Ground Transportation from São Paulo / Guarulhos to São José dos Campos
The Best and less expensive way to get São José dos Campos from São Paulo / Guarulhos
International Airport is by taking a bus. It will cost R$14,45 and takes about 80 minutes. The
company that provides this service is named Pássaro Marron. To take their buses, do the
1. After you leave the restrict area, just after the custom, go to the Wing D or TerminaI 2.
Proceed to the exit and just after the door, turn left (see the red star on figure 1);
2. Look for a line of buses parking on the sidewalk. They are as displayed on figure 2;
3. Just to the left of this line of buses, there is a main hall where you can by your ticket. Go to
the first ticket boxes, which is identify by the following symbol:.
Ask for a ticket to São José dos Campos. You need to pay cash.
4. Go back to the busses line and look for the bus that is like the one that appears in figure 3.
5. When you arrive in São José do Campos main buss station, take a taxi to your hotel. Taxis
in São José dos Campos are white and they are parking in line just on the left of the bus
station exit. It will cost between R$10,00 to R$15,00.
Fig 2: Buses line at airport sidewalk Wing D
Fig: 1: Ground Transportation to São José dos
Fig 3: Buss that makes the transportation to
São José dos Campos from airport.
Time table: 07:00, 08:30, 10:00, 11:30, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30, 20:00, 22:00
