Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio Regular e EJA,
Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio em Enfermagem
Rua Cantagalo Nº. 339 – Tatuapé – Fones: 2293-9393 e 2293-9166
Diretoria de Ensino Região LESTE – 5
Programa de Revisão Paralela
Nº 06/08
Nome:_______________________________________________nº.:______Série: 7º - Turma: ____
Disciplina: INGLÊS
Profª _______________________
01. Reescreva as frases abaixo usando a forma contraída do WOULD
a) I would love to spend the holiday with you.
b) You would lose a lot of money with it.
c) He would stop going there once and for all.
d) It would be so nice.
e) We would feel more comfortable there.
02. Complete os espaços com would like, would love ou wouldn’t like.
a) You want to do something with your friend tonight. You ask:
What _____________________to do tonight?
b) You are in a restaurant and you ask for a glass of water.
___________________you bring me a glass of water please?
c) You are exprecing how much you want to go to Paris.
I _____________________to go to Paris.
d) You don't like to work as a waiter.
I _______________________to work as a waiter.
e) You are offering your friend a sandwish.
03. Desembaralhe as sentenças:
a) would/ she/ to/ like/ go/ vacation/ on/ this/ year.
__________would________________to __________________________________
b) like/ He/ meet/ wouldn't/ to/ you/ like.
He ________________________________________________________________
c) love/ We/ to/ you/ visit/ would/ again.
We ________________________________________________________________
d) play/ the/ guitar/ Would/ you/ like/ to/ ?
_______________you _________________________________________________
e) wouldn't/ to/ swim/ there/ I/ like.
I ___________________________________________________________________
04. Complete usando CAN ou CAN’T
1. Cheetahs ________ run very fast.
2. Sheep ________ read.
3. A spider ________ drive a car.
4. A fish ________ swim.
5. Humans ________ read.
6. Parrots ________ talk.
7. Animals ________ read.
8. Lucrecia is three years old, she ________ make a pizza.
9. ________ Monica ski? Yes, she ________ .
10. _________ you do thisexercises?
05. Relembrando…
Dias da semana:
Meses do ano

Programa de Revisão Paralela Nº 06/08