Lisboa, 13/10/2015
Comissão investe 16 mil milhões de EUR em financiamento à investigação
e inovação ao longo dos próximos dois anos
A Comissão Europeia investirá quase 16 mil milhões de EUR em investigação e
inovação nos próximos dois anos, no âmbito do Programa-Quadro Horizonte 2020,
o programa da UE para o financiamento da investigação e da inovação, de acordo
com o novo Programa de Trabalho para o período 2016-17, hoje adotado. As novas
oportunidades de financiamento oferecidas pelo Programa de Trabalho estão em
sintonia com as prioridades políticas da Comissão do Presidente Juncker e prestarão
um contributo significativo para o Pacote para o Emprego, o Crescimento e o
Investimento, para o Mercado Único Digital, para a União da Energia e política de
alterações climáticas, para o reforço do setor industrial no Mercado Interno e para
converter a Europa num interveniente mais forte na cena mundial.
Carlos Moedas, Comissário da Investigação, Ciência e Inovação, afirmou: «A
investigação e a inovação constituem os motores do progresso da Europa e são
essenciais para fazermos face aos novos desafios prementes com que nos
confrontamos hoje, como é o caso da imigração, das alterações climáticas, da
energia não poluente e da promoção de sociedades saudáveis. Ao longo dos
próximos dois anos, 16 mil milhões de EUR, provenientes do Programa-Quadro
Horizonte 2020, darão apoio aos esforços científicos de topo na Europa, fazendo a
diferença para a vida dos cidadãos.» Em sintonia com as prioridades estratégicas
do Comissário Carlos Moedas, o Programa-Quadro Horizonte 2020 será aberto à
inovação, à ciência e ao mundo. A conferência de imprensa poderá ser seguida no
(Desenvolvimento em IP-15-5831 e MEMO-15-5832)
Commission announces future setup for independent ethical advice
The European Commission today announces future institutional arrangements to
draw on the best independent advice on ethical questions after the mandate of the
current European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) ends in
January 2016. The President of the Commission and Commissioner
CarlosMoedas have decided that ethical questions need a new dedicated Group of
experts. The future European Group on Ethics will report to the President and to the
College of Commissioners as a whole. President Juncker is placing the Group
under the direct responsibility of Commissioner Moedas. The Commission will start
the process of nominations before the end of the year and expects the new Group
to start functioning during the first half of 2016. Also today, Commissioners
Carlos Moedas, responsible for Research, Science and Innovation, and
Vytenis Andriukaitis, responsible for Health and Food Safety, are meeting the
current members of the EGE to discuss the group’s latest opinion on the ethical
implications of new health technologies for patients, practitioners and European
healthcare systems.
'Enjoy, it's from Europe': €111 million to promote European agriculture in
The European Commission today announces future institutional arrangements to
draw on the best independent advice on ethical questions after the mandate of the
current European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) ends in
January 2016. The President of the Commission and Commissioner
CarlosMoedas have decided that ethical questions need a new dedicated Group of
experts. The future European Group on Ethics will report to the President and to the
College of Commissioners as a whole. President Juncker is placing the Group
under the direct responsibility of Commissioner Moedas. The Commission will start
the process of nominations before the end of the year and expects the new Group
to start functioning during the first half of 2016. Also today, Commissioners
Carlos Moedas, responsible for Research, Science and Innovation, and
Vytenis Andriukaitis, responsible for Health and Food Safety, are meeting the
current members of the EGE to discuss the group’s latest opinion on the ethical
implications of new health technologies for patients, practitioners and European
healthcare systems.
Quarterly report for the Euro Area published
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
today publishes its Quarterly Report on the Euro Area, featuring in-depth technical
analysis of economic issues affecting the euro area. In this edition, staff economists
compare the euro area's ongoing recovery with similar instances in its past and
elsewhere and assess estimates of the EU's output gap. The report also takes a look
at the factors driving inflation in the euro area and presents an abridged version of
the Commission's July analysis of Ireland's economic adjustment programme. Vol
14 N3 of the quarterly report will be published at 15:00 today.
Commissioner Andriukaitis puts the spotlight on food waste at
conference in EXPO Milan
The European Commission has today published the results of the first Flash
Eurobarometer survey on food waste and date marking. Key findings confirm that
date marking ("use by" and "best before") is poorly understood by Europeans. Just
under half (47%) of Europeans understand the meaning of "best before" labelling
and somewhat fewer (40%) are aware of the meaning of "use by". The study
confirms the need to pursue targeted information and educational initiatives on date
marking taking into account the level of understanding and information needs of
different consumer groups in EU countries. The Commission will propose initiatives
against food waste as part of the new circular economy package to be presented
by the end of the year. On 15 October Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis will
attend a high level, international conference titled "Fight Food Waste, Feed the
Planet!" that will take place at the EXPO Milan 2015. Speakers will include
representatives from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), governments, NGOs (Slow Food, the
European Federation of Food Banks) and food business (Belgian Farmers' Union,
Boerenbond, Nestlé and Colruyt). The conference will include an interactive panel
session and will be webstreamed and covered live on Twitter. For more information
on food waste please see here
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Rapid 13-10-2015 - Centro de Informação Europe Direct Aveiro