19 & 20 November 2015
Salón de Actos de Uría Menéndez – Príncipe de Vergara, 187, Madrid, Spain
This seminar is jointly organized by the following entities:
Asociación Española para la
Círculo dos Advogados Portugueses
Defensa de la Competencia
de Direito da Concorrência
THURSDAY, 19th November 2015
13:30 - 14:20 - Registration - Snacks
14:20 - 14:45 - Welcome & Opening words
Mr. Jose Maria Marín Quemada, President of the Spanish Competition Authority
Mr. António Ferreira Gomes, President of the Portuguese Competition Authority
SESSION I – Procedural issues: Powers of investigation and sanction by Antitrust
authorities. Rights of Defense
14:45 - 16:35 - Panel I – European and national authorities
Invited Speakers
Mr. David Viros (Chief of Staff of the President of the French Competition Authority)
Mr. Roberto Chieppa (Secretary General of the Italian Competition Authority)
Mr. Eduardo Prieto (Director General of the Spanish Competition Authority)
Mr. Pedro Marques Bom (General Director of the Portuguese Competition Authority)
Mr. Santiago Soldevila (Judge at Audiencia Nacional, Spain)
Mr. Enrique Sepúlveda (DG Competition CE, European Competition Network)
Moderator : Mr. Luís Miguel Pais Antunes (Partner, PLMJ; President CAPDC)
16:35 - 16:50 - Coffee break
16:50 - 18:30 - Panel II – Other/Reputed practitioners
Invited Speakers
Mr. Prof. Fabio Cintioli (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma – Cintioli &
Mr. Antonio Martínez (Partner, Allen & Overy, Madrid)
Mr. Eric Morgan de Rivery (Partner, Jones Day)
Mr. Nuno Ruiz (Partner, Vieira de Almeida & Associados)
Discussant : Mr. Andrew Ward (Partner, Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira)
21:00 - Dinner (Club Financiero Génova - c/ Marqués de la Ensenada, 14, Madrid)
FRIDAY, 20th November 2015
8:00 - 8:40 - Arrival - Coffee
SESSION II – Claims for damages: The impact of Directive 2014/104/EU in Europe
8:40 - 10:20 - Panel I – European and national authorities
Invited Speakers
Ms. Jacqueline Riffault Silk (Doyen of the Commercial Chambre of the Cour de Cassation;
President of the AECLJ)
Mr. Jacobo Fernández (Deputy Director for Legislative Policy - Spanish Ministry of Justice)
Mr. Francisco de Borja Villena (Judge at Audiencia Provincial Madrid, Spain)
Mr. Dominik Düsterhaus (Legal Secretary at the European Court of Justice)
Mr. Filippo Arena (Head of the Cabinet of the Italian Competition Authority)
Mr. Prof. António Agostinho Guedes (Universidade Católica do Porto)
Moderator – Mr. Marcos Araujo (Partner, Garrigues)
10:20 - 11:40 - Panel II – Other/Reputed practitioners
Invited Speakers
Mr. Prof. Cristoforo Osti (Università del Salento, Chiomenti Studio Legale)
Ms. Patricia Vidal (Partner, Uría Menéndez)
Ms. Elena Zoido (Partner, Compass Lexecon)
Ms. Prof. Muriel Chagny (University of Versailles, General Rapporteur AFEC)
Mr. Gonçalo Machado Borges (Lawyer at Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva &
Discussant: Mr. Miguel Odriozola (Partner, Clifford Chance)
11:40 - 12:00 - Coffee break
SESSION III – The impact of Competition laws on e-commerce and sharing economy
12:00 - 13:30 - European and national authorities
Invited Speakers
Ms. Valeria Bianco (Senior Official Restrictive Practices at Portuguese Competition
Mr. Thierry Dahan (Vicechairman of the French Competition Authority)
Mr. Antonio Maudes (Director for Advocacy - Spanish Competition Authority)
Mr. Geoffrey Mamdani (DG COMP, Digital Single Market Task Force)
Mr. Alessandro Noce (Director of Foodstuffs & Transport Directorate - Italian Competition
Moderator : Mr. Jean-Louis Fourgoux (President of AFEC).
SESSION IV – Key note Speech by the Spanish Ministry of Justice, Mr. Rafael Catalá
13:30 – 14:00 – Competition law, justice and new developments
LUNCH & DISCUSSION - The impact of Competition laws on e-commerce and sharing
14:00 - 16:00
Mr. Rafael Allendesalazar (Partner, MLAB, President of the AEDC)
Mr. Michel Ponsard (Partner UGGC, General secretary AFEC)
Mr. Joaquim Caimoto Duarte (Counsel, Uría Menendez)
Mr. Michele Carpagnano (University of Trento, Studio Legale Gianni, Origoni, Grippo,
Cappelli & P.)
Discussant: Mr. Rafael Baena (Partner, Ashurst)
Registration Details:
Prior registration is needed in order to attend the Seminar.
All interested persons must confirm their registration by sending an e-mail to Ms. Ana
Rodríguez Sevilla: [email protected] (Tel: +34 915860657), indicating full
name and surname, professional position and company/law firm, together with their
basic contact details (preferably e-mail).
There is no registration fee to attend the seminar. However, effective registration is
subject to the limited capacity of the hosting venue. Deadline for registration: 10th
November 2015.
Those participants in the seminar wishing to attend the dinner to be held on Thursday
19th November in Madrid should expressly indicate it when registering. Attendance to
the dinner is subject to prior payment of 50 € in favour of the AEDC. Payment can be
done by banking transfer in favour of the Asociacion Española para la Defensa de la
Competencia (AEDC), in the following bank account, IBAN: 57 0081 0569 83
0001416844 / Swift: BSABESBB, indicating your name, surname and “Dinner 19
November”. Payment should be received before 10th November 2015.
This European Seminar is sponsored by:

european seminar on competition law