NOVEMBER 4, 2015
09.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome adress
SESSION 1 Chair Luís Espinha da Silveira - Departamento de História / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas /
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
10.20 Opening Lecture Da cidade sacra à cidade laica. O que nós andámos para aqui chegar... *
Raquel Henriques da Silva - Instituto de História da Arte / Departamento de História de Arte / Faculdade de
Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
11.00 Permanences, demolitions and destructions of religious complexes in Turin (Italy) between nineteenth and
twentieth century: the case of the Visitation convent, former monastery of the Francescane scalze.
Francesco Novelli - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design / Politecnico de Torino
11.25 Coffee Break
11.45 Musealised churches or sanctified museums? Heritagization of Swedish parish churches, between secular
and sacred.
Eva Löfgren - Department of Conservation / University of Gothenburg
12.10 Reuse of former convents in Belgian towns (1773-1860).
Reinout Klaarenbeek - Department of Architecture / Faculty of Engineering / University of Leuven
12.35 Debate
13.00 Luch Break
SESSION 2 Chair Catarina Marado - Universidade do Algarve | Centro de Estudos Sociais / Universidade de
14.30 Architectural intervention project in the Monastery of Nossa Senhora of Desterro. *
Pedro Domingos, Pedro Ribeiro, Ricardo Bravo (invited speakers)
15.15 The ecclesiastical confiscations in the spanish province of Murcia. Cultural heritage management, the fate
of the extinguished convents and their urban incidences. *
Joaquín Martínez Pino - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
15.40 The confiscation and Madrid: towards a new concept of city and heritage. *
María Dolores Antigüedad del Castillo-Olivares - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
16.05 Coffee Break
16.15 From construction to deconstruction of the convent spaces of the Lamegos´s city perimeter. *
Carla Sofia Queirós - Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade da Universidade do Porto /
Universidade do Porto
16.40 Cemiteries and(in) convent enclosures. *
Francisco Queiroz - Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade / Universidade do Porto
17.05 Debate
NOVEMBER 5, 2015
SESSION 3 Chair Pedro Flor - Instituto de História da Arte / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas /
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | Universidade Aberta de Lisboa
09.30 The Jesuit College and garden in Faro: secularization, architectural transformation and urban renewal. *
Catarina Marado (invited speaker) - Universidade do Algarve | Centro de Estudos Sociais / Universidade de
10.00 Digital memory: convent subtle architectural findings. *
Ana Gil - Instituto Superior Técnico / Universidade de Lisboa
10.25 Memories and archaelogical remains of five religious houses: Convent of São Francisco, Casa Professa de
São Roque, Casa do Espírito Santo da Pedreira, Convent of Santíssimo Sacramento and Monastery of
Maria de Magalhães Ramalho - Direção Geral do Património Cultural
10.50 Coffee Break
11.20 A case of urban renovation in Alghero “Lo quarté”: from jesuit´s college to militar centre. *
Angela Simula - Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici dell'Università degli Studi di Sassari
11.45 Compatibility, limits and loss of memory: from monastery to hotel de charme. Stories of reconversions in
Carla Bartolozzi - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design / Politecnico de Torino
12.10 El Convento de los Jesuitas y la Plaza de la República de Perpiñán (Francia): evoluciones urbanas,
arquitectónicas y funcionales (siglos XVIII-XXI).
Esteban Castañer Muñoz - Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
12.35 Debate
13.00 Luch Break
SESSION 4 Chair José Aguiar - Faculdade de Arquitetura / Universidade de Lisboa
14.30 Looking for a home for Lisbon´s Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. *
Paulo Oliveira Ramos - Instituto de História da Arte / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade
NOVA de Lisboa | Universidade Aberta de Lisboa
14.55 The fall of Monteoliveto: confiscation and transformation of a wide conventual insula in the historic center
of Naples, 1799-1936.
Andrea Pane & Giovanna Russo Krauss - Department of Architecture / University of Naples Federico II
15.20 Functional and structural changes in Galician jesuit colleges after the expulsion of teh Jesuits from Spain in
1767. *
María Rivo-Vázquez - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
15.50 Coffee Break
16.15 The monastic complex of S. Dinis of Odivelas: from nunnery to militar college, to…? *
Giulia Rossi Vairo - Instituto de Estudos Medievais / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade NOVA
de Lisboa
16.40 From convents to theaters (and movie theaters). Reuses and demolitions in religious buildings destined to
be ludic spaces in the spanish cities since the nineteenth century. *
Jesús A. Sánchez-García - Departamento de Historia del Arte / Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
17.05 Debate
NOVEMBER 6, 2015
SESSION 5 Chair Raquel Henriques da Silva - Instituto de História da Arte / Departamento de História de Arte /
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
09.30 Lisbon trinitarians female convents: urban incomes from the conventual fences after the earthquake of
1755. *
Edite Alberto - Departamento de Património Cultural / Direção Municipal de Cultura / Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
09.55 Discovering a historical landscap. The enclosed space of the Saint Julian´s Monastery at Samos in the 19th
century. *
Estafania López Salas - Universidad de A Coruña
10.20 Place of the sacred. The contributions of the Monastery of Nossa Senhora da Luz in the urban development
of the city of Lisbon and its relation to the contemporary man. *
Micaela Branco - Faculdade de Arquitetura / Universidade de Lisboa
10.45 Coffee Break
11.00 The supressed “Convento da Esperança” and the urban improvements: approaches to the programme of
the nineteen hundreds.*
Elisabete Gama - Departamento Património Cultural / Direção Municipal de Cultura / Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
11.25 From the Convento of Caetanos to National Conservatory - a new use for an old building. Architectural and
artistic interventions. *
Tiago Borges Lourenço - Instituto de História da Arte / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade
NOVA de Lisboa
11.50 What makes the architectural specificity of religious houses and should be preserved?
Thomas Coomans (invited speaker) - Department of Architecture / Faculty of Engineering / University of Leuven
12.35 Debate and closing
15.00 Guided visits to former convents - “Convento de São Francisco”, “Convento de São João de Deus”,
“Convento de Santa Marta”, “Mosteiro de São Bento” and “Convento de Nossa Senhora da Graça (to be
* Communication presented in portuguese or spanish.

Final program -