Avaliação L.Inglesa (PROVA COMENTADA)
Profa. Glícia Aragão / Marcos Giovanni
9º.ano ABCD
II unidade
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Atividades (2.0):
Trabalho (1.0)
Avaliação (7.0):
Nota Final (10.0):
Para responder as questões de 01 a 03, leia com atenção o texto abaixo:
Obama in historic visit to Brazil
US President Barack Obama arrived in Brasilia early this Saturday morning. The Brazilian
capital, designed by __ARCHITECTS____ Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer, is the first stop in
Obama's short visit to Brazil. Obama and his family -First Lady Michelle and daughters Malia
and Sasha- disembarked at around 7:42 AM, under strong security measures. He arrived at
Palacio do Planalto, the Brazilian seat of __GOVERNMENT_____, around 10 AM. Obama took
the stand for a troop review -a ceremony reserved for visiting international leaders- and later
on met Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota. The event is
seen as a historic visit because the first African-American president of the United States is
meeting with the first woman to serve as Brazilian president. The Presidents entered the
presidential palace together, after listening to the Brazilian and American national anthems.
Obama and Dilma talked privately in the Brazilian president's office. Around noon, they made a
brief joint statement to the press.
At around 4:30 PM, Obama and his family will fly to Rio de Janeiro. There, they will visit the
city's most famous landmarks. Their schedule starts with a visit to the _CORCOVADO_____ hill,
site of the renowned Christ the Redeemer statue. From there, Obama will visit Cidade de Deus,
a slum [favela] that got international recognition as the location for director Fernando
Meirelles movie, City of God. Cidade de Deus is one of Rio's communities that received an UPP,
or Pacification Unit, but the State government sees it as the most problematic amongst the
pacified areas in the city. The speech "to the Brazilian people" that Obama would make at
Cinelandia, in __DOWNTOWN____ Rio de Janeiro, was cancelled for security reasons. The
President, known for his oratory prowess, will speak to an audience of businessmen,
politicians, civil society figures and artists, at the Theater Municipal. The First Family will spend
the night in Rio and Monday morning will travel on to __SANTIAGO_________, in Chile, the
second stop in their first visit to Latin America.
01. Complete o texto acima com as palavras do quadro a seguir: (1.0/0.2 cada)
Santiago - Architects – downtown - government –Corcovado
02. According to the text: (1.5/0.3 cada)
00. Mr. Obama arrived in Rio de Janeiro after a day of talks in the capital, Brasilia, with Ms
Rousseff and business leaders. VEDADEIRO
11. Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, visited the City of God (Cidade de Deus), one of
several hundred shantytowns that dot Rio's hills. VERDADEIRO
22. City of God (Cidade de Deus) isn’t one of several "pacified" under a programme to
reduce violence in the city, which is set to be in the international limelight with the World
Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games two years later. FALSO
33. The programme (UPP) involves the deployment of a permanent police presence,
known as the Police Pacification Units that aim to drive out the drug traffickers who
control the slums. VERDADEIRO
44. Mr Obama delivered his speech in Rio de Janeiro at the Cinelandia. His speech was
originally planned to be at the Theater Municipal but was moved inside due to a "number
of concerns", US officials said. FALSO
03. Retire do texto o que se pede: (1.5/0.3 cada)
a) Uma oração no Simple Past (regular verb);
US President Barack Obama arrived in Brasilia
b) Uma oração no Simple Past (irregular Verb);
they made a brief joint statement to the press.
c) Uma oração no Simple Future;
Obama and his family will fly to Rio de Janeiro
d) Uma oração no Conditonal;
Obama would make at Cinelandia,
e) Uma oração no Simple Present;
Cidade de Deus is one of Rio's communities
04. Escreva as superstições abaixo na ordem correta, segundo as regras de “If-Clauses”:
(1.5/0.3 cada)
a) If / one of them / sit down/ 13 people/ at a table / will die.
If 13 people sit down at a table , one of them will die
b) sweeps over your feet / If / get married / a person / you / will not .
If a person sweeps over your feet , you will not get married.
c) money / If / itches / you / will get / the palm of your hand.
If the palm of your hand itches, you will get money.
d) have / a mirror / you break / you will / 7 years / If / of bad luck .
If you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of bad luck.
e) you / If / you / will attract / knock on wood / good luck / three times.
If you knock on wood three times, you will attract good luck.
05. Circule a opção correta: (1.0/0.1 cada)
a) If I (HAD – HAS) some time, I (WOULD VISIT – WILL VISIT) you tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I have to work.
b) They (WOULD GO – WILL GO) to the game if it (WEREN’T – AREN’T) too late.
It started forty minutes ago.
c) If you (EAT – ATE) better, your skin (WILL LOOK – WOULD LOOKED)
d) They (WON’T WIN – WOULD WIN) the game if they (DON’T WORK – DIDN’T
WORKED) hard. They have been lazy these days.
e) e) If you (DON’T EAT – DIDN’T EAT) your lunch, you (WON’T GET –
WOULDN’T GOT) ice cream for dessert. (not eat/ not get)
Nas questões 06 e 07, assinale a alternative correta: (0.5/ 0.25 cada)
06. (Fesp-SP) If I ______________ rich, I’ll buy a beautiful toy for my grandson Ricardo.
a) were
c) was
d) will be
e) wasn’t
07. Reescrevendo a oração da gravura no First Conditional, teríamos:
What will you attempt to do IF I knew you could not fail?
What will you attempt to do IF I know you could not fail?
What will you attempt to do IF I know you can not fail? CORRETA
What will you attempting to do IF I know you can not fail?
What do you attempt to do IF I will be know you can not fail?
Great acts are made up of small deeds.

Obama in historic visit to Brazil