What you need to know to revalidate a foreign undergraduate diploma
1. What is to revalidate a diploma?
To revalidate an undergraduate diploma issued by a foreign institution is a requirement of the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases¹,
regulated by Resolução CNE/CES nº 8, de 4 de outubro de 2007. Therefore, for a diploma to be used in Brazil for any
purpose - as for example for an institution to issue a master’s diploma – the requesting party must provide evidence that
he/she attended an undergraduate course. This evidence is provided by the student who must present an undergraduate
diploma issued or recognized by a Brazilian university.
2. What is necessary to start the process of revalidating a diploma?
Before you start the process of revalidating a diploma, you should check:
If the University offers a course in the same area of study or in a similar area
If the study load and subjects are in accordance with your course
3. Some Brazilian Universities that provide the service of revalidating diplomas issued by an institution
outside Brazil
UNICAMP http://www.unicamp.br/unicamp/
Telephone: 3521-6421 / 6422 / 6424
Fernandy Ewerardy de Souza (dean)
e-mail: [email protected]
Maria da Glória Chagas de Paula (supervisor)
e-mail: [email protected]
Benedita Valquíria Custódio Jacob (supervisor) e-mail: [email protected]
USP http://www.usp.br
e-mail - [email protected] /e-mail - [email protected]
(UFSCAR) http://www2.ufscar.br/home/index.php
Phones: (16) 3351-8101/3351-8102 – Fax: (16) 3361-4846/3361-2081
E-mail: [email protected]
UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
E-mail: [email protected]
Site: http://www.ccsdecania.ufrj.br/
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Telephone 3409.4055 or e-mail: [email protected].
UNB - Universidade Federal de Brasília
http://www.unb.br/administracao/secretarias/saa/reg.php (61) 3273 2612 / FAX: (61) 3349 0133
4 The following documents are requested to start the process of revalidating an undergraduate diploma
Diploma or certificate to be revalidated;
Student’s academic record;
Proof of the duration of the course;
Curriculum of the course taken by the applicant;
Summary of the subjects in the curriculum;
V. Study load and/or number of credits for each subject;
VI. Besides the documents listed above, the following personal documents
are requested:
1. Voter registration (título de eleitor)
2. Identity card
3. Military certificate (if male)
4. Birth or marriage certificate
5. Passport
The documents listed above in items I, VI and VII must be certified by the Brazilian Consulate and accompanied by an
sworn (official) translation.
More information at the portal of the Brazilian Ministry of Education: http://portal.mec.gov.br
A document issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture that sets forth the guidelines and requirements
for education all over the country.

Revalidação Diploma Graduação Orientação - fgv