President Communication / Comunicação do Presidente ref: FG-023/2014 English version (page 1) / versão em português (página 2) - Annexes (pages 3 to 7) / Anexos (páginas 3 a 7) To: EUROPEAN FEDERATIONS RINK-H0CKEY EUROPEAN CLUBS EUROPEAN REFEREES From: CERH PRESIDENT Date: 2014, October 20 Subject: REFEREES AND CERH DELEGATES DESIGNATION - ROUND OF 2014, NOVEMBER 1 CHANGES ON SOME PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE CLUBS Dear Sirs: I’m sending attached the list of the Referees and Delegates that CERH is designating for the matches to be played on Saturday, the 1st. of November 2014, the date of the next round of the European club competitions. Besides that I want to call your special attention for the following additional information: 1. The last CERH General Assembly held on the 10th. of November of 2014, has approved, by unanimous voting, the following decisions concerning the Refereeing of the matches: 1.1 The designation of the Referees for each round of the European Club competitions will be communicated by CERH during the week that follows the previous round of those competitions. 1.2 All the clubs that play “at home” - as the “visited team” - have full and total responsibility for insuring the booking and payment of all the traveling programs by plane and/or by train needed by the CERH designated Referees for the matches in question. Consequently, it is now null and void the “important note” included in the paragraph 2.1 of my Communication FG-019/2014, dated from 2014, September 10. 1.3 When necessary, the clubs concerned should contact the General Secretary of CERH, Ricardo Oliveira, in order to clarify any issues relating to the CERH designated Referees (direct contacts with the Referees must always be avoid) 1.4 Finally it was also approved by the CERH General Assembly that will be mandatory - starting in the 2014/2015 sporting season - the evaluation by the Main Coach or the Team Delegate of the participant clubs about the performance of the Referees of the match, according to the evaluation sheets that will be provided by CERH. It was also approved that all clubs that do not comply with this determination will be punished by CERH with financial sanctions to be set by CERH in an official Communication. 2. I must recall that all clubs that play “at home” also remain responsible for insuring the following: 2.1 The food and the Referees accommodation in a Hotel, in the period between their arrival and their departure from the Country where the match will be played. 2.2 All the additional transportation that is required for Referees, between theirs arrival and their departure from the airport or train station. 3. Having in mind some changes on the contacts that were attached to my email dated of 2014, September 28, I’m re-sending the following attachments: 3.1 Email contacts from the Clubs participating in the European competitions (season 2014/2015) 3.2 Email contacts from the European Referees, including the information about the nearest airport of their homes. With kind regards CERH President Page 1 of 7 – Página 1 de 7 European club competitions - 2014/2015 season DESIGNATION OF REFEREES AND CERH DELEGATES competição fase Grupo A Grupo B Euroliga Grupo C Grupo D Taça CERS EQUIPA 1 EQUIPA 2 Jornada Jogo nº data hora local Árbitro 2 Delegado CERH Jornada 2 005 01/Nov/14 16:00H Benfica Bassano Jornada 2 006 01/Nov/14 21:00H Quevert Barcelona JOSE GOMEZ (SP) JOSEP RIBÓ (SP) Feliciano Costa JOHANNES SCHNEIDER (CH) ROLAND EGGIMANN (CH) --- Jornada 2 015 01/Nov/14 21:00H Breganze VIC PAULO RAINHA (PT) RUI TORRES (PT) Matteo Zonta Jornada 2 016 01/Nov/14 18:30H Valongo Genève Jornada 2 029 01/Nov/14 21:30H Juv.Viana Liceo XAVIER JACQUART (FR) PASCAL HANRAS (FR) Ludovino Ferreira GIUSEPPE BONUCCELLI (IT) GIOVANNI ANDRISANI (IT) Rego Lamela Jornada 2 030 01/Nov/14 18:00H Herringen Forte dei Marmi Jornada 2 041 01/Nov/14 21:00H Valdagno Vendrell M.TERESA MARTINEZ (SP) ALBERTO VEIGA (SP) Bernd Ullrich LUIS PEIXOTO (PT) MIGUEL GUILHERME (PT) --- Árbitro 1 Jornada 2 042 01/Nov/14 21:00H La Vendeenne Porto/Fidelidade JUAN MELERO (SP) ALBERTO LOPEZ (SP) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 078 01/Nov/14 20:00H Herne Bay United Remscheid SERGI MAYOR (SP) ISAAC SANZ (SP) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 079 01/Nov/14 18:00H Bison Calenberg Candelária BRUNO SOSA (ENG) DEREK BELL (ENG) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 080 01/Nov/14 20:30H St Omer H.Sarzana ÓSCAR VALVERDE (SP) FRANCISCO GARCIA (SP) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 081 01/Nov/14 15:30H Basel Darmstad J.PAULO ROMÃO CARLO CORPONI (IT) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 082 01/Nov/14 18:00H Villach Reus Deportiu FRANK SCHAFER (DE) THOMAS ULLRICH (DE) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 083 01/Nov/14 19:00H Biasca Lyon LARS NIESTROY (DE) DANIEL LOEWE (DE) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 084 01/Nov/14 21:00H Viareggio Dornbirn FLORINDO CARDOSO (PT) PAULO ALMEIDA (PT) Alessandro Fanesi 1/16 Final 2ª mão 085 01/Nov/14 19:00H Cerceda Oliveirense MATTEO GALOPPI (IT) FRANCO FERRARI (IT) Carlos Raposo 1/16 Final 2ª mão 086 01/Nov/14 17:30H Diessbach Wolfurt ALBERTO GARROTE (SP) IGNACIO GARMENDIA (SP) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 087 01/Nov/14 20:00H Cronemberg Uttigen RUBEN FERNANDEZ (SP) JOAQUIN LOPEZ (SP) 1/16 Final 2ª mão 088 01/Nov/14 16:00H Sporting Calafell ALESSANDRO DA PRATO (IT) ALESSANDRO ECCELSI (IT) 1/16 Final 2ª mão 089 01/Nov/14 21:00H Turquel Igualada ARNAUD ESOLI (FR) URS DORNBIERER (CH) José Lopes 1/16 Final 2ª mão 090 01/Nov/14 18:00H Uri Follonica ALVARO DE LA HERA (SP) GERMAN SANDOVAL (SP) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 091 01/Nov/14 19:30H Noia Barcelos ULDERICO BARBARISI (IT) MASSIMILIANO CARMAZZI (IT) --- 1/16 Final 2ª mão 092 01/Nov/14 20:30H Merignac Iserlohn JAVIER GALAN (SP) ANTONIO GÓMEZ (SP) Philipe Aubre 1/16 Final 2ª mão 093 01/Nov/14 20:30H Noisy Le Grand Trissino JOSÉ PINTO (PT) JOAQUIM PINTO (PT) --- Observações mesa: Ricardo Oliveira --Luis Rei com Fernando Graça