Issue no. 1822, April 26, 2015. 201 Lite försenad blir SWB idag. Vi har hållit på sedan i onsdags med att tömma sovrum med ett antal garderober för en total renovering. Den gamla heltäckningsmattan åker ut och ommålning av tak och väggar behövs verkligen. Nytt golv skall också läggas. Golvläggningen blev precis klart sent på söndags em. Sen kommer den stora och intressanta frågan - hur mycket av allt som proppats in under årens lopp skall kastas. Som tur är så är min andel betydligt blygsammare än frugans. Tom en del av ungarnas gamla trasor kom fram ur gömmorna. Nu är det med möda en stel kropp och stela fingrar klarar att hantera datorn. Hoppas det inte blir för många stavfel. Snart är det konvent och jag hoppas få se många av er där. Det finns en del att diskutera om vår hobbys framtid. Bl a skrotar t ex Norge snart sitt FM nät och vem följer efter? Keep on …. ============= R e d a k t i o n: Thomas Nilsson Mardalsv. 372 262 93 Ängelholm Tel: 0431-27054 E-mail: [email protected] Deadline e-mail next issue: 0800 UTC, UTC May 10, 2015. SWB SWB-info SWB on HCDX: HCDX SWB member information: information Dateline Bogotá 1993-1998: 1993 SWB latest issue/archive: issue QSL, kommentarer, mm. Christer Brunström: Brunström: Jag läste med stort intresse dina kommentarer om SWB:s framtid. Även om betoningen alltid har legat på tropikbanden så har SWB alltid speglat kortvåg rent generellt. Idag finns inte mycket kvar på tropikbanden och det är inte längre möjligt att DX:a på samma sätt som för 20 år sedan då det fortfarande dök upp ny stationer med jämna mellanrum. Det händer dock fortfarande mycket på kortvåg och då speciellt för oss som är programprogra lyssnare - vid vissa tider på dygnet finns det så mycket att man inte vet vad man ska välja. För de DX:are som endast vill logga nya stationer på tropikbanden är det betydligt mera problematiskt. För mig fyller fyller SWB en viktig funktion och speciellt om rapportering ärt allsidig. 25/4:: I Tyskland är det just nu säsong för sparris och under en vistelse i Görlitz passade jag på att äta schnitzel, kokt potatis med smält smör och rikligt med nyskördad sparris vilket var en sann njutning! När jag kom hem hittades ett QSL-kort QSL kort från Rádio Nacional da Amazônia 11780 kHz. Lennart Weirell: Weirell Några QSL att rapportera: R Underground – 6324 e-QSL, R Caroline Rainbow – 6326 e- QSL och Enterprise R – 6950 e- QSL. Stig Adolfsson:Endast Adolfs Endast ett tips denna gång och dessvärre en oidentifierad stn. Har hört den i såväl Vallentuna som på fritidsstället i södra Dalarna, bäst på det senare stället pga en väsentligt lägre störnivå. Robert Wilkner: Wilkner Greetings from Florida. Enjoying some rain after three weeks of drought. Tropical radio conditions have been rather poor with a few exceptions. /Best 73s, Bob (Hope this nice antenna ensures a great signal! Thanks for the picture. /TN "Radiopresten Svenn M" Svenn Martinsen har ett eget mediabolag och sänder ett program över många stationer som kallas "Radiopresten Svenn M". Läs mer om allt han gör på hans hemsida: (Thomas Nilsson) Northern Star Media presents Radio Heritage Herit Essays. Svenn Martinsen har också samlat en del radiohistoria som kan hittas på denna länk: (Thomas Nilsson) page 1 Log (UTC) 2450 2485 3205 Apr24 Apr22 Apr16 0930 1100 1152 3205 Apr20 1056 3289,9 Apr23 2345 3290 Apr17 2228 3310 Apr17 2221 3310 3324,88 Apr17 Apr14 0940 1256 3364,98t Apr23 2355 3365 Apr16 1403 3365,1 Apr17 2219 3375,1 Apr17 1040 3905 3929,9 3945 Apr18 Apr16 Apr16 2109 2120 1401 4055 Apr24 0935 4409,8 4409,9 4410- Apr19 2325 Apr24 0058 4451,2 Apr21 2310 4699,9 4699,9 4747,6 4750 Apr17 Apr17 Apr17 Apr17 2245 1008 2247 -1900* Unid 0930 to 0940 Harmonic in English no ID 23 and 24 April (MDR) VL8K Katherine NT 1100 to 1110 yl in English at threshold level (Wilkner) NBC Sandaun (presumed). Heard an open carrier (no audio), so assume reactivated after being off for over a year; gone by 1218. Daily I have checked here and this is the first time in a long time that I have heard anything. Worth keeping an eye on. April 17, heard 3205 with open carrier (no audio), at 1119; sudden audio at 1202, which would correspond to the start of the NBC National News audio feed from the Port Moresby studios, which provides better and stronger modulation than the local Sandaun audio; sounded like the usual news in English, but very weak; 1207*; am still calling this "presumed," as no positive ID, but very confident it's them. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) NBC Sandaun. Confirmed it's them, with the best audio so far since reactivation; in Pidgin; 1101 the usual PNG bird call before the NBC news. (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, USA) GBC Voice of Guyana - 0939 “the next 25 dollars…… in a month” 0947 preacher “Give your life to Jesus “ 14 April; 0940 Preacher “the Lord Jesus Christ” etc to 1000, recheck fading out at 1045 on 17 April, noted with poor signal at 2345 to 2350 on 23 April. (Wilkner) Voz da Guiana, Georgetown, inglês, texto; QRM de sinal de ponto a ponto. Carlos Gonçalves R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, quíchua, texto; 24442, QRM adj. de estação de ponto a ponto. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, fairly strong signal (Wilkner) RRI Palangkaraya. Frequent local singing IDs; program of EZL pop songs, many in English; "How Deep is Your Love?" by Bee Gees; fading up nicely for my local 1335 UT sunrise. Audio with IDs and Bee Gees at (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) Radio Cultura, Araraquara, SP 2355 noted with weak signal seems to have drifted frequency to 3365. (Wilkner) NBC Milne Bay (presumed). Heard open carrier; by 1411had some faint audio; very weak; probably NBC (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) R.Cultura, Araraquara SP, noticiário A Voz do Brasil, c/ a 2.ª parte às 2225, como é hábito; 35332. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira 1040 to 1045 in Portuguese with om signal fading out (Wilkner) R.Skyline Int'l_HOL, canções holandesas e alemãs; 45343. Carlos Gonçalves Não identif., música pop; 45433. Carlos Gonçalves R. Vanuatu (presumed). Nicely above threshold level audio; heard immediately after "RN2" Japan went off the air, playing the often heard song "You Are the Only One," which was again played at 1415; so was their normal long playing musical loop with no announcements of any kind. Guess we will have to wait for another tropical storm before they again have any actual announcements (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) Radio Verdad 0945 male chorus with religious music 5-5-5- strength as local station 17 April, 0935 “banda metros …onda corta. ID on 24 April (Wilkner) R.Eco, Reyes, castelhano, canções; 45332. Carlos Gonçalves Unid Bolivia 2320 to 2330 carrier with poor audio 19 April (Wilkner) since RSC is in so well on 6134.8 and Daqui in so well on 4915-, it`s time to look for something more exotic. And I do detect a JBA carrier here, which matches Carlos Gonçalves latest report from Portugal of: ``4409.8 R. Eco, Reyes, 2325-2339, 19/4, castelhano, canções; 45332`` (Glenn Hauser, OK) Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma 2310 to 2333 some audio in Spanish with deep fades. marginal signal at best… (Wilkner) R.San Miguel, Riberalta, castelhano, texto; 35332. Carlos Gonçalves Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1008 to 1018 with some weak audio (Wilkner) R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, castelhano, texto, canções; 45343. Carlos Gonçalves Dunamis BC, Mukono, canções afric.; 25321. Um pouco melhor em 19/4, pelas 1820. Carlos Gonçalves page 2 4750 ibl 1815 4750 Apr20 1235 4755,54 Apr15 1200 4765 4765,05 4774,9 4774,9 4774,9 Apr14 Apr17 Apr15 Apr17 0355 2330 0000 2350 4775 4785 Apr17 Apr14 2249 0945 4789,9 Apr14 0925 4789,92v Apr17 0900 4790- Apr15 1007 4800 Apr10 1350 4810 Apr17 1003 4815 Apr18 2157 4824,9 Apr18 2200 4835 Apr19 2144 4845 Apr16 2209 4845,00 4869,9 Apr15 Apr22 0015 1100 4869,93 Apr23 1050 4875,09 4875,1 4876 Apr15 Apr16 Apr15 0025 2206 1012 4884,97 4910 Apr17 Apr18 0851 2208 UNID. Här hörs fortfarande en oid stn med EE och tydligt religiöst program. Alltid mycket svag, knappt över brusnivån. Stängning varierar mellan A1820-1920. Enda alternativet är väl Dunamis, Uganda eller vad ? Frekvensen ligger något tiotal Hz under 4750 men jag kan inte mäta just nu. SA (Se ovan, är ganska säkert Dunamis. /TN) Bangladesh Betar - HS, Monday, April 20. Usual SAARC (The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) news bulletin in English; poor, as wasmixing with CNR1 (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, USA) PMA-The Cross Radio. Extended broadcast; heard before 1200 and as usual was off the air when checked shortly after 1200; so surprised to find they had turned the transmitter back on by 1228; on 24 hr.?; 1300 "It is midnight and this is the Cross Radio, 88.5 FM"; 1330 “The Cross Radio is a Ministry of Pacific Mission Fellowship. Find us on the web at radio dot pma pacific dot org"; still on at 1427 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) Radio Progreso stängde 0400 efter att ha spelat nationalsången. 2 CB Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik ann, local singing 45444 AP-DNK R Tarma, Tarma Spanish talk, occasional utility QRM 34232 AP-DNK R.Tarma, Tarma, castelhano, IDs, canções índias; 44433. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Tarma. Tarma 1010 to 1026 music under thunderstorms with excellent vocalist on (Wilkner) R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, A Voz do Brasil; QRM do PRU. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Caiari, Porto Velho, RO 0946 -09 48 yl chat with frequency given during band scan (Wilkner) Radio Visión Chiclayo 0925 - 0938 vocalist with rustic OA music then yl briefly chatting over music 0938 om “la palabra …nuestra emisora …4 y 6 “ into “palabras de el Señor “ (Wilkner ) RRI Fak Fak, 0900, blobmitter here with extremely distorted audio, first heard day prior as unID but noted again today with RRI news, very unpleasant copy and slowly drifting up towards nominal. Past re-activations of this have always been brief (only a day or two) with hugely distorted audio. Funny that this one cobbles the xmtr back to air about the same time Peru reappears. David Sharp NSW. Update: tried for this again at 0830 18/4 and had nothing. Not even Peru heard. (DS) I happen to awaken so check for R. Visión. Sounds like sermon in echoey chamber, best heard yet vs CODAR but still insufficient, and carrier still wobbling badly: maybe about to self-destruct again? For more, see CRV website: under frecuencias choose Lambayeque to find 4790 plus two MW (Glenn Hauser, OK) CNR1 (Geermu). Surprised to find them beating "The Bonker" today, //6125, etc. (Dan Sheedy) Radio Logos, Chazuta, Tarapoto 1003 rustic OS music on top of irritating CODAR to 1007 (Wilkner) R.Dif.ª, Londrina PR, anúncios informativos, canções; 34332, QRM da CHN, em 4820. Carlos Gonçalves R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, anúncios informativos, canções; 34332, QRM da CHN, em 4820. Carlos Gonçalves VL8A, Alice Springs, inglês, temas de desporto, música, noticiário breve, às 2200; 35332. Carlos Gonçalves R.Cultura do Amazonas, Manaus AM, noticiário regional e mensages de ouvintes; 44433, QRM de CODAR. Carlos Gonçalves R Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, AM Portuguese talk, hymn 35232 AP-DNK (tent) RRI Wamena, Propinsi Papua 1100 to 1120 some audio looking for parallel found 4749.94 carrier only (Wilkner) RRI Wamena, 1050-1110, usually this is nothing more than a carrier, but much better this morning w/ Indo mx and cmntry both audible at times despite some QRN, had a very weak signal on 9680, until 1100 s/on of R Taiwan Intl, which may have been // 4870 but cannot say w/ certainty (XM) R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR Portuguese ann, Brazilian songs 35232 AP-DNK R.Dif.ª de Roraima, Boa Vista RR, entrevistas; QRM de CODAR. Carlos Gonçalves talk in assertive Brazuguese, music, probably their version of the super-hype-voice-actors we hear from Mexico; very poor signal, but presumably Rdif Roraima, Boa Vista. Barely awake, did not nail the frequency vs 4875, but no het, and nothing on 4885 from either ZY at this late hour. Note: 4876 is not Acreana as per recent Pavanello log: that`s one of the 4885 stations (Glenn Hauser, OK) R. Cultura, threshold signal and presumed with lengthy talk by a man. David Sharp, NSW VL8T, Tennant Creek, inglês, canções, texto; 25321; sinal melhor em 19/4, pelas 2150. Carlos Gonçalves page 3 4915- Apr24 0101 4915 Apr17 2259 4915,00 4915 Apr25 0005 4920,00 Apr25 *0013 4925,2 4925,2 Apr16 Apr23 2203 2350 4949,8 Apr17 2310 4950 Apr14 -1400* 4955 Apr17 2305 4965 4976 4985,5 Apr16 Apr17 Apr23 2201 1832 2350 4990 Apr17 2302 4990 Apr17 0933 5025 5025 5035 Apr14 Apr18 Apr19 0440 2210 2139 5035,05 Apr16 2158 5060,00 Apr25 0020 5066,3 Apr19 1819 5580,3 Apr19 2156 5910- Apr24 0140 5910 Apr25 2340 5910 5915 Apr24 Apr18 1050 2117 slightly on the low side compared to WWV, best 60m S American signal is here (nothing from Pará 4885, off again?) with rock music past 0100; 0101 quick announcement starting with beeps, copied only this in Brazuguese, ``1,230``, and back to vocal romantic music. 1230 is enough to match it to 10 kW R. Daqui, Goiânia, ZYF691, whose AM side per WRTH 2015 is indeed 1230, ZYH756 --- rather than the other 4915 Brazilian, 25 kW R. Difusora Macapá, unless it also happens to be on MW 1230. But not among the many ZYs listed there; finding where it really is on MW is out of the question among pages and pages of stations, and the WRTH-listed website, does not connect. Guess what, it requires a www. and RDM is on 630 AM, with no mention of SW/TW. More about the latter which I did *not* log this time: lengthy history of the station, mentioning that from 1957 to 1964 it was only on onda tropical, but never states the frequency! (Glenn Hauser, OK) R.Daqui, Goiânia GO, A Voz do Brasil, após o que emitiram a ID complementada c/ a lista das freqs. e anúncios de programação; 45433. Carlos Gonçalves R Dif. Macapá, Macapá, AP Portuguese ann, Brazilian pop music 35333 AP-DNK Radio Daqui Goiânia, GO, 2350 to 0000 clear “Radio Daqui” ID then musica romantica 23 April (Wilkner) AIR IS, ann "Vande Mataram", hymn, Tamil ann, local music; Xizang faded out 45333 AP-DNK R.Educação Rural, Tefé AM, A Voz do Brasil; 34432. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Educação Rural, Tefé, AM 2350 to 0000 with popular music… switching back and forth with 4915 .Strong Signal (Wilkner) RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, português, texto; 35433, quase nenhum áudio; idem em 19/4, pelas 1830. Carlos Gonçalves AIR Radio Kashmir, Srinagar (presumed). A rare day with actual audio; Srinagar sunset 1331 UT and my local sunrise at 1335 UT, for greyline reception which resulted in the strongest audio heard so far; 1357 tone to begin ad, with ending tone at 1400; no audio after 1400, just open carrier. Conforms to Jose Jacob's website ( "On at around 1330- 1400 only" (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, castelhano/quíchua, anúncios informativos, comerciais e das freqs., ao que se passou a progr. de propag. relig.; 45433. Sinal melhor, em 19/4, pelas 2320. Carlos Gonçalves R.Alvorada, Parintins AM, A Voz do Brasil; 35422, mas em ascensão. Carlos Gonçalves R.Uganda, Kampala, inglês, entrevista; 45433. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Voz Cristiana, Huancayo 2350 to 0000 minister in Spanish first time with no rtty interference at this time (Wilkner) R.Apintie, Paramaribo, texto, aparentemente, em holandês; 25331. Sinal algo melhor em 18/4, pelas 2200. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 0933 yl chat in Dutch seemingly, still marginal signal here 14 April, 0955 om announcer with weak signals on 17 April (Wilkner) Also heard 0723 Apr 16 (XM) Radio Rebelde med nyhetsprogram. 3 CB VL8K, Katherine, inglês, texto; 24321. Carlos Gonçalves R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, missa; 25331 (!), classificação demonstrativa das condições de propagação, já que foram bem melhores nos dias 16, 17 e 18. Carlos Gonçalves R.Educação Rural, Coari AM, missa, ao que se seguiu discussão sobre política nacional; 34432, QRM da R.Aparecida. Carlos Gonçalves Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese talk, people shouting, advs, ID: "Xinjiang renmin kwangpo dientai" 35232 // 3950 (nearly faded out 15111) 5960 (35333) AP-DNK R.Télé Candip, Bunia, dialecto local, chamadas de ouvintes, música pop' afric., texto; 35343. Carlos Gonçalves R.San José, S. José de Chiquitos, castelhano, canções, texto; 25331, modulação algo fraca. Carlos Gonçalves very poor signal slightly on the low side, with music in noise level, must be HJDH, which I continue NOT to hear after 0500 when NHK/France is finished with its 0300-0500 blockage. Nothing else scheduled before 0300. Also at 0140 there is a LAH on 6010, presumably the other HJDH vs ZYE521, both off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK) La Voz de tu Conciencia / Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras 2340 to 2345 with om preacher in Spanish good signal during band scan l (Wilkner) Alcaravan Radio, 1050+, nice SP ballads but poor signal and QRN (XM) ZNBC-Radio 1, Lusaka, dialecto local, texto e chamadas de ouvintes, música lig.ª afric., anúncios do n.º de telef., em inglês; 45333. Carlos Gonçalves page 4 5939,7 5952+ Apr18 2120 0100 5952,44 5965 Apr17 1000 5970 Apr16 2146 5980 Apr20 0100 5980 6010 Apr17 Apr17 2225 2231 6010 Apr22 1010 6010,14 Apr22 1110 6015 Apr21 1016 6020 Apr19 1401 6025 Apr23 2325 6030 6040 Apr17 Apr16 1842 2142 6070 Apr14 0950 6089,9 Apr17 2234 6100,00 Apr24 -2128* 6110 Apr17 1840 6110 6120 Apr20 Apr18 0257 2148 6134,8 Apr24 0054 6134,80 Apr23 2355 6160 Apr25 2339 6200 Apr14 *1236- 6280,6 6286,2 6295 6306 Apr18 Apr17 Apr18 Apr18 1813 2240 2114 1831 6325 6379,6 6380 6380 6382 Apr18 Apr19 Apr18 Apr19 Apr18 1840 1816 1838 2202 2142 R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, canções; 45433. Carlos Gonçalves Pio XII/Siglo XX, is also audible before 0100 with talk, 0102 with music. Its totally split frequency requires nothing further to identify it (Glenn Hauser, OK) Pio XII, Siglo Veinte 1000 to 1012, some Spanish music bridge (Wilkner) Radio Klasik[non log] - As of April 16, have checked here during my mornings for the past several days, now that CRI is no longer here, but am finding nothing - no trace of any carrier on this now clear frequency (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, rubrica desportiva, anúncios informativos e comerciais, informação de trânsito, noticiário; 33432, QRM adjacente. Carlos Gonçalves JBA carrier from R. Chaski until cutoff at 0108:53.5*, which = 46.5 seconds later than last check 8 nights ago, 0108:07* April 12, so averaging 5.8125 seconds later per night, right on schedule for the slipping autotimer (Glenn Hauser, OK) R.Chaski, Cuzco, castelhano, texto, música; 24432, QRM adjacente. Carlos Gonçalves R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, A Voz do Brasil; 33431, QRM da CHN. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Inconfidencia, 1010, nice Brasilian pops w/ brief cmntry by W ancr , fair signal despite poor band conditions (XM) La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras,1110 to 1125 yl en espanol with Christian music, same time nothing on 5910 this on 22 April (Wilkner) KBS Hanminjok Bangsong. Even with white noise jamming, am still able to make out some of the 1000-1030 music program "Pops Freedom"; in Korean with English IDs; "Now you are listening to KBS, Pops Freedom"; 1023 "Everyday English" language lesson; "It's been a long time since I last saw you" (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, USA) Shiokaze/Sea Breeze 1401-10. In EG for Thursday's programme w/S/Email/Pmail/SMS#. NK pulse jammer JBA today. (Dan Sheedy) China (Tibet), Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 2325-2355, pgm in presumed Tibetan, fair until finally squashed by Cuban jammer waiting for R Marti, // 6130 and 7385 despite a strong "blob" of noise on 7385, I was looking for Patria Nueva, Bolivia, but no sign of it tonight (XM) R.Oromiya, Geja Jawe, oromo, texto e entrevistas de rua; 45433. Carlos Gonçalves R. B2, Curitiba PR, retransm. da R.Aparecida, c/ o seu progr. Cantinho Sertanejo; 34432, QRM da CHN. Carlos Gonçalves CFRX Toronto 0950 final weeks of teachers in the classroom …20th Mady list of guests … (Wilkner) R.Nigéria, Kaduna, dialecto local, texto; 44433, algo sobremodulado, QRM da AIA. Carlos Gonçalves International R Serbia, via Bijeljina IS, English ID, ann two frequencies towards Europe and North America, news and comments, Balkan music with audience 53443 heavy QRM from CRI in Arabic. This station ann close down by 30.6.2015! AP-DNK R.Fana, Geja Dera (ou Geja Jawe? - sempre este "dilema"...), oromo (p), canções da região, texto; 35433. Carlos Gonçalves Radio Fana IS, fair, s/on, news (Paszkiewicz-WI) SRDA, São Paulo SP, propag. relig., anúncio do endereço da IPDA; 33431, QRM adjacente. Carlos Gonçalves Fair signal with song in Spanish, no doubt R. Santa Cruz; if R. Aparecida is there too, it`s too weak and/or too close to make much of a het tonight. (Glenn Hauser, OK) Radio Santa Cruz 2355 clear signal —no Brasil on 6135.2— om vocal than clear ID as “Radio Santa Cruz” by yl (Wilkner) CKZN St. John’s 2339 in to “Old Man” by Neil Young (Wilkner) Voice of Jinling, still with their unique double sign on; *1236 on for 15 seconds; back on again after 65 seconds; much stronger than Tibet (PBS Xizang), which was almost fair before VOJ signed on. Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) R.Geronimo_D (?), inglês, conversa, música pop'; 35443. Carlos Gonçalves Não identif., música pop'; 25432. Carlos Gonçalves TRX R_HOL (?), música "country" americana; 45333. Carlos Gonçalves R.Tower_HOL, música pop' e canções holandesas; 35332, mas SINPO de 55444 às 2115. Carlos Gonçalves R.Joey_HOL, música pop'; 35343. Carlos Gonçalves Delta R_HOL, música pop'; 25432. Carlos Gonçalves R.Lowland_HOL, canções; 35332. Carlos Gonçalves R.Black Bandit_HOL, holandês/inglês, música "country & western"; Carlos Gonçalves R.Black Bandit_HOL, holandês/inglês, música "country & western"; Carlos Gonçalves page 5 6875a 6925 Apr5 Apr5 0334 0314 6935 Apr5 0241 6940AM Apr11 0203 6940U Apr5 0141 6940 Apr5 0301 7120 Apr18 1820 7200 Apr14 1203 7200 Apr14 1645 7260 Apr16 0728 7324,96 Apr21 0900 7325 Apr21 0740 unID. JBA above the noise, HFUnderground ID'd it as KCPR. (Dan Sheedy) unID. Vy weak NAm pirate w/ some semi-fast CW @ 0330+..HFUnderground ID'd this as Liquid Radio, apparently. (Dan Sheedy) Unid Renegade Radio 0241, 0322. Vy weak w/ "Abracadabra" (Steve Miller Band), "Head Games" (Foreigner) & old Pabst Blue Ribbon beer ads..tnx to HFUnderground for the ID. (Dan Sheedy) R. True North. Fair on peaks w/ IDs @ :12, :15 & songs by Duran Duran, Pete Townsend, Paper Lace. (Dan Sheedy) Wolverine Radio. Doing nicely w/ programme of songs w/ "Stop" in the title, echo ID/SSTV ID, then songs about seas/oceans/bayous. (Dan Sheedy) unID 0301-0333. Strong OC, occasional "1,2,3,4.." counts + repeated attempts to play "Radio, Radio" (Elvis Costello), audio/carrier drop-outs, operator says "I just switched the microphone..", but no help there--HFUnderground has it as an unID, as well. (Dan Sheedy) R.Hargueisa, Hargueisa, dialecto local, texto; 33341, QRM de estações de amador. Carlos Gonçalves CNR1 jamming // 6125; mixing with UNID station (not Myanmar) which seemed to also be in Chinese. The UNID was not SOH, based upon signal strength and program format. Thanks to Ralph Perry's alert while I was away on vacation. Not listed yet with Aoki. Probably both stations off at 1300 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) Thanks to Mauno Ritola for this info: "It's for RTI in Chinese 1000-1300 per thei r A15 schedule." Ron Howard Unid East African on 7200. Very nice to see Eritrea back on HF. Surely this will evoke Ethiopian counter broadcasts and good music for for all. Brandon Jordan via DXLD -----------------I just listened to a Signal on 7200 with HOA music and talk (1645-1720 April 14), possibly in Tigrigna. No match of a Clandestine or Target station in Eibi. Who else might it be? Reactivated Eritrean was on 7175, not //. No match also with VoTR on 5950. Sudan used 7200 recently, but is now as scheduled on 9505. So another reactivated transmitter from ERI? Or ETH? No chance after 1720, as Iran of course dominating. 73, thorsten Hallmann via DXLD -------------------------Yes, this sounded very much like the version of the anthem they use on the Eritrean national radio (the one found on recorded from Radio Bana ist quite a bit different). I noted the transmitter on 7175 was already off just after 1800 - in contrast to 1830 recently. This seemed to be the pattern also in the past when they had both channels on SW: 7175 off at 1800, the other one [7100, 7205] at 1830 or later, except for a short while in-between when they had both channels until 2000-- . 73, thorsten Hallmann via DXLD ------------------------At 1830 closing with Eritrean National Anthem. 73, Jari Savolainen via DXLD Vanuatu Radio Vanuatu, presumed, 0728, threshold, while Mongolia is scheduled to be on at this hour, it has never been heard here on this frequency this early (XM) Wantok Radio Light. Nice reception and fairly readable. Thanks to input from Bruce Churchill that April 22 had even better reception! My highlights: 0900 - "Good night Papua New Guinea"; NBC National News in English with item about national day of mourning in Ethiopia. 0912 - "Wantok Radio Light would like to thank the National Broadcasting Corporation for allowing us to relay . ."; ad for savings accounts at a bank ("Are you retiring soon?"); PSA ("Speeding kills . . . never forget road safety"). 0918 - In Pidgin; ID, time check and list of frequencies; religious songs in English. 0930 "Ninety-Nine is happy to bring you Focus on the Family. Ninety-Nine is a company that . . ."; into the Focus on the Family show with interview with Lori about her programs to save horses and working with abused children. 0956 - Another promo for the company "Ninety-Nine." (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, USA) Wantok Radio Light with Fair to Good signal lvl from 0740 tune on both 4/21 and 4/22 peaking 0800 to 0900, with 4/22 being the better reception (almost armchair lvl!). On 4/22 signal was as good as I have hrd in this time slot. Overcome by CRI carrier at 0957. Hrd both from Perseus site near Edmonton (VE6JY) and home QTH (latter was severely QRM'd by splatter from Brother Stair on 7315 but otherwise signal lvl similar to VE6JY site). Syndicated pgm at 0745. Brief drum IS and NBC news at 0800. News at 0800 was in three languages - EE at 0900, and two vernaculars at 0805 and 0810 by three differ ent male ancrs. Station ID's "Wantok Radio Light" at 0816 and 0816.5 by man fol by praise vocal. Time hack of "20 minutes past 6" by man at 0820. Anmt about FM 93.9 at 0821 fol by another praise male vocal. Bluegrass vocal at 0830 fol by short inst music. "Fresh Cut" page 6 7325 7440,00 Apr16 Apr25 0725 1140 8137u Apr14 1250 8989u Apr19 2355 9155 Apr6 1350 9155 Apr7 1350 9200 Apr7 1350 9400 Apr9 1355 9405,03 Apr23 2005 9450 9505 Apr18 Apr19 0040 1646 9515 Apr16 2115 9565 Apr16 2118 9586,85 9630 Apr16 Apr16 2122 2143 9635 Apr18 1238 9635 Apr20 0902 9645,4 Apr16 2125 9664,7 9665 9700 Apr16 Apr14 Apr20 2134 0425 1055 9705 9725 9745 Apr18 Apr16 0027 2140 9819,6 9819,7 Apr14 Apr19 0435 2130 9820 9835 Apr18 Apr20 0015 0904 10960 Apr14 1209 11665 Apr16 1341 syndicated pgm from First Assembly of God at 0834. Programming was the usual mixture of praise music and syndicated programming. Much better in this time slot as twilight gray line passes PNG than at the brief 1400-1430 window where signal lvl here in Southern California is marginal at best. Bruce Churchill via DXPlorer Wantok Radio Light, presumed, threshold , AIR Jaipur has never been hd here. (XM) R Revival, Sala (5 kW) Announced English, but it was a R Nord programme in Swedish! Best in USB: 55444. 9440 was not heard AP-DNK Sint Maarten , Sailing vessel 1250 in contact with Lakeland dealing with weather conditions (Wilkner) Nicaragua "El Pescador Preacher" 2355 “om with “en las fortelaza del il Señor “ sermon.. (Wilkner) CNR1 1350. SOH/RFA jammed here & on 9230 9280 9320 [but clear on 7 April--see next logging] (Dan Sheedy) SOH/RFA 1350. CNR1 not on today, SOH also heard clear of CNR1 jammers on 9230 9280 9320. (Dan Sheedy) SOH 1350-1405. Another SOH programme heard clear of CNR1 jammers..// 11470 11500 11530 also clear. (Dan Sheedy) FEBC (Iba) 1355-1400*. Now that Denge Kurdistaniya has moved to 11510, FEBC in CH is heard fairly well most mornings w/ religious chat/hymns, closing w/ FEBC IS. (Dan Sheedy) PCJ, Taiwan, via Sala (10 kW) presumed English man and woman reporting, but the modulation was so poor, that I could not understand ONE word! 35121 AP-DNK Athmeeya Yatra R via Nauen, talks in listed Garhwali, good (Paszkiewicz-WI) Voz da África - R.Sudão, Al Aitahab, francês, música afric., rubrica Panorama de la Jeunesse, às 1655; 45444, mas QRM adj. após as 1700. Carlos Gonçalves R.Marumby, Curitiba PR, propag. relig., lista das freqs., boletim meteorológico, às 2129; 44433, QRM da CHN. Carlos Gonçalves SRDA, Curitiba PR, propag. relig.; 43432, QRM da R.Martí e do sinal de empastelamento cubano. Carlos Gonçalves SRDA, São Paulo SP, cf. // 9565 Curitiba; 45433. Carlos Gonçalves R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, progr. Cantinho Sertanejo, chamadas de ouvintes; 45444. Carlos Gonçalves R.Mali, Kati, dialecto local, texto e entrevistas; 25342. A modulação continua repleta de altos e baixos: um progr. tem um nível aceitável, outro pode ser ainda melhor, e outro ainda pode ser o mesmo que "falar p/ as paredes", porque o áudio é muito débil. O problema não estará no tx, mas na fonte. Carlos Gonçalves R.Voz do Vietname, Son Tay, vietnamita, texto, alguma música; 25432, mas começou a sentir-se alguma QRM do MLI, antes das 1000. Carlos Gonçalves R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, texto; 42431, QRM adj. da R.Intern. da China, em 9640. Carlos Gonçalves R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, noticiário; QRM da KRE, em 9665. Carlos Gonçalves Rádio Voz Missionária med religiöst. 2-3 CB R.NZi, Rangitaiki, inglês, noticiário das 1100; 25433. SINPO de 15431 após a mudança de azimute da antena, às 1059. Carlos Gonçalves AIR Panaji f-g SC vocals, EG talk by W (Paszkiewicz-WI) R. B2, Curitiba PR, cf. // 6040; 44433, QRM adjacente. Carlos Gonçalves Voice of Han. As of April 14, have not had any trace of this station for a number of months now. Has anyone heard it recently? (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) Thanks again to Mauno Ritola for this info: "See national.html (misplaced by mistake under China): Voice of Kuanghua is inactive on 9745 kHz, but expected to return after antenna maintenance." Ron Howard Rádio 9 de Julho med religiöst. 2 CB R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP, noticiário sobre a actividade da Igreja; 32441, QRM da CHN, em 9820. Carlos Gonçalves Radio 9 de Julho vocals, PT annmts, f-g (Paszkiewicz-WI) Sarawak FM via RTM, Kajang, texto, canções, notícias, às 1000, canções corânicas, noticiário das 1100; 35433. Carlos Gonçalves Sound of Hope. Seems that SOH has dropped the long standing ID in English at 1212. Is it now given at a different time? (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) Limbang FM via Wai FM, from Kajang, near Kuala Lumpur. It's Thursday, time for another relay of Limbang FM; scheduled Mon. & Thurs. 1310-1400; usual DJ with dedications, talking in vernacular over the normal background music; playing pop songs; very good reception; at 1359 back to Wai FM IDs and into the Limbang/Wai news. Audio page 7 11710 11725 Apr18 Apr19 0046 1836 11740 Apr10 1457 11764,7 Apr18 1844 11855 11855,2 11894,98 12065 Apr14 Apr17 Apr18 Apr25 0423 0929 2126 1151 12075 Apr6 1435 12085 13725 Apr20 Apr14 1006 0600 14210U 15030,078 Apr26 Apr19 1048 15105 Apr22 1247 15190,1 Apr18 1501 15340 Apr6 1435 15345,15 Apr20 1104 15475,99 Apr17 2003 15476 15492 Apr13 Apr7 2030 *1400- 15505 Apr7 1405 15525 15750 1403 Apr9 1413 with ID at . (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) RAE PT tlks, ID, EZL mx, good (Paszkiewicz-WI) R.NZi, Rangitaiki, inglês, canções, boletim noticioso em samoano, ..., noticiário das 2100; 44444, QRM adjacente. Carlos Gonçalves NHKWR (Kranji) 1457-1500* . Heard well in Burmese w/ NHK P-mail/web addresses @ closing. (Dan Sheedy) SRDA, Curitiba PR, propag. relig. que incluíu chamadas de ouvintes; 34343, QRM adjacente. Carlos Gonçalves Rádio Aparecida med religiös musik // 9630 kHz. 2 CB R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, cf. //9630 supra; 25432. Carlos Gonçalves R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS, propag. relig.; 35433 (!).Carlos Gonçalves RA. Non-stop Waltzing Matilda loop; not // to programming on 9580 // 12085. One day anomaly? (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, USA) RBA (Kununurra) 1435-1445* . Tamil programme w/ closing annct. in EG, still mentioning 11590 as freq. (Dan Sheedy) Voz da Mongólia, Khonkhor, mandarim, texto; 32431, QRM da AUS. Carlos Gonçalves Radio France Internationale med Paris Live på engelska. Uppenbarligen har RFI åter börjat använda kortvåg för sina sändningar till Afrika på engelska. 3-4 CB Nepal earthquake emergency traffic 14210 USB sporadically. Robert Wilkner AIR Aligarh 1048 beautiful Hindi subcont. mx w/vcls by M and W during the EG pgm. Weak and // very good 15410 Bengaluru. Here’s a link to the Youtube video. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA) Radio Bangladesh hrd 1247- 1300* with fair signal. yl with talk and ID at tune in, into local 1253 ID again by female into talk about Bangladesh. full ID and sign off by female at 1300. noticed there was no ground noise or line noise this morning (Ron Trotto- il ) R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, texto; 13441, QRM adjacente de est. não identif., em russo, em 15195. Carlos Gonçalves RBA (Kununurra) 1435-1445. Urdu programme to :45 then EG..1355 10 April. Sked in Hindi to 1400 but not even a carrier noted, JBA in EG @ 1454 (really awful propagation, perhaps, as BB-15505, VoT 15492/498, & WWV/H were all just carriers/JBA @ 13501415 checks). (Dan Sheedy) RAE. Noted a new ID format (at least it's new to me); usual multi-language IDs and usual IS, but now also with the addition of a jazz instrumental; almost fair. Audio (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, USA) UPDATE: Thanks to David Kernick ( for responding to my question to him regarding if the RAE ID format is new. Here is his reply. /Ron Howard "Indeed, thanks for drawing it to my attention, I've recorded their live stream signing-on for the 1000 UT Chinese programme, the start of their broadcast day. Probably one of the longest clips on ISO, as it includes the national anthem and runs for over 11 minutes! Thanks again. David Kernick,Interval Signals Online." LRA36, R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza Spanish news by female, 2008 male presenting Latin American songs, much disturbing pulsating DRM noise 35243 until 2050, then deterioating 25222 AP-DNK LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel med argentinsk musik. 2 CB VoT (Dushanbe-Yangiyul) *1400-07*. Moving to 15498 @ 1408 w/ CNR1 jammer on 15490. (Dan Sheedy) Bangladesh Betar 1405-1410. Doing well for a few minutes this morning, but off (& not returning) by 1412 check..they're an enjoyable regular here w/ Urdu tunes/chat..their Hindi service @ *1515-45* is usually less well-heard, but also worth the time to listen. 1405-30* 9 April. Ahh! Back to normal today w/ fair signal. (Dan Sheedy) VoT (Talata-Volonondry) 1403-08* Big signal & moving to 15530 @ *1408, still vy loud w/ CNR1 jammer just a tiny blip in the background. (Dan Sheedy) VOIRI (Zahedan) 1413-20*. Iran's AR programme doing OK this morning, mostly chat w/ nice strings/piano bridges w/ closing anncts. that seemed to mention an FM freq followed by an abbreviated version of what sounded like the Iranian NA. (Dan Sheedy) Contributors to the log: Wolfgang Büschel, wb, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, DXLD, DXPlorer, A-DX AP-DNK, Anker Petersen, Skovlunde, Denmark Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA, USA David Sharp, Bourke NSW, Australia Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach, CA page 8 TN, Thomas Nilsson, Ängelholm, Sweden Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, USA (also from DXLD) Carlos Gonçalves, Lissabon, Portugal Jari Savolainen, Finland Sheryl Paskiewics, Manitowoc Carla - Fort Lauderdale, South Florida Chuck Bolland - Clewiston, South Florida Brandon Jordan via DXLD Thorsten Hallmann, Germany via DXLD CB, Christer Brunström, Halmstad, Sweden Robert Wilkner Pompano Beach, South Florida XM - Cedar Key - South Florida Thorsten Hallmann, Münster, Germany MDR - Tampa - South Florida Ken Walters- Palm Beach, South Florida Ron Trotto, Waggoner Illinois SA, Stig Adolfsson, Vallentuna, Sweden Dave Valko Dunlo, PA, USA Station news AUSTRALIA: Hi folks, I recently received official word from Craig Allen that he has sold his Sydney SW licences & SW equipment to Peter Tate, Qld, (looks like licence transfer happened late last year?) who has held a number of narrowcast radio licences for a long period of time (mainly x-band). So that's the end of Ozyradio on SW (maybe Vintage FM as well on SW). It's not presently known what Peter intends to do with his new HF licences. Peter has had an unused SW licence on 2368.5kHz in Qld since the year 2002. To those few issued with specially designed (3 designs) Ozyradio e-QSLs, enjoy them - they're rare. Ozyradio's radio first broadcasts on SW began officially from Schofields, (north western Sydney) on 3210 & 5050kHz from a block of land fil led with tall eucalyptus trees. 3210 used a inverted V dipole, a telegraph pole supported the apex & 5050 was a NVIS arrangement consisting of a horizontal dipole & a reflector wire running along the ground underneath. The Eucalyt trees supported the antennas & these were tensioned at the ends with large plastic chemical containers filled with water. The txers were housed in small metal clad building resembling something akin to a shipping container. The site was secured with security mesh fencing & fiercely guarded by a couple of goats and bees ;-) I recall that one of the txers was the ex ARDS SW txer from Humpty Doo, NT. (Ian Baxter via DXLD) I managed to catch them on 5050 a few years ago and got them verified.seems to be a rare verification now. /TN) Other radio news CHASQUI DX PFA – ABRIL 2015 CQ, CQ, CQ…Aquí Pedro F. Arrunátegui para compartir algo con los que disfrutan y aman el DX latinoamericano, todas las horas son UTC, desde la tierra de los incas, les informo mediante este Quipus lo siguiente: 3310.00 4054.98 4747.60 4765.00 4774.90 4789.79 BOLIVIA, R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 7/04 0910-0935 22222 px religioso en quechua y mx himnos ID “Radio Mosoj Chaski.. Bolivia todo en quechua”, solo en este horario he logrado escucharlos pero con señal débil en comparación con otras oportunidades advs en quechua, luego news en quechua GUATEMALA, R. Verdad, Chiquimula; 7/04 0941-1015 22222 mx himnos con motivos religiosos en forma continua.. No dan ID. PERÚ, R. Huanta 2000, Huari, Ayacucho; 10/04 1040-1106 33333 px sobre la salud advs Cooperativa Manos Unidas y otros mxf ID “Radio Huanta 2000” BRASIL, R. Integracao, Cruzeiro do Sul; 14/04 1110-1135 22222 NOTA: desde 1000UTC mucho ruido y no se capta casi nada px comentarios varios y entrevistas por teléfono mx NOTA: por momentos pierdo la señal y hay bastante ruido…. PERÚ, R. Tarma, Tarma, Junín; 14/04 2240-2310 33333 mxf en español advs varios ID "Por Radio Tarma" px Antena deportiva advs Anuncian aniversario de Radio Tarma por sus 57 años de actividad. PERÚ, R. Visión, Chiclayo, Lambayeque; 11/04 1220-1235 33333 mx pasillo ID Radio Visión ID “Estas sintonizando Radio Visión una Radio para todos” tnx Dave Valko TAMBIÉN 11/04 0504-0540 33333 Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha.. ID 1300 ID “Radio Visión” TAMBIEN 12/04 0945-1005 33333 Iglesia Pentecostal.... page 9 4810.00 4865.00 4939.98 4955.00 5024.92 5952.40 5980.00 6025.00 6050.00 6134.80 9664.70 11780.00 PERÚ, R. Logos, Tarapoto; 19/04 1103-1135 22222 px La revista femenina (tema religioso) mx NOTA: condiciones de recepción son bastantes malas en todo el mes mx himnos varios ID “Radio Logos”…posteriormente la señal se puso muy débil. BRASIL, R. Verde Florestas, Acre; 31/03 2340-0010 33333 px avisos y comunicados programación sobre las diferentes ceremonias por la semana santa ID “Radio Verde Florestas… escuchar grabación adjunta). PERÚ, R. San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, Ucayali; 1/04 2350-0005 22222 comunican la programación por semana santa en la comunidad de Villa Atalaya, señal interrumpida por momento parece están ajustando equipo 0001 se cortó la señal NOTA: he podido verificar que no están saliendo todos los días. PERÚ, R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, Ayacucho; 15/04 1110-1135 44444 px religioso en quechua mxf con mensajes religiosos ID “Radio Cultural Amauta” en quechua PERÚ, R. Quillabamba, Quillabamba, Cusco; 10/04 2245-2310 33333 En la mañana difícil escucharla R. Rebelde la cumbre (después de tiempo la escucho sola) mxf huayno en español, avisos de fallecimientos de algunas personas de la zona en quechua - español advs mxf varias español quechua ID “En español y quechua. BOLIVIA, R. Pio XII, Siglo XX; 1/04 2310-2340 33333 px en quechua mxf y noticias varias lego advs en español No dan ID. PERÚ, R. Chaski, Urubamba, Cusco; 4/04 0045-0110 44444 px Los grandes temas (px religioso una producción de Radio Trans Mundial) ID Radio Chaski" BOLIVIA, R. Patria Nueva, La Paz; 10/04 2340-0010 44444 px en quechua - español px noticiero en cadena con estaciones del interior No ID. ECUADOR, R.HCJB, Quito; 7/04 2340-0010 44444 px en quechua - español px noticiero en cadena con estaciones del interior. BOLIVIA, R. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz; 31/03 0020-0045 33333 mx ID "Escucha usted Radio Santa Cruz la primera" ID “Santa Cruz cumpliendo con la ley..” Aviso por las lluvias ID “Por Radio Santa Cruz” BRASIL, R. Voz Missionaria, Camboriú; 10/04 0314-0340 22222 px religioso mx con temas religiosos no dan ID. BRASIL, R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia; 10/04 0345-0410 44444 news y mx ID al principio ID “Radio Nacional hasta” px Madrugada Nacional ID Escuchar grabación adjunta: Señores: Para su información y consideración, adjunto el Chasqui DX PFA Abril 2015 Lamentablemente este mes no ha sido bueno para mi DX, mucho ruido y dificultad, no han entrado como en otras oportunidades las estaciones de Brasil. Bueno otro mes era mejor. La recepción la he efectuado del 31/03 al 19/04 en compañía de mi sabueso Icom IC R72 acompañado del Mizuho KX-3, MFJ-1025 con antena auxiliar, una antena de hilo largo de 12 metros y una antena loop. Esperando sea de su agrado. Saludos, Pedro Radioaktiv kapellan Ännu mer om Svenn Martinsen ..... Läs hela historien på Svenn Martinsens hemsida: (Thomas Nilsson) page 10 LADXG - DX Foredragene fra Letohallen ! LA2XPA, Rolf Torvik holdt en fengende presentasjon rundt hans imponerende remote-oppsett og hans DX-øy Kalvøya på Smøla. Rolfs foredrag dekket et bredt spekter av gode løsninger som er til inspirasjon for mange, om det nå er hans antenneoppsett for 160m, 80m, beverages, SDR teknologi, intranettet med 5GHz samband, video-overvåking osv. Her er det så mye matnyttig informasjon slik at 60 minutters foredragstid egentlig var for kort. Her ønsker vi, og ser frem til ytterligere fordypning ved neste årsmøte ! Rolf har tatt i bruk hele øya - bildet nedenfor viser layout for hans mange beverage antenner. Här kan du läsa hela Rolf Torviks presentation : (28 MB) (Thomas Nilsson) Eton Satellit: En meget, meget interessant ny mottaker. En meget, meget interessant ny mottaker. mottaker. Skal ifølge omtaler ha en meget følsom og god RDS-funksjon, RDS og dekker OIRT-båndet båndet i tillegg til vårt normale FM-bånd. FM . Har fått meget gode omtaler, som siger at dette er en top of the notch portabel mottaker for SW/MW og FM. Radioen er designet rundt det berømte Si4735 DSP-chipen, DSP chipen, noe som gir meget god følsomhet og selektivitet. Omtaler, blandt annet på, forteller forteller att Eton Satellit er veldig god på SW/MW og mer eller mindre fantastisk på FM-båndet. båndet. God følsomhet og DSP-filtrene DSP filtrene samt RDS gjør at jeg har bestilt be meg en slik, og jeg gleder meg til sommerens portable "FM-forlysteler" "FM forlysteler" litt lenger sør i landet. Omtale finner dere her: (Hans Östnell via DX-LISTENERS' LISTENERS' CLUB) CLUB Maybe no news at all I got a very nicely stamped envelope,, with lots of pleasant material inside, from Adrian M Peterson (who wrote: "Dear Bjorn, Keep going! I am 84. Greetings from Adrian") on Adventist World Radio yesterday. There were several specially ally stamped cards from the last days of transmissions from AWR in Kigali, Rwanda. The letter included the results esults of the AWR "Focus on Asia" 2014 Annual DX Contest. Maybe this is no news at all, but I want to tell you that hour very good and honoured friend Ullmar Qvick was awarded "The World Winner for 2014" in the contest which was dealt with "Rare, Unusual, Unique QSLs". Ullmar presented his entry in a neat and colorful style with some very interesting QSl stories. This is meant as a big "hurray" and congratulations to Ullmar for his award! Well done! (73 from Björn Fransson via NORDX) mer som utlovats lite Peru-illustrationer. Peru illustrationer. Är lite osäker om årtalet på Santa Monica - finns John Ekwall: Här kommer ingen notering. R San Antonio 3375 från 2001 R Santa Monica 4965 från 2005 R Reina de la Selva 5465 från 2001 R Pacartambo 4510 från 1993 R Ilucan 5621 från 2007 R la Voz de San Antonio 6628 från 1992 R Luz y Sonido 6473 från 1996 R Comas 3250 frpån 1999 R Andina 4996 från 1993 LV de Esperanza 3870 från 1993 Estacion Tarapoto 5015 från 1995 (Stort tack för fina QSL och brevhuvud, verkligen verklig uppskattat inslag. /TN page 11 page 12 page 13 page 14