IV International Course on Comparative Physiology of Respiration
ORGANIZERS Luciane H. Gargaglioni (FCAV-­‐UNESP-­‐Jaboticabal) [email protected] Kênia C. Bícego (FCAV-­‐UNESP-­‐Jaboticabal) [email protected] Cleo Alcântara Leite (UFSCAR) [email protected] Description This course is designed to provide a comprehensive and integrative understanding of the essential principals in comparative animal physiology of respiration. Students will be introduced to the fundamental aspects of respiratory function in several animals’ models, including vertebrates and invertebrates, under the light of regulatory mechanisms and evolution of different breathing modes. Most lectures will be based on current research by the professors, and the practical activities have been designed to provide inspiration for novel studies in the field of comparative respiratory physiology. At the end of each day, 2 hours for PBL (problem based learning) will be proposed for the students to apply the knowledge of practical and theoretical class. After the first week of the course, the students will have three days to develop projects based on the knowledge they have acquired in class. When 2015: July 13th to 23th (from 8:00 to 18:00) Where Sao Paulo State University -­‐ UNESP Campus Jaboticabal – Via de Acesso Paulo Donato Castellane km 05 Jaboticabal/SP Brazil IV International Course on Comparative Physiology of Respiration
Professors William K. Milsom (University of British Columbia, Canada) Loren Buck (University of Alaska, USA) Richard Kinkead (Laval University, Canada) Lynn Hartzler (Wright State University, USA) Michael Hedrick (University of North Texas, USA) Ken Welch ((University of Toronto, Canada) Luciane Gargaglioni (Universidade Estadual Paulista – Campus Jaboticabal) Kênia Bicego (Universidade Estadual Paulista – Campus Jaboticabal) Cleo de Alcantra Leite – (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) Wilfreid Klein – (Universidade de São Paulo) Daniel Penteado Martins Dias – (Universidade de São Paulo) Main Topics Metabolic biochemistry, Genomics/proteomics/metabolomics, Metabolic rate Respiratory rhythm, Pulmonary mechanics and mechanoreceptors Fick equation & oxygen transport cascade HBO2 curve and blood gas transport Acid-­‐base regulation Control of cardiac output, Chemoreception and reflex responses Central cardiorespiratory networks Cardiorespiratory interactions Temperature effects on ventilation Developmental changes Contact and Subscription: Luciane H. Gargaglioni (FCAV-­‐UNESP-­‐Jaboticabal) [email protected] Kênia C. Bícego (FCAV-­‐UNESP-­‐Jaboticabal) [email protected] Cleo Alcântara Leite (UNIFESP-­‐Diadema) [email protected] Second Week
Practical Class
6 groups for practicals in rotation
Practical 1 Pletysmograph and stereotaxic manipulation (rats will be implanted with a icv guide cannula for injection of drugs and then ventilation and blood gases measurements during hypoxia and hypercapnia will be performed during the class)
Practical 2 Pneumotachography and blood gases for acid-­‐ acid-­‐base balance in hypoxia and hypercapnia in different temperatures in toad or turtle
Practical 3 Pespirometry and pletysmograph (VO2 and VE in different temperatures and hypoxia in neonates; air convection requirement)
Practical 4 In vitro brain stem preparation in tadpoles
Practical 5 Pulmonary mechanics in rat, turtle, frog, lizard
Practical 6 Cardiorespiratory interaction (ECG + VE), respiratory sinus arrhythmia 

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