Application form
Final date for submission: 30/11/2007
Type of Erasmus University Charter applied for
Extended (Student placements only)
Extended (Standard Charter and tudent placements)
Applicant's previous EUC number (if
Correspondence language: FR
Erasmus Policy Statement original language: PO
If the original language is not English, French or German, the Erasmus Policy Statement should also be provided in
one of those three languages
Erasmus Policy Statement translation language: EN
248403-IC-1-2008-1-PT-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 Imprimé le : 30-11-2007 13:16:36 - Soumis le : 30-11-2007 13:16:25
Institutional profile
A.1. Identification of the applicant institution
Full legal name of the institution in the
national language
Translation of this name in English
Erasmus ID code of the institution (if
Internet address
A.2. Identification of the legal representative
First name and surname of the legal
representative of the institution
Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Official function within the institution
Phone (including country and area codes)
+ 351/2173939600
Fax (including country and area codes)
+ 351/ 21/3978561
E-mail address (only one address)
[email protected]
Legal address of the institution
Post code & Town
Country Code, Country
1200-649 LISBOA
PT, Portugal
A.3. Erasmus co-ordinator
First name and surname
Title (optional)
(e.g. Prof., Dr, etc.)
Official function within the institution
Phone (including country and area codes)
+ 351/ 21/3939689
Fax (including country and area codes)
+ 351/ 21/3978561
E-mail address (only one address)
[email protected], [email protected]
Correspondence address
Post code & Town
Country Code, Country
120-649 LISBOA
PT, Portugal
248403-IC-1-2008-1-PT-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 Imprimé le : 30-11-2007 13:16:36 - Soumis le : 30-11-2007 13:16:25
A.4. Statistical data on the applicant institution
The data required relate solely to higher education.
Foundation year of your institution
Level of degrees awarded
First cycle degrees
Second cycle degrees
One-tier degrees
Third Cycle(without PhD)
Doctoral degrees
Number of students enrolled in 2006/2007 on higher education courses Part-time
Number of students graduated in 2006/2007
0 Full-time
First Cycle
Second Cycle
One-tier degrees
Third Cycle(without PhD)
Doctoral degrees
Number of teaching staff (total) in 2006/2007
Number of teaching staff (full-time equivalent) in 2006/2007
Number of administrative staff (full-time equivalent) in 2006/2007
Number of these administrative staff members directly working in European/international relations in
2006/2007 (full-time equivalent)
First year of participation in Erasmus Programme with funding from the European Community
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Fundamental principles
The institution agrees to comply with the following:
01 Mobility shall be carried out only within prior inter-institutional agreements (in the case of student placements: within
prior agreements between the Institution and the organizations where the placements are carried out);
02 No university fees for tuition, registration, examinations, access to laboratory and library facilities are to be charged to
in-coming Erasmus students;
03 Full recognition shall be given to students for satisfactorily completed activities specified in the compulsory Learning
Agreements and Placement Agreements.
04 Highest quality is ensured for the organisation of student and staff mobility;
05 Highest quality is ensured for the organisation of student placements;
06 Curriculum information is up to date, easily accessible and transparent;
07 An academic credit transfer system (ECTS or similar) gives transparency to the recognition procedures;
08 Equal academic treatment and services are ensured to home and Erasmus students;
09 The integration of visiting Erasmus students in the activities of the institution is supported;
10 Transcripts containing full, accurate and timely information are provided to incoming Erasmus students and their
home institutions;
11 Erasmus teaching activities are facilitated and acknowledged;
12 The institution promotes and gives visibility to the activities supported by the Erasmus programme;
13 The Erasmus University Charter and the related Erasmus Policy Statement are publicized in the institution;
14 The institution complies with the objectives on non-discrimination set out in the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Information on the organisation of mobility
1.a Recognition matters: Is your institution using ECTS (ECTS credits, learning agreement,
transcript of records) to facilitate academic recognition of Erasmus study periods abroad?
- in all faculties/departments
- in some faculties/departments
1.b Recognition matters: Will your institution use ECTS as an internal credit accumulation
- in all faculties/departments
- in some faculties/departments
2. Diploma Supplement
Does your institution award a Diploma Supplement to students?
3. Support for teaching staff mobility: What provision will be made to facilitate and support
ERASMUS teaching staff mobility?
a) Additional financial support from your institution
b) Acknowledgement of teaching activity abroad as an important part of academic career
c) Help with practical arrangements (travel, accomodation etc.)
d) Other (please specifiy)
4. Support for disabled students/teachers: Will your institution provide special facilities for:
a) Erasmus students/teachers with visual disability?
b) Erasmus students/teachers with hearing disability?
c) Erasmus students/teachers with other physical disability?
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original language
working language
Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)
In order to complete this section, please refer to the instructions given below. Please note that your EPS shall be
given wide visibility in your institution and must be published on the web page of your institution. The EPS should set
out the overall Erasmus co-operation strategy of your institution in relation with its mission statement, underlying its
Erasmus cooperation plan as well as any other activities to be proposed in the framework of the Lifelong Learning
Programme (LLP).
a) Please describe clearly your institution's strategy, objectives and priorities for its Erasmus activities (mobility,
multilateral projects and thematic networks, etc.) and any other actions in the context of the Lifelong Learning
b) Please also provide information on the following points:
What specific actions are planned to give visibility to Erasmus activities and what type of publicity will be given to the
Erasmus University Charter and the EPS?
What kind of arrangements, if any, does the Institution ensure to comply with non-discrimination objectives (e.g.
actions related to gender equality, integration of disabled students and staff, enhancement of social and economic
cohesion and combating of xenophobia and racism)?
Os objectivos estratégicos do IADE, relativamente à sua internacionalização de um modo geral e ao Programa
Erasmus em particular, através da expansão da oferta de mobilidade, são fundamentalmente os seguintes:
•Preparar uma integração plena numa sociedade do conhecimento global;
•Colocar a Europa na vanguarda da economia baseada no conhecimento;
•Fortalecer o papel do Programa Educação e Formação 2010, no âmbito da Estratégia de Lisboa, tanto a nível
europeu como nacional;
•Apoiar a criação de um espaço europeu de aprendizagem ao longo da vida;
•Contribuir para a promoção da criatividade, da competitividade e da empregabilidade, bem como para o reforço do
desenvolvimento do espírito empresarial.
Está previsto o desenvolvimento das seguintes acções:
•Promoção de oportunidades para aquisição de novas competências e atitudes através da oferta de estágios em
empresas internacionais (LLP);
•Consolidação e ampliação de acordos bilaterais com Universidades estrangeiras (actualmente 29 acordos em 9
países), apoiados no crescimento das networks CUMULUS, BUSINET e ICOGRADA .
•Organização de um Programa Intensivo no âmbito do Programa Erasmus, na sequência da participação em
anteriores IP’s na Holanda, na Bélgica e na Áustria em 2005, 2006 e 2007;
•Desenvolvimento da iniciativa criada em 2007, a “Semana Internacional no IADE”, para estimular e promover a
mobilidade de docentes;
•Consolidação e desenvolvimento de relações com as redes de comunidades de investigação no âmbito da Design
Research Society, propondo consórcios doutorais.
•Promoção de conferências internacionais pelo Centro de Investigação UNIDCOM, acreditado e financiado pela
FCT, na sequência das conferências internacionais que tem vindo a organizar, nas quais reuniu mais de 600
professores e investigadores de 40 países (“Senses&Sensibility em 2003, “Pride&PreDesign em 2005 e
“Wonderground” em 2006, “Design&CC…SOS!” em 2007 ),
•Preparação de Unidades Curriculares em Inglês a serem implementadas nos Cursos de Nível 2;
•Ampliação da actividade do DIP – Departamento de Integração Profissional, a nível internacional, promovendo o
empreendedorismo e aumentando os índices de empregabilidade;
A promoção e divulgação de todas as acções promovidas pelo IADE de um modo geral e a divulgação da EUC e do
EPS, são feitas através de um website biligue , que dispõe ainda de outros canais importantes de informação tais
como uma edição anual de um Guia de Actividades Académicas, uma newsletter e uma revista trimestral “Idade da
Quality of academic mobility activities:
What kind of specific measures are implemented in the institution to ensure highest quality in academic mobility
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Details should be provided in particular on: recognition and credit systems, the provision of information on curricula,
information and counselling of outgoing students, tutoring and integration of incoming students, provision of student
services (in particular accommodation), preparatory and refresher language courses, facilitation and
acknowledgement of staff mobility.
No IADE as actividades de mobilidade Erasmus são promovidas pelo Deparatamnto de Relações Internacionais.
Os Estudantes candidatos à mobilidade Erasmus, são seleccionados por este Departamento com base nas notas
previamente obtidas e numa entrevista que se destina a avaliar a sua autonomia e motivação para estudar no
Cada candidato aceite, procede depois à elaboração do seu “Acordo de Estudos” com o apoio de um docente da
sua área de estudos e, após obtida a aprovação final deste pela Direcção académica do IADE, envia-o para a
Instituição estrangeira que o irá receber.
A escolha das Unidades Curriculares a cursar no estrangeiro, é feita tendo em conta as semelhanças de conteúdos
e os ECTS que o Estudante deverá obter no final do seu período de estudos.
As notas finais obtidas pelos Estudantes nessas Unidades curriculares, são posteriormente traduzidas pelo DRI,
com base numa Tabela de Conversão aprovada pela Direcção Académica do IADE.
No Certificado final do Estudante constam as Unidades curriculares do Plano de Estudos da Universidade de
origem (IADE) e correspondentes classificações. No Suplemento ao Diploma constam as Unidades curriculares
feitas na Instituição estrangeira.
Para além do apoio académico, o DRI faz o acompanhamento pessoal dos Estudantes do IADE através de e.mails
e telefonemas quando necessário.
No que concerne os Estudantes estrangeiros que vêm estudar para o IADE, o seu acompanhamento pessoal e
académico é feito pela equipado DRI que os apoia e orienta para uma rápida integração no país e na Universidade.
O IADE oferece-lhes também um curso de português.
Cerca de 60% do pessoal docente e não docente do IADE falam inglês, francês ou espanhol, 5% falam italiano ,
dois Professores falam alemão e um fala russo.
O website do IADE tem uma versão em inglês onde os Professores e os Estudantes estrangeiros podem encontrar
todas as informações sobre o IADE e os programas dos cursos que aí se ministram.
Quality of student placement activities:
What kind of specific measures are implemented to ensure high quality in student placements? Give details on how
the work-programme and the placement agreement are prepared and implemented. Please describe the practical
arrangements agreed between the parties. Please specify also the monitoring and evaluation of the placement period
as well as its recognition in the curriculum.
A estratégia passa pela integração, em empresas de países europeus, de 6 estudantes finalistas do IADE, para
realização de estágios profissionais de 12 semanas. Isto releva a importância de complementar a formação que os
estudantes recebem, facilitando a sua empregabilidade e abordando as necessidades que as empresas têm de
pessoal qualificado, fomentando ainda o uso de novas tecnologias. Os objectivos deste projecto são: favorecer a
inserção no mercado de emprego de futuros lprofissionais em Design, Comunicação, Marketing e Publicidade; dar
continuidade à formação teórica/académica recebida através de um estágio profissional em empresas europeias;
aumentar os níveis de qualificação e conhecimento sobre o mundo empresarial europeu; melhorar/aumentar a
capacidade de empreendedorismo, de autonomia e responsabilidade profissional nestes jovens; melhorar as suas
competências profissionais, linguísticas e interculturais. As actividades que este projecto inclui são: preparação
linguística, cultural e pedagógica; actividades socioculturais; estágio profissional em empresas locais nos países de
destino; acompanhamento, tutoria e avaliação, certificação da aprendizagem linguística e do estágio profissional e
validação de competências. As áreas de estudo principais deste projecto são Design, Comunicação, Publicidade e
Marketing, incluindo todas as áreas abrangidas pelas Escolas de Design e de Marketing e Publicidade, implicando
estudantes de várias especialidades. As empresas de acolhimento serão seleccionadas segundo o perfil
profissional de cada participante, da sua experiência e das suas aptidões e competências.
Haverá toda uma preparação prévia antes da partida dos participantes, onde se fará a selecção dos beneficiários
de acordo com o perfil, os países, a motivação, onde conhecerão as empresas/instituições, o plano de estágio e
após o regresso serão avaliados e certificados e ainda far-se-á a divulgação e disseminação dos resultados pela
comunidade local e no IADE
248403-IC-1-2008-1-PT-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 Imprimé le : 30-11-2007 13:16:36 - Soumis le : 30-11-2007 13:16:25
original language
working language
Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)
In order to complete this section, please refer to the instructions given below. Please note that your EPS shall be
given wide visibility in your institution and must be published on the web page of your institution. The EPS should set
out the overall Erasmus co-operation strategy of your institution in relation with its mission statement, underlying its
Erasmus cooperation plan as well as any other activities to be proposed in the framework of the Lifelong Learning
Programme (LLP).
a) Please describe clearly your institution's strategy, objectives and priorities for its Erasmus activities (mobility,
multilateral projects and thematic networks, etc.) and any other actions in the context of the Lifelong Learning
b) Please also provide information on the following points:
What specific actions are planned to give visibility to Erasmus activities and what type of publicity will be given to the
Erasmus University Charter and the EPS?
What kind of arrangements, if any, does the Institution ensure to comply with non-discrimination objectives (e.g.
actions related to gender equality, integration of disabled students and staff, enhancement of social and economic
cohesion and combating of xenophobia and racism)?
Regarding its internationalization, in general, and the Erasmus Program, in particular, IADE’s strategic objectives,
based on the expansion of its mobility offer, are as follows:
•To prepare full integration in a global society of knowledge;
•To place Europe at the vanguard of the knowledge-based economy;
•To strengthen the role of the Education and Training 2010 Program within the Lisbon Strategy, at European and
national level;
•To support the establishment of a life-long learning European space;
•To contribute to the promotion of creativity, competitiveness and employability, as well as reinforcing the
development of an entrepreneurial spirit;.
The development of the following actions are as follows:
•Promotion of opportunities to acquire new skills and attitudes through offers of apprenticeship in international
companies (LLP);
•Consolidation and enlargement of bi-lateral agreements with foreign Universities (currently, 29 agreements in 9
countries), based on the growth of networks such as CUMULUS, BUSINET and ICOGRADA .
•Organization of an Intensive Program within the Erasmus Program, following the participation in former IPs held in
The Netherlands, Belgium and Austria, in 2005, 2006 and 2007;
•Development of the “IADE’s International Week”, an initiative started in 2007, to stimulate and promote teachers
•Consolidation and development of the relations with the research community networks within the Design Research
Society, proposing doctoral consortia.
•Promotion of international conferences through the Research Centre UNIDCOM, accredited and financed by the
FCT, following the international conferences it has held, gathering more than 600 teachers and researchers of 40
countries (“Senses&Sensibility in 2003, “Pride&PreDesign in 2005, “Wonderground” in 2006, “Design&CC…SOS!” in
2007 ),
•Setting up of English Curricular Units, to be implemented in 2nd Level Courses;
•Enlargement of the activities of DIP – Department for Professional Integration at an international level, promoting
entrepreneurship and augmenting the employability rates;
The promotion and divulgence of all the actions sponsored by IADE and the divulgence of EUC and EPs actions are
made through a bi-lingual website which features other important information channels such as the annual edition of
an Academic Guide
Quality of academic mobility activities:
What kind of specific measures are implemented in the institution to ensure highest quality in academic mobility
Details should be provided in particular on: recognition and credit systems, the provision of information on curricula,
248403-IC-1-2008-1-PT-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 Imprimé le : 30-11-2007 13:16:36 - Soumis le : 30-11-2007 13:16:25
information and counselling of outgoing students, tutoring and integration of incoming students, provision of student
services (in particular accommodation), preparatory and refresher language courses, facilitation and
acknowledgement of staff mobility.
The Erasmus mobility activities within IADE are run by the International Office:
The students applying to the Erasmus mobility are selected by this Department, based on the grades they have
previously obtained and on an interview, in order to establish their autonomy and willingness to study abroad.
Each accepted candidate has to prepare his/her “Learning Agreement”, aided by a teacher of his/her study area,
and after its approval by IADE’s academic board, will send it to the host institution.
The choice of the Curricular Units to be held abroad is subjected to the similarity of the content and the ECTS the
student will obtain at the end of his/her study period.
The final grades the students obtain in these curricular units are translated by the DRI, based on a Conversion Table
approved by the Academic Board of IADE..
The student’s final Certificate includes the Curricular Units of the course’s program of the home university (IADE)
and the corresponding grades.
The Diploma Supplement includes the Curricular Units attended in the host institution.
Besides academic tutoring, the DRI maintains a personal contact with the students through e-mails and telephone,
whenever necessary.
Regarding incoming students, their personal and academic tutoring is made by the DRI staff, providing information
necessary for their quick integration in the country and the university, searching for accommodations and academic
IADE offers a Portuguese course.
About 60% of the faculty and staff are fluent in English, French or Spanish, 5% speak Italian, two teachers speak
German and one speaks Russian.
Both Teachers and Students in Erasmus mobility are supported by the DRI that is also responsible for the
coordination of all the institutional and academic activities.
The IADE’s website features an English version, and foreign teachers and students will find all the information
related to IADE and the courses held at the institution.
Quality of student placement activities:
What kind of specific measures are implemented to ensure high quality in student placements? Give details on how
the work-programme and the placement agreement are prepared and implemented. Please describe the practical
arrangements agreed between the parties. Please specify also the monitoring and evaluation of the placement period
as well as its recognition in the curriculum.
The strategy includes the integration of 6 students at their final year in IADE in European countries’ companies for a
12 weeks training period, thus enhancing the importance of completing the training they have received, making their
employability more easy and addressing the needs companies have of qualified staff, promoting the use of new
Technologies. The objectives of this program are: to favour the insertion of future professionals in Design,
Communication, Marketing and Advertising into the market; to continue the theoretical/academic training through a
Professional apprenticeship in European companies; to augment the qualification levels and the knowledge of the
European business world; to improve/enhance the entrepreneurial skills, the Professional autonomy and
responsibility; to improve their professional, linguistic and inter-cultural skills. The activities included in this Project
are: linguistic, cultural and pedagogic training; social-cultural activities; Professional training in local companies of
the host countries; counselling, tutoring and evaluation, language and training certificate and competence validation.
The main study areas of this Project are: Design, Communication, Advertising and Marketing, including all the areas
within the Design School and the Marketing and Advertising School of IADE, encompassing the students of all
specialized courses. The host companies will be selected according to the Professional profile of each participant, to
his/her experience and skills.
There will always be a previous counselling prior to the participants’ departure, and the beneficiaries will be selected
according to their profile, the countries, the motivation, receiving information about the companies/institutions, the
training plan. After their return, the participants will be evaluated and certified, and their results will be divulged
through the local community and within IADE.
248403-IC-1-2008-1-PT-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 Imprimé le : 30-11-2007 13:16:36 - Soumis le : 30-11-2007 13:16:25
Extended University Charter
(Standard Charter and Student Placements)
2008/2009 - 2013/2014
The European Commission hereby awards this Charter to:
(hereinafter "the Institution")
The Institution agrees to comply with the following fundamental principles of Erasmus mobility:
Mobility shall be carried out only within prior inter-institutional agreements(in the case of student
placements: within prior agreements between the Institution and the organisations where the
placements are carried out);
No university fees for tuition, registration, examinations, access to laboratory and library facilities are to
be charged to in-coming Erasmus students
Full recognition shall be given to students for satisfactorily completed activities specified in the
compulsory Learning Agreements and Placement Agreements.
The Institution also agrees:
to ensure the highest quality in the organisation of student and staff mobility
to ensure the highest quality in the organisation of student placements;
to ensure that curriculum information is up to date, easily accessible and transparent;
to ensure that an academic credit transfer system (ECTS or similar) gives transparency to the recognition
to ensure equal academic treatment and services to home and Erasmus students
to support the integration of visiting Erasmus students in the Institution's activities
to provide incoming Erasmus students and their home institutions with transcripts containing full, accurate
and timely information at the end of their mobility period abro
to facilitate and acknowledge Erasmus teaching activities
to promote and give visibility to the activities supported by the Erasmus programme
to publicise this Charter and the related Erasmus Policy Statement of the Institution
to comply with the objectives on non discrimination set out in the Lifelong Learning Programme.
This Charter entitles the Institution to apply to its National Agency and to the European Commission for grant support
for Erasmus activities.
Violation of this Charter may lead to its withdrawal by the Commission.
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Endorsement of the application
"I, the undersigned, Head and legal representative of the applicant institution,
- certify that the information contained in this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. All Erasmus
activities will be implemented on the basis of written agreements with the relevant authorities of the partner institutions;
- agree to the content of the Erasmus University Charter outlined above and commit my institution to respect and observe
these obligations;
- confirm that the information given in the application submitted online and in this paper version is identical;
- - agree to the publication of the Erasmus Policy Statement by the European Commission.
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Original signature of the legal representative of the Institution (as identified in section A.2 above)
Original stamp or seal of the Institution
Acknowledgement of receipt
After submission, Applicants are invited to consult the website of the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive
Agency - EACEA to check successful receipt of their Erasmus University Charter (EUC) application. If by 21.12.2007
the application has not been listed on the website, the applicant should contact the EACEA [email protected].
248403-IC-1-2008-1-PT-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 Imprimé le : 30-11-2007 13:16:36 - Soumis le : 30-11-2007 13:16:25