É sempre agradável ver o seu trabalho reconhecido pelos destinatários do mesmo, num
político, pelo eleitorado em geral.
Mas quando o modo como esse trabalho é produzido, merece o reconhecimento
espontâneo, voluntário, sincero, da equipa que vê no seu líder as qualidades e o
desempenho adequados à função, é algo menos vulgar nos tempos que correm.
Foi isso que aconteceu, no passado dia 7 de Dezembro de 2011, em Paris. O staff da
Comissão para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens da Assembleia
Parlamentar do Conselho da Europa promoveu uma singela mas significativa
homenagem ao seu Presidente, Mendes Bota, traduzida num jantar de convívio e na
entrega de um poster feito especificamente para o momento, onde constam alguns dos
momentos mais marcantes da acção do parlamentar português em defesa dos direitos
das mulheres.
Sonia Sirtori, a chefe do secretariado, que estava acompanha por Mário Martins, Judy
Butler, Giogio Loddo e Elodie Fischer, fez mesmo um “discurso” para que ficasse
registado no tempo o seu apreço por Mendes Bota: “Thanks for your leadership!”
Thank you speech for Mr Mendes Bota
(first speech delivered by Sonia Sirtori, on 7th December 2011)
Mr Mendes Bota,
You have chaired the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men for two
years, after having been a very committed member of the Committee since you joined
the Assembly, in 2005.
Unfortunately, I was not a member of the Secretariat of this Committee in those years.
However, I can tell you what were my impressions when I arrived, in June 2010, and
how they evolved for the last year and a half that we have worked together.
At first, I was a bit …scared. I understood straight away that you are very demanding,
very straightforward, and that you do not hesitate when you have to say that you don’t
like something. On the contrary, you can be very forceful in passing this message
I remember, in particular, that time that we organised a hand-printing exercise to mark
the celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women,
in 2010.
We did our best to be resourceful, even if as civil servants we are not the best to have
innovative ideas. Imagination is not really our thing.
We got the paint – yellow and blue – , we got the canvas, we sent out the invitations.
We got the hands, as many parliamentarians were keen to participate and stamp their
hand to say no to violence against women… We even managed to convince Wojtech
Sawicki to pay for a small refreshment, with a view to attracting more
However, after the event, we were forcefully reprimanded. You called it ‘constructive
criticism’. May be. Above all, what was the problem? You did not like the colour that
we had chosen for the paint. Yellow paint is no good. We understand it now. You
cannot see the hands in yellow, and this lead some parliamentarians eager to appear to
mix the yellow with the blue, which made everything even more messy….
Then, time passed and I learnt to know you better. I realised that you have a sense of
humour, that you are sociable and that you like to have a laugh.
For instance, I remember when you told us about the mission to Papua New Guinea
which you carried out as a member of the European Parliament, together with other
At the time, there was an armed revolt going on in the country. With the entire group of
MEPs you were stuck in the hotel for one week. It was a relief when, at last, the armed
revolt was sedated and you could go out shopping.
I do not know if some of you have already been to Papua New Guinea, but apparently –
I am told – that local craftwork is not very varied. I will not go into details but there is
only one theme which is reproduced in all sort of sizes and materials. The desperate
MEPs, amongst whom were some very respectable ladies, after one week stuck in the
hotel would have bought anything. I understand that you also bought one of these
Also, during the same mission, you were wondering why nobody wanted to play tennis,
as the tennis court of the hotel was always deserted. So you went down and you heard a
swift movement next to you. When you turned you realised that the tennis court was
occupied by a crocodile.
Of course you won the match – against the crocodile.
Recently, you told me that politicians are performers. I agree. I will not forget your
performance in the debate on the reform of the Assembly. You played the most
prominent role in achieving a better status for our Committee and even avoiding its
Dear Mendes Bota,
After having been scared, amused, appreciative, I must say that I have been proud.
I have been proud of what you have done to ensure that the Convention on preventing
and combating violence against women and domestic violence could be opened for
All of us in the Committee secretariat we have been proud to accompany you in the
battle to eradicate violence against women, a cause in which you deeply believe.
As we respect you so much, we normally execute all your instructions. However, we
realised only recently that we haven’t done something you asked. You told us that you
collect posters and that you would like to add some Council of Europe posters to your
I said: Giorgio, Elodie, Judy, Kirsty – who has not be able to be here today – what are
we going to do?
Since it was a bit last minute, and it was too late to get you some official Council of
Europe posters, we decided to do something ourselves.
You might decide to put it on a wall, even if it has some yellow and blue (the colours of
the European flag). Perhaps looking at it you will remember that you have some friends
in Strasbourg.
Thank you very much for your leadership and commitment.

07/12/2011 - em paris, a homenagem da equipa