Report on Mission to Pandeiros Model Forest, Brazil June 13‐16, 2010 Richard Verbisky 1 Fernando Carrera 2 1. Background: As part of the International Model Forest Network Secretariat and the Ibero‐American Model Forest Network Regional Office’s commitment to strengthen Model Forests and the Network, a site visit to the Pandeiros Model Forest was conducted following the Ibero‐American Model Forest Network’s Board meeting hosted by the Insituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF) from the State of Minas Gerais June 9‐12, 2010. Rinaldo Jose de Souza from the Instituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF), Minas Gerais, ([email protected] and Kolbe Soares, Project Pandeiros, IEF, Minas Gerais ([email protected]). The Pandeiros Model Forest is one of two Model Forests in Brazil which are members of the International Model Forest Network. The other Model Forest, Mata Atlantica, is also located in the State of Minas Gerais. 2. General Observations: The Pandeiros Model Forest is well supported by the Insituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF) of the State of Minas Gerais through staff, research, publications, staff, technical infrastucture (vehicles, boats, GIS, computers, etc). The Pandeiros Model Forest is involved in multiple programming initatives such as conservation of protected areas, fire management, community extension and involvement in landscape management, environmental education, and supporting local economic alternatives. Many of these actions are coordinated by the “Project Pandeiros” which has as its principle objective to develop and strengthen the Pandeiros Model Forest. The area of the Pandeiros Model Forest can be characterized as possessing extreme biodiversity, but within a fragile ecosystem, suseptable to anthropogenic “invasions” such as fire and animal grazing which complicate natural resource management efforts. 3. Observations regarding the Pandeiros Model Forest based on the Principles and Attributes of Model Forests. 3.1 Partnerships: Efforts have been made on many fronts for the voluntary presentation of representatives from within the Pandeiros Model Forest These efforts include: •
Identification of local stakeholders •
Creation of an Agro‐Cooperative •
The formation of a Technical Team to support local actions with the Model Forest communities. •
Creation of a Management Committee with local stakeholders 1
International Model Forest Network Secretariat (IMFNS), Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
Ibero-American Model Forest Network (IAMFN, Regional Office, CATIE, Costa Rica
To date, the following organizations are partners of the Pandeiros Model Forest: ‐ SENAR (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural) ‐ Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agro extrativistas de Pandeiros ‐ SEBRAE (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio à Micro e Pequena Empresa); ‐ Idene (Instituto do Desenvolvimento do Norte e Nordeste de Minas Gerais); ‐ Unimontes (Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros); ‐ Ministério Público – Promotoria da Bacia do Rio São Francisco; ‐ Prefeitura Municipal de Januária; ‐ Emater (Empresa Mineira de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural); ‐ Sindicato dos Produtores Rurais de Januária. ‐Associaiones comunitatias (12) 3.2 Landscape: The current area of the Pandeiros Model Forest is approx. 393.060 K ha and is based on the boundaries of the existing Environmental Protected Area (APA). This area has been well defined through various research activities such as inventories, conservation programs and has been documented through varios GIS applications. In particular, the Pandeiros Model Forest possesses several unique ecological features that make it a very important area and have been noted in Table 1. The Pandeiros Pantal is one of many examples of unique ecological features in this area where approx. 70% of the San Franciso River fish spawning takes place. Vegetation/Terrain Type Incidence (%) Mata seca 3,18 Mata ciliar 1,24 Cerrado/cerradão 23,49 Campo Cerrado 43,17 Campo limpo 5,41 Vereda 3,79 Pivô‐irrigação 0,05 Reflorestamento 13,94 Agricultura 0,62 Pastagem 4,97 Área degradada 0,06 Área urbanizada 0,01 Água 0,06 Afloramento de rocha 0,0 TOTAL 100,00 Table 1: Prominent Terrain/Vegetation Type within the Pandeiros Model Forest 3.3 Committment to Sustainability: The State of MG has documented the Pandeiros Model Forest as an area of high vulnerability with respect to ecology in addition to local economic sustainablity. These characteristics support the very reason for the establishment of the Pandeiros Model Forest – to assist in conservation of a unique and fragile ecosystem while providing legitimate sustainble economic options for those within this area. 2
Ecological and Economic Vulnerability – Natural Resource Economic Zones MG State of Minas Gerias with Pandeiros Model Forest identifed in green Pandeiros Model Forest has identified the following priorities : •
Território perfeitamente identificado em termos físicos; •
Economia local inteiramente vinculada ao extrativismo vegetal; •
Forte tradição na exploração de madeira e produção de carvão vegetal; •
Impactos ambientais das atividades tradicionais claramente identificados. The following activities of the Pandeiros Model Forest some examples of its commitment to sustainablity: Photo 1: Support for diversifying local (family based) agriculture 3
Photo 2&3: Community gardening and training: 4
Photo 4‐7: Sustainable charcoal production and marketing from Babacu (Palm tree) seed 5
Photo 8: Construction to reduce soil erosion and sedimentation Photo 9: Restricted use in permantly protected areas (APP) 6
Photo 10‐11: Environmental Education Photo 12: Regularily structured community leadership development meetings 7
Photo 13: Creation of Cooperatives for Small Enterprises 3.4 Governance: In terms of a governace structure, statutes have been prepared for the “project” Pandeiros Model Forest and its council. Work is underway to transform this council into the Pandeiros Model Forest Board of Directors. It is anticipated that IEF will assume management responsibilities supported by an existing technical team (of 17) and will report to a future Board. This will include finalizing processes regarding the formalization of regular operation such as board meetings, identification of a board chair and other governance matters. 3.5 Program of Activities: Pandeiros Model Forest program of activites are well defined and supported through legistation Strategic principles: ‐ Incentivo à participação comunitária visando um pacto coletivo de uso sustentável dos recursos naturais: - Desenvolvimento de atividades alternativas que gerem trabalho e renda; ‐ Estímulo à agricultura familiar sustentável; ‐ Promoção do extrativismo sustentável dos frutos do cerrado; ‐ Educação ambiental em todas instâncias; ‐ Ações de preservação e conservação dos recursos naturais. Relevant Legislation: REPOSIÇÃO FLORESTAL Art. 19 (Artigo com redação dada pelo art. 2º da Lei nº 13192, de 27/1/1999). § 4º São mecanismos de reposição florestal, na proporção do consumo dos produtos oriundos de florestas nativas: I ‐ recolhimento à conta Recursos Especiais a Aplicar; II ‐ formação de florestas próprias ou fomentadas, dentro do ano de consumo; III ‐ participação em associações de reposição florestal ou outro sistema cooperativo, de acordo com as normas a serem fixadas pelo poder público. Plans are in place to develop a Strategic Plan which will ultimately be approved by the Pandeiros Model Forest board. 8
3.6 Knowledge Sharing, Capacity Building and Networking: The Pandeiros Model Forest was established in 2005 and has continued to be an active participant in network activites over the past five years. In initial stages of development, Pandeiros Model Forest benefited from the sharing and existing capacity within the network. As Pandeiros Model Forest matures, it will be in a position to play a role as a contributor within the network. A summary of “Networking” past and future include: •
MG has participated/provided input in Board meetings of the Ibero American MF Network since 2005. •
In June 2005 Pandieros Model Forest hosted a board meeting of the LAC Net. •
The State of Minas Gerias – IEF hosted this past IAMFN Board Meeting (June 2010) as well as a two day workshop on “Getting to Know Model Forests” and was complemented with a half day workshop on Leadership and Developing Leaders. Pandeiros Model Forest was represented by two members of the IEF (Rinaldo Jose de Souza and Kolbe Soares) •
Pandeiros Model Forest is considering to apply for support through the seed funding program of the IMFN/IAMFN to support technical exchange between local charcoal producers from Pandeiros Model Forest with charcoal producers in the Sabana de Manacas Model Forest in Cuba. Also under consideration is networking with MF within the region with established governance stuctures and strategic planning experience. •
Participation in an exchange with the San Pedro Model Forest in Argentina concerning the concept of Model Forest and the management of Protected Areas. •
Pandeiros Model Forest plans to apply to attend the International Course on Diversitifed Management of Natural Forests with emphasis on Climate Change in October 2010. This course is being offered by CATIE and supported by the IMFN/IAMFN under the Climate Change Networking Initiative. 4. Conclusiones and Recommendations: •
Based on the six principles of Model Forests, the Pandeiros Model Forest has made significant progress in its development and implementation of various programming. •
The support of the IEF has been fundamental in success of the Pandeiros Project which as been identifed as a key element the initial phase in the establishment of the Pandeiros Model Forest. •
The consolidation of the Pandeiros Model Forest and its governace structure will require continued support and time as it transitions from a “project” to a consolidated Model Forest. •
A consolidated Pandeiros Model Forest should be considered as a leader and a resource for further development of the Model Forest concept in Brazil. •
The RIABM/IMFNS will support the development of the Pandeiros Model Forest strategic planning process by providing examples from other Model Forests 9

Informe sobre la visita de Bosque Modelo Pandeiros, Brasil