EISSN 1676-5133
BMI and waist girth as health risk indexs
of soccer referees from Brazil
Original Article
Alberto Inácio da Silva - CREF. 000631-G/PR
Doutorando em Fisiologia - UFPR
Depto. de Fisiologia da Universidade Federal do Paraná
albertoiná[email protected]
SILVA, A.I da. BMI and waist girth as health risk indexs of soccer referees from Brazil. Fitness & Performance Journal, v.5, nº
4, p. 223-231, 2006.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to analyze the BMI and the waist girth as overweight indicators of risk for the development
of diseases related to the excess of central body fat in soccer referees from the Paraná Soccer Federation (FPF) certified by the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF). Was measured the totality of the referees that applied for the physical evaluation of the 2005
season. All were males with mean age of 34.07 ± 6.12 years, height of 1.77 ± 0.06 m and body mass of 78.35 ± 10.39 kg. Was
measured weigh, height, three girth and seven skin folds. The mean value for BMI was 24.87 ± 2.86 kg/m2 (n=220). Only 65%
of the referees has BMI values considered within the normality (23.04 ± 1.49) mean while 44% shown values equal or higher than
25 kg/m2 (26.95 ± 1.40). The mean value of the waist girth was 85.38 ± 7.37 cm. Since just 0.01% of the referees shown waist
girth over 102 cm, most of them has no risk of health measured by the BMI and by the excess of central body fat according with the
procedure suggested by the ACSM (2003).
Keywords: referee, soccer, BMI, waist girth.
Correspondence to:
Rua Vitorino Polli, 286 – Jardim Adriana - CEP 83.408-480 – Colombo – Paraná - Brazil
Submitted: June / 2006
Accepted: July / 2006
Copyright© 2008 por Colégio Brasileiro de Atividade Física, Saúde e Esporte
Fit Perf J
Rio de Janeiro
Jul/Aug 2006
O IMC e o perímetro da cintura como indicadores de risco para a saúde
de árbitros de futebol do Brasil
El IMC y el perímetro de la cintura como indicadores del riesgo para
la salud de árbitros de fútbol de Brasil
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o IMC (índice de massa corporal) e o
perímetro da cintura, como indicadores de sobrepeso e de risco para doença
associada ao excesso de gordura central dos árbitros de futebol da Federação
Paranaense de Futebol (FPF) certificados pela Confederação Brasileira de Futebol
(CBF). Foram avaliados todos os árbitros que se apresentaram para avaliação
física da temporada 2005. Todos eram do sexo masculino, idade média de
34,07 ± 6,12 anos, estatura de 1,77 ± 0,06 m, e massa corporal de 78,35 ±
10,39 kg. Foram mensurados, o peso, a estatura, três perímetros e sete dobras
cutâneas. O valor médio do IMC foi de 24,87 ± 2,86 kg/m2 (n=220). Apenas
65% dos árbitros encontram-se com valores de IMC considerados dentro da
normalidade (média de 23,04 ± 1,49 kg/m2), enquanto que 44% apresentam
valores iguais ou superiores a 25 kg/m2 (média de 26,95 ± 1,40 kg/m2). O
valor médio do perímetro da cintura foi de 85,38 ± 7,37 cm. Como apenas
0,01% dos árbitros avaliados apresentaram perímetro da cintura acima de 102
cm, a grande maioria dos árbitros não apresentam risco a saúde, determinado
pelo IMC e pelo acúmulo de gordura na região central do corpo de acordo com
o procedimento proposto ACSM (2003).
El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el IMC (índice de masa corporal) y el
perímetro de la cintura, como indicadores de sobrepeso y de riesgo para enfermedades asociada al exceso de grasa central de los árbitros de fútbol de la
Federación Paranaense de Fútbol (FPF) certificados pela Confederación Brasileña
de Fútbol (CBF). Fueron evaluados todos los árbitros que se presentaron para
evaluación física para la temporada 2005. Todos eran del sexo masculino, edad
promedio de 34,07 ± 6,12 años, estatura de 1,77 ± 0,06 m, e masa corporal
de 78,35 ± 10,39 kg. Fueron mensurados, el peso, la estatura, tres perímetros
y siete dobras cutáneas. El valor promedio del IMC fue de 24,87 ± 2,86 kg/m2
(n=220). Todavía 65% de los árbitros se encuentran con valores de IMC considerados dentro de la normalidad (promedio de 23,04 ± 1,49 kg/m2), mientras
que 44% presentan valores iguales o superiores a 25 kg/m2 (promedio de 26,95
± 1,40 kg/m2). El valor promedio del perímetro de la cintura fue de 85,38 ±
7,37 cm. Como solo 0,01% de los árbitros evaluados presentaron perímetro de
la cintura arriba de 102 cm, la gran mayoría de los árbitros no presentan riesgo
a salud, determinado por le IMC y por le acumulo de grasa en la región central
del cuerpo de acuerdo com el procedimiento propuesto por la ACSM (2003).
Palavras-chave: árbitro, futebol, IMC, perímetro da cintura.
Palabras clave: árbitro, fútbol, IMC, perímetro de la cintura.
The physical activities can be characterized in several ways, depending on the type, intensity and purpose. This way, the physical
activities are classified as occupational, of transport, of home and
of leisure (USDHHS, 1996; RODRIGUEZ-AÑEZ, 2003). Depending on the laboral activity, the metabolic demand can be larger
or smaller. In the case of the soccer referees, the function demands
high levels of metabolic demand to support the game time and
intensity, and turns necessary that these present appropriate levels
of physical fitness. The main referee during a soccer game has a
medium energy expense of 740.42 kcal, and the assisting referee
had presented a medium expense of 494.64 kcal (DA SILVA and
The physical fitness is an indispensable requirement for the tasks
accomplishment that request a superior physical effort to the metabolic demands of rest. The lack of physical fitness can provoke
confusion in the moment of taking of decision during the execution
of exhausting exercise and, consequently, to harm the capacity of
the people’s judgement in this situation (DA SILVA, 2005). Besides
the metabolic variables, the physical fitness depends on appropriate corporal composition, because the weight excess or the
obesity limits the movements, besides they play overload part for
the locomotor system (RODRIGUEZ-AÑEZ; PETROSKI, 2002).
The human body presents several types of measures, such as
the lineal measures, that are represented by lengths; the area
measures, as the corporal surface; and the volume measures,
as the lung capacities. There is a proportionality among the
several corporal measures that modify, depending on the growth
state, development and that also suffer influences of the gender.
However, measures combinations, as weight and stature, present variation interval that allows to verify the malnutrition state,
normality, overweight or an individual’s obesity (DE ROSE et al.,
1984; RICARDO; ARAÚJO, 2002).
BMI (body mass index) is a strategy proposed in the century
XIX by Quételet that relates, mathematically, the weight and an
individual’s height. For the obtaining of this index, becomes separated the corporal weight for the stature in square meters, and
the result is expressed in kilos by square meter, in other words,
it gives a distribution indicative of the corporal mass for area
The waist / hip relationship (WHR) is a simple index obtained by the
division of the waist perimeter by the hip perimeter in centimeters.
WHR is highly associated to the visceral fat and it seems to be
an acceptable index of the abdominal fat that has been used to
classify the individuals in health risk categories in function of the
central fat excess. However, the waist perimeter, separately, can
be the best preditor of visceral fat, because the waist perimeter is
sensitive to the accumulation of superficial fat as intra-abdominal
fat, while the hip perimeter is sensitive only to the accumulation of
the subcutaneous fat (HEYWARD; STOLARCZYK, 2000). American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM, 2003) suggests a cut point for
WP 102 and 88 cm, for the masculine and feminine genders, respectively, as health risk indicator. This point is interpreted together
with the BMI values, classifying the individuals in four categories:
increased risk, high, very high and extremely high.
Several authors and international organisms have been trying to
establish normality strips for BMI with the intention of establishing
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 5, 4, 224, Jul/Aug 2006
malnutrition, weight excess or obesity (SEIDELL, 2000; ACSM,
2000; USDHHS, 1996). ACSM, in its last manual published in
2003, suggested the following values for the classification of BMI
(Table 1) and for the stratification of disease risk through the waist
perimeter (ACSM, 2003).
The weight excess, historically, has been associated with several
types of chronic-degenerative diseases (NIEMAN, 1999). However,
the weight excess characterization becomes difficult without the
use of objective indicators that allow to quantify the exact amount
of corporal fat, as the case of the fat percentile, or then of the
corporal fat distribution, like BMI, which the relationship mass for
area supplies an overweight indicator.
Works, of scientific stamp, involving soccer referees are very recent
and scarce, if we take as reference the studies involving the soccer
players (ASAMI et al., 1988; CATTERALL et al., 1993; DA SILVA
2001; DA SILVA, 2005a).
In the works that approach the soccer referee’s physical demands,
it was not found any report on BMI, WHR or waist perimeter of the
soccer referees. Researches on this group can supply subsidies
to know better the profile of that professional category, serving
as reference for futures soccer referees that intend to act in the
board of the larger entity of the Brazilian soccer, the Brazilian
Confederation of Soccer (Confederação Brasileira de Futebol)
(CBF). Of this sorts of things out, becomes evident the need of
invest in studies that approach the physical profile of soccer
referees. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine
the proportion of soccer referees that assist to the health criteria,
using as indicators BMI and the waist perimeter.
The population of this study was constituted by professional soccer
referees belonging to the referees board from Paraná Federation of
Soccer (Federação Paranaense de Futebol) (FPF). The sample was
constituted by 220 male referees that came to the Commission of
Evaluation of the Physical fitness of FPF, for the season of 2005.
The appraised number for area varied at each place; because the
referee could choose where he would make the evaluation. The
evaluations happened among 4 and 19 December, 2004. The
exams were accomplished in the morning period, in the cities of
Maringá, Curitiba, Pato Branco and Marechal Cândido Rondon,
all in the State of Paraná.
The procedures here adopted are in agreement with the RESOLUTION N.º 196, of 10 OCTOBER of 1996, of National Council of
Health (Conselho Nacional de Saúde), which treats of the research
procedures in human beings. The project was approved by the
committee of Ethics in Research in Human beings of the Hospital
das Clínicas of the Universidade Federal do Paraná.
The anthropometrics variables measured were: corporal mass,
stature, two circumferences (forearm and abdomen) and seven
cutaneous folds (subscapular, triceps, pectoral, medium axillary,
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 5, 4, 225, Jul/Aug 2006
abdomen, supra iliac and thigh). The measurement of the corporal
mass and of the stature was accomplished being followed the
recommendations of ALVAREZ and PAVAN (2003), and the waist
perimeter according to MARTINS and LOPES (2003). The body
mass index was determined turning separated the weight (kg) for
the height (m) to the square. The corporal density was determined
starting from the anthropometrics variables by the equation proposed by JACKSON and POLLOCK (1978), that uses the sum of
seven cutaneous folds and two perimeters and the fat percentile
for the equation of SIRI (1961).
It was considered as limitation of this investigation the absence
of the application of a reminding questionnaire about the daily
physical activities, seeking the determination of the caloric expense
and on alimentary habits, to determine the daily ingestion, as well
as the verification if some referee possesses inhabit of practicing
physical exercises in a constant way.
The results of the tests are reported as mean and the respective
pattern deviation and were submitted to the variance analysis
(ANOVA), following by the test of TUKEY for differences identification among the statistically significant means pairs. Also the
paired t test was used or not, depending on the analysis. The data
were considered statistically significant, when the probability of the
occurrence of null hypothesis goes smaller than 0.05.
The results regarding the anthropometrics evaluations are presented by areas. In the Table 2, we found the data regarding
the evaluations accomplished in the city of Maringá, where the
appraised number corresponded to 35% of the whole sample. The
Table 3 describes the results obtained in the city of Curitiba, where
the appraised number corresponded to 37%, in other words, it
was the city with the largest number of appraised referees. In the
Tables 4 and 5 are the results of the White Duck area and Marechal
Cândido Rondon, respectively. The appraised number in these
areas was identical, that is, 14% of the sample attended in each
one of these cities. In absolute terms, the referees of the Marechal
Cândido Rondon area, were the ones that presented smaller mass
corporal, larger stature, smaller age and smaller fat percentile.
However, when we compared these data with other areas, we
didn’t find statistically significant differences (p > 0.05).
The mean mass corporal from Paraná referees was of 78.35 ±
10.39 kg (n=220). This value is similar to the catarinenses referees mean (OLD et al. 1998), of greek referees (RONTOYANNIS,
1998), of Paraná referees (ROMAN, 2004) and of referees of CBF
elite (DA SILVA, NASCIMENTO, 2005).
Regarding the stature, the mean value of the sum of all of the areas
was of 1.77 ± 0.06 m. The medium stature of this study is same
founded in the specialized literature (RONTOYANNIS, et al. 1998;
DA SILVA, NASCIMENTO, 2005 and VELHO et al. 1998).
Table 1 - Classification of the disease risk with base in BMI and waist circumference for men
Weight deficiency
Waist ≤ 102 cm
Waist > 102
< 18.5
18.5 – 24.9
Weight excess
25.0 – 29.9
Obesity I
30.0 – 34.9
Very High
Obesity II
35.0 – 39.9
Very High
Very High
Obesity III
> 40.0
Extremely High
Extremely High
Source: Adapted of ACSM (2003)
Table 2 - Descriptive characteristics of the referees of the city of Maringá (n=77)
P. Deviation
The values regarding the stature are in meters and to the waist, in cm. %F = Fat Percentage.
Table 3 - Descriptive characteristics of the referees of the city of Curitiba (n=81)
P. Deviation
The values regarding the stature are in meters and to the waist, in cm. %F = Fat Percentage.
Table 4 - Descriptive characteristics of the referees of the city of Pato Branco (n=31)
P. Deviation
The values regarding the stature are in meters and to the waist, in cm. %F = Fat Percentage.
Table 5 - Descriptive characteristics of the referees of the city of Marechal Cândido Rondon (n=31)
P. Deviation
The values regarding the stature are in meters and to the waist, in cm. %F = Fat Percentage.
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 5, 4, 226, Jul/Aug 2006
Table 6 - Statistical analysis of the IMC results of all areas
Maringá vs Curitiba
Maringá vs Pato Branco
Maringá vs Marechal C. Rondon
Curitiba vs Pato Branco
Curitiba vs Marechal C. Rondon
Pato Branco vs Marechal C. Rondon
s - statistically significant differences, ns - without difference
The medium age found in this study was of 34.07 ± 6.12 years
(n=220), this value is compatible with some studies involving
soccer referees (RONTOYANNIS, et al. 1998; BETSCH, PLESSENER, 2001; REBELO, et al. 2002; DA SILVA, FERNÁNDEZ,
2003). The results analysis allowed to conclude that the Curitiba
referees are the oldest of Paraná (Table 3), being the one of the
area of Marechal Cândido Rondon the with minor medium (Table
5). Some studies affirm that the soccer referees are, on average,
10 to 15 older years than the players of elite of that sport, and the
age would have negative effect in the physical acting, therefore
the referees involved in this research would not stay away of that
rule (CATTERALL, et al. 1993; WESTON, et al. 2004; HELSEN
and BULTYNCK, 2004).
When associates the weight and the height to the square settles
down a new index, that is BMI. With the data grouping and formula application for determination of BMI can be observed that
the same varied from 18.07 to 34.47 kg/m2, with medium value
of 24.87 ± 2.86 kg/m2 (n=220). However, more meticulous
analysis of the data allowed to observe that 46% of the referees
are with values of BMI considered inside of the normality (mean
of 22.80 ± 1.59 kg/m2), while 54% present values equal or
superior to 25 kg/m2 (mean of 27.29 ± 1.87 kg/m2), therefore,
in the accomplished evaluation two groups of referees exist, one
above and other below the considered normal index, that present
statistically significant differences (Illustration 1).
The BMI mean of the Maringá referees, as described in Table 1,
is inside of the normality, however when separating the referees
that are with value of BMI above 25 kg/m2, it is observed that
a great percentage of them exist above the considered normal
index. The BMI means of the referees that are above the normal
was of 27.22 ± 1.88 kg/m2, being the one of the normal group
of 22.31 ± 1.92 kg/m2; those are statistically significant differences (Illustration 2). The percentage of referees that constitutes the
group that is above the index was of 53% of the sample; being
like this, only 47% of the 77 appraised referees in Maringá are
with the value of BMI inside of the normality.
The appraised referees in Curitiba presented a mean value of BMI,
above considered normal (Table 4). When separated and analyzed
the referee’s indexes that are above and inside of a considered
normal value, was verified that 52% presented indexes inside above the normal (27.63 ± 1.88 kg/m2) and 48% of the normality
(23.25 ± 1.11 kg/m2). The statistical analysis demonstrated there
are statistical difference among these data (Illustration 3).
As it happened with the appraised referees in Maringá, the medium
value of BMI of the appraised referees in Pato Branco was inside
of the normality (Table 4). However, the separation of the referees
data that were are above BMI those that were with values of the
normality, allowed to conclude that 42% of the appraised referees
Illustration 1 - Body mass index for category (all referees)
Illustration 2 - Body mass index for category (Maringá)
*- Statistically significant differences
*- Statistically significant differences
Illustration 3 - Body mass index for category (Curitiba)
Illustration 4 - Body mass index for category (Pato Branco)
*- Statistically significant differences
*- Statistically significant differences
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 5, 4, 227, Jul/Aug 2006
Illustration 5 - Body mass index for category (Cândido Rondom)
Illustration 6 - Body mass index for age group
*- Statistically significant differences
were with the index above the ideal (26.7 ± 1.4 kg/m2), and
the mean of the other 58% ones were of 22.99 ± 1.50 kg/m2.
Unlike the cities previously analyzed, the percentage of referees
with BMI below 25 kg/m2 overcame the ones that are above. The
statistical analysis between these two groups demonstrated there
are statistically significant differences (Illustration 4).
The medium BMI of the Marechal Cândido Rondon referees was
the smallest of all of the areas (Table 4). That can be justified for
the low percentage of referees with values of BMI above the normal
(16%). However, the medium BMI value of the referees that are
above the normal is similar to the referees of other areas (27.19
± 0.91 kg/m2), the same happening with the other 84% ones
that presented indexes below 25 kg/m2 (22.59 ± 1.75 kg/m2).
The statistical analysis between those two groups, confirmed there
are statistically significant differences among them (Illustration 5).
The variance analysis (ANOVA), following by the test of TUKEY
for differences identification among the pairs of means of each
area, showed there are statistically significant differences among
some areas (Table 6).
When the mean value of BMI, 24.87 ± 2.86 kg/m2(n=220) is
compared with the respective mean value of the waist circumference of 85.38 ± 7.37 cm(n=220), this is below the cut point
for health risk (102 cm). The crossing of the medium BMI value,
with the medium value of the waist perimeter, doesn’t indicate risk
to the health (Illustration 1). Like this, the sample is characterized
with normal subjects without larger health risk. However, 0.01%
of the referees presented waist perimeter above 102 centimeters,
that is, three referees, being two of the area of Maringá and
Table 7 - Statistical analysis of the results of the waist perimeter
of all areas
Maringá vs Curitiba
Maringá vs Pato Branco
Maringá vs Marechal C. Rondon
Curitiba vs Pato Branco
Curitiba vs Marechal C. Rondon
Pato Branco vs Marechal C. Rondon
s - statistically significant differences, ns - without difference
one of Curitiba. They also presented BMI above 25 kg/m2, in
agreement with the Table 1, they present weight excess and high
health risk, or almost entering in the obesity. However, cannot
stop recognizing the limitations of BMI for subjects that present
great muscular mass, and in this case it is necessary the use of the
cutaneous folds for percentile determination of the individual’s fat,
as a counterevidence type. Therefore, other data that corroborates
the affirmative of weight excess and high health risk to the three
referees is the fact that the mean of the fat percentage of these
was of 24.29%. For POWERS and HOWLEY (2000) the obesity is
a high fat percentage, usually larger than 25% for men, being like
this, those referees would be very close of turning obese people,
taking as reference these indicators. As larger the fat deposits in
the abdominal area, larger the probability of metabolic disorders
and high risk of cardiovascular diseases. The application of the
variance analysis ANOVA, following by the test of TUKEY, showed
there are significant difference among the means of the circumference obtained among the areas (Table 7).
BMI is very used, in practice, with great populations, because it is
an anthropometric method of fast procedure and low cost that it is
well correlated with the corporal fat and some diseases incidences
(CADDIA, 1998). However, in agreement with BARATA (1994), this
method is little effective when applied to the sport, because the
sportsmen present great muscular masses. As the soccer referees
are involved in a high level sport, that needs their apprentices a
great degree of physical preparation, it was determined the fat
percentile of the referees, by the cutaneous folds, so it could be
determined with accuracy the corporal composition. The mean of
18.56 ± 4.29% of corporal fat presented by the referees corroborates the body mass index close to the normality limit (25 kg/
m2) found in this study. The fat percentile of the referees is above
the men’s of the South Area of Brazil mean (16.14%), area where
Table 8 - Statistical analysis of the results of fat percentile of all
Maringá vs Curitiba
Maringá vs Pato Branco
Maringá vs Marechal C. Rondon
Curitiba vs Pato Branco
Curitiba vs Marechal C. Rondon
Pato Branco vs Marechal C. Rondon
s - statistically significant differences, ns - without difference
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 5, 4, 228, Jul/Aug 2006
this work was developed (PETROSKI, 1995). However, considering
that the men here studied are soccer referees, which is waited for
a physical performance above the population average, it would
be convenient to advise them to enter in a program of exercises
and/or nutritional attendance, that allowed a reduction of fat mass
without loss of muscular mass. Regarding the fat percentile, the
medium value found in this study is superior to the medium value
found in Brazilian referees of the CBF board 15.9% (DA SILVA
and RODRIGUEZ-AÑEZ, 2003) and of Greek referees 16.7%
(RONTOYANNIS, et al. 1998), however relatively smaller than
the value told by SCHWINGEL et al. (1998), in a study involving
referees of Santa Catarina State, of 20.7%. As 99% of the referees presented inferior of 102 cm waist perimeter, none of these
is classified as presenting risk increased for the development of
diseases due to the excess of central fat. The statistical analysis
involving the means of the fat percentile obtained in each area,
demonstrated there are significant difference (Table 8).
According to AMER et al. (2001), with the passing of the years
the individual presents changes in their corporal composition. As
previously described, corporal mass, height and, mainly, age of the
soccer referees is very similar in several parts of the world, therefore, it would be interesting to determine the corporal composition
inside of this age group; in that way it could be determined with
more accuracy this professional’s anthropometric profile. The data
for analysis inside certain age group was divided in three groups:
a group composed by referees from 20 to 29 years, other for the
referees from 30 to 39 years, being the third group composed
by the referees with age equal or superior to 40 years. The age
group that involves most of the referees here are in agreement
with the literature revision and the study accomplished is among
30 to 39 years. Of the 220 referees here appraised 127 are inside
of this age group, in other words, 57% of the sample. That data
corroborates the affirmative previously lifted up that most of the
referees is in the thirty and few years strip. The group of referees
between 20 and 29 years was composed by 25% of the total of
appraised referees, and the remaining 17%, formed the group
constituted by referees with more than 40 years.
they are with weight excess. The statistical analysis among the BMI
values of each group, showed there are not statistically significant
differences among the groups (p=0 .05) (Illustration 6).
The combination of BMI with the data relative to the waist perimeter, didn’t modify or worsened the referees classification of the
age group from 30 to 39 years, which presented superior to 25
kg/m2 index, because the value of the waist perimeter was inferior
to 102 centimeters (86.35 ± 7.67 cm). There are statistically
significant differences when the data of all groups are compared
by ANOVA following by TUKEY (Illustration 7).
The 19.06 ± 4.34% fat percentile presented by the referees
of the group from 30 to 39 years is superior to the mean of the
referees of this study and the of referees involved in other studies,
as previously described. This high fat percentile collaborated the
high BMI presented by this group, demonstrating that the high
BMI value has direct relationship with the fat percentile and not
with the muscular mass volume. The statistical analysis among
the groups demonstrated there not exists statistically significant
differences among them (p > 0.05) (Illustration 8).
In a study with the objective of verifying the physical preparation
level of the Paraná referees, Da Silva (2005b) affirms that the
referees of that State presented, in the last four years, a decrease
in the physical capacity; and could be one the causes, maybe the
lack of seriousness of the Arbitration Commission From Paraná
Federation of Soccer (FPF) in the application of the physical
tests and the professional’s of Physical education retreat that it
developed a program of physical training specify for the referees
offered by the Association of the Referees of Soccer of Paraná.
Another interesting observation of this study (DA SILVA, 2005b)
was the verification that the referees of the Marechal Cândido
Rondon area are the ones that presented better level of Physical
preparation of this State. Therefore, the fact of the referees of that
area present, as diagnosed by this investigation, smaller mass
corporal, larger stature, smaller age and smaller fat percentile,
seems to interrelate with the good level of physical capacity presented by the same ones.
The first analyzed data was BMI, the referees of the age
group between 30 and 39 years presented, in absolute terms,
the largest value of BMI, inclusive superior to 25 kg/m2 (25.28
± 3); in other words, according to the Illustration 1classification,
Each 4 to 6 seconds, during a game, the referee changes his motive action (D’ OTTAVIO and CASTAGNA, 2001; KRUSTRUP and
BANGSBO, 2001), accomplishing on average, 1268 different activities (KRUSTRUP and BANGSBO, 2002). The referee’s medium
Illustration 7 - Waist circumference for age group
Illustration 8 - Corporal fat percentage for age p
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 5, 4, 229, Jul/Aug 2006
displacement during the game is superior to 9 km (D’OTTAVIO
ASAMI, et al., 1988; JOHNSTON and MCNAUGHTON, 1994;
REBELO et al., 2002; KRUSTRUP and BANGSBO, 2001). The
assistant referee presents an inferior physical fatigue compared
to the referee, because he moves 7 km on average during the
BANGSBO, 2002), and accomplishes, on average, 943 different
motive actions in game elapsing (KRUSTRUP and BANGSBO,
To drive the professional level soccer games, the referees should
present good physical preparation level, because their physical
effort are similar to the players. In a study developed in Brazil,
that had as objective analyzes the referee’s psychological stress,
it was ended that the inadequate physical preparation was the
most stressful factor for the referees (SAMULSKI et al., 1999).
Besides good physical preparation to accompany and to evaluate
the plays, avoiding that the rules are violated, the referee should
be well positioned to analyze aggressions among the athletes,
because a player’s risk suffers some kind of wound it is about
1000 times larger than found in most of the other professions
(FULLER et al., 2004).
The data sustain the affirmative that it just not enough to make
available a program of physical training for the soccer referees,
at this time they also need nutritional orientation, because a great
portion of the whistle professionals are with weight excess.
It is ended that the great majority of the referees doesn’t present
risk for diseases, when appraised for the procedure suggested
by ACSM, in 2003, that uses as indicators BMI and the waist
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The data analysis allows to end that, in a general way, the referees
of the Paraná Federation of Soccer meet a corporal composition
above what is waited of a person that is involved in a sport of so
high level of physical preparation, once the referee can interfere
in a direct way in the game result. The scientific studies involving
the very recent soccer referees, as it can be observed by the literary
citations of this work. However, all are addressed to improve the
referee’s physical capacity during the game, be supplying data,
discussing proposed training or diagnosing the level of physical
capacity and corporal composition.
The Federations and, mainly, the Brazilian Confederation of Soccer
(CBF) should take the responsibility for the constant improvement
of the soccer referees, and that especially goes by their physical
preparation. The soccer referee, which is only called by professional referee, but in the reality it possesses characteristics that are
below an amateur category, if we take as reference many athletes
of the amateur soccer. The Commissions of Arbitration, flee of
their responsibility of professionalizing the referees, demand that
they have a fixed job, in other words, that don’t depend financially
on the soccer arbitration. The arbitration is, therefore, a second
job for those individuals and, consequently, the preparation is not
adapted to drive a sport with so much physical energy, as it was
already diagnosed by several studies; when some referee acts
badly, these commissions, a lot of times without criteria, suspend
or stop increasing, because they don’t lose anything with the
suspension, once they are suspending a “professional” in which
they never invested a cent at least.
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BMI and waist girth as health risk indexs of soccer referees from Brazil