A P P RTIGOS EM UBLICADOS ROCEEDINGS 1 1 BARBOSA, F., VAZ, P.S., SOUTO, L., MARTINS, A., CERQUEIRA, J., ARAÚJO, J.P., 2012. Avaliação do desempenho produtivo de machos castrados da raça minhota. Livro de resumos do VIII Congresso Ibérico sobre Recursos Genéticos, pp. 96. 2 BORGES, P., MIR, F., FONTBONNE, A., PAYAN-CARREIRA, R., 2012. Study of HSP70 expression in dog semen submitted to cold-thermal treatment”. Voorjaarsdagen - European Veterinary Conference, 5 a 7 abril de 2012, Amsterdão, Holanda. 3 CALHOA, I., PINHEIRO, V., MONTEIRO, J.M., COELHO, A.C., 2012. Cross-sectional study of colibacillosis in Portuguese rabbit farms. Proceedings of 10th World Rabbit Congress. September 3-6, Sharm el-Sheik: Egito, book 150; CD 1209-1211. 4 CALHOA, I., PINHEIRO, V., MONTEIRO, J.M., COELHO, A.C., 2012. Epidemiología de la estafilococosis en conejos de granjas en Portugal. Proceedings do XXXVII Simpósio de Cunicultura da ASESCU, 23 a 24 de maio, Barbastro, Espanha: 116-118. 5 CALHOA, I., PINHEIRO, V., MONTEIRO, J.M., COELHO, A.C., 2012. Estudio transversal de la pasteurelosis y bordetelosis en conejos de Portugal. Proceedings do XXXVII Simpósio de Cunicultura da ASESCU, 23 a 24 de maio, Barbastro, Espanha: 119-121. 6 FALCÃO E CUNHA, L., PINHEIRO, V., FREIRE, J. 2012. Efecto del uso de un prebiótico, un probiótico o un simbiótico en dietas de conejos después del destete. Proceedings do XXXVII Simpósio de Cunicultura da ASESCU, 23 a 24 de maio, Barbastro, Espanha: 73-79. 7 GOMES, M.J., GUEDES, C.M., AZEVEDO, J.M. E DIAS-DA-SILVA, A., 2012. Avaliação de cascas de soja como fonte energética para ovinos em crescimento. In “Agro-industry by-product valorization – its utilization in animal feeding”. Jornadas do CECAV, UTAD, Vila Real, 12 th and 13th October 2012. 9 MARINHO, G.M.S., NUNES, C., VALENTE, L.M.P., PINTO, I.S., PEREIRA, R., REMA, P., 2012. Chlorophyta Ulva spp. as a sustainable fish feed ingredient for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Book of Abstracts. Feeding our Food. XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Molde, Norway. 4-7 June 2012. P7 http://www.asaabstracts.com/strands/asaabstracts/abstract.htm;jsessionid=82ECAF421CDA66 8A5F217B04C54D0A3C?year=2012&index=8&absnum=4716 10 DIAS, J., REMA, P. AND TRICHET, V.V., 2012. Efficacy of dietary supplementation with a fungal xylanase on growth performance of juvenile Nile tilapia fed plant protein-rich diets. Book of Abstracts. Feeding our Food. XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Molde, Norway. 4-7 June 2012. P60 11 MARTINS, A., SILVA, S., D., MOURÃO, J.L., PINHEIRO, V. 2012. Efecto de las restriciones alimentarias sobre el crecimiento de conejos de los 35 a 70 días de edad. Proceedings do XXXVII Simpósio de Cunicultura da ASESCU, 23 a 24 de maio, Barbastro, Espanha: 69-72. 12 MARTINS, A.M.F., SILVESTRE, A.M., COLAÇO, J., 2012. Evolução da classificação morfológica dos bovinos leiteiros. Livro de resumos das “V Jornadas de Bovinicultura” pp. 79-90. 13 MARTINS, A.M.F., RUSSO-ALMEIDA, P.A., 2012. Aplicação do modelo BLUP à apicultura. Livro de resumos das “I Jornadas Internacionais de Apicultura” pp. 295-321. 14 MATEUS, J.C., RUSSO-ALMEIDA, P., RANGEL-FIGUEIREDO, T., 2012. O que é realmente a raça Mertolenga. Estudo da sua subestrutura utilizando microssatélites. Livro de resumos do VIII Congresso Ibérico sobre Recursos Genéticos Animais, Pag. 36. 15 MONTEIRO, A., TEIXEIRA, A., AZEVEDO, J., SILVA, S.R., 2012. Determination of carcass composition of goats by video image analysis. Proceedings of IV International workshop on Computer Image Analysis in Agriculture, C0737, 6 pp. 16 ORTIZ. A.L., VALA. H., SILVA. A., VENÂNCIO. C., GARCIA. C., FERREIRA, D.A., 2012. “Evaluation and characterization of intestinal oedema in pigs”. 30th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology/ Annual Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists/ 24th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Veterinary Pathology (SEAPV). 5-8 September. Leon, Spain. Pp 297. 17 REMA, P., NUNES, C., DIAS, J., RODRIGUES, V., AIRES, T., 2012. Effect of dietary phytase supplementation on the apparent digestibility of phosphorus and protein in soybean ingredients used in gilthead seabream feeds. Book of Abstracts. Feeding our Food. XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Molde, Norway. 4-7 June 2012. P53 2 18 PINHEIRO, V., MOURÃO, J.L., OUTOR-MONTEIRO, D., SILVA, S.R., 2012. Growth performances and behavior of growing rabbits housed on cages, closed parks or open-air system. Proceedings of 10th World Rabbit Congress. September 3-6, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egipt, 1097-1100. 19 PINHEIRO, V., TORRES, S., OUTOR-MONTEIRO, D., SILVA, S.R., MOURÃO, J.L., 2012. Growth performances and behavior of growing rabbits subjects at feed restriction. Proceedings of 10th World Rabbit Congress. September 3-6, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egipt, 569-573. 20 PINHEIRO, V.; MOURÃO, J. L.,; FALCÃO, L.; GIDENE, T., 2012. Effect of the nature of the starch in the diet on ileal and total digestibility’s and caecal bacterial enzyme activity in adult rabbits. Proceedings of 10th World Rabbit Congress. September 3-6, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egito: book 87; CD 691-695. 21 PINHEIRO, V., MOURÃO, J.L., OUTOR-MONTEIRO, D., SILVA, S.R., 2012. Growth performances and behavior of growing rabbits housed on cages, closed parks or open-air system. Proceedings of 10th World Rabbit Congress. September 3-6, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egito: book 137; CD 10971100. 22 QUARESMA, M., PAYAN-CARREIRA, R., SILVA, S.R., 2012. “Relationship between ultrasound subcutaneous fat depth, body condition score and body subcutaneous fat distribution in Miranda breed jennets”. 6th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, 20 e 22 de junho de 2012, Lisboa. 23 RAMOS, M.A., GONÇALVES, J.F, COSTAS, B., BATISTA, S., MARUJO, V., RAMOS, B., REMA, P., OZÓRIO, R. 2012. Dietary probiotics supplementation on growth performance and immune responses in rainbow trout. IV Foro Iberoam. Rec. Mar. Acui. pp: 211-217 24 RAMOS, M.A., GONÇALVES, J.F., COSTAS, B., BATISTA, S., LOCHMANN, R., REMA, P., AND OZÓRIO, R., 2012. Immune responses in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) fed dietary probiotic supplementation. Book of Abstracts. Feeding our Food. XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Molde, Norway. 4-7 June 2012. P234 25 RAMOS, M.A., KOPECKA-PILARCZYK, J., GONÇALVES, J.F., PIRES, M.A., MARTINS, P., SILVA, A., REMA, P., OZÓRIO, R., 2012. Growth performance, gut morphology and oxidative stress responses of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) fed dietary probiotic upplementation. Book of Abstracts. Feeding our Food. XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Molde, Norway. 4-7 June 2012. P233 26 RUSSO-ALMEIDA, P.A. E RANGEL-FIGUEIREDO, M.T., 2012. Determinismo genético do sexo em insetos: o caso da abelha Apis melífera. IV Jornadas Nacionais de Genética e Biotecnologia. Organizadas pelo Núcleo de Estudantes de Genética e Biotecnologia. Vila Real, 1, 2 e 3 Março de 2012. 3 27 RUSSO-ALMEIDA, P.A., MARTINS A.M.F., 2012. Melhoramento genético: conceitos gerais. Livro de resumos das “I Jornadas Internacionais de Apicultura” pp. 281-294. 28 BATISTA, S., RAMOS, M.A., REMA, P., VALENTE, L.M.P., OZÓRIO, R.O.A., 2012. Immune responses and growth performance of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858) fed diets supplemented with different probiotics. Book of Abstracts. Feeding our Food. XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Molde, Norway. 4-7 June 2012. P225 4 29 SARAIVA, A.L., RÊMA, A., PAYAN-CARREIRA R., GARTNER, F., PIRES, M.A., 2012. “Expression of oestrogen-α and progesterone receptors on Feline Endometrial Adenocarcinomas ”. 2nd World Veterinary Cancer Congress 1 a 3 de março de 2012, Paris, França. Proceedings, Pp12 30 SILVA, A., MONTEIRO, J., GONÇALINHO, H., VENÂNCIO, C., CAMPOS, S., FRESCO, P., GUEDES DE PINHO, P., AMORIM, P., FERREIRA, D.A., 2012. Pharmacokinetics of Propofol in Pigs - Development of a New Pharmacokinetic Model; Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society Anesthesiologists (october 13-17, in Washington, USA): http://www.asaabstracts.com/strands/asaabstracts/abstract.htm;jsessionid=9B478F6114FB92B 9FD39102B5D8994F0?year=2012&index=7&absnum=4720 31 SILVA, A., ORTIZ, A., SOUZA, A., VENÂNCIO, C., AMORIM, P., FERREIRA, D.A., 2012. Effect of Fluid Choice on Volume Reposition After Acute Bleeding: A Study in Propofol-Remifentanil Anaesthetized Pigs; Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society Anesthesiologists (october 13-17, in Washington, USA): http://www.asaabstracts.com/strands/asaabstracts/abstract.htm;jsessionid=5CC032D8120BF0 09A2FFCF02C4ED70BE?year=2012&index=9&absnum=2724 32 SILVA, A., VENÂNCIO, C., SEIXAS, A., AMORIM, P., FERREIRA, D.A., (2012) Determination of Sevoflurane MAC Awake in Pigs; Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society Anesthesiologists (october 13-17, in Washington, USA): 33 SILVA, S.R., GUEDES, C.M., MOURÃO, J.L., MONTEIRO, D., PINHEIRO, V. 2012. Relación entre los depósitos de grasa corporal e el espesor da grasa perirenal obtenida mediante ultrasonografia en tiempo real en conejas. Proceedings do XXXVII Simpósio de Cunicultura da ASESCU, Barbastro, Espanha, 23 a 24 de maio, 143-147. 34 TAVARES PEREIRA, M., PAYAN-CARREIRA, R., SARAIVA, A.L., PIRES, M.A., 2012. Macrophages and T cells infiltration in feline endometrial adenocarcinomas. In León 2012 Joint Meeting of 30th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Annual Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Pathologist & 24th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Veterinary Pathology. Léon, 5-8 setembro 2012. Proceedings, Pp. 73. 35 TEIXEIRA, P., SILVESTRE, A., MARTINS, A., ALVES, V., 2012. Estudo da Endogamia na Raça Maronesa. Livro de resumos do VIII Congresso Ibérico sobre Recursos Genéticos, pp.9. 5