Personal details
Date and place of birth: 4 November 1956, Luanda (Angola)
Address and contacts
Private address: Rua Prof Delfim Santos, 9 – 1º D, 1600-610 Lisboa - PORTUGAL
Mobile: (+351) 91 4772906
Private E-mail: [email protected]
Skype contact: susana.neto
Linked_In profile:
PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, 2010, IST / Technical University of Lisbon
MSc in Urban and Regional Planning, 1987, Technical University of Lisbon
Degree in Civil Engineer, 1982, Technical University of Lisbon
Scientific Research Domains
Urban and Regional Planning; Territorial Planning; Integrated Water Management; Water
Governance; Sustainable Development
Main Research Areas
Territorial Integration of Water Resources Management; Water Governance; Social,
Institutional and Political aspects of Global Water Issues; Sustainable Urban Development;
Innovative Learning Methodologies and Knowledge Exchange; Development of Technologies
for Water Scarcity Management at Local Scale.
Main Research and Academic Activities
(2013) Elected President of the Scientific Committee of General Directorate of the Territory
(Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy) of Portugal
(2013) Invited to be President of the Scientific Committee of the VIII Congresso Ibérico to
be held in Lisbon in 5-7 December 2013
(2013-2012) Appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia, within
the Centre of Excellence for Ecohydrology (initial appointment from 7 December 2012 to 6
December 2015)
(2013-2012) Associate Researcher at the Centre of Excellence in Ecohydrology (CoEE) in
University of Western Australia (UWA)
(2013-2010) Researcher at e-GEO, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
(2013-2010) Associate Researcher with ICCE in the HELP activities and Research Proposals
submitted to the EU and UWA partners in Australia
(2013-2003) Associate Researcher at CESUR, Technical University of Lisbon
(2013 – 2004) Delegate and Coordinator of the Guadiana HELP Basin in the context of the
International Hydrological Program (IHP) UNESCO HELP Program
(2013) Course co-designer and facilitator, AustralianAidAgency(AusAID)fundedcourseon
IrrigationandWaterResourceManagement bedeliveredatUWA,insouthwestWesternAustralia
(2013-2012) Course designer, facilitator and key lecturer, Water and Agricultural
Landscapes, MSc in Integrated Water Management, International Water Centre (IWC),
Australia. Perth, November-December 2012
(2012-2011) Member of the UNESCO Evaluation Team assessing and making
recommendations on the performance of the UNESCO Category II Centre for International
Law, Policy and Science, Dundee University (December 2011 to April 2012)
(2012 – 2010) Course Coordinator and Lecturer at the ERASMUS MUNDUS Master
Course, University of Algarve IWRM:
• IWRM and Global Water Issues Module – Dec 2012
• IWRM and Global Water Issues Module – Dec 2011-Feb 2012
• Summer course on Global Ecohydrology in Action – July 2011
• IWRM and Global Water Issues Module – Dec 2010-Jan 2011
• Invited presentation at launch of Erasmus Mundus MSc in Ecohydrology, University of
Algarve, Portugal, September 2010
(2011) Invited Member of the Scientific Committee for the 2011 HELP Symposium 2011
HELP International Symposium (Panama, November 2011)
(2013-2011) Senior Invited Researcher in the Project “TransBasin” (PEOPLE Marie Curie
Actions, International Research Staff Exchange Scheme, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES)
(2009-2008) Researcher in the ASEM WaterNet project, Protocol between Technical
University of Lisbon and University of Osnabruck (Case Study Guadiana), from 2007 to 2009
(2009 – 2005) Researcher in the Team for the Project funded by National Science and
Technology Foundation (FCT) – “Analysis of Stakeholder Expectations over Water Project
Benefits in Water Scarce Regions: a Contribution to Water Governance
(2008) Jury Discussant of the MSC Final Discussion from Elvira Van Dunem, Economist, on
‘Water and Development’, ISCTE
(2007 – 2003) Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Engineering (Technical University of Lisbon)
in disciplines of Urban and Regional Planning and Territorial Engineering.
(2005) – Course Coordinator and Lecturer (150 hours) of the Module of Spatial Planning,
in the Course of Environmental Management of Urban Centers, organized by the National
Administration Institute (INA), Cape Vert, Praia, August 2005
Other pro-academic and scientific activities
(2013) Editor-in-Chief of the Journal New Water Policy and Practice: A platform for
the world's emerging water leaders and thinkers, supported by Policy Studies
Organisation, Washington DC
Other Teaching Activities (Short Courses and Classes)
Key-Lessons in Master and Post Graduate Course, and short-Courses Lecturer (2012 - 1986):
(2012) Key-lesson: Territorial Integration of Water Management, in Master Course
Integrated Water Management, International Water Centre (IWC), Australia. Perth, NovemberDecember 2012
(2012) – Key-Lesson: Integração Territorial da Gestão da Água e Evolução de Políticas
Europeias, to the Master Course Desenvolvimento, Diversidades Locais e Desafios
Mundiais (ISCTE, April 2012)
(2012) – Key-Lesson: Recursos Hídricos de Portugal, to the Master Course in Spatial
Planning, Universidade Católica (June 2012)
(2002) – Key-Lesson: Processo de Preparação da Cimeira de Joanesburgo e o
Desenvolvimento Sustentável, to the disciplin of Economia do Território, Licenciatura de
Economia do Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE, Nov. 2002)
(2001) – Key-Lesson: Planeamento de Recursos Hídricos e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável,
to the disciplin of Economia do Ambiente, Licenciatura de Economia do Instituto Superior das
Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa(ISCTE, May 2001)
(2001) – Key-Lesson: Evolução dos Problemas Ambientais e as Políticas Europeias, to the
disciplin of Economia do Território e do Ambiente, Licenciatura de Economia do Instituto
Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE, Oct. 2001)
(1999) – Key-Lesson: Enquadramento Internacional e o Processo de Planeamento dos
Recursos Hídricos em Portugal, to the disciplin of Economia do Território e do Ambiente,
Licenciatura de Economia do Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa
(ISCTE, Nov. 1999)
(1997) – Set of Key-Lessons: Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, to the disciplin of Economia do
Ambiente, no âmbito da Licenciatura de Economia do Instituto Superior das Ciências do
Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE /, (Maio a Junho de 1997)
(1994) - Key-Lesson: Estado do Ambiente na Europa Comunitária, Curso de Mestrado de
Ordenamento do Território, da Univ. Nova de Lisboa (Janeiro de 1994)
(1993) - Key-Lesson: Problemas Ambientais a nível Mundial e na Comunidade Europeia,
Curso de Mestrado de Ordenamento do Território, da Univ. Nova de Lisboa (Abril de 1993)
(1992) - Key-Lesson: Gestão dos Recursos Naturais e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Curso
de Mestrado de Ordenamento do Território, da Univ. Nova de Lisboa, (Janeiro de 1992)
(1990) - Key-Lesson: Gestão dos Recursos Naturais num Contexto de 'Desenvolvimento
Sustentável', Curso de Mestrado em Sociologia, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e
Empresariais (ISCTE), (Março de 1990)
(1989) - Key-Lesson: Gestão Global dos Recursos Naturais, Desenvolvimento Regional e o
'Desenvolvimento Sustentável, to the disciplin of Planeamento Regional, Curso de Mestrado
em Planeamento Regional e Urbano, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Nov. 1989)
(1988) - Key-Lesson: Gestão dos Recursos Naturais e o Desenvolvimento Regional
'Endógeno', Licenciatura em Engenharia do Ambiente e Ordenamento do Território da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Jun. 1988)
(1988) – Short-Course: Introdução ao Saneamento Básico e Recursos Hídricos do Curso de
Formação de Operadores de Saneamento Básico, organized by PROJECTOPLANO (Set/Oct
(1987) - Key-Lesson: Gestão Integrada dos Recursos Hídricos no quadro do Planeamento
Territorial, to the disciplino of Planeamento Regional, Curso de Mestrado em Planeamento
Regional e Urbano da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, (Novembro de 1987)
(1987) - Short-Course: Formação de Agentes de Desenvolvimento Local, Course organized by
Federações de cooperativas FINCOOP and FECCOPSERV, and cooperativa SEIES, Módulo
de Desenvolvimento Regional e Ambiente (Oct. to Dec. 1987)
(1988-1986) – Annual Lectures: Desenvolvimento e Ambiente to the disciplin of Sociologia
da Saúde, Técnicos de Saúde Pública (1986, 1987, 1988)
(1986) - Short-Course: Formação de Agentes de Desenvolvimento Local Course organized by
Federações de cooperativas FINCOOP and FECCOPSERV, and cooperativa SEIES, Módulo
de Desenvolvimento Regional e Ambiente (Jun. to Dec. 1986)
Organization or Invitation for International Meetings
(2013) invited to be President (Portugal) of the Scientific Committee of the VII Iberian
Congress of the Foundation on New Water Culture, to take place on December 2013 in Lisbon
(2013) – Convener in EGU Vienna Session HS10.12. Anthropogenic impacts on downstream
estuarine and coastal ecosystems: an interdisciplinary approach to ecohydrology, CoConveners: Jeff Camkin, Neil Coles, Luis Chicharo, Andrew Allan, Manuela Silva, Vienna,
Austria, 07 – 12 April 2013 (Link:
(2012) – Convener in EGU Vienna Session HS10.3. Land-water interaction at the river basin
scale: Ecohydrology approaches to understanding the impact of upstream processes on
downstream estuarine and coastal ecosystems, Co-Conveners: Luis Chicharo, Neil Coles, Jeff
Camkin, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, (EGU2012), 22 Apr 2012 –
27 Apr 2012, Vienna, Austria
(2011) - Convener in EGU Vienna Session HS9.8. Land-water interaction at the river basin
scale: Ecohydrology approaches to understanding the impact of upstream processes on
downstream estuarine and coastal ecosystems, Co-Conveners: Luis Chicharo, Neil Coles, Jeff
Camkin, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011, (EGU2011), 03 Apr 2011 –
08 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria
(2011) Invited by UNESCO to present the Guadiana Basin case study at the 2011 HELP
Symposium in Panama, November 2011
(2011) Invited by UNESCO to present a paper to the 2011 IHES International Symposium
Series UNESCO-IHP Joint HELP/Ecohydrology International Symposium “Restoring and
Managing River for Future”, in Daegu, Korea, 13-15 April
(2011-2010) – Invited by UNESCO to be Member of the Steering Committee for the 2011
HELP Symposium 2011 HELP International Symposium with the title “HELP in Action: Best
Practices to Implement Integrated Water Resources Management” (held in Panama,
November 2011)
(2010) – Invited by UNESCO to participate in the Workshop on Tertiary Education Needs,
Paris 1st July
(2010) – Invited by UNESCO to participate in the 10th Kovacs Colloquim: Hydrocomplexity:
New Tools for Solving Wicked Problems, Paris 1-2 July
(2010) – Member of the Organizing Committee for International Seminar in the Douro River
Basin for UNESCO IHP – HELP Program – International HELP Symposium on River Basin
Level Responses to Water Scarcity and Drought under Uncertain Climate Futures, Mirandela
27, 28 May
(2009) – Member of the Organizing Committee for the International Seminar in the Guadiana
River Basin for UNESCO IHP – HELP Program – Strengthening Water Governance for
Sustainability, Évora 24-26 June
(2009) – Member of Organising Committee for the UNESCO-IHP HELP Program
International Seminar IWRM: From Concepts to Practical River Basin Plans, 24th July,
Brisbane, Australia
(2009) – Member of the Organizing Committee for International Seminar on Water as a
Human Right, Lisbon 10th January
(2008) – Member of the Scientific Committee for International Seminar Water in Africa –
Hydro Optimism or Hydro Pessimism?, Porto 2-3 October
(2008) – Invited to present a key-speech on the Guadiana River Basin for Mid Term
Conference on ASEM WaterNet, LNEC Lisbon 29-30 April
(2008) – Co-convener in EGU Vienna in Session Linkages between the sediment cycle and
aquatic ecology: impacts of sediment and sediment-water interactions on habitats and
ecosystems, Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008
(2007) - Co-convener in EGU Vienna Session SSS15. Soil erosion assessment and integrated
approaches for remediation, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, Vienna
Austria, April 2007
(2007) – Invited by the University of Osnabrueck to present in the Policy Day –
‘Guadiana River Basin Session’, CAIWA Conference, Basel, 13-15 November
(2007) – Delegate of Guadiana River Basin for the HELP Southern Symposium (UNESCO)
“HELP in Action: Local Solutions to Global Water Problems – Lessons from the South”,
Johannesburg, 4-9 November
(2006) – Invited to the Advanced Study Institute (NATO_ASI) “Integrated Water Resource
Management and Security in the Middle East”, 6 – 17 de February, Israel (Arava Institute for
Environmental Studies)
(2006) – Delegate of Guadiana River Basin for the HELP Meeting in Megève “Guadiana
river basin: lessons for water governance”, Paper presented at the HELP Meeting in
Megève, 20 September
(2004) – Successful Application of Guadiana to the HELP Program – accepted as ‘Evolving’
HELP Basin (Level 2)
(2005) – Invited to the Formal Signature of European Declaration for a New Water Culture,
Madrid, 18 February
(2001) – Invited to present a paper and participate in the Workshop “Water, Land, Agriculture,
and Policies in the Mediterranean”, IPTS / CE, Brussels, 19, 20 April
(2001) – Invited by European Commission for the Seminar organized by WWF and EC on
“River Basin Management – Good Practices”, Brussels, 29, 30 May
(2000) – Participation in the Water Experts Meeting, Lisbon, 24, 25 January
(2000) – National representation in the Preparatory Meeting of II Water World Forum
(HAIA), in the ambit of Portuguese Presidency of EU, Amsterdam, February
(1999) – Co-organizer of International Conference ‘Pricing Water – Economic and Social
Aspects’, jointly by EC and Water Institute Portugal, Sintra, September
(1999) – Invited by Academie de l’Eau to the public presentation of “Social Charter of Water”,
session organized by Academie de l’Eau de France and World Bank, Paris, 25 March, in the
‘Conservatoire des Arts et des Offices’, with presence of Presidents of Academie, VicePresident of WB, do Banco Mundial, organizers for WWF Haia and the Committee for ‘Global
Water Vision’
(1998) – Invited by Global River Environmental Education Network (GREEN) for the 3 day
Session “Education for a New Water Ethics”, Gent/Brussels, 23-25 September
(1998) – Co-Organizer of the Public Session for the presentation of the ‘World Water
Contract’, chaired by Dr.Mário Soares and with invitees at higher international level, Lisbon,
11 and 12 September
(1998) – Participation in expert meeting, Valência, Spain, in the context of the preparação do
‘World Water Contract’, promoted by the Lisbon Group and University of Valencia, chaired by
Prof.Riccardo Petrella, June
Main Professional Activities
(2013 - 2006) Senior Officer at the General Directorate (Spatial Planning and Urban
Development) of the Ministry for Agriculture, Sea, Environment, and Spatial Planning:
 (2013-2007) URBACT II National representative and Member of Monitoring Committee
for URBACT II Operational Program
 (2012-2007) EUKN National representative and Member of the Steering Group and
Coordinator of National Focal Point for the European Urban Knowledge Network
(2009 - 2000) Consultant in the fields of Water Management, Sustainable Development and
Environmental Studies:
 (2009-2007) With ASEM WaterNet in preparation of LNEC participation and Technical
University of Lisbon (Case Study Guadiana)
 (2005) Municipality of Almada (Analysis of the Tariffication System)
 (2005) National Administration Institute (Coordination of Training in Cabo Verde, for
Administration Capacity Building in African Lusophone Countries)
 (2004-2003) Environment Department (National Sustainable Development Strategy
Implementation Plan)
(2002 - 2001) Consultant of the International Affairs Department (Ministry of Environment),
for the preparation of the national position and participation in the Johannesburg Summit.
Edition of the National Policy Report - “Portuguese Policy for the Implementation of Agenda
21– Evaluation of Progress and Perspectives (1992-2002)” and implementation of the
Ministry website for the Johannesburg Summit follow-up
(2001) Consultant of the Regional (Azores) Department for Spatial Planning and Water
Resources, for the elaboration of Strategic Documents in the area of Water Planning and Policy
(2000 - 1997) Senior Officer in INAG (Water Institute / Ministry of Environment)
Assessor of the Project Team Leader and coordination work for National Water Plan
and 15 River Basin Plans
(1997 – 1995) Senior Officer in IPAMB (Ministry of Environment)
 Project Team for implementation of Agenda 21 in Portugal
(1994 – 1987) Senior Officer in GEPAT (Ministry for Planning and Territory Administration)
 Responsible for ‘Water Resources’ information and evaluation in the Annual Reports for
Environemnt and Spatial Planning (REAOT 1987 to 1993)
(1987 - 1986) Working Group in SIGRHID, created by the Secretary of State for
Environment to study the Reform of Water Management Institutional Systme in Portugal
(Ministry of Environment)
Membership of Professional Societies
 Member of Ordem dos Engenheiros (Portugal)
 Member of Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos (APRH, Portugal)
 Founding Partner
of Centro de Investigações Regionais e Urbanas (CIRIUS) / ISEG
 Founding Partner of Cooperative Sociedade e Território (Portugal)
 Founding Partner of Loja do Saber (Knowledge Network, Europe)
 Professional Member of Centro de Sistemas Urbanos e Regionais (CESUR), Technical
University of Lisbon
 Member of e-GEO – University of Lisbon
 Partner of Fundação para a Nova Cultura da Água (FNCA, Península Ibérica)
 Member (Individual) of Fresh Water Network (FAN)
 Member of Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)
 Member of Gender and Water Alliance (GWA)
Portuguese – mother language
English, French – fluent speaking, reading and writing
Italian, Spanish – speaking and reading
1. (2006) “Água: bem público, gestão privada?” (Water: public good, private
management?), Animar, série palavra oportuna / 4 Jannuary (co-author with João Bau)
Thesis / PhD Dissertation
2. (2010) “Water, Territory and Planning. Contemporary Challenges: towards a
Territorial Integration of Water Management” (Waiting proposed publication to
Thesis / Master Dissertation
3. (1993) “Intervenção Municipal para uma Gestão Integrada dos Recursos Hídricos”
(Municipal Intervention for an Integrated Water Management), synthesis of the contents of the
Master Dissertation in Urban and Regional Planning, in Boletim APRH Suplement
‘Investigação em Recursos Hídricos’, Nº 75/76, Feb/April
International Reports
4. (2012) “Guadiana River Basin, Portugal” in Special volume to be published: HELP
Book - Successful stories on river basins, Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy
5. (2002) “Portuguese Policy for the Implementation of Agenda 21 (1992 - 2002) Evaluation of Progress and Perspectives”, preparation of the World Summit for Sustainable
Development (Johannesburg, August/September 2002), for the Foreign Affairs Cabinet (GRI)
of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Published by GRI/MCOTA, Lisbon,
January 2002
6. (1993) “Water Management in Portugal. 3rd Report: Review of Administrative and
Institutional Structures”, co-author Francisco Nunes Correia, Water Research Centre, July
7. (1993) “Water Management in Portugal. 2nd Report: Review of Practical Measures
for Water Management”, co-author Francisco Nunes Correia, Water Research Centre, June
8. (1993) “Water Management in Portugal. 1st Report: Legal Framework and
Implementation of EC Legislation” co-author Francisco Nunes Correia, Water Research
Centre, May
9. (1990) “Environment and Economics”, Task Force ‘Environment and Economics’
Report, CEE/ONU, presented in Geneve, February (Contribution to Chapters III and V)
10. (1989) “Economic and environmental impact of the single market – qualitative
analysis”, co-author with António José Mendes Baptista e Pedro Liberato, Portuguese
contribution for the Task Force ‘Single Market and Environment’
11. (1989) “Sustainable Development”, Portuguese contribution for the Conference of
Bergen 1990 (Contribuição para o capítulo ‘Economia Sustentável’)
12. (1987) “Collection and Treatment of Data for the Management of Renewable Natural
Resources in Portugal”, Report of the Portuguese contribution to the European Program
FAST II - área RES ‘Desenvolvimento Integrado dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis’,
Publicado por DGRN em Lisboa, Out./Nov. 1987
Peer-reviewed Publications
13. (2013) “New learning foundations for building water knowledge bridges”. Camkin, J.
and Neto, S. Journalof ContemporaryWaterResearchandEducation, Issue 150, Special issue
on Water Education for Sustainability in Higher Education, March 2013, Universities Council
on Water Resources. 72-79
14. (2012) “Building synergies from the UNESCO-IHP HELP and Ecohydrology
Programmes in the Guadiana river basin”. Neto, S., Chicharo, L. and Camkin, J.,
UNESCO-IHP HELP International Symposium Building Knowledge Bridges for a Sustainable
Water Future, Republic of Panama, 21-24 November 2011. Published in Symposium
Proceedings, 2012.
15. (2011) “Adaptive Water Management in a Changing Climate - a formal comparative
analysis of eight water management regimes in Europe, Africa, and Asia”. Huntjens, P.,
Pahl-Wostl, C., Rihoux, B., Flachner, Z., Neto, S., Koskova, R., Schlueter, M., Nabide Kiti, I.,
Dickens, C., Environmental Policy and Governance, Volume 21, Issue 3, 145-163
16. (2011) “Drivers for change in Water Policy: the Guadiana HELP Basin experience”.
Neto, S., Journal of Hydrologic Environment. 17, 11
17. (2008) “The role of adaptive and integrated water management (AIWM) in
developing climate change adaptation strategies for dealing with floods and droughts - A
formal comparative analysis of eight water management regimes in Europe, Asia, and
Africa”. Huntjens, P., Pahl-Wostl, C., Rihoux, B., Flachner, Z., Neto, S., Koskova, R.,
Schlueter, M., Nabide Kiti, I., Dickens, C. Deliverable 1.7.9b of the NeWater project, Institute
of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabruck
18. (1990) “Environnement, Territoire et Économie: Quelle Articulation vers
l\'Implantation de Modèles de ‘Développement Durable’ ?”, Neto, S. in Revista Sociedade
e Território, Special Issue 'Enjeux Sociaux et Transformations du Territoire', September 1990
Other Publications
19. (2004) “O acesso à água: uma necessidade ou um direito?” (Access to water: a need or
a right?), in Boletim APRH, Outubro 2004
20. (1998) “O Sistema de Informação dos Planos de Bacia Hidrográfica” (Information
system for river basin plans), EPPNA/INAG, Fevereiro de 1998 (coordenação da redacção e
21. (1998) “Normas Cartográficas para a Produção das Cartas dos Planos de Bacia
Hidrográfica”(Cartographic standards for river basin plans), EPPNA/INAG, Outubro de
1998 (coordenação da redacção e edição)
22. (1992) “A Gestão Municipal da Agua” (Local water management), in Poder Local, Nº
117, Julho/Agosto de 1992
23. (1992) “A Gestão Integrada dos Recursos Hídricos: novas questões, o mesmo
desafio”(Water management: new quaestions, the same challenge), in Boletim APRH, Nº 72,
Junho de 1992
24. (1988) “Os Instrumentos Económicos na Gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos” (economic
instruments in solid waste management), in Estudos ‘Política do Ambiente e Recursos
Naturais’ (DSA-E3-MAR 88) (Lisboa: GEPAT) (em co-autoria com Isabel Rosmaninho)
25. (1987) “Síntese Comparativa dos Modelos de Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos em Países
Europeus” (Comparative synthesis in water management institutional systems in Europe),
(Lisboa: SEARN) (em co-autoria com Joaquim Evaristo da Silva)
26. (1987) “Modelo Institucional de Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos na República Federal
Alemanha” (Study of the German water management institutional system), Publicação N.8
(Lisboa: SEARN) (autoria)
27. (1986) “Planos Municipais, 'Crise' e Participação Pública” (Local plans, ‘crisis’ and
public participatio), in Revista Cadernos Municipais, no 35, Ano VII (Lisboa: Fundação
Antero de Quental) (em co-autoria com J.M.Henriques)
28. (1985) “Hortas Urbanas em Lisboa” (Urban horticulture in Lisbon), in Revista
Sociedade e Território, no 3 (Lisboa: Ed. Afrontamento) (em co-autoria com I.Castelo-Branco
e G. Saraiva)
29. (1985) “PDM 'expedito' ? Estudo da Bacia Hidrográfica da Ribeira da Laje” (‘Fast
Track’ for Master Plans? Study for Laje river basin / Sintra), II Relatório do Seminário de
Investigação de Especialização em Planeamento Urbano (Lisboa: Curso de Mestrado em
Planeamento Regional e Urbano / Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) (em co-autoria com G.
Saraiva, I. Abecassis, J.M.Henriques e M.Nicolau)
30. (1985) “Os Valores Ambientais, a Teoria Económica e a Gestão da Agua”
(Environmental values, economics and water management) (essay) (Lisboa: Curso de Mestrado
em Planeamento Regional e Urbano / Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) (em co-autoria com
31. (1985) “Perspectivas da Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos - o Papel dos Municípios”
(Local water management – perspectives)(essay) (Lisboa: Curso de Mestrado em Planeamento
Regional e Urbano / Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
32. (1984) “Estrutura Económica e Infrastruturação na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa”
(Economic structure and water infrastructures in Metropolitan Area of Lisbon) (essay)
(Lisboa: Curso de Mestrado em Planeamento Regional e Urbano / Universidade Técnica de
Lisboa (em co-autoria com J.M.Henriques)
33. (1984) “Elementos para a discussão de um PDM-"expedito": concelho de Sintra”
(Elements for discussion: new ways for ‘fast-track’ master plans), I Relatório do Seminário de
Investigação de Especialização em Planeamento Urbano (Lisboa: Curso de Mestrado em
Planeamento Regional e Urbano / Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) (em co-autoria com G.
Saraiva, I. Abecassis, J.M.Henriques e M.Nicolau)
34. (1984) “O ‘Espírito do Plano Director Municipal e a Legitimidade dos Actos da
Administração Local” (The implicit goals of Master Plans and legitimacy of Local
Administration Acts) (essay) (Lisboa: Curso de Mestrado em Planeamento Regional e Urbano /
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) (em co-autoria com J.M.Henriques)
35. (1983) “Cartografia Automática em Planeamento Regional e Urbano” (Computer
design for Urban and Regional planning), in Revista Arquitectura no 148, Janeiro/Fevereiro de
1983 (Lisboa: Ed. Casa Viva) (em co-autoria com J.M.Viegas, J.A.Ferreira, J.Cerol e G.
Papers presented in Scientific and Technical Meetings
36. (2013) “Outros modelos de políticas da água em diferentes regiões do globo e as
prioridades de intervenção em diferentes contextos, incluindo a evolução dos paradigmas
de planeamento integrado de recursos hídricos”. Key-Speech to the Congress VIII
Congresso Ibérico de Gestão e Planeamento da Água to take place in Lisbon (1-5 December)
37. (2013) “Opportunities for International Water Governance: the Guadiana Basin
Experience”, presented to the TWAM Conference on Transboundary water management
across borders and interfaces: present and future challenges, Aveiro 16th to 20th March 2013
38. (2012) “Stakeholder involvement and water governance”. Neto, S. and Camkin, J.
International Summer Course in Ecohydrology, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 2nd
August 2012
39. (2012) “The role of scientific knowledge in the implementation of the Albufeira
Convention”, presented to the 3rd Annual International Law & Transboundary Freshwaters
Workshop 2012 in Dundee, Scotland on 11th to 14th June
40. (2011) “Building Synergies from the UNESCO-IHP HELP and Ecohydrology
Programmes in the Guadiana River Basin”, presented to the 2011 HELP Symposium in
Panama (21-24 November), paper co-authored with Luis Chicharo and Jeff Camkin
41. (2011) “New learning foundations for building water knowledge bridges”, presented
to the 2011 HELP Symposium in Panama (21-24 November), paper co-authored with Jeff
42. (2011) “Drivers for change in Water Policy: the Guadiana HELP Basin experience”,
paper presented to the 2011 IHES International Symposium Series UNESCO-IHP Joint
HELP/Ecohydrology International Symposium “Restoring and Managing River for Future”,
Daegu, Korea, 13-15 April
43. (2010) “Transboundary Management of the Guadiana River Basin between Spain
and Portugal”, paper presented to the Drylands, Deserts & Desertification Conference, 8 – 11
Nov, Israel
44. (2010) “Learning to address complex challenges: lessons from Australia and Europe”
(co-author with Jeff Camkin), paper presented to the 13th River Symposium, Perth Australia,
11-14 October
45. (2010) “Changing community values about water: The large dams Alqueva
(Portugal) and Argyle (Australia)”, (co-author with Jeff Camkin), paper presented to the 13th
River Symposium, Perth Australia, 11-14 October
46. (2010) “Água, território e planeamento: Integração territorial da gestão da água”
(Water, Territory and Planning: the territorial integration of water management), paper
presented to the 10 th water Congress APRH, Alvor, Algarve, Portugal, 22-24 March
47. (2010) “Responding to a changing world: Large dams, bigger dreams and the impact
of changing community values about water” (co-author with Jeff Camkin), paper presented
to the 10 th water Congress APRH, Alvor, Algarve, Portugal, 22-24 March
48. (2009) “Critical reflections on multi-stakeholder dialogues on water: experiences in
Asia and Europe” (co author with Patrick Huntjens, Jeff Camkin and Louis Lebel), paper
presented to the Final Conference of ASEMWaterNet, Changsha, China 17 – 19th November
49. (2009) - “UNESCO HELPing River Basin Planning in the Guadiana, Portugal”, (coauthor with Jeff Camkin / CSIRO Australia), paper presented to the 12th River Symposium,
Brisbane (Australia), 21-24 September 2009
50. (2009) “Water and Human rights in the context of public and private management”,
paper presented to the Internacional Seminar “Em Defesa do Direito à Água” , ICS, Lisbon 10
51. (2008) “Guadiana Basin”, ASEM Midterm Conference LNEC Portugal 29-30 April 2008
52. (2008) “Matriz de sustentabilidade: um desafio de pura aritmética?” (Sustainability
matrix: a pure arithmetic’s challenge?), FCSH, University of Lisbon 22 Abril
53. (2008) EGU “Water cycle, scales and vulnerability” - European Geosciences Union,
General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008
54. (2007) “Effectiveness of transboundary cooperation on the Guadiana”, Policy Day ,
CAIWA, 14 November
55. (2007) “Presentation on Guadiana HELP Basin – Portugal (2003-2007)”, HELP
Southern Symposium, Johannesburg, 4 - 9 November
56. (2007) “Governância da Água” (Water Governance) – Speech to the Society of
Geography in Lisbon in the Seminar “Desertificação numa Perspectiva Multidisciplinar”
(Desertification in a Multidisciplinar Perspective), Lisbon 14 June
57. (2007) “Water Framework Directive:Changes in the territorial planning systems”, in
the Workshop Using WFD to Generate Sustainable Futures in Mediterranean-Climate
Regions, FLAD, Lisbon 1 June
58. (2007) “Changes in the territorial planning systems at river basin scale and local
translation: the case of Guadiana River Basin (Portugal)” European Geosciences Union,
General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15 – 20 April 2007 (co-author with F.N.Silva)
59. (2007) “Discussion of the concept of water ‘scarcity’: comparative study of different
management strategies”, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, Vienna,
Austria, 15 – 20 April 2007 (co-author with A.G.Henriques)
60. (2007) “Influence of the Alqueva water input in the Guadiana basin territory –
Indicators system” European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria,
15 – 20 April 2007 (co-author with P. Júlia and T. Patrícia)
61. (2007) “Expectativas dos Stakeholders sobre os Benefícios de Projectos Hídricos em
Regiões de Escassez de Água Contributos para a Governância da Água”, FNCA 4-8
December (co-author MJ Roxo)
62. (2006) “Água como elemento de Sustentabilidade” (Water as basis for Sustainability),
Paper presented at Workshop ‘Urbanismo Sustentável e Eco-arquitectura’ (Sustainable
Urbanism and Eco-Arquitecture), November
63. (2006) “Guadiana river basin: lessons for water governance”, Paper presented at the
HELP Meeting in Megève, 20 September
64. (2006) “Future Expectations and Sustainability, presented at Workshop International
Exchange - Marvão / Castelo de Vide 21-29 July 2006
65. (2006) “Novos Desafios para a Sustentabilidade” (New challenges for Sustainability),
Opening Speach to the V Jornadas Ambientais da Beira Interior, Escola Superior Agrária de
Castelo Branco, April
66. (2006) “Scale problems and institutional levels in Guadiana river basin”, co-author
with A.G.Henriques, Paper presented to the Geosciences Assembly, Session NP3.08 (Viena,
67. (2005) “A Gestão da Água: Gestão do Recurso ou do Meio Natural?” (Water
Management: natural resource vs environmental management?), Paper presented to the
Symposium de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (7º
Silusba), Évora, 30 May to 2 June
68. (2004) “O Acesso à Água: uma Necessidade ou um Direito?” (Access to Water: a need
or a right?), Paper presented to the IV Manifesta, na Sessão: ‘Água e Privatização dos
Serviços’ , Trancoso, Junho 2005
69. (2001) “Contexto Internacional e Evolução do Conceito de Desenvolvimento
Sustentável - Preparação Nacional para a Cimeira das Nações Unidas sobre
Desenvolvimento Sustentável, em 2002 (RIO + 10)” (Evolution of Sustainable Development
concept in the international context), Comunicação ao Workshop da Fundação Americana para
o Desenvolvimento, em 14 de Novembro de 2001
70. (2001) “Territorial Approach in Water Uses Planning - a Strategic View”, Paper
presented to the Expert Meeting ‘Water, Land, Agriculture And Policies In The Mediterranean’
organizada pelo IPTS/CE, Brussels, 19-20 April
71. (2000) “A Abordagem Territorial na Administração dos Recursos Hídricos como
garante da Sustentabilidade” (Territorial approach in Water resources administration –
basis for sustainability), Paper presented to the II Congresso Ibérico sobre a Gestão da Água,
Porto, November
72. (1999) “O Planeamento de Recursos Hídricos e o Quadro do Ordenamento do
Território no Contexto Europeu” (Water resources planning and European framework),
Paper presented to the IV SILUSBA, Coimbra, Fevereiro de 1999
73. (1998) “O Sistema de Informação para os Planos de Recursos de Bacia Hidrográfica:
Orientações para a Representação Cartográfica” (Information system for River Basin Plans:
guidelines for cartography), Paper presented to the IV Congresso da Água, APRH, Lisboa,
Março de 1998
74. (1993) “O Papel das Autarquias na Gestão do Ambiente” (Role of local Governments
in Environment management), Comunicação ao Seminário sobre “Ambiente e Qualidade de
Vida”, UGT/UGC, Aveiro, Maio de 1993
75. (1992) “A Gestão da Agua e o Ordenamento do Território”(Water management and
spatial planning), Paper presented to the I Congresso da Água, subordinado ao tema "A
Qualidade da Agua em Portugal", APRH, FIL, Lisboa, 11 a 14 de Março de 1992
76. (1991) “A Gestão Municipal e a Gestão da Agua” (Water management at municipalities
level), Opening Speech to the Seminar “A Gestão Municipal e a Gestão da Agua”, 26 e 27 de
Junho de 1991, APRH/SMAS de Cascais, Cascais
77. (1989) “Intervenção dos Municípios Portugueses na Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos Algumas Reflexões” (Participation of Portuguese Local Governments in Water managemnt
systems), Paper presented to the “A Actividade dos Municípios no Domínio do Saneamento
Básico”, (CIRIUS/UTL), Lisboa, LNEC, APRH
78. (1989) “Matriz Experimental de Consumos de Recursos Naturais pela Industria
Transformadora” (Matrix for natural resources consumption by industry), Paper presented to
the Jornadas Nacionais sobre Industria e Ambiente, 6 e 7 de Junho 1989 de 1989,
79. (1989) “Sistemas Integrados de Gestão da Agua: o papel dos Municípios no caso
português” (Integrated systems for Water Management: Portuguese Municipalities role),
Paper presented to the “Simpósio Internacional sobre Soluções Integradas para Problemas de
Poluição da Agua” (SISIPPA 89), APRH, LNEC, INRA UNESCO, 19-23 Junho, Lisboa,
80. (1988) “Interdisciplinary Approach to Water Management in Portugal - the
Municipal Role”, Paper presented to the “SPRING-FORUM 1988 on Regional Development
Planning in Developing Countries: Facing the Facts”, Institut fur Raumplanung, Universitaet
Dortmund, Novembro de 1988

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