Curriculum vitae
Name: Vítor Manuel Pinto Várzea
Place and Date of Birth: Portimão, 18th June 1957
Nationality: Portuguese
Institutional Adress: Instituto Investigação Científica Tropical / Centro de
Investigação das Ferrugens do Cafeeiro (CIFC), Quinta do Marquês. 2784-505
Oeiras, Portugal.
Telephone: + 351 214 544 680/1; Fax: + 351 214 544 689
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Academic and scientific degrees
1985. Degree in Agronomy (Plant Pathology) (ISA/UTL). Portugal
1996. PhD equiv. (IICT). Portugal
Title: Variability on Colletotrichum spp from coffee: search for sources of resistance to
Colletotrichum kahawae.
Superviser: Dr. Carlos Rodrigues Jr.
Professional position: Researcher
Deputy-Director of Coffee Rusts Research Center (CIFC) since 2004
Domain of specialization: Pathology of coffee main diseases
Main scientific area of research:
Plant pathologist working in national and international research projects related with Coffee
Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease from more than 28 years.
The research work carried out in his thesis, under the supervision of Dr. Carlos Rodrigues Jr.,
allowed the creation of a new research line on “Coffee Berry Disease” at CIFC, since 1989.
Coordinator of the CIFC’s research line: “International Cooperation to create coffee varieties
with durable resistance to Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease”.
Pragmatic research activities:
- Characterization of variability on Hemileia vastatrix and Colletotrichum kahawae;
- Screening of coffee genotypes to Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR) and Coffee Berry Disease (CBD);
- Selection of resistant materials;
- Support to breeding programmes to CLR and CBD in coffee growing countries;
- Visit to different coffee growing countries to i) develop collaborative projects in different
coffee research institutions; ii) participation in workshops, meetings with coffee researchers,
technicians and coffee farmers related with durable resistance on coffee to the main diseases:
Colombia (CENICAFE); Brazil (UFV, EPAMIG, IAC, UFLA, EMBRAPA and IAPAR); Kenya (CRF);
Tanzania (TaCRI), India (CCRI); Cameroon (IRAD), Zimbabwe (CGA), Angola (INCA), Thailand
(CMRARC), People’s Republic of China (DTARY) and Costa Rica (ICAFE, CATIE).
- Supervisor and adviser of PhD, MSc as well as responsible for short and medium period
training of researchers and technicians from coffee growing countries at CIFC.
Book chapters
Várzea, V.M.P.; Dias, M.; Silva, M.C.; Luzolo, M.; Correia, A.M.; Talhinhas, P.; Neves Martins, J.
(2006). Ferrugem alaranjada e antracnose dos frutos verdes do cafeeiro em Angola.
Cooperação técnico-científica luso-angolana. In: I. Moreira (ed.), Angola. Agricultura, Recursos
Naturais e Desenvolvimento Rural. Vol. II, Cap. 30, ISA Press. ISA/UTL pp. 105-121.
Lashermes, P.; Combes, M.C.; Mahé, L.; Noir, S.; Prakash, N.S.; Várzea, V.M.P. (2005). Progress
in genetic and physical mapping of a leaf rust resistance locus in coffee. In: L. Zambolim, E.
Zambolim, V.M.P. Várzea (eds). Durable Resistance to Coffee Leaf Rust. Universidade Federal
de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brasil. pp. 333-361.
Várzea, V.M.P.; Duarte, D. V. (2005). Population variability of Hemileia vastatrix vs. coffee
durable resistance. In: L. Zambolim, E. Zambolim, V.M.P. Várzea, (eds). Durable Resistance to
Coffee Leaf Rust. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brasil. pp. 53-74.
Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues Jr.; C.J.; Silva, M.C.; Gouveia, M.; Marques, D.V.; Guerra-Guimarães,
L.; Ribeiro, A. (2002). Resistência do cafeeiro à Hemileia vastatrix. In: L. Zambolim (ed.). O
Estado da Arte de Tecnologias na Produção de Café. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa,
Brasil. pp. 297-320.
Várzea, V.M.P.; Silva, M.C.; Rodrigues Jr., C.J. (2002). Resistência à antracnose dos frutos
verdes do cafeeiro. In: L. Zambolim (ed.). O Estado da Arte de Tecnologias na Produção de
Café. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brasil. pp. 321-366.
Papers in periodicals with scientific refereeing
Figueiredo A, Loureiro A, Batista D, Monteiro F. Várzea VMP, Pais MS, Gichuru EK, Silva MC.
(2013) Validation of reference genes for normalization of qPCR gene expression data from
Coffea spp. hypocotyls inoculated with Colletotrichum kahawae. BMC Research Notes 6:388.
Gichuru EK, Ithiru JM, Silva MC, Pereira AP, Várzea VMP (2012). Additional physiological races
of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) identified in Kenya. Tropical Plant Pathology 37: 424427.
Silva, D. N.; Talhinhas, P.; Várzea, V.; Cai, L.; Paulo, O.S. & Batista, D. (2012). Application of the
Apn1/MAT locus to improve the systematics of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides complex:
an example from coffee (Coffea spp.) hosts. Mycologia 104 (2):396-409. (DOI: 10.3852/11145).
Silva, D. N.; Talhinhas, P., Cai, L.; Manuel, L.; Gichuru, E.K.; Loureiro, A.; Varzea, V.; Paulo, O.S.;
Batista, D. 2012. Host-jump drives rapid and recent ecological speciation of the emergent
fungal pathogen Colletotrichum kahawae. Molecular Ecology 21: 2655-2670.
Diniz, I.; Talhinhas, P.; Azinheira, H.G.; Várzea, V.; Medeira, C.; Maia, I.; Petitot, A.-S.; Nicole,
M.; Fernandez, D.; Silva, M.C. (2012). Cellular and molecular analyses of coffee resistance to
Hemileia vastatrix and non-host resistance to Uromyces vignae in the resistance-donor
genotype HDT832/2. European Journal of Plant Pathology 133: 141-157. (DOI:
Loureiro, A.; Nicole, M.; Várzea, V.; Moncada, P.; Bertrand, B.; Silva, M.C. (2012). Coffee
resistance to Colletotrichum kahawae is associated with lignification, accumulation of phenols
and cell death at infection sites. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 77: 23-32. (DOI:
Loureiro, A.; Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Lidon, F.C.; Várzea, V. (2011). Isoenzymatic characterization
of Colletotrichum kahawae isolates with different levels of aggressiveness. Tropical Plant
Pathology 36:287-293.
Silva, D.N.; Talhinhas, P.; Várzea, V.; Cai, L.; Paulo, O.S.; Batista, D. (2011). Application of the
Apn1/MAT locus to improve the systematics of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides complex: an
example from coffee (Coffea spp.) hosts. Mycologia 104:396-409. (DOI: 10.1111/J.1364-3703.
Talhinhas, P.; Mota-Capitão, C.; Martins, S.; Ramos, A.P.; Neves-Martins, J.; Guerra-Guimarães,
L.; Várzea, V.; Silva, M.C.; Sreenivasaprasad, S.; Oliveira, H. (2011). Epidemiology,
histopathology and aetiology of olive anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum and C.
gloeosporioides in Portugal. Plant Pathology 60 (3): 483-495. (DOI: 10.1111/j.13653059.2010.02397.x).
Manuel, L.; Talhinhas, P.; Várzea, V.; Neves-Martins J. (2010). Characterisation of
Colletotrichum kahawae Isolates Causing Coffee Berry Disease in Angola. Journal of
Phytopathology 158:310-313. (DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0434.2009.01613.x).
Mahé, L.; Combes, M.C.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Guilhaumon, C.; Lashermes, P. (2008). Development
of sequence characterized DNA markers linked to leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) resistance in
coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Molecular Breeding 21: 105-113. (DOI: 10.1007/s11032-007-9112-z).
Mahé, L.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Le Pierrès, D.; Combes, M.C.; Lashermes, P. (2007). A new source of
resistance against coffee leaf rust from New-Caledonian natural interspecific hybrids between
Coffea arabica and C. canephora. Plant Breeding 126: 638-641. (DOI: 10.1111/j.14390523.2007.01413.x).
Silva, M.C.; Várzea, V.; Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Azinheira, H.G.; Fernandez, D.; Petitot, A-S.;
Bertrand, B.; Lashermes, P.; Nicole, M. (2006). Coffee resistance to the main diseases: leaf rust
and coffee berry disease. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18 (1): 119-147.
(DOI: 10.1590/S1677-04202006000100010).
Gouveia, M.M.C.; Ribeiro, A.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues Jr., C.J. (2005). Genetic diversity in
Hemileia vastatrix based on RAPD markers. Mycologia 97: 396-404. (DOI: 10.1071/AP09021).
Prakash, N.S.; Marques, D.V.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Silva, M.C.; Combes, M.C.; Lashermes, P. (2004).
Introgression molecular analysis of a leaf rust resistance gene from Coffea liberica into Coffea
arabica L. Theoretical Applied Genetics 109: 1311-1317. (DOI: 10.1007/s00122-004-1748-z).
Rodrigues Jr., C.J.; Gonçalves, M.M.; Várzea, V.M.P. (2004). Importância do híbrido de Timor
para o território e para o melhoramento da cafeicultura mundial. Revista de Ciências Agrárias,
27 (2/4): 203-216. (
Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues Jr, C.J.; Lewis, B.G. (2002). Distinguishing characteristics and
vegetative compatibility of Colletotrichum kahawae in comparison with other related species
from coffee. Plant Pathology 51: 202-207. (
Gichuru, E.K.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues Jr., C.J.; Masaba, D.M. (2000). Vegetative compatibility
grouping of Colletotrichum kahawae in Kenya. Journal of Phytopatology 148: 233-237.
(DOI: 10.1046/j.1439-0434.2000.00098.x).
Beynon, S.M.; Coddington, A.; Lewis, B.G.; Várzea, V.M.P. (1995). Genetic variation in the
coffee berry disease pathogen, Colletotrichum kahawae. Physiological and Molecular Plant
Pathology 46: 457-470. (DOI: 10.1006/pmpp.1995.1035).
Rodrigues, Jr., C.J.; Várzea, V.M.P. ; Medeiros, Emília, F. (1992). Evidence for the existence of
physiological races of Colletotrichum coffeanum Noack sensu Hindorf. Kenya Coffee 57: 14171420.
Bettiol, W.; Várzea, V.M.P. (1992). Controle biológico da Ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix) do
Cafeeiro com Bacillus subtilis em condições controladas. Fitopatologia Brasileira 17: 91-95.
Rodrigues Jr., C.J.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Hindorf, H.; Medeiros, E.F. (1991). Strains of Colletotrichum
coffeanum Noack causing Coffee Berry Disease in Angola and Malawi with characteristics
different to Kenya strain. Journal of Phytopathology 131: 205-209. (DOI: 10.1016/S09537562(09)80867-8).
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
Gichuru EK, Ithiru JM, Silva MC, Pereira AP, Varzea VMP. (2012). Restructured sampling plan
enables the characterization of more virulence genes of Hemileia vastatrix in Kenya. In:
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), 11-17 November,
Costa Rica. 588-592 pp
Loureiro A, Figueiredo A, Batista D, Baraldi T, Várzea V, Azinheira HG, Talhinhas P, Pais MS,
Gichuru EK, Silva MC (2012). New cytological and molecular data on coffee – Colletotrichum
kahawae interactions. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Coffee Science
(ASIC), 11-17 November, Costa Rica. 593-598pp.
Zhang H, Li J, Zhou H, Chen Z, Pereira AP, Silva MC, Várzea VMP. (2012). Arabica coffee
production in the Yunan Province of China. “Arabica coffee production in the Yunan province
of China”. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), 11-17
November, Costa Rica 679-684 pp.
Batista, D.; Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Talhinhas, P.; Loureiro, A.; Silva D.; Gonzalez, L.; Pereira, A.P.;
Vieira, A.; Azinheira, H.G.; Struck, C.; Silva, M.C.; Várzea V.M.P. (2010). Analysis of population
genetic diversity and differentiation in Hemileia vastatrix by molecular markers. Proceedings of
the 23rd International Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 3-8 Oct., Bali, Indonesia, pp. 738742.
Diniz, I.; Talhinhas, P.; Azinheira, H.G.; Várzea, V.; Oliveira, H.; Fernandez, D.; Silva, M.C. (2010).
Cellular and molecular responses in host and nonhost coffee-rust interactions (Hemileia
vastatrix and Uromyces vignae). Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Coffee
Science – ASIC, 3-8 Oct., Bali, Indonesia, pp. 748-753.
Prakash, N.S.; Kumar, M.M.; Padmajyothi,D.; Ajyothi, D.; Sudhakar, S.B.; Hanumantha, B.Y.,
Daivasikamani, S.; Suresh, N.R.; Soumya, P.R.; Asha, M.B.; Madhura, M.; Divya, M.H.; Várzea,
V.; Silva, M.D.; Jayarama; Phiri, N.A.; Gichimu, B.M. (2010). Evaluation of coffee varieties
derived from diverse genetic sources of resistance for prospective exploitation. An
international cooperative effort. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Coffee
Science – ASIC, 3-8 Oct., Bali, Indonesia, pp. 719-724.
Silva, D.; Talhinhas, P.; Várzea, V.; Loureiro, A.; Silva, M.C.; Paulo, O. S.; Batista, D. (2010).
Population structure of Colletotrichum kahawae, the causal agent of coffee berry disease
(CBD): Insights from a multi-locus approach. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Coffee Science – ASIC, 3-8 Oct., Bali, Indonesia, pp. 529-536.
Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Cardoso, S.; Martins, I.; Loureiro, A.; Bernardes, S.A.; Várzea, V.M.P.;
Silva, M.C. (2008). Differential induction of superoxide dismutase in Coffea arabica – Hemileia
vastatrix interactions. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Coffee Science –
ASIC, 14-19 Sept., Campinas, Brasil, pp. 1430-1438.
Kilambo, D.L.; Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Várzea, V.; Loureiro, A.; Silva, M.C.; Mabagala, R.B.;
Mtenga, D.J.; Masumbuko, L.; Teri, J.M. (2008). Pathogenicity of Colletotrichum kahawae
strains and their effect on resistant arabica coffee varieties in Tanzania. Proceedings of the 22nd
International Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 14-19 Sept., Campinas, Brasil, pp.14301438.
Kilambo, D.L.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Paula P.; Teri, J.M. (2008). Variability of Hemileia vastatrix
isolates from Tanzania and resistance of Tanzanian Híbrido de Timor derivatives to aggressive
races. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 14-19 Sept.,
Campinas, Brasil, pp. 1480-1483.
Loureiro, A.; Silva, M.C.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Moncada, P.; Bertrand B.; Nicole, M. (2008).
Histological and ultrastructural characterization of coffee resistance to Colletotrichum
kahawae. Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 14-19 Sept., Campinas,
Brasil, pp. 1040-1044.
Manuel, L.; Neves, M.J.M.; Talhinhas, P.; Várzea, V.M.P. (2008). Characterization of variability
on Colletotrichum kahawae isolates from Angola and search for resistance on Angolan coffee
germplasm. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 14-19
Sept. Campinas, Brasil pp. 1336-1340.
Mtenga, D.J.; Reuben, S.O.W.M.; Várzea, V.M.P., Pereira, P. (2008). Variation in resistance to
coffee berry disease (Colletotrichum kahawae) among germplasm progenitors in Tanzania.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 14-19 Sept.,
Campinas, Brasil, pp. 1463-1471.
Rodriguez, A.; Loureiro, A.; Varzea, V.; Gaitan, A. (2008). Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum
species associated to coffee in Colombia and their relationship to CBD causing isolates.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 14-19 Sept.,
Campinas, Brasil, pp. 1032-1035.
Várzea, V.M.P.; Marques, D. V.; Pereira, A. P.; Silva, M. C. (2008). The use of Sarchimor
derivatives in coffee breeding for resistance to leaf rust. Proceedings of the 22ndInternational
Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 14-19 Sept., Campinas, Brasil, pp. 1424-1429.
Azinheira, H.G.; Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Silva, M.C.; Várzea, V.; C. Ricardo (2006). Esterase
Activity and Adhesion during the Early Stages of Hemileia vastatrix Differentiation. Proceedings
of the 21st International Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC, 11-15 Sept. Montpellier, pp.
Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Azinheira, H.G.; Martins, A.C.; Silva, M.C.; Gichuru, E.K.; Várzea, V.;
Bertrand, B. (2006). Antagonistic interaction between Epicoccum nigrum and Colletotrichum
kahawae, the causal agent of coffee berry disease. Proceedings of the 21st International
Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC , 11-15 Sept. Montpellier, pp. 1284-1290.
Loureiro, A.; Várzea, V.; Guerra-Guimarães, L.;. Ribeiro, A.; Silva, M.C.; Bertrand, B. (2006).
Characterization of Colletotrichum kahawae Diversity. Proceedings of the 21st International
Conference on Coffee Science – ASIC , 11-15 Sept. Montpellier, pp. 1277-1283.
Mahe, l.; Pierrès, D.; Combes, M.C.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Lashermes, P. (2006). Investigation of
natural interspecific hybrids from New Caledonia: a very promising source of genetic diversity
for C. arabica breeding. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Coffee Science –
ASIC , 11-15 Sept. Montpellier. France. pp. 854-861.
Prakash, N.S.; Marques, D.V.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Silva, M.C.; Combes, M.C.; Lashermes, P. (2004).
Identification of AFLP markers linked to a leaf rust resistance gene in coffee. A step towards
marker assisted selection in coffee. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Coffee
Science – ASIC, 11-15 Oct., Bangalore, India, pp.591-598.
Ramachandran, M.; Bhat, S.; Kannan, S.; Ram, A.S.; Várzea, V.M.P. (2004). Pathogen-induced
systemic acquired resistance in coffee. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Coffee Science – ASIC, 11-15 Oct., Bangalore, India, pp. 1272-1276.
Rodrigues, Jr. C.J.; Várzea, V.; Silva, M.C.; Guerra-Guimarães, L.; Rocheta, M.; Marques, D.V.;
(2000). Recent advances on coffee leaf rust. Proceedings of the International Scientific
Symposium on Coffee, 4 Dec., Bangalore, India, pp. 179-193.
Rocheta, M.T.; Bessa, A.; Várzea, V.; Rodrigues Jr., C.J.; Tenreiro, R. (1999). Obtenção de
marcadores moleculares em Colletotrichum spp. isolados de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica).
Proceedings of III International Seminar on Coffee Biotechnology and Agroindustry. 24-28
Maio, Londrina, Brasil, pp. 129-132.
Muniz, F.; Lemos, E.E.; Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues Jr., C.J.; Bessa, A.M.S. (1997).
Characterization of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates and resistance of cashew
(Anacardium occidentale L.) to the pathogen. Proceedings of the International Cashew and
Coconut Conference, trees for life – the Key to Development. 17-21 Feb., Dar Es Salaam,
Tanzania, pp. 249-253.
Rodrigues, Jr., C.J.; Várzea, V.M.P. ; Godinho, I.L.; Palma, S.; Rato, R.C. (1993). New physiologic
races of Hemileia vastatrix. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Colloquium on
Coffee, 6-11 June, Montpellier, France, pp. 318-321.
Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues Jr., C.J.; Medeiros, Emilia, F. (1993). Different pathogenicity of CBD
isolates on coffee genotypes. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Colloquium on
Coffee, 6-11 June, Montpellier, France, pp. 303-308.
Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues, Jr., C.J.; Passo, J.E.; Palma, S. (1989). New rust genotypes and a new
coffee genotype in Catimor 45. Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Colloquium on
Coffee, 21-25 Aug., Paipa, Colombia, pp. 745-748.
Várzea, V.M.P.; Rodrigues, Jr., C.J.; Mexia, J.T. (1985). Evaluation of the level of horizontal
resistance to Hemileia vastatrix of some arabica plants of different physiologic groups when
confronted with virulent races. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Colloquium on
Coffee, 21-25 Aug., Lomé, Togo, pp. 625-633.
Research projects
“Patogenic, cytological and epidemiological studies to achieve coffee varieties with durable
resistance to leaf rust at Yunnan Province”. Scientific and Technological cooperation between
FCT - Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal and Ministry of Science & Technology of
China. (2013-2016).
Institutions: CIFC/IICT (Portugal), DTARI - Dehong Tropical Agriculture Research Institute of
Yunnan (China).
“Population genomics of virulence adaptation in coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix)”.
(PTDC/AGR-GPL/119943/2010) financed by FCT (2012-2015)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT - Coordinator, FC/UL (Centro de Biologia Ambiental), IBET (Forest
Biotech Group) (Portugal).
“Unravelling defence mechanisms underlying coffee resistance to Colletotrichum kahawae”.
(PTDC/AGR-GPL/112217/2009) financed by FCT (2011-2014)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT - Coordinator, BioFIG/FCUL (Portugal), CRF (Kenya).
“The pathogen’s perspective of molecular plant-microbe interactions: genes expressed during
the infection process of coffee leaf rust - Hemileia vastatrix”. (PTDC/AGR-GPL/114949/2009)
financed by FCT (2011-2014)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT - Coordinator, ITQB/UNL (Plant Cell Biology Lab.) (Portugal), University of
Konstanz (Germany).
“Search for candidate protein biomarkers of Coffea arabica resistance to Hemileia vastatrix
(leaf rust)”. (PTDC/AGR-GPL/109990/2009) financed by FCT (2011-2014)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT - Coordinator, ITQB/UNL (Plant Cell Biology Lab.), IHMT (Instituto de
Higiéne e Medicina Tropical) (Portugal).
“Identifying physiological race in Yunnan coffee and introducing new cultivar” financed by the
State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of Yunnan Province (2010-2012)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT (Portugal), CRC/DTARI (Coffee Research Center, Dehong Tropical
Agriculture Research Institute of Yunnan-China).
“An interdisciplinary approach to characterize sources of potential durable resistance in coffee
(Coffea spp.) to orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix”). (PTDC/AGR-AAM/71866/2006) financed by
FCT (2007-2011)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT - Coordinator, IBET, INIAP/EAN (Portugal), IRD (France).
“Indo-Portugal collaboration on coffee breeding against coffee leaf rust and coffee berry
disease”. Scientific and Technological cooperation between GRICES and Ministry of Science &
Technology of India (2007-2009)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT (Portugal), CCRI (India).
“Characterization of intraspecific variability of the coffee leaf rust - Hemileia vastatrix”
financed by GRICES/DAAD (2007-2008)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT (Portugal), University of Rostock (Germany).
“Scientific collaboration in fundamental and practical knowledge in the two most important
diseases in Tanzania (CLR and CBD) with the ultimate aim of producing coffee varieties with
durable resistance to these pathogens”. (TA STA COF99 01), Stabex Programme, financed by
EU (2005-2007)
Institutions: TaCRI (Tanzania), CIFC/IICT (Portugal).
“Contribution to the production of organic coffee through the use of resistant varieties and
biological control against leaf rust and coffee berry disease”. (CONC/REEQ/407/2005) financed
by FCT (2005-2006)
Institutions: CIFC/IICT - Coordinator, INETI (Portugal).
“Development of a strategy for a durable management of the resistance to coffee berry
disease (CBD) in Africa”. (ICA4 – CT – 2001 – 10008) financed by EU (2001 – 2006)
Institutions: CIRAD (France) – Coordinator, CIFC/IICT (Portugal), CRF (Kenya), IRAD (Cameroon).
“Research on and creation of coffee varieties with resistance to coffee berry disease”. (TS3CT94-0307) financed by EU (1994-1999)
Institutions: CIRAD (France) - Coordinator, CIFC/IICT (Portugal), CRF (Kenya), IRAD (Cameroon).
“Pathology and improvement of coffee for the main diseases” (TS2 0259-P) financed by EU
Institutions: CIFC/IICT (Portugal) - Coordinator, CCRI (India), UEA (United Kingdom), CIRAD
(France), TRF (Cameroon), PROMECAFÉ (Guatemala).
Technical and scientific Agreement CIFC/IICT - CENICAFÉ/FEDERCAFÉ (Colombia) since 1973
financed by Federcafé.

Curriculum vitae