardiff Pascagoula Hamburg Newporl Rangoon Swansea CardilT Swansea Brunswick Riingrion Cora CmdifT ARRIVALS READY DATK Strasburg (li Baltimore < o Vm. Florio Ital t. Steamer; .. 35* per bag Trieste.. pei ton do Havre 35 f. J.» ton Bordeaux .. 35 f*. do per do Marseilles... 30 f. do do Genoa 30—|of, do do Sail! , t United Stales. Vn.th } i$*-»m M 37* W-4" «** 6 Apr 34 Apr 19 Mai 7 Apr 23 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 18 Apr CONSIGNEI) To Sanlos Gr I Lei i.i Bi Hamburg* 231I Livcrpool aid Lyttlcton 2id Rivei Plate 4(1 Caravellas* 4d FOREIGN V? W.Guiin, ite MesS. Marilimes Royal Mail Ni.ile-Sul Co. A. Fiorita .t t' do do Wilson Sons ,*t l F. Ma/0.1 K Johnston .S. C June Leibniti Blg Moselle Br Vandyck lli ílZiihy Aust Antwerp* Southampton' New York Tiicsle K-iliiiC Hr Santos <! BL.iv.nell. Ill \ >riin,i" Cittá di Natioli lil Rivct Plate Europa I1.1l do Vigilanci.i Amer Santos Argrniina Gr d<> l'.U-ig nia Iíi River Piaic (taitlidcc lír Pernambuco" River Alcrsey Br Santos »iiSu.issbilig (ir Rivei Plate 6 M.it.iji.111 Kr Itordeaux* »>'<"« lombia Arg Buenos Aires (•.«Campinas tir Hamburg* do 7JI>cslerToGr Santos 7|Mo.lLikc lír yjPics. Camot Arg B.wmis Aires 7jVin Flori» Ital Rl»-cr 1'lale alhng .i .-...,. x,. p.Mis. ,/ mericuii Undaiiiiioil .. City <«f M"i«'il Standard Reaper Argentine bk Leopoldina .. sp Margarida .. bk.|ohii Black schr C Giahelli.. bk Abbotsfoid... schr Leopoldo... lug E. Ardinicai A us trio 11 bk Mie Figliii. -Belgiau bk Thcõd.Eugels tlrilisti sp sp sp sp bk Siadai íina ... bk Nevado. Johnston Wilson Sous do A Fiorita ,* IJahia&Min & 1 St C C l< u STEAMERS CAKia Sundries do ColTee Sundries do do do do do d.> do d. d., isime cargo Sundrir*. IkillaM Sundries do do Ballast Same canto . . WIIKKI1 1'KOM 1603 1117 i|f'.i 'J<>5 CONSICNKK May 4 Cardifl.... Lage 1 rumos 10 New York-. Geral Com. St |; 16 S. Frans'co Rio Flour MilK June 3 A símia Rio Flour Mills M'S'4 Nov. Macio ... P. Bernardes ít R, 826 Jau. 18 Cape Vcrds To order 2 Apr. ¦MS Hiunswick Geral 1'oin. & |. 26 Bs. Aires.. Gianclli St C' 120 "77 May 9 Swansea .. Watson; R. & (' '4 Bs. Aires.. Gianclli ít 218 C 107 J une ,s Ajú L. «TAzevedo SC 77' May 26 Marseilles. lluvivier ft C K Antwerp 507 May . Geral Cyni. & I 1.01 Mar ji«| Brunswick To ürder 674 3 Pensacola. Geral dt! C ft In. iogS 7 New! York lnd. liráz, Co. ...Mobile . . F P Passos bk Aricroid , 983 1680 A pi 1 i Péiisacóla. ';<"ral i oill. ,"< | sp Kveiest ; Brunswick Geral C. m. & |, bk Swansea ... 746 lug Liniiet . -. 5 Cardifl" .. Lloyd Hiaz. 928 15 Cardifl',..i Mess. Maritimcs sp Co. "f Yr'mth 2151 17 Cardifl .. Norioii, M. ft C. bk Aliiinliagh ... IOÓ! 19 Rosário.... To orde. bg Aer1.11a1.it — 446 26 Cardifl'.... Cent. Bi az. R.R spNetiiéAlurphy '373 28' CardilT ... Wilson Sons ft bk M. ¦¦- K. C«;x. 1184 C Cardifl"... Wilson Sons ft C sp Frank Carvill. .408 May PhiTIphia Norton, M'w ft C lug M.'l hompson 555 Cauiifl" . . Norton, M'w ft C bk Biileshire 967 Cardifl" . 1268 Cent. Bra;-. R.R. bk Abana Swansea .. B. Rodrigues & C .140 hk K.rfeiidi Pensacola.. lnd. do Brazil 880 bk Wm. Wilcox Glasgow .. In distress Ó12 bk Jane Rangoon. Norlon, M'w ft C bk Co.ofAnglesea 1067 Rosário... Camuyrano ft C Ó74 bk Hindostaii 2284 Cardifl .... Cent. Braz. R.R sp Speke 1-15' CardilT.... Wilson Sons ft C sp (.'bailes ''07 Rosário ,.. Alto Parahyba bk Cliiiew Rangoon.. Ferraz Sob. .t c bk Abouk. Bay.. 1117 Rangoon.. H. Stohz ,t C 828 bk Lorrainc . < ardilf.... Royal Mail 1123 bk Bellona Rio Cirande Com. do Ceieacs lug Th. Bõüsiead 172 Juiic Rosário.. .. L dc Sou/a fi C hk Oneata 5B8 Bs. Aires.. Duvivier ft C bk Sovereign. 486 235'' Cardifl".. sp Cawdor Lage Irmãos Ncwport .. Mess. Marilimes bk Anglesea 978 bk Towy Rosário . .. Rio Flour Mills 303 London . .. To order bii; lonc........ 3!9 Rosário .. Rio Flour Mills bg Alice Ada ... 7.92 Daiiish. bk Ríchard ..... 290 Mayy «4 S ScbastiEti Queiroz, M. ft C Fretii h sp Perseveiance 2511 May Cardifl" ... Cent, Braz R.R. bk Bieiifaiteui Oporto ... Macedo Jr. ft C 3'9 German bk Anua uoo A pi. Livcrpool. Alliança Mill lug Cari Angus! 292 Antwerp... E. Pecher & C bk Hcin Baüei", 57i May Newcastle, Watson, R. ft C bk .Seinniy Colin 435 Newcastle lulin Moore ft C bk llcithai >iah'm 1089 Liverpool.. (ias Co. bk Marie 1218 Cardifl" Lloyd Braz. SD Margarctha .. 1287 Cardifl".... Cent. Braz. R.R. bk Wieland .... 60 2 Rosário .. ('amuyr.iiin & ( bk Pnx Glasgow . Watson, R íi Ç 056 bk Katinka 805 June Marseilles Saneamento Co. bk'Eleita lango Obras Publicas 786 bg Gesine 24 S Rosário Coud. Cruzeiro Italian bk Ve.daGuardi.i 843 Apr. 1 Marseilles. To order bk N. Ei. Madre 975 13 Marseilles.. To order bk Celestina '7 Marseilles.. dei 481 bk ColtitnbÜs,... '255 May 10 Marseilles., Geral Com. & I. bg F.nrichetta... 297 25 SanNicolas In distress hk Fitil 10 «Ullt... ¦ Norwegian bk Flora.'. 497 Apr. sp M.ithilda '853 sp Elizabetli 1261 bg Louise 9'5 sp Gennnnic . I 3!'0 bk Elièzei 865 bk Pitcsident .. 795 May bk Venskabel . 418 lug Fin gal 336 bk Mi.ij.ah 40. bk Snpcili bk (,'onrant 760 i "35 bk Gcmnia .... 429 bk Hieronyiiuis 425 bk Sngitta 553 bk Maria 663 Xaja bk 427 bk Huggry 876 bk NacHa 59° hk SieiTing 757 bg Frey 246 •¦p Prince kcgeut «3'5 lug Velux . 534 bk Lindola 3<>4 '587 Nm wood Jul.'.. Il.insen 595 luga '3^9 kinghoin . , 5t<> Victoria. , 748 Bieu .... 338 lug Hos 144 bk Mary Stewart 99'' SD bk bk bk bk lug 10 lioiilogne. '4 Cardifl.... 14 Ncwport.. '7 Card.IT.... ad Cardifl" a 8 Bs. Aires.. 4 Pensacola,, 4 Laurvig... 5 Fernandina 6 llamburg' 7 Pascagoula 8 Cardifl .... 8 Westerwlck 8 Hamburg , 8 I lamburg 10 CaidilT.... 10 Glasgow . 10 Pensacola 10 Pensacola '4 Rosário... P. Alegre. Cardifl... Laurvig .. Rosário .. CardilT... Ncw York Cauiifl .. Marseilles, Bs Aires Rosário,. P. Alegre. 7 Cardifl... Oriental bk Fian. Vidal, 400 Apr, is Português» bk Margarida.. 368 Apr. 1 Ipnrto bk Isabel "43 May t)|Hl|'tO ... bk Humildade .". -'«.I < )porto . Russian sp Vauadis i" ii) Mar. 29 Marseilles bk Julia 1076 May 9 Cauiifl.... Spauish bk Sehasli.uia 618 M ay «adir.... Swedish bk Pclcr.... 57«|«M»r sy Golhe'biug bk Alb.u.oss. 57 June 7 ( aulifl ., Ma/ou Stoltz .<_ C do Fiorita & C WlIRttH TO and Rio, timber, p Ftetghts Ncw York 35<New Orleans 45*Lundon 3jx Livcrpool .... 35* Antwerp yts iiamliurg 30X South Santos 18I1 Genoa' 241I DEPARTURES OF FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS. The only charter reported is Br bk Rohrt lline, Imbiluba I Bremen' *6d Ai..01 Hr .S., fiom New \ ..ik for San Francisco, 21 days out do Channel f.o. Lisbonf.o Lisbuii' i6d Kuapehu Br Umbertu I Ital — The manter of Fr sir Concórdia reports spcaking ou May 24lli in I-.I 6X3' N. I.ong p<- 15' W. Amei bip J l <*.'. Apr I lambiirg* 2 pi lv Johnston ,v (' New Yiirk' 251! Wilson Sons ot t' S CliiiiVão' 261! N rte-Sul Co Livcrpool 241! Noi ton, MV ,tt' Santos n.b do River Plate |il -al do' P. Alegre' . id Europa li.d Genoa' 191! Cittádi Napoli li do' 19.I B. l.av'lo II.. Rivei PI.ite 3Í4d Patagônia Br l.iveipool' i/-'«l Paranyba Pi Havie' ...d 'ampinas ( o Santos 18I1 Concórdia !"« Havre' 251! Nkw Vork—Nor ship Etitabeth; ballast PiULADK1_F.ua—Ital bk Celestina; do 'Thomás —Nor St. bk Naja; ,|„. Baruados—Nor bk Sterling; do. do 25 STEAMERS. WIIÍIKK I' ROM Argentina Gr Vigilância Amer Holliliside Br Biiflon Br V.imlyck Bi Mal.uige Port !Matapan Fr Moselle Br Gartlnlee Bi FOR SEA. Bastican—Nor ship Mathilde; do. Colombo—Br hk .)/ &• E. Cóx; do. Tutu. - ür hk Alttmbaglt; t|0. Buenos Aimcs— Br bk Htndostah; do. S. FRANCISCO i><» Si:l—Ger lug Cari August; OF FOREIGN FOREIGN SAILING VESSELS IN THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO, JUNE 8th, _89_. AKHIVHIl Quitcria Oporto 25 Apr Remittent 1 «ascagoula 13 Apr Ragnar Pensacola Ralnbow Brunswick S May Rosa Marseilles Routeiiburn Cardifl -'May Rio Grande do Norte London 4 Mar Saerimtter Cardifl Souverain Cardifl" Staatsminster Selmer Hamburg 27 Apr Se,rvla CardilT Tu ritta . Gütlieiiburg 31 Apr Thurland Castle Cardifl Tourity Rangoon 15 'Polvo Pensacola ' Feb . Iraeusit Marseilles 1 May Unanima Brunswick 8 Apr Van deu liergli Marseilles Vause Sunderland 1; Apr JUNE 7. Silic Isi.and Bi ship Ryerson; 1,447 tons; Joslin; ballast AND 2 SApr Cortez Cardifl' Disponent Simderlaiid n Apr Dom Podrò II Ballimorc 30- Apr Dum/ate Newport Eastern Light Cardifl Eudora. New York Eikcnassuud Pensacola ( 'ardifl J^red. B. Taylor Frcdcn London /<". G. Hagemeyer Ncw York 29 Apr Florida I ã verpool Frcidig. I .ivcrp.iol Gler Pensacola Grcystoke Castle Swansea 4 May Guldregn Sunderlaiul 22 Api Rangoon 17 Mar Gudrttti Gudvang Sydncy Hercules Càrcjiff 17 Feb Helifls Drontlicim . Apr Humboldt CardilT Ida Cardifl* 24 Apr Ismaele M arseilles Johannes Pensacola 25 Mar Savannah 7 Apr John McDermotl Pensacola Johannc Marie Joseph Cardifl Larnicii ('ardifi" Liiiuca Hamburg 5.3 Apr Lord Lytton CardilT _., Apr Livingstone (.'ardifi" Matliusaleni Marseilles 9 Apr Manitoba Mobile Madura Pensacola .1 A pi Maric/ta 11 Cardiff •.. 7 j\ pr Melitsine M arseilles Cardifl Mark Curry Alentar London 6 May Macedon CardilT Philadelphia A*. B. Lewis A*. />'. Monis Wilmington Nehemiah Gibson Brunswick 4 Apr Norna Leith Noé Marseilles CardilT Oska Ophir Laurvig 23 Mar Ostmarscheii Cardifl 30 Apr Brunswick Ostnond O' Brien Paradiso. Marseilles 1 May Paramatta Brunswick 4 Apr Pietro T. Marseilles 17 Apr Piskataqna Pensacola 22 Apr Premier Greenock 2 May BARBADOS—Amei bk Adelaide; 377 tons; Boyle; do. Nor bk Heidrum; 905 tons; llansen; do. Norbk Ingeri 403 tons; Pntilssen; do. JUNE 5. Barbados—Nor bg A mie; 236 tons; jorgenseii; ballast. Br bk Edwart D. Jewett; 880 tons; Lockh.irt; do. Svdnkv—Nor bk Valborg; 1,064 tons; Wisiein; do. Itajaiiv -Nor lug llaabe; 445 tons; Rtttelsen; sundries. ParanaguA- Da., bk c*. C. Uornung; ,9S tons; Aiidcrsen; do. JUNE ú. Barbados- Br lug Sentinel; 498 tons; Helms; ballast CLEARED June çth, 1891. Berla ft C Royal Mai! I age Irmfios B Rodrigues ftC To ordci In distress Geral Com & l C. Hecksher ft C lnd. Braz. Co. To order Geial Com. ft I. Cent. Braz. R.R «'. Hecksher ft C lnd. Braz. Co. Karl Vaiais ft C Braz. Coal Co. J.C.Pacheco &C To order lnd do Brazil To order Correia Leite ft C Noi tou, M'w ft C C. Hecksher & C M. inho Flum. I.a^c li mãos Geral Com. ft I. Cent. Biaz. R.R To order 'To oíder Rio Floui Mills '1 o ouler B. Rodrigues ft C Tu order To nrdci Macedo Jr. fi V, Cosia Simões & C T.i ouler Lloyd Braz. lu distress Geral Com. e l. B Rodrigues ft C BAHIA. From Messrs. Vaughan. Al, Nair &- CVs Market Report, dated May jufh ; Sugar. Soon afie. our lasl reporta sale ,.f al>out 9.010 bags N.. 7.4 II S. t„ok place at formei prices. vir; i$.6_ pet ... lulus, etiual lo tis per cwt. f. o. b with f.cighi and c miiiiKMon. Also alwut 1,500 bags crystals and a.ooo bags Naxaielhs changed hands for Liverpool al tf703 lokilos the formei and i$o;6 ||,C lane.. Advices bom i>ci consliming couuliies however, being lately uuf.n-or.ible n» fmlher business has hecn done: dcaleis continue to ask old prices Stocks in lusl hands about 17,000 bags. Cocoa Entries since our last amount to vinte s« bags, a! «r which has been sold at «iísSt-sííss per 10 kilos, lhe auge accounting f,.r ihe euhauced cm rency prices CoKFim rum. bul bule doing fur want of st(«.ks Kiitries of the ncw ciop since «mr last amount lo about 1.500 bags, lhe «f which has becn b.ugbt up bv stieculaiois and greatei part for hnme consumption at from 7F489 10 8$i7o per io kilos IJnly alMnit iv>. bags new and S<w> baes oli have been sold «lhe Liiued SUten at s|i;o the former aml «$«.78 pei 10 ki!..s. the latter for regular in first Valcti* ." Hii.rs... Shipraenss continue for account of dealers Wc quoie nominally 44U ts, per kilo for dry and <«o rs. dryalted Fiassav _- Demand has I*en vetj active aml pike* show an«.ther advante. We quat;: aidmaiy fair oíuoft j$»_»., g.» .1 lof 500 and .rtime ¦ 1 . . -. t$c_iM_. L-iige tranciúions, aUnn 4>« t ns have taken place and the market •» abou! cte-imi \ stock. '"oylllHOs-Ait. again in líenum! íi* go.^ he.«-\ natãtlx ami sevt-ial thouunds Htivc been sold al t&ms per mil. wdchmg about 8^ kíl«. Fkkk.iit«. Clurtetedi to load «ig;ar. Nor bk Fi>rtuHJ, to a United S.a.cs jum. if>_ IU p« ton f », cwt «iih usiwl extras. June çth, 1891.] THE m RIO NEWS. STOCK AND SHARE LIST. J-ume títlx, 1S91. GOVERNMENT BONDS. m ... Rate r, Denomtnalton Present Interest Jiwn/ /rt_yíiA/í Apólices, gold do Gold Loan 1868..do 1879 do 1889 581,521,700$ Jan.—July 4 119,600 do 18,017,500 Apr. —Oct. 6 51,632,500 Quaiterly 109,694,000 do ,\% 4 Noiuina l value , BANKS. Last sale 200$— 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000 1,000 5 00 --1,000 Closing- quotations t,OoO$OOo 1,298 1,108 Ca^t t,ii 99 Or, — 000 99.) Companies Nominal va lue Last sale Í3,ò.|9,6io '£) 8 Jan —July Apr.—Oct. do Jan.—July do Jan.—July bcb ~-Aüg. Jan.— )uly Slar.—Scpt. Apr.—Oct . Jan.-July 1,133,200 15,167,000 ¦;'.;¦» May—Nov. do 209,900 125,000 1,600,000 £137,100 6,679,800 Lw,'\s° 650,000 6)í 5-6 5 7 5 7 6 6 6 7 1,000,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 Bragantina Campos and (.'.-iran gola . . Geral do Brazil .......... Juiz ilu Kóra and Piau.. Leopoldina do .. gold do Maricá Sapucahy S, Isabel do Rio Preto.. do gold Sorocabana do gold União Valenciana 200$ 200 196$ '95 51 500 192 200 200 Ls° 53 490 G5 IOO 65 54 000 ¦170 -5OO 000 OOO 500— ,65 5 s. .6" IQ5$000 - 3O2$00O 2,000,000 20,000,000 I ,ooo,o.,o 000- 80,000,000 «4 £20 —105 176 192 200 (.50 440 87 "Io IOO £5° -87 10,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 25,0000110 1,000,000 100,000,000 000 % 500 140 200 Jan.-July do do Apr.—Oct |an. —|uly do 240,000 250,000 278,000 6 7 7 8 6}< Cant. c Viação Fluminense, Carris Urbanos . £20 40,000,000 1,000,000 20,000,000 Pernambuco S. Paulo and S. Amaro ... Villa Isabel 160 OOO I7O OOO 172 500 • 160 2o« 200 200 do 490 '"7°/o 25,000,000 100,000,(100 ,98 5,000,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,0011 8,000,0110 1,000,000 .SHIPPING. May—Nov. Jun.—Dec. r,377i3"0 11,000,000 S 7 Ferry Lloyd Brazileiro IOO 200 100'",, 208 200 2 00 200 180 200 JOO 200 200 2O0 200 200 203 CltUTKAl.SUGAH FÀCTORIIIS Apr.-Ocl. 85, Jan.—July 6 Mar. -Sept. 6\$ 784,000 1,500,000 200,000 Pureza Quissamã Hio Branco '95 169 20,000,000 i! 1,250,000 2,000,000 Mll.I.S. Feb.—Aur. 7 Jan—luly 8 May—Nov. 7 Apr —Oct 7 May—Nov. 7 Apr.—Ocl. 7 do ' 7 Jan.—July 6 Apr.—Oct 7 do 7 Jan.-July 7 do 6'í May—Nov. 7 Mar. Scpl 7 Jan.—July. 6 2,000,000 96,000 400,000 1,138,600 1,000,000 564,000 600,000 £450,000 300,000 3,000,000 308,000 1,000,000 350,000 226,900 £675,000 Alliança Biríbcry Bom Fim Brazil Industrial Carioca Confiança Industrial Industria I Mineira Petropolitana £20 Páo Grande Progr. Industrial do Ilrazil.. Rink S. Christovão S. Lázaro S. Pedro de Alcântara.... União Industrial S. Sebastião 200 200 2O0 200 200 1 OO £2- IO S 204 -203 000 200 192 190 196 2>5 MINES, 197,000 S. Jeronymo | coal| Jan.-July IOO .(,000,000$ 86,857$ Agricola do Brazil 30,000 Alliança do Brazil 398,813 Wixiliar 66,034 Bolsa 298,300 5,000,000 400,000 .1^2,500,000 33,000.000 33.000,000 1,000,000 9,9 11,200 I,923,26o 1,513,120 500,0"0 700,000 10,000,000 I'-37',4J1 Bra7.il 1 ô, 508 3.24' 50,000 100,000 2.750,652 95 2,000,000 I 2,000,000 1,600,000 2..0,000 80,000,000 4,000,000 800,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 264,000 2,400,000 '.254,511 250,000 695,800 34,000,000 20,000,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 1,895,800 10,313,840 7,500,000 30,000,000 5,000,000 675,000 493,010 5,000,000 4,000,000 8,000,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 £625,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 23,226 23,292 100,000 393.5'7 40,000 284,243 30.500 1,500,000 2',373 9,807 28,758 1,150,000 110,000 449.763 £400,000 100,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 ; o, 000,0 00 1,000,000 984,110 25,000,000 ' 200,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 200,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 190,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 20,000000 920,980 4,000,000 I 0,000,000 2,000,000 12,000,000 5,236.530 6,200,000 2,000,000 20,489 4'4'3.°44 256,410 361,031 280,053 200.000 MtSClIlXANKOUS. 6 Jan—July Slar. -Sept, Jan.—July .Í337i5°° 200,000 3,000,000 50,000,000 1,000,000 8 7 6 Apr.—Oct. Feb.—Aug Jau.-July . do Mar.—Sept. May—Nov. do Jan.—July Apr.—Oct. Apr.—Oct. £200,000 150,000 £562,500 498,800 1,600,200 £ 150,000 266,000 600,000 90,000 500,000 7 7'-4' 8 5 6 6!á 7 6 8 8 6M Agticola do Ribeirão Preto.. Arcliitectonica Banco de Viação do Brazil.. Banco Credito Movei,consols Brazil Agricola Cantareirae Esgotos, gold.. Coustructoia Empreza dc Obras Publicas.. Docas D. Pedro II Ind. Lav. e Col. Macahé.... Lavoura. Ind & Cotou Melhoramentos U. de Nicih. 185 80 IOO IOO 100 200 10,000,000$ 80 000— 52 45 3,000,000 10,000,000 .650 a 10,000,000 25,000,000 24,000,000 180 190 £20 200 200 3,000,000 2,000,000 £'° 200 20O IOO 200 Nacional de Óleos Nova Industria Serviços Marítimos .. . Companies 1,250,000$ 1,833,200 2,519,920 1,789,500 1,000,000 2,250,000 5,000,009 7,500,500 180,000 750,000 150,000 557,000 7,553,99') 70.895 1,670, IOO 1,000,000 200,000 539.3^9 20,249 200 000$ 4,000,000$ 3,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 75». 000 200, 000 200. 000 200, 000 4,000,000 4,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 8,000,000 1,000,000 520, 000 250, ,000 aoo OnO aoo, .000 400 000 100 ,00o 2110, 000 75". 000 250, 000 4,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 1,0110,000 2|000,000 UK ,00o 20I Rese 11/ fund 20,441$ •f94'7"7 J".5o-» l 0,000 192,781 216,757 198,008 150,000 360,000 27,28'! 40,1100 196,000 2.ll,000 10,131 11.411 Companies Alliança Argos Fluminense Atalaia Bonança Confiança Fidelidade Garantia Geral.. Indemizadoia Integridade Lealdade Nova Permanente Pievidente Prosperidade União Com. dos Varegistas Vicilancla Dividend Nominal Last ~, . /jf./ mluf Ju Closingquotations 000 000 000 —23o$ooo 000 Nominal Last value sale 2$ooo - lan. 25 000—}an. 1 750-lan. 000 -Jan. 000 J an. 000—lan. 20$ Capital '. , . p.it.i ,tp Reserve , r fund 10 20 20 125 100 jo ao 100 10 20 000—Jan 000—Jan. ¦i 000--July ooo—July 30 20 20 10 2 000—July Jan July 3,000,000 600,000 3,000,000 900,000 40,000.000 8,000,000 l2,lH10,OllO 3,400,1100 25,000,000 2,670,01)0 -•-. 8,SíO 200,468 720,000 8,000,000 600,000 1,600,000 30,000,000 6,000,000 10,000,000 1,400,01x1 6.000,000 1,200,000 30.000,000 30,000,000 39,000,000 I í, 000,000 5,200,000 «0,000,000 3,000,000 ¦ 2,000,000 2,400,000 3,000,000 s.6o».,ooo 3,000,000 900,000 t,.>8n,»73 .U.3M 600,000 too,ooo,ooo Dividend paid .... C.itagu.mvs Estr. e S. Franc. to Chopim. Geral do Brazil Maricá Mi::."i de S. Jctouyino a seiies Monte Claros. Muzambiuho. Nordoeste do Biazil Notie de S. Paul» Oeste de Minas do 2 seiies....... do 3 seiies Paraopelw.. 1'eçanha 10 Araxá. , Quilombo Rio Doce. Sapucahy., Sorocabana .............. do prolongation.. Sul Paulista Thctesopoits Tijuca União Valenciana Vassouras e Paty do Alfeies Viação Férrea Sapucahy.... do 2 series.... 40$ ao 40 fo iQ,í 100 20 40 OO 40 7%—Ja»7 «o—Jan. 7%— Jan 91 91 91 Ini. —Jan. 91 3 000—-Jan. 91 3 "o—June 90 3 o,-june 90 f*% «o—Feb. 84 Last sale .. 8|,i$6 55Ô 82* aa 30 000 000 157 000 a6 000 000 4 45 64 000 000 108 000 300 240 170 270 64 IOO KJ5 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 140 30 350 000 000 000 000 000 000 00o 000 000 000 000 000 60 84 000 100 IOO 55 77 122 200 230 160 000 200 160 100 200 40 100 200 80 80 IOO ¦Jan. 80 ¦Jan. 80 138 104 115 105 200 23 170 60 200 80 100 -Jan. a°t>p.a -Jan. Jan. roo soo 4 2 000 ¦Jan. 000- -Jan. 180 60 60 200 60 -jan. an. i5"oP.a an. 2 000 an 10 000 -300 000 35 500. 10 io 6 40 35 140 5 000 40 ¦ «.oo 00 OOO 200 OOO -i 80 -Jan. -Jan. -Jan. Ss- -Apr. 000- -Jan aoo 000100000 200 100 —100 000 .... —2 .... 70 000 61 000— 67 000 —185 000 . — 105 500 000 000 000 000 ^10 200 000—114 °°° 95 000 195 000— 150 000—165 000 208 000—aao 000 127 500—139 000 186 000 -189 000 80 20 20 8 IOO 5 128 24 120 40 190 i83 100 3° 6 ooo--Jan. 91 2 500—July go 12 6 6 15 000000000000- Jan. an. an. Apr Jan. z] 50%- 70 40 200 200 120 200 100 70 440 IOO 104 225 92 54 60 -:j an. an. an. uly 00010 000- -Jan. 500 -Jan. 000- -Jan. ia%p,a —Jan. 9u'„pa —Jan. 12 V—Jau. 15 000an. -Jaan. 000 3 000- 5" 6%6%- 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 .... —. — 4a 000 —450 000 102 000—115 000 —240 000 —. 90 000— 60 000—64 000 90$ooo 23 500 60 000 130 000 230 000 50 000 123 000 io 50 IOO aoo 5" 100 60 7" 150 200 60 000 80 138 000 000 000 300 6o$o 40 Nominal . . , tfí""" value Last sale Closing quotations S3 %-87 9o — n6$ooo So %-Sa',* % 33 «*> 200 000 42$ooo— .... .... — 1 jo$ooo ClOSlHg quotations Ó3. 275 562 T', 9(14 240, 000 419,160 2,400,000 480,000 80,000 250,000 600,000 400,000 4, oOO, 000 600,000 l ,00o. 000 a 80,000 10,000,00a 4,408,440 850,000 9,09a 155.°4° 375.O00 3,20 \000 1,600,000 600,000 23O,O.,0 3,200,000 3,2.«O.OOO Dividend Nominal Last paid value sale Closing quotations 32,000 "7.: 3'.; 44: 1, Alliança Bom Fim Brazil Industrial Brazileira Carioca Confiança I ndustrial do 2 series Corcovado Cruzeiro do Sul D. Isabel Industrial Mineira *.. Industrial de Ouro Preto.... Nacion.it de Seda Páo Grande Petropolitana ...... Progresso Ind. .Io Brazi!.. Rink S. Lázaro do 2 series S. Pedr» de Alcântara União Industrial União Industrial S. Sebastião i2$ooo—July 90 200 S 000—July ooj —Aug. ta 000—Jan. 15 000—Jan. 4 500—Jan 100—Jan. 200$ 36o$ooo 220 000 90 200 220 000 00 91 91 91 91 000 200 106 200 aoo 200 140 120 66 80 80 .... 200 210 .... aoo 200 --.. 140 45 .... aoo 220 12 000—july 90 200 220 000—July S9 200 200 4 725—Jan. 91 aoo 200 14 000—July 83 aoo 200 i5utip.a—Jan. 91 200 235 .... 100 90 —Aug. 90 aoo aao 6 000—lan. 91 200 2az 400—Jan. 91 aoo 190 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 o 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 00* 1 oo$ooo— 1 o 2 $000 170 000 — 185 000 MISCELLANEOUS. aS$ooo— 29$ 500 .... — 29 000 Capitai Capital paid up 400,000$ 7,000,000 40O.«oo$ 7,000,000 768,400 768,4'.*» 3051 000 ijOíHi 3,000,000 IO,Oi-O,O00 86 000 38 000 176 000 — 4« 60 350 000 IOO OvKl 65 000 70 000— 4«> 55 o°° — 60 aoo 40 «4Ó ao 168, 400,000 3,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 600,000 400.000 S,. aoo 2,400,000$ 400,000 3,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 2,400,000 400,000 250,000 600,000 200,000 30O,OoO 60 40 200 2,400,000.$ Com/anits Reserve fund Companies Nomina. value Dividend fi«iJ Last sale Closing quotations 198^000 205 ooo 218 001 aoo Ooo 59 000 410 000 390 000 aSoíooo — 2oo$ooo 120 opo 60 000 38 000 35 5<k» 300,000 738,0» «o 4,500,000 550,000 >,'lOO 2,5C<l,O0il ai>,<t (*OO0 4tO0õ90O<1 40 0,0 40,0c 40 000 35 000— 35 500 a,««j I.IMJO 22SI..KX» 100,000,000 aO.OOO.OOO 15,000,000 l,200,„O0 25,000,000 t,000,000 1.000,000 aao, 000 40.000.000 10,000,000 3.000,000 I.XOO.OQO 5,000,000 000,000 47«,ooo Carioca 200$ Jardim Botânico .......... Pemamhtic» S Oirístovão ,............ 3$ooo—Ãpr. 91 aoo a?4$oo.> 91 91 100 900 110 ?94 f, ©00— lan. —Jan. I9S 40 -Jan. -Jan. 26 11 000 -Jan. 500- -lan. i2%p.a -lan. 1 j 000 -Jan. 2 400 -Jan. 2 400- -Jau. 4 000 -Apr. 14 - 45 000 398 80 000- jooÍooo .... 000 1—Jan. '-/o- 14 170*000 000 197 200 100 20 000- 000 50 393 '"»• 6 %- jan. o-o- 6 000 60 250 43$ooo ÍOO 40 40 Reservi fund 4,000,000 1.0 0,000 1,000,00o 4» aoo Capital paid up Capital TRAMWAVS 5,000,000$ 5,000,000$ 9.700,000 9,700,000 5,8oo.*M>0 800,000 9.000.000 9,000,000 12 000 20 000- ¦Feb IO %- .Mav 12 OOO- •Jan. 000 9 000 10 000 t1 ooo 210 000 140 000 50 000 18 000 180 000 9 000 16 000 QOO 25 16 500 000 40 10 OnO .Vom mal ralue Cabo Fiio 500,000$ 100,000$ 2,000,000 200,000 60,000,000 12,000,000 00,000,000 6o,lHK>,000 2'>0,00O 290,000 10,000,000 1,9811,000 ('pinpánies r8o$ooo 60 200 60 .'V?5o Brazil 100$ 100% 548,400$ June —Dec. 5 Jan.—July Credito ,Real do Brazil.... 100 oo^no , 11.103,100 J , y" J 1 do uo 5 gold £i\ Ss ii5$ooo 100$ 92% 7,719,500 Apr.—Oct. Credito Real de S. Paulo.. Estados Unidos 100 93% 7,790,800 6 do 8,000 5 gold 100 Predial. .... May —Nov. 6 roo 8a % 100 „ União, S. Paulo 5,148,500 .... .. Closing quotations RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS. 1/•.a.v./ apita: Real S. Paulo ... do 2 series do comm. dep Lavoura, S Paulo Mercantil, Santos do 2 series.. S Paulo S Paulo e Rio União S, Paulo Minas Geraes Territorial, do do 2 series luly -Jan. -lan. 23$000 J5° 374 000—Jan. 000—Jan, 000— [an. 750 So$ Closing quotations MILLS. Dividend paid 000 Last sale HYPOTHECARY NOTES. INSURANCE-; Capital paul up Conunercial do Rio dè Jan. do 2 series Commerciantes Commercio do 2 series GommèVcio e Industria .... Constructor do Brazil Continental Cosmopolita Crédito Commercial Credito Garantido Credito Mercantil Credito Movei Credito Popular Credito Publico (Caixa) Credito Real do Brazil do 2 series do comm. dep... Credito Rural e Internac... Credito Universal, gold Depósitos e Descontos.... Federal do Brazil Fluminense Franco-Brazilelro Impulsor Industrial c Mercantil Intermediário Lavoura e Comniercio London & Brazilian, Lmted. Mercantil dos Varegistas... Mobilisador Mutuo Operários Pariz e Rio. Povo Popular Regional do Brazil Republica dos E.U.do Brazi Rio de Janeiro Rio e Matto Grosso Rural e Hypothecario Sociedade Bancaria Sul-Americano União de Credito , União Ibero-Americano.... Viação do Brazil , Present Interest Rate ., Amount payabie °/„ 160$ .. 1,200,000$ 960,000$ Carioca i2%p.a—Jan. 91 200 250 20,000,000 20,000,000 Lloyd Brazileira, reg bcarer... ia%p.a—Jan. 91 200 240 do .. , —Jan. 91 40 48 .. M,000,000 2,800,000 .. Brazileira,eEstradas de ferro 160 .. 5,000,000 4,000,000 .. Na,'. Navegação Costeira 12.4a9op.ilJan.91 40 55 6,000,000 1,200,000 .. Norte c Sul Capital Cooperativo 441,088$ Credito i»5 ioo 500 200 SHIPPING. r- j. Capital Cafitai pJd%ipReserve fulu{ do ? series Brazil e Londres Brazil-Norte America, gold. Brazileiro.. Classes Laboriosas Central 2$0002 4 OO - PROVINCIAL £20 Nom. value DK JANUIRO Brasília nische 5,838,840 TKAMWAYS ^787.500 426,553 783,100 5,000,000 20,000,000 M 10,000,00o 100,(100,000 50,000.000 10,000,000 '.',000,000 Closing quotations RAILWAYS. 1,300,000$ 1,500,000 10,0110,01111$ 1,000,000 Divúlend Paid Name fit mi RIO -1, j8o$ooo 10,000,1100 Rate °/o Interest payabie Reserve 99H$ooo- OOO 000 DEBENTURES. Present Amount Capital paiii up a,O00,eoo 000 o«>o .... —•4o$»x> íS-->$o«í— .... S, 000,000 »O,0-M»,OOO 400,000 2.400,000 2,000,000 J0O.OOO 400,000 A^ic. Coloiiiz. de Vassouras Cant. e Viação Fluminense Carruagens Fluminense.... Commercioe industria .... 200$ ¦ ÍOtJO —•July 4f04K>10 OOO- -Jan. qu 91 Commissões e Ensaq.de Café io"oP a • -Jan 91 -lan. 91 Empieza de Obtas Publicas. do a series •o •'/„- -Jan. 91 Eusaccadora de Café....... Evoneas Fluimuensc....... lud. e Colonisador do Brazil Ind I.v. e Viaçào dc Macahé -Jan. Industrial l.o tKidv^ucs) 91 o< . : , i.- ; t - no Brazil... 6 000- -Jan. 91 -Jan. do do Rio..... Int.91 do de S. Paulo Nacional dc Óleos 000 -Jan 91 Nova Era Rural 1 >*oP-a -Jan. 91 Pastoril Muiíira i'O0- -Aug. 90 Phusphato de Cal Saneamento do Kio ... ia%p.a -Jan. 91 Serviços M^uiimos . 8 000 -Jan. 91 -Jan. 91 Torrei» Brazileira 3 fcoo-|an. 91 União aoo aoo aoo 60 aoo 100 40 40 60 54 000 40 000 100 180 50 So 50 95 5<w 100 14S 000 000 000 000 000 80 70 iao iao 4'1 íoi) So 20» 50 130 3a 1S0 32 000 — 000 000 55 000 41 000 110 000 79 000 -*:¦,¦> 000 94 000 - 95 oo-, -•' NEWS, RIO THE IO i DLECTRICITY. CRASHLEY & Co., fM#tt0. Neivsdealer s and Booksetlers. THOMAS N0RT0N'S Thomson-Houston International Electric Co., Subscriptions received for ali the leading English and American newspapers and periodicals. Agents for OF SAILING PACKETS REGULAR LINE OLD UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL P0RTS_ Established in 1863 LoadingBetth; Coveted Pier No. 17, East Rivet Estimates given for Electric railways, overhcad single wire system. Also for Are and Incandcscent lighting. Isolated and Central Station plants, Electric Mining Machinery, Electric Motors and Transinission ot Power. City lighting a speciality. R Box. 954. O o CO RIO DE JANEIRO. OF No. 53, RUA DOS OURIVES, São Paulo: 34 B, Kua da Imperatriz Nictheroy: Uua do Imperador 3(j, Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. for Santos. 11 La Plata. .» 15 ,, 22 Magdalena Bahia, Pernambuco, St. Vincent, [iisbòn, Vigo, Southampton anil Antwerp. La Plata.. Southampton and Antwiifp, calling at Bahia, Pernambuco, Lisbon and Vign. Porto Alegre: 399, Rua dos Andradas RIO DE JANEIRO. Bahia: In front of lhe Elcvntor Buenos Aires: 137, Calle Maipú Rosário: «93 %\ Calle Mcnânzn HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE. Im: LEA&PERRINS1 SAUCE, 1, Sobrado Superintendem. NITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE A brain food. It increases the capacity for mental labor and acts as a general tonic It rests the tired brain and imparts thereto new life and vi<»or. Dr. Ep. T. JOHNSON, M.R.C.S., 121 Rice-lane, Wnlloii, Liverpool, says; " Tliave used it with very good res'lis in cases oí overtaxed nntl overworked hrains, one in particular, a sclioolmaster, wliere it ttcletl like a cliann." The Original and Genuine CARRYING THE U. S. AND BRAZILIAN MAILS WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE bcars thc Sign ature, thus:— SAILINGS FOR NEW YORK: 27 June 11 July Dr.jNO. LAMBE, M.K.C.S., West Villa. Slmrdington, No. Clielteiiliain, says : " It produced good results in sick headache and brain proslrntion, tranquilizing the irritation, giving comforlablc sieep." Thc fine Steamer VIGILÂNCIA, will Descriptive pamphlel post-free on application to RumPord Chemical Works. Providcncc, R. /., U. S. A. BAKER Captain sail for NMW YORK Pernambuco, Maranhão, Pára, & PERRINS' Sole Agents SAUCE, RETAIL iCTjACOKOn* c abi n New steerage $220 York çjolrl $75 $145 dt back.. ,, $275 NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING Co., Wilson, Sons &• Co., Limited; Agenls No. 2 Fraca das Marinhas. And lor cargo to W. C. Teci., No. i A, Rua dc S. Pedro. IVKRPOOL, BRAZIL AND RIVF.R PLATE MAIL STEAMERS. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THK BRAZILIAN GOVERNMKNT. SAILINGS FROM RIO. To New York: Arcfiimedes nth June Mails are closed as announce»! by the Post Office For cargo apply lo lhe Broker Wm. R. McNiven, 89, Rua «° dc Março. For passages, parcels, specie, etc., to the Agents —Norton, Megaw & Co. ir Rua if> de Março. < ÜMWJfÜil to LONDON. Kaikoura Tongariro STEAM PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. July 5th Aug. znd These steamers are first-class in every respect and are celebrated for quick homeward passages and superior accommodations. Call at Tknbkipkk and PLVMÒUTli; passengers may land at latter port. Kor freights apply to W. C. Peck. No. 1 A, Rua de S. Pedro; and lor passages and olher information to Wilson Sons & Co., L'd., Agents, No. 1, Praça das Marinhas. SAVILL & ALMON Co., SHAW, LIMITED. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW ZEALAND and LONDON. HOMEWARDS-Due at Rio de Janeiro. Tainui June .zoth Doric Ju|y ,gth Steamers superior in every rcsj>ect and fitted wilh even' convenience for thc comfort of travellers. Call at TknkriffÍí and PLYMOUTH; passengers may land at latter port. For freight apply to W. C. Peck, No. 1 A. Rua de S. Pedro; and for passages and other information to Wilson, Sons & Co L'd , Agents, No. 2, Praça das Marinhas. «sJÉfl fl DEPARTURES for LIVERPOOL. f _^_m_M LLOYD, NORDDEUTSCHER BREMEN. Capital. . . 40,000,000 Marks. Regular Lines of Steam Packets hetwccn Bremen — United States ,, Brazil River Plate China, Japan ,, Austrália Departttres from Rio de Janeiro on the Sth and JJtd of each month to Bahia, Lisbon, Antwerp and Bremen. Passengers and carg». for ali porta of the diliercnl lmcs accepted. Passage Rates: tst.-el. ^rd-ei. Ru>—Antwerp. Iliemen 500 Marks. loofcoo 1,000 ,, —New Yoik vt* ltrcnien i5of«K> ,, -Lisbon 500 7ofw» For further information apply to HERM. STOLTZ & Co., Agents. Rua da Alfândega. No. 60. ^H __m June íjth 2Sth These popular steamers are fitted wilh lhe electric light and ali modern conveniences. Insurance policies may he taken out at lhe agency on merchandise, haggage and values. For freights apply to W. C. Peck, No. 1 A, Rua de S. Pedro; and for passages and other information to Wilson Sons & Co., L'd.,Agents. No. a, Praça das Marinhas. Riu dc Janeiro __m I ill CO J _K~: < u P) *fr^ GREAfREMEDf w CO CO tfl t/i ^mm.m.\ml^r^.______l_____Wm________C-- Calling at Lisbon and Bordeaux. Galicia John Elder Due at Rio de Janeiro. For passages and information apply to INTENDED L'd. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. HOMEWARDS-RIO L 8 A, Rua da Candelária. EVER Y W H E !R E _ Passage Rates To Liverpool IV. R. CASSELS & Co. Wholesale and for Export by the Proprietors, Worcestcr; Crosse f lilachwell, London, ^.,*c./ and by Oroeers and Oilnien throughout the World. Thomas. Barbados and St. Ask for LEA Saturday, i3th June Bahia, TireàBtram Guayaquil, Lima, Iquiquc, La Paz, etc, etc, G. C. Anderson, ADVANCE FINANCE... m G. & C. MEBB1AM & CO., Publlahers, gprlngfleld, Mass., V. S. A. Campos: 69, Rua 13 de Maio and at Montevideo, Salto, La Plata, Cordoba, Santa Fé, Tucuman, Asuncion, Valparaiso, Santiago, For freight, passages and other information apply Io Kua do S. Pedro No. CO for ovory Family and School. Revision has been in progress for over 10 years. Moro than 100 oditorial laborers omployod. Get tho Best. Criticai examination invited. Sold by ali Dooksollors. Illustrated pamphlot free. " Cautlonl—Choap books called Webster'» Dig Dictionary,":"Web8ter's Encyclopedlc Dictionary," otc.,aro being advertised. The body of these from A to Z is printed from plates mado by photographing tho antiquated 1847 edition. Tho authontie "Unabridged" (still copyrlghted) and tho new " International" both bear tho imprint of Celebrated Sewing Machines This Company will have steamers frum anil to England three times per month. Insurance 011 freight shipped 011 these steamers can taken out at the Agency. WEBSTER-& LlNTERNATIONAL, DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT BRANCII A GENCHES: „ u / Ko-oditcd and Roset from Cover to Covor. THE General Agency in South America: Deslination June 10 Elbe PROPRIETORS SINGER Celebrated Sewing Machines 1891 Steamer thc Successor of the unabridged. AND MANUFACTURERS TABLE OF DEPARTURES, Date at NEW YORK AND LONDON SOLE Under contracts ivith thc British and Brazilian Governments for carrying thc mails. best of terms THE NEW WEBSTER The Singer Manueactuking Company OYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY. thc 79, Sete de Setembro. A fine assortment of plain and ruled Lettcr paper, in shects and pads, just received. 3 XpÔm and 011 Office: 81 Theophilo Ottoni, P. O. No. 67, Rua do Ouvidor. best description Typographia Aldina Agent for Brazil. Dealers in AtkinsoiCs, Piesseò3Lnbiti's and Royal Perfitincries and Pear's Soafi 104 Wall St., New-York. of the ARTHUR H BROWN, Agents for LongstretlCs Rubber Stamps. For Freight and General information apply to Thomas Norton, FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. OF fonrm«'ya Charles, ' merchant at Rio de Janeiro who i.s believed to bc dcad. lf liis represenlativcs will conimunicatc with the undersigned they will hcar something of advantage —Challinors & Shaw, Solicitors Leek, England. The European Mail: A large assortment of English novéis, of the Tauchnitz Edi. tions.ofthe Franklin Square Library and ofthe Lovell Library constantly on hand. Views of Rio and neighbourhood. Orders received for Scientific and other books. BKTWEKN THE Cox, Frederic ... O o > tra a 3 CURES Rheumatism.Neuralgia.Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, •m* Throat, BwcIIIbm. Nprwla*. Brwbcs» Barat, ftcalda, Kro«t Blica. Sold I7 I)ru««l»U »n.l Dm1«« e»*r»wh»r*. ritlj Ctttt* bottle. Dlractiooi to 11 l.tti(ut«r«. THK VUABLEl» A. VOUKLK.lt CO. O 1 D3 •1 p N ROSS & COAKES, CIVIL ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS 32, RUA DO ROZARIO, 32 Surveys, [dans and estimates of railways and public works prepared «n accordance with the rcquircments of the Hnuili.™ Govcinmcnt. 6 m The Constitution of the United States Translated mtu Portuguese, with a chioitological skclch ol thc principal e%tnts leading to thc American Revolution, «•> far sale at tim oflice Price 200 I~vr. Aldina, reis. jy, Sete de Setcmbio.