Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio Regular e EJA,
Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio em Enfermagem
Rua Cantagalo Nº. 339 – Tatuapé – Fones: 2293-9393 e 2293-9166
Diretoria de Ensino Região LESTE – 5
Programa de Revisão Paralela
Nº 02/08
Nome:_______________________________________________nº.:______Série: 7º - Turma: ____
Disciplina: INGLÊS
Profª _______________________
1. Match the columns.
a) my
b) good
c) what
d) good
e) good
) evening
) bye
) is
) name
) morning
2. Write the numbers in full:
1 ____________________________________
13 ____________________________________
2 ____________________________________
14 ____________________________________
3 ____________________________________
15 ____________________________________
16 ____________________________________
5 ____________________________________
17 ____________________________________
7 ____________________________________
19 ____________________________________
8 ____________________________________
20 ____________________________________
9 ____________________________________
30 ____________________________________
10 ___________________________________
40 ____________________________________
11 ___________________________________
50 ____________________________________
18 ____________________________________
12 ___________________________________
3. Complete with A or AN when necessary.
________ orange
_______ table
_______ notebook ________ red bike
_______ eraser
______ blue eyes
______ elephant
______ apples
________ desk
_______ Chinese vase
________ sandwiches
______ pencil
4. Complete the conversations.
a) What’s your name?
My ______________________ is Ann.
c) Who is he?
He ______________________ Tom.
b) Who is that?
That ______________________ Jane.
d) Who's she?
________________________ Helen.
5. Complete these greetings.
a) (7:00 AM) – Good __________________________.
b) (3:00 PM) – Good __________________________.
c) (8:00 PM) - __________________________ evening.
d) (despedindo-se) – Good __________________________.
e) (despedindo-se à noite) – Good __________________________.
6. Write the short form.
a) What is his name? _______________________?
b) She is my sister. ____________________.
7. Choose the correct alternative.
a) _Is she your ________________________?
_ Yes, she is.
a) brother
b) sister
c) grandfather
b) _Who is ________________________ friend?
_ My friend is Laura.
a) your
b) her
c) his
8. Complete the sentences with the verb to be (am, is , are).
a. The kid ______ in the park.
b. The computer _____ in the bedroom.
c. I ______ an English student.
d. My sister and I _______ tall.
e. The brothers _______ at the club.
f. Canada _______ a big country.
g. We _______ cousins.
9. Substitute the nouns for Personal Pronouns.
a. Marcia is my sister. ________________________________________________________
b. Paul and John are friends.___________________________________________________
10. Check the correct alternative.
a) Bob: Nice to meet you, Sally.
Sally: ( ) See you
( ) Nice to meet you.
b) Greg: What’s your name?
Linda: ( ) My name Linda.
( ) My name’s Linda.

Programa de Revisão Paralela Nº 02/08