BB SEGURIDADE PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. CNPJ/MF Nº 17.344.597/0001-94 NIRE Nº 5330001458-2 MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS` ORDINARY MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 7th, 2014 I. Date, Time and Place: On February 7th , 2014, at 10 am, at the headquarter of BB Seguridade S.A. (“Company”), located in Brasilia, in Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 1, Bloca A, Lote 31, Edifício Sede I, 15 th floor, room 4. II. Board: Board of Directors Members:, Alexandre Corrêa Abreu, Chairman, Ivan de Souza Monteiro , Vice-Chairman, Francisca Lucileide de Carvalho, José Henrique Paim Fernandes, Isabel da Silva Ramos. Secretary: Giselle Cilaine Ilchechen Coelho. Invited: Marcelo Augusto Dutra Labuto, CEO, Leonardo Giuberti Mattedi, CFO, Angela Beatriz de Assis, COO, Werner Romera Suffert, Executive Manager and Marcelo Vicentini Barbosa, Department Manager, all from BB Seguridade, Eduardo Cesar Pasa, General Accountant, Sandro Gadelha Miranda, Executive Manager, Ricardo Borges de Araújo Rosa, Department Manager, all from Banco do Brasil, Roberto Barroso, CEO from BB Mapfre SH1 Participações S.A., Antônio Pedro da Silva Machado, Paulo Roberto Franceschi e Pablo Fonseca Pereira dos Santos, all members of BB Seguridade Fiscal Council, Patricia di Paula da Silva Paz e Pedro Braga Perdigão, from Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes. (...) IV. Resolutions: The Company´s Board of Directors approved: (i) appoitment, pursuant disposed in Article 15, § 1º, Item I, of BB Seguridade ByLaws, Mr. Marcelo Augusto Dutra Labuto, following qualified, until the next Shareholders Meeting, tobe a member of the Board of Directors, due to the resignation, of Mr. Fábio Franco Barbosa Fernandes, in 01.31.2014 clarified that the nominee meets the legal and statutory requirements. Mr. Marcelo Augusto Dutra Labuto after being nominated, took possession and immediately went in the exercise of his functions. MARCELO AUGUSTO DUTRA LABUTO, brazilian, married, bank clerk, ID nº 139096655, issued by Departamento de Trânsito do Distrito Federal, registred in Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas do Ministério da Fazenda (CPF/MF) on nº 563.238.081-53, with working adress in Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 1, Bloco A, Lote 31, Edifício Sede I, 15º floor, room 04, Brasilia (DF). (...) (iii) (iv) approve the dividends distribution equivalent to a payout of 80% on 2nd half Result net income; election, due the resignation of Mr. André Luis Côrtes Mussili, ocurred in 2.7.2014, accepted by the Board of Directors, until the first Board Directors Meeting, to be held after the OSM that will approve the accounts for the 2015 -segue- BB Seguridade Participações S.A. Minute of The Board of Directors Meeting held on 02.07.2014 2 fiscal year, of Mr. Werner Romera Suffert, as a member of the Executive Committee of BB Seguridade, following qualified; WERNER ROMERA SUFFERT, brazilian, married, bank clerk, ID nº 1322865, issued by Secretaria de Segurança Pública of Distrito Federal, registred in Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas do Ministério da Fazenda (CPF/MF) on nº 602.960.701-49, working address in Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 1, Bloco A, Lote 31, Edifício Sede I, 15º floor, room 04, Brasília (DF). (v) the appointment Mr. Werner Romera Suffert for BB Seguridade CFO. V. Closure: There being nothing further to discuss, the meeting was closed, which I, sig.) Giselle Cilaine Ilchechen Coelho, Secretary, ordered the draft of these minutes which, after being read and approved, was duly signed. Sig. Alexandre Corrêa Abreu, Ivan de Souza Monteiro, Francisca Lucileide de Carvalho, José Henrique Paim Fernandes e Isabel da Silva Ramos. THE DOCUMENT IS A TRUE COPY TRANSCRIBED FROM THE APPROPRIATE BOOK. th Brasilia, February 7 , 2014. Giselle Cilaine Ilchechen Coelho Secretay