Teacher’s name (write full name):
Sílvia Maria Gonçalves Madeira Department:
Education and Curricula
Teacher’s résumé file
Personal Data
Sílvia Maria Gonçalves Madeira Name
Scientific area of degree
Finishing year of degree
Degree by
Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém Associate professor (tenured) Master (preparing doctorship) Clinical Psychology and Education Sciences 2000 University of Psychology and Education Sciences of Lisbon Profissional contract
Full time; exclusivity Other academic degrees or titles
2007 Degree or title
Associate professor / Public Examination 2000 Master 1983 College degree
Science field
Non traditional education fields ESE/IPS ‐ Ciências de Educação Teoria e Desenvolvimento Curricular Clinical
University of Psychology and Education Sciences of Lisbon the same
Good 14 (maximum 20)
Name up to 5 articles in international magazines revewed by scientific peers, books or
chapters, technologic development activities, artistic pieces, professional expertise or
outstanding academic studies, relevant to the field of the studies’ cicle.
Papers in the expertise’ field
Presented a paper called Fragilidades Psico-Sociais no Envelhecimento – Conference Cicle Violence
and Aging – Centro de Estudos Judiciários /Justice Office – Santarém – 9 of June. (2011) Presented a paper called Direitos de uns, deveres de outros... – Profissional Ethic and Deontology – Ist Cicle of Conferences entitled “ The Path of Afections” – Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Torres Novas – 29 of October. (2009) Presented a paper under tht theme “Development of the Professional field of the Cultural Workers in
Portugal ‐ “Jornadas Galego Portuguesas de Educação Social e Animação Cultural” – University of Vigo / Campus de Ourense ‐ 29 of March. (2006) Presented a paper under the theme of “Cultural Work and leisure”‐ “Youth Journey” – Portuguese Institute of Youth / Santarém ‐ 20 of January. (2006) Presented a paper during the 9th. International Conference of Toy Libraries – IAC and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: “Quem Conta um Conto... The emotional and therapeutic value of fairy stories, working with children and youth” – 13 up 17 May. (2002) Published work
A Ocupação de Tempos Livres do Público Infantil e a Formação de Animadores Culturais – Cadernos do Projecto Museológico – nº 152 – VIII/2007 Lexis et praxis ‐ Documento de orientação estratégica para a reformulação do curso de licenciatura ACEC – em colaboração com Luís Vidigal ‐ Cadernos do Projecto Museológico – nº 136 –IV/2006 “Representações de Género Infantil em Manuais Escolares” – artigo Infantia et Pueritia – Introdução à História da Infância em Portugal, pág. 227 a 247 ‐ Coord. Rogério Fernandes e Luís Vidigal – ESE de Santarém. (2005) “De Filho a Cidadão do Mundo” ‐ Actas do 2º. Encontro do Centro Dr. João dos Santos/Casa da Praia ‐ pag. 83 a 89. (2002) “E quando tu fores grande?” ‐ Revista da ESE de Santarém – Dossier Temático “O 25 de Abril e a Educação”, nº. 10, nova série ‐ pág. 167 a 174. (1999) Relevant Professional Experience (5 references)
Teaching position in ESE/IPS since 1987/1988
Scientifical coordinator of the field “Non Traditional Education and Social Intervention”, since 2010/2011, in ESE/IPS Coordinator of the ESE’s Toy Library and vice‐coordinator of the ACEC (Cultural and Social Work) degree
Guest teacher of the professional training courses, namely in IIE, Institute Piaget, Palmela’s Township, Professional Training Center for Teachers Pró‐Ordem and IAC. Clinical Psychologist Assigned curricular units (courses) – since 2007
Curricular Units
Intervention Areas II: Social and Educational Work with Type
Presencial hours’ account
T/P 3hs Social educational Projects Design and Development II
T/P 1,5hs Social educational Projects Design and Development IV
T/P 1,5hs Group’s Dynamics T/P 4hs Praxis I (ACEC – Cultural Work degree) T/P 2hs Praxis II (ACEC – Cultural Work degree)
T/P 2hs Praxis III (ACEC – Cultural Work degree)
T/P 2hs Praxis IV (ACEC – Cultural Work degree)
T/P 2hs the Elderlies, Social and Educational Work with Adults PISC I (Social and Cultural Pedagogy and Intervention) T/P 1,5hs PISC II (Social and Cultural Pedagogy and Intervention)
1,5hs Adult and Senior Psychology T/P
4h (x2 courses) Transitions and Vulnerabilities ‐ Master of Social Education and Intervention T/P 25hs * Total: 12hs/week *one semester 

Personal data