Public Opinion and Sentiment Tracking,
Analysis and Research
Social Web
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Harves ng
Opinion facts
Linguis c
Texts database
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Main Goals:
1. The design of an opinion mining system able to harvest texts from web-based conventional media (news
items in mainstream media sites) and social media (blogs and Twitter) and to process those texts,
recognizing topics and political actors, analyzing relevant linguistic units, and generating indicators of both
frequency of mention and polarity (positivity/negativity) of mentions to political actors and economic
policies across sources, types of sources, and across time.
1. The statistical analysis of the relationship between the previous indicators both among themselves and
with public opinion data collected by polls and surveys, testing hypotheses about the directionality of the
relationship between conventional media and social media contents, as well as their relationship with
mass public opinion.
This work is supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), through the financial support of the POPSTAR project (PTDC/CPJ-CPO/116888/2010)

social media - INESC-ID