Microsoft Research-FAPESP Virtual Institute for IT Research
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Lucia Leite Filgueiras
Polytechnic School / University of São Paulo (USP)
The X-Gov project intends to develop a framework
for deploying crossmedia government services.
Despite the growth in the number of internet users
in Brazil, internet is still less representative in citizen’s life
than television and cell phones. Electronic government
in Brazil should explore these communication media.
The X-Gov project objective is to provide Governments
with a tool to leverage the benefits of using crossmedia
in government-to-citizen services, while reducing the
effort in development process.
Crossmedia systems deliver content by orchestrating
multiple media, in such a way that the user interaction
is directed to different communication channels, fully
exploring the potential of each one. Crossmedia
applications make complementary, corroborative or
even simultaneous usage of several media and different
content formats to convey a rich user experience. The
digital native generation is used to crossmedia in games
and advertisements, thus they are the target audience for
using crossmedia government (x-gov) services.
The X-Gov framework is a technological
infrastructure that aggregates reusable components
that implement common tasks in G2C services, like
paying a tax or tracking one’s request and crossmedia
transitions that moves the user interaction across the
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Web portal
interface layer
Architecture of an X-Gov application
Seamless transitions between internet, mobile
computing, interactive television and
Software components implementing 18 government
service task-patterns for each medium
Integrated control of user crossmedia session
Multimedia content management
Web services for connection with government legacy
Government legacy systems
Graphical tool and Domain Specific Language for easy
x-gov service description
Internal service-oriented architecture designed for
flexibility and evolution
X-Gov Framework resources
Development process
As crossmedia services are not available for
analysis, our approach to obtain a framework is spiral
process in which successive proofs-of-concept are
developed, each one focused on answering relevant
research questions, so that each cycle contributes to
the evolution of the final architecture. Presently, three
proofs-of-concept have been developed.
Thesis and dissertations
Miyamaru F. Transições entre mídias: arcabouço tecnológico
para aplicações de mídia cruzada. Master dissertation in
progress. Escola Politécnica da USP.
Domingues W.B. Linguagem específica de domínio para
governo eletrônico em mídia cruzada. Master dissertation in
progress. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT).
Correia DO. X-gov: planejamento de serviços eletrônicos
de governo usando mídias cruzadas. Master dissertation in
progress. Escola Politécnica da USP.
Oliveira Neto JS. Engenharia crossmedia: recursos para
melhorar a experiência do usuário. Doctoral thesis in progress.
Escola Politécnica da USP.
Published papers
Oliveira Neto JS, Filgueiras LVL. 2008. Crossmedia application
design: exploring linear and nonlinear narrative abilities
In: 26th annual ACM international conference on Design of
communication, Lisboa, Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM
international conference on Design of communication
(SIGDOC), p. 225-234.
Filgueiras L, Miyamaru F. X-Gov: crossmedia for government
services. Submitted to DEGAS’2009 – Workshop on Design &
Evaluation of e-Government Applications and Services.
Domingues WB, Filgueiras L. A cross-media DSL: modeling user
interaction across applications. Submitted to SLE’2009 – 2nd
International Conference on Software Language Engineering.
Filgueiras L, Miyamaru F. Design of crossmedia communication:
issues for migrating to “serious” domains. Submitted to
SIGDOC’2009 - 27th ACM International Conference on Design of
Miyamaru F, Filgueiras L. Development process of a crossmedia
framework based on multiple proofs-of-concept. Submitted to
CLEI’2009 – XXXV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica.
Proof-of-Concept Demonstration
Miyamaru F, Leite L, Bertuzzi A, Filgueiras L. Mídia cruzada em
serviços de governo: conceito e aplicação. Demos&Posters,
IHC’2008. Porto Alegre, p330-331.
Filgueiras LVL, Correa DO, Oliveira Neto JS, Facis R. 2008. X-gov
planning: how to apply cross media to government services
In: ICDS 2008, Second International Conference in the Digital
Society, Saint Luce, IEEE Computer Society, p. 140-145.
Miyamaru F, Leite L, Bertuzzi A, Filgueiras L. 2008. Task patterns
for e-government services. In: Proceedings of the VIII Brazilian
Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Porto
Alegre, RS, Brazil, October 21-24, 2008). ACM International
Conference Proceeding Series, v. 378. Sociedade Brasileira de
Computação, Porto Alegre, Brazil, p. 276-279.
Submitted papers
Miyamaru F, Filgueiras L. Crossmedia transitions: extracting
requirements from practical applications. Submitted to
CLIHC 2009 -Latin-American Conference on Human Computer
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Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, travessa 3, nº 380
CEP 05508-970 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil
[email protected]

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