Consilience and Inclusion:
Scientific and Cultural Encounters
November 19 to 21
& BoF (Birds of a Feather), November 23 to 24
Conference Location:
Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Address: Largo da Porta Férrea, 3000-447
1 The 2015 International Conference of AHLiST
Is Sponsored by
2 Announcement
All presenters and participants must be members of the Association by conference
time and carry badges at all time
Todos los presentes y participantes han de ser miembros de la Asociación cuando se
celebre la conferencia, y llevar las escarapelas identificativas durante el simposio.
The 2016 Interdisciplinary Conference will be held at the Universidad de Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) from November 17 to 22, 2016.
El congreso Interdisciplinar AHLiST 2016 se celebrará en la Universidad de Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria (España), del 17 al 22 de noviembre de 2016.
For more information go to: www.ahlist.org
Para más información acudan a www.ahlist.org •
Wifi Connection’s Username: ahlist_15@uc Password: aHlist15
Identificador de acesso UC: ahlist_15@uc Clave: aHlist15
Facebook: AHLiST1
Twitter: @AHLiST_Congress
E-mail: [email protected]
Hashtag: #AHLIST2015
3 Participants, please be aware of the following norms:
a) Normally each panel consists of 3 or 4 presentations and 1 moderator.
b) Each participant will have 15 to 20 minutes maximum for the presentation of his/her work.
Even if a presentation paper is co-authored, still it must be presented within 20 minutes.
c) 15-minute discussion after all three or four presentations of each panel.
d) Each session will be strictly 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Normas para los participantes del congreso:
a) Normalmente cada panel está formado por 3 ó 4 ponentes y un moderador.
b) Cada participante tendrá de 15 a 20 minutos como máximo para presentar su ponencia. Una
ponencia de varios autores también tendrá como máximo 20 minutos de presentación en total. El
moderador deberá avisar en caso de sobrepasar el tiempo.
c) Habrá 15 minutos de discusión después de finalizar las 3 ó 4 ponencias del panel.
d) Cada sesión durará estrictamente 1 hora y 15 minutos.
On-site Registration Schedule and
Lugar y horario de inscripción durante el
Thursday, November 19
9 am to 12 pm and 3 pm to 5 pm
Place: Hall of Professors
Jueves, 19 de noviembre
9 am a 12 pm y 3 pm a 5 pm
Lugar: Sala de Profesores / Sala de Docentes
Friday, November 20
9 am to 12 pm and 3 pm to 5 pm
Place: Hall of Professors
Viernes, 20 de noviembre
9 am a 12 pm y 3 pm a 5 pm
Lugar: Sala de Profesores / Sala de Docentes
Saturday, November 21
9 am to 12 pm
Place: Hall of Professors
Sábado, 21 de noviembre
9 am a 12 pm
Lugar: Sala de Profesores / Sala de Docentes
(Please see the corresponding numbers in the campus map, page 6)
(1) The Conference Registration and Sessions Will Take Place in the Faculdade de Letras
Address: Largo da Porta Férrea, 3000-447
* On the Fourth Floor (Main Entrance Floor) *
1. a. Amphitheater II / Anfiteatro II
1. b. Hall TP2 / Sala TP2 (Sala de Trabalhos Práticos 2)
1. c. Classroom 7 / Aula 7 / Sala 7
1. d. Hall of Professors / Sala de Profesores / Sala de Docentes
These halls are located on the floor you enter through the main entrance of this
building / Para llegar a estos lugares vaya a la denominada “planta 4”, que está en el
mismo piso de entrada, al nivel de la calle.
* On the Fifth Floor (one floor up from the main entrance) *
1. e. Dr. Jorge de Faria Institute / Instituto Dr. Jorge de Faria
1. f. Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
These halls are on the 5th floor (one floor up from the main entrance) / Para llegar a
estos lugares vaya a la “planta 5”, llega subiendo un piso desde el nivel de la calle.
* On the Third Floor (one floor down from the main entrance) *
1. g. Gama Barros Hall / Sala Gama Barros
1. h. Paleography Institute / Instituto de Paleografía
These halls are on the 3rd floor (one floor down from the main entrance) / Para llegar a
estos lugares vaya al denominado “piso 3”, bajando un piso (desde la planta de la calle).
(2) Cocktail Reception: Bar of the Science Museum / “Museu da Ciência”
Address: Laboratorio Chimico, Largo Marquês de Pombal, 3000-272
5 (3) Concert: Biblioteca Joanina
Address: Pátio das Escolas da Universidade de Coimbra, 3004-531
(4) Cultural Visit: Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro (MNMC)
Address: Largo Dr. José Rodrigues, 3000-236
Mapa da Faculdade de Letras Map
Campus Map
“Faculdade de Letras” access (1) 
6 1.c
Thursday, November 19, 2015
9 am – 12 am & 3 pm – 5 pm
Conference Registration
(Place: Hall of Professors / Sala de Profesores / Sala de Docentes)
11:00 am to 12:00 am
AHLiST Business Meeting
(Invitation Only)
(Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV)
7 2 pm to 4 pm
Opening Ceremony
(Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV)
Welcome from Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
President / Rector
Dr. João Gabriel Silva
(Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University)
Vice President / Vice-Rector
Dr. Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho
(Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University)
Director of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dr. José Pedro Paiva
(Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University)
Scientific Coordinator of the CHSC
Dr. Irene Vaquinhas
(Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University)
Coordinator of AHLiST
Dr. Leonor Zozaya
(Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University)
Welcome from AHLiST CoDirector
Dr. Song No
(Director of Latin American and Latino Studies, Purdue University, USA)
Keynote Speaker
From Representation to Simulation: Beyond the Bibliographical Horizon
in the Book of Disquiet Archive
Dr. Manuel Portela
(Coimbra University)
Introduced by Dr. Song No
(Purdue University, USA)
8 4:30 pm to 5:45 pm: Session I
Place: Hall TP2 / Sala TP2
I. 1. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Sciences
Chair: João Paulo Avelãs Nunes, CEIS20, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. Contemporary Discussions on the Definition and the Methodology of Science and nonScience
Ferit Uslu, Hitit Universty, Turkey
2. Technology and Surveillance in Portugal: Cultural Dialogues? – a Possible Reading for
Peripheral Vision: Politics, Technology and Surveillance by Catarina Frois
Marta de Sousa Simões, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Oliveira do Hospital,
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal
3. Informação histórica direccionada aos interesses do utilizador em dispositivos de
comunicação móveis no âmbito do turismo
Alexandre Coimbra, Universidade Católica Portuguesa – DSI, Portugal
4. El carácter interdisciplinar de la gastronomía como aspecto dinamizador del desarrollo
turístico binacional
Jemay Mosquera, Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
I. 2. Interdisciplinary Approches to Literature
Chair: Helena Catarino, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. Teoria e prática na historiografia literária: des/encontros
Heidrun Olinto, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
9 2. José Saramago e a sociedade da informação
Maria Irene Sá, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3. Espaços inespecíficos nos estudos de literatura em expansão
Mariana Simoni, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
6 pm to 8:30 pm
Welcome Cocktail Reception to All Participants of AHLiST
Cóctel de bienvenida a todos los participantes de AHLiST
Sponsored by Universidade de Coimbra
Bar of the Science Museum / Bar do Museu da Ciência / Bar del Museo de la Ciencia
Address/ Dirección: Laboratorio Chimico, Largo Marquês de Pombal, 3000-272
Note: All presenters and participants must be members of the Association by conference
time and carry badges at all time.
• Nota: Todos los presentes y participantes han de ser miembros de la Asociación cuando
se celebre la conferencia, y llevar las escarapelas en todo momento durante el simposio.
10 Friday November 20
9 am to 10:15 am: Session II
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
II. 1. Interdisciplinary Approches to Literature
Chair: Song No, Purdue University, USA and Constantino Malagón, Universidad Nebrija,
1. La voz femenina y el ámbito de la lucha de las mujeres en la guerrilla antifranquista en
El lector de Julio Verne
Melvy Portocarrero, Bradley University, USA
2. La voz dormida: un grito contra el silencio de la historia
Adolfo Cisneros, Bradley University, USA
3. Leonor Encina: un nuevo modelo de mujer en Martín Rivas
Cody Hanson, Indiana State University, USA
Place: Hall TP2 / Sala TP2
II. 2. Science and Literature
Chair: Sun Young Kim, Purdue University, USA
1. Practicing Consilience: Dramatizing the Production of Science in Oxygen and
Photograph 51
Teresa Botelho, Nova University Lisbon, Portugal
2. Bayeux Tapestry and Halley’s Comet
Austin Mardon and Annet Chu, Antarctic Institute of Canada, Canada
11 Place: Amphitheater II / Anfiteatro II
II. 3. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Diversity and Literature
Chair: Fernando Taveira da Fonseca, CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
1. Discourse Diversity in White and Black Mother-Daughter Relationship
Farzaneh Haratyan, Islamic Azad University, Iran
2. African-American Identity in Tony Morrison's Beloved
Abdulhafeth Khrisat and Ziad Al-Harthy, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
3. Translators an Important Type of Slave in the Process of the African Diaspora
Andrea Guerrero Mosquera, Universidad del Tolima, Colombia, Mexico
10:15 am – 10:45 am
Coffee break (Free for AHLiST Participants)
Place: Hall of Professors / Sala de Profesores / Sala de Docentes
10:45 am to 12 pm: Session III
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
III. 1. Agriculture in World History: Unintended Consequences
Chair: Dulce Freire, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
1. The Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa
R. Douglas Hurt, Purdue University, USA
12 2. Da revolución tecnolóxica á revolución verde, da engenharía mecánica á engenharía
social. A Península Ibérica (1920-1970)
Lourenzo Fernández Prieto and Daniel Lanero Táboas, Universidad de Compostela, Spain
3. Changing People to Change Production: The International Trends in Agrarian Extension
Services, 1945-1970
Juan Pan-Montojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Place: Hall TP2 / Sala TP2
III. 2. Literature and Social Science
Chair: Andrés Masi, Universidad Católica de Cuyo, Argentina
1. Bio-Grafía americana de Víctor Fuentes: de la autoficción a la crónica
Andrés Villagra, Pace University, USA
2. Metáforas da Pós-Modernidade no Romance “Kafka à Beira-Mar,” de Haruki
Michele Sá, University of Brasília, Federal University of Uberlândia,
Post-Doctoral National Program (CAPES, Brazil) Brazil
3. La violencia sexual y religiosa como catalizador socio-político-cultural
Cenaida Alvis, Universidad Popular del Cesar, Colombia
4. Luchando contra la ocupación colonial. La historia de la resistencia civil palestina
Diego Checa Hidalgo, Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations, Coventry
University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
12 pm to 2 pm: LUNCH / ALMUERZO
(Please see suggested places in the information provided upon your registration /
Puede consultar lugares sugeridos en la información dada al registrarse)
13 2 pm to 3:15 pm: Session IV
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
IV. 1. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature and Diversity
Chair: Amélia Campos, FCT/CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. The New Educated Elite in Latvia and Student Population Analysis During the Interwar
Valters Ščerbinskis, National Library of Latvia, Latvia
2. “Cosmopolitanism” and “Patriotism” Pro et Contra. Georgian Publicist Experience
Irma Ratiani, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
3. Evaluation and Interpretation of Islamic Family Law: Towards a Healthy Family Life
and Social Well-Being
Nurdeng Deuraseh and Shuhaimi Mustafa, Halal Products Research Institute, Universiti
Putra Malaysia, Malaysia; Husni M. Harun, German -Malaysian Institute, Malaysia
4. La prosopopéia de Bento Texeira
Song No, Purdue University, USA
Place: Dr. Jorge Faria Institute / Instituto Dr. Jorge
IV. 2. History and Literature
Chair: Javier González-Cachafeiro, Fundación Sierra Pambley, León, Spain, and Paola
Nestola, CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. How the Interdisciplinarity Approach Can Contribute to the Study of Medieval Fortified
Architecture: Some Examples Between Como and Lecco Territories (Lombardy - North
of Italy)
Andrea Mariani, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2. Recreaciones modernas de reyes medievales: procesos de construcción y transmisión de
la memoria en relatos y leyendas populares
Covadonga Valdaliso, FCT-CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
14 3. Las mujeres y el vino en Lazarillo de Tormes
Min Ji Kang, Purdue University, USA
Place: Hall TP2 / Sala TP2
IV. 3. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Science and Technology
Chair: Juan Pan-Montojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
1. ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Development in Environmental Contexts: A
Field Study of Greater China
Steven Leib, University of South Australia, Australia
2. Modular Web-Based E-Learning Course Design in Terms of Content and Architecture
Alaattin Parlakkılıç, Gülhane Medical School, Turkey
3. Soft Skills in Hard Sciences – A Qualitative Application and Attitudinal Study
Oonagh Hayes, University of Tübingen, Germany; Eva Sommer and Thomas
Kronschläger, University of Vienna, Austria
Place: Paleography Institute / Instituto de Paleografía
IV. 4. Digitalizing Projects, Paleography and Pattern Recognition
Chair: Leonor Zozaya, FCT/CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. Epigrafía digital: retos y oportunidades de la digitalización 3D de inscripciones romanas
Manuel Ramírez-Sánchez, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
2. Edição da coleção dos livros do Tombo do Mosteiro de São Bento da Bahia, Brasil:
Paleografia, filologia do manuscrito ao digital
Alícia Lose, Universidade Federal da Bahia e Mosteiro de São Bento da Bahia, Brazil
15 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
(Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV)
Plenary Lecture
Epigrafia, uma aproximação interdisciplinar à História /
Epigraphy an Interdisciplinary Approach to History
Dr. José de Encarnação
(Coimbra University)
Introduced by Manuel Ramírez-Sánchez
(Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
4:45 pm to 6 pm: Session V
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
V. 1. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Film Chair: Cody C. Hanson, Indiana State University, USA
1. Nueva narrativa para contar la historia mexicana en Las paredes hablan (2010)
Sun Young Kim, Purdue University, USA
2. Regras de urbanidade e ideias de felicidade em Portugal no século XVIII
Ana Cristina Araújo, CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
3. Editando nuevos imaginarios: políticas editoriales, estética y acción colectiva en el
período de la poscrisis Argentina
Federico Urtubey, Universidad Nacional La Plata, Argentina
16 Place: Hall TP2 / Sala TP2
V. 2. Migration and Diversity
Chair: Covadonga Valdaliso, FCT/CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. Migration and Belonging: Rewriting and Extending the Caribbean Community
Virgillo Hunter, Syracuse University, USA
2. Resiliencia de la alegría en Temoac, Morelos, y Tochimilco, Puebla: un circuito
microregional campesino
Rodrigo Meiners Mandujano and Héctor Manuel Robles Berlanga, Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco, Mexico
3. Gestão do Patrimônio Cultural na Amazônia brasileira: a sustentabilidade como
caminho possível
Anna Rachel B.E. Julianelli, Ana Lucia V. Santos, Sergio R. Bahia, and Felix Carriello,
EAU/Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Place: Paleography Institute / Instituto de Paleografía
V. 3. Digital Humanity and Paleography
Chair: Min Ji Kang, Purdue University, USA
1. Letras portátiles
Karla Guadalupe González Niño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
2. Alternatives to Reinforce Learning of Epigraphy with the New Technologies of
Information and Communication
Leonor Zozaya, FCT-CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
17 6:15 pm to 7 pm
Concert at the Joanina Library for All Participants of AHLiST
Recital en la Biblioteca Joanina para todos los participantes de AHLiST
Hosted by Universidade de Coimbra
Place / Lugar:
Joanina Library / Biblioteca Joanina
Adress / dirección:
Pátio das Escolas da Universidade de Coimbra, 3004-531
18 Saturday, November 21
9 am to 10:15 am: Session VI
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
VI. 1. Mediterranean Studies and Interdisciplinary Approaches
Chair: Yong-Su Yoon, Director of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan
University of Foreign Studies, South Korea; and Song No, Purdue University, USA
1. Humanities·Area Research and Electronic Cultural Atlas Based on Digital Humanities
Ji-Hoon Kang, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies,
South Korea
2. Migrant Family Romance and Its Musical Representation in Karim Dridi's Bye-bye
Eun-Jee Park, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies,
South Korea
3. Medieval Iberia and Africa in the Mediterranean Context
Francisco García-Serrano, Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Spain
Place: Hall TP2 / Sala TP2
VI. 2. Interdisciplinary Approaches to History: Fremasonary
Chair: María Zozaya, FCT-CIDEHUS, Universidade de Évora, Portugal
1. Enlightenment and Secularism: a Radiograph of Freemasonries in Nineteenth Century
Latin American
Ricardo Martínez-Esquivel, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
2. Masoneria madrileña y su impacto en la sociedad actual
19 Felipe R. Debasa Navalpotro and Carlos Pulpillo Leiva, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
3. Conciliación e inclusión en las logias españolas del Norte de África (1931-1936)
Valeria Aguiar Bobet, Universidad Jaume I, Spain
4. Changing from Below: Spanish and Portuguese Clubs and Freemasonry Looking for
Consilience and Fraternity, 1835-1870.
Maria Zozaya, FCT-CIDEHUS, Universidad de Évora, Portugal
Place: Classroom 7 / Aula 7 / Sala 7
VI. 3. Interdisciplinary: History and Literature
Chair: Ana Leonor Pereira, CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. A Song Behind Bars: The Arms of the Counts of Barcelona
Carlos da Fonte, Independent Scholar, Portugal
2. Produção de fotografia e construção de sentidos: história, memória e patrimônio na
Bahia-Brasil (1935-1945)
Lígia Santana, UNIRIO, Brazil
3. A maternidade na escrita epistolar da Condessa de Alva
Elen Biguelini, CAPES / CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
10:15 am – 10:45 am
Coffee Break (Free for AHLiST Participants)
Place: Hall of Professors / Sala de Profesores / Sala de Docentes
20 10:45 am to 12 pm: Session VII
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
VII. 1. New Technologies and Archiving Systems Chair: Maria José Azevedo Santos, CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal 1. As Ordens Militares Portuguesas: os Arquivos dos Conventos
Nelson Vaquinhas, Câmara Municipal de Loulé - CIDEHUS / UE, Portugal
2. A paisagem documental de uma cidade portuguesa no século XV: objectos e métodos
de arquivagem
Filipa Roldão, FCT / CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
3. O parentesco nas Gazetas Manuscritas (1729-1740). A língua e o contexto histórico
na extracção semiautomática de relações complexas.
Lígia Duarte, FCT/CIDEHUS; Fernanda Olival, CIDEHUS - Universidade de Évora,
Portugal; and Paulo Quaresma, INESC-ID e Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Place: Classroom 7 / Aula 7 / Sala 7
VII. 2. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Political Science and History
Chair: Maria Antónia Lopes, CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1. Arte, politica e espaço urbano: aproximaçoes teóricas
Federico Urtubey, Universidad Nacional La Plata, Argentina
2. S. Giuseppe da Copertino vs S. José de Cupertino: Novas fronteiras historiográficas
entre territorialidade e universalidade
Paola Nestola, FCT-CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
3. Liderazgo presidencial y gobierno electrónico (e-gov). El caso de América Latina
Andrés Alberto Masi Rius, Universidad Católica de Cuyo, Argentina
21 12 pm to 2 pm: LUNCH / ALMUERZO
(Please see suggested places in the information provided upon your registration /
Puede consultar lugares sugeridos en la información dada al registrarse)
2 pm to 3:15 pm: Session VIII
Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV
VIII. 1. Interdisciplinary Approaches to History
Chair: Federico Urtubey, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
1. Estudio y análisis del catálogo de la biblioteca circulante de la escuela Sierra Pambley
de Villablino de la Fundación Sierra Pambley en los años 30. 1ª Fase
Javier González-Cachafeiro, Fundación Sierra Pambley, León, Spain
2. Women’s Museums Today: Their Creation, Objectives and Contribution to History
Irene Vaquinhas, CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra
Place: Amphitheater II / Anfiteatro II
VIII. 2. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Science and Literature
Chair: Francisco García-Serrano, Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Spain
1. Jane Sharp's The Midwives Book: Advocacy for Women in English Renaissance
Shawna Guenther, Dalhousie University, Canada
2. From Outside the Machine: Confucian Discourse and its Connections to the West
Brent Lucia and Aminta Iriarte, York College, CUNY, USA
3. Identity Resonance: Towards a Model of Cognitive Universals in a Reader-Response
Analysis of Neil Gaiman
Ivan Čipkár, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic
22 3:30 pm to 4 pm
Closing Ceremony and Next Year’s Announcememt Conference
(Amphitheater II / Anfiteatro II)
Announcement of Next Year’s Conference at
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Coordinator of AHLiST 2015
Dr. Saul Gomes
(CHSC, Universidade de Coimbra)
President of AHLiST
Dr. Francisco García-Serrano
(Director of Ibero-American Studies, Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Spain)
Vice-President of AHLiST
Dr. Yonsoo Kim
(Purdue University, USA)
Dr. Manuel Ramírez-Sánchez
(Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
Dr. Song No
(Purdue University, USA)
4:30 pm to 6 pm
Cultural Visit, Open to All Participants of AHLiST
Visita cultural a todos los participantes de AHLiST
Hosted by Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro, Universidade de Coimbra
23 Details
Place: Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro (MNMC)
Adress: Largo Dr. José Rodrigues, 3000-236 Coimbra.
Sponsored by the MNMC Museum
November 23 to 24
BoF (Birds of a Feather) Sessions
(Place: Amphitheater IV / Anfiteatro IV)
If interested, please contact Leonor Zozaya ([email protected]) as soon as
The AHLiST would like to express the deepest appreciation to all those who have supported and
helped the Association to make this 2015 conference successful at the Universidade de Coimbra.
Our special recognition to the following people:
President / Rector
Dr. João Gabriel Silva
(Universidade de Coimbra)
Vice President / Vice-Rector
Dr. Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho
(Universidade de Coimbra)
Director of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dr. José Pedro Paiva
(Universidade de Coimbra)
Scientific Coordinator of the CHSC
Dr. Irene Vaquinhas
(Universidade de Coimbra)
Coordinator of AHLiST 2015
Dr. Saul Gomes
(Universidade de Coimbra)
Coordinator of AHLiST
Dr. Leonor Zozaya
(Universidade de Coimbra)
Research Fellowship of CHSC
Sónia Nobre
(Universidade de Coimbra)
Special thanks to:
Dr. María Zozaya (FCT- CIDHEUS / Universidade de Évora), for helping with the program
Javier González-Cachafeiro (Fundación Sierra Pambley, León, Spain), for getting all the hotel
Dr. Cody Hanson (Indiana State University, USA) for translanting the Coimbra Guide
Student and Staff Committees (alphabetical order):
Ana Laura Martins
André de Jesus Ferreira
Bianca Monteiro
Carolina Henriques
Joana Costa
Kevin Soares
Letícia Silva
Mónica dos Santos
Paulo Reis
Rita Costa
Rui Neves
Sofia Santos
Tiago Ferreira
Tiago Pombo
Hotel sponsors: Hotel Tivoli, Hotel Vila Galé, Hotel Astória, Hotel Almedina, and Hostal Quebra-Luz
Aguiar Bobet, Valeria: VI.2
González-Cachafeiro, Javier: IV.2, VIII.1
Al-Harthy, Ziad: II.3
González Niño, Karla Guadalupe: V.3
Alvis, Cenaida: III.2
Guenther, Shawna: VIII.2
Araújo, Ana Cristina: V.1
Guerrero Mosquera, Andrea: II.3
Bahia, Sergio R.: V.2
Hanson, Cody: II.1, V.1
Biguelini, Elen: VI.3
Haratyan, Farzaneh: II.3
Botelho, Teresa: II.2
Harun, Husni M.: IV.1
Campos, Amélia: IV.1
Hayes, Oonagh: IV.3
Carriello, Felix: V.2
Henriques, Carolina: p. 26
Carvalho, Joaquim Ramos de: p. 8, p. 25
Hunter, Virgillo: V.2
Catarino, Helena: I.2
Hurt, R. Douglas: III.1
Checa Hidalgo, Diego: III.2
Iriarte, Aminta: VIII.2
Chu, Annet: II.2
Julianelli, Anna Rachel: V.2
Čipkár, Ivan: VIII.2
Kang, Min Ji: IV.2, V.3
Cisneros, Adolfo: II.1
Kang, Ji-Hoon: VI.1
Coimbra, Alexandre: I.1
Khrisat, Abdulhafeth: II.3
Costa, Joana: p. 26
Kim, Sun Young: II.2, V.1
Costa, Rita: p. 26
Kim, Yonsoo: p. 23
Debasa Navalpotro, Felipe R.: VI.2
Kronschläger, Thomas: IV.3
Deuraseh, Nurdeng: IV.1
Lanero Táboas, Daniel: III.1
Duarte, Lígia: VII.1
Leib, Steven: IV.3
Encarnação, José de: p. 16
Lopes, Maria Antónia: VII.2
Fernández Prieto, Lourenzo: III.1
Lose, Alícia: IV.4
Ferreira, André de Jesus: p. 26
Lucia, Brent: VIII.2
Ferreira, Tiago: p. 26
Malagón, Constantino: II.1
Fonseca, Fernando Taveira da: II.3
Mardon, Austin: II.2
Fonte, Carlos da: VI.3
Mariani, Andrea: IV.2
Freire, Dulce: III.1
Martínez-Esquivel, Ricardo: VI.2
García-Serrano, Francisco: VI.1, VIII.2, p. 23
Martins, Ana Laura: p. 26
Gomes, Saul: p. 23
Masi Rius, Andrés Alberto: III.2, VII.2
27 Meiners Mandujano, Rodrigo: V.2
Roldão, Filipa: VII.1
Monteiro, Bianca: p. 26
Sá, Maria Irene: I.2
Mosquera, Jemay: I.1
Sá, Michele: III.2
Mustafa, Shuhaimi: IV.1
Santana, Lígia: VI.3
Nestola, Paola: VII.2
Santos, Ana Lucia V.: V.2
Neves, Rui: p. 26
Santos, Mónica dos: p. 26
No, Song: p. 8, II.1, IV.1, VI.1, p. 23
Santos, Maria José Azevedo: VII.1
Nobre, Sónia: p. 25
Santos, Sofia: p. 26
Nunes, João Paulo Avelãs: I.1,
Ščerbinskis, Valters: IV.1
Olinto, Heidrun: I.2
Silva, João Gabriel: p. 8, p. 25
Olival, Fernanda: VII.1
Silva, Letícia: p. 26
Paiva, José Pedro: p. 8, p. 25
Simões, Marta de Sousa: I.1
Pan-Montojo, Juan: III.1, IV.3
Simoni, Mariana: I.2
Park, Eun-Jee: VI.1
Soares, Kevin: p. 26
Parlakkılıç, Alaattin: IV.3
Sommer, Eva: IV.3
Pereira, Ana Leonor: VI.3
Urtubey, Federico: V.1, VII.2, VIII.1
Pombo, Tiago: p. 26
Uslu, Ferit: I.1
Portela, Manuel: p. 8,
Valdaliso, Covadonga: IV.2, V.2
Portocarrero, Melvy: II.1
Vaquinhas, Irene: p. 8, VIII.1, p. 25
Pulpillo Leiva, Carlos: VI.2
Vaquinhas, Nelson: VII.1
Quaresma, Paulo: VII.1
Villagra, Andrés: III.2
Ramírez-Sánchez, Manuel: IV.4, p. 16, p. 23
Yoon, Yong-Su: VI.1
Ratiani, Irma Iv.: IV.1
Zozaya, Leonor: p. 8, IV.4, V.3, p. 25
Reis, Paulo: p. 26
Zozaya, Maria: VI.2, p. 25
Robles Berlanga, Héctor Manuel: V.2
