Trabalho Submetido para Avaliação - 15/05/2012 22:18:33
CLAUDELI MISTURA ([email protected]) / Mestranda do Programa de Pos Graduação em
Enfermagem (PPGEnf) da UFSM, Santa Maria - RS
Adjunto do Departamento de Enfermagem e do PPGEnf da UFSM , Santa Maria - RS
KARINE ROSSATO ([email protected]) / Graduanda do Curso de Enfermagem da UFSM, Santa
Maria - RS
CLAUDIA REGINA MALDANER ([email protected]) / Mestranda do PPGEnf da UFSM, Santa
Maria - RS
MARGRID BEUTER ([email protected]) / Professora Adjunto do Departamento de Enfermagem e do
PPGEnf da UFSM, Santa Maria - RS
CAROLINE VIEIRA MATHIAS ([email protected]) / Mestranda do PPGEnf da UFSM, Santa
Maria - RS
Breast Neoplasms; Nursing; Nursing Research; Revision.
INTRODUCTION: The breast cancer is the most common neoplasm in the female population world and
brazilian1. In Brazil the incidence rates and mortality are in increase2. Concurrent to the increase of breast
cancer cases there is an increase in the number of scientific production related to the theme and emergence
of innovations in the treatment of this tumor that grows larger every year. This advance in the production of
knowledge and technologies of the recent years is reflected in the assistance field in nursing. This scenario
confirms that the Nursing as profession has walked through studies and research to the formation of a
theoretical body and practical to subsidize its practice3.This study represents a possibility to strengthen the
knowledge and to orient the scientific production in the nursing field. Thus, we search to answer the following
question: What are the trends in the scientific studies about breast cancer in the productions performed by
nurses in the last five years? The study aims to identify the trends of the studies about breast cancer in
scientific productions performed by nurses in the last five years. METHODOLOGY: This is a review study in
national journals with publications available online performed in April 2012. The material of the research was
obtained in data bases LILACS, SciELO-Brazil and BDENF. The electronic searches were performed for the
use of descriptors "Breast Neoplasms" and "Nursing" with boolean operator "and". The inclusion criterions
were to be in Portuguese language, publications performed by nurses in the period of 2007 to 2011 with the
two descriptors and to be original article or experience report. The selected publications were saved in full.
The research occurred in four phases. The first phase there was the search for national publications, in
second moment there was the refinement for the references that had the two descriptors. In the third moment
was excluded the publications that were duplicated in the data bases and finally, there was the reading whole
of the articles accordant in inclusion criterions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The electronic searches
allowed to localize 189 national publications: 86 in LILACS, 18 in the SciELO and 85 in BDENF. In the sample
selection were found 24 publications: 11 in LILACS, 04 in SciELO and 09 in BDENF. The number of
references was reduced of 24 publications for 16 publications because the repetitions were automatically
discarded (08). After, it was performed detailed reading of the articles of sample in study. it was identified 09
articles that were directed to the treatment of breast cancer, being 05 studies about chemotherapy
approaching self-care (2), risk factors (1), preventive measures (1) and dermatological reaction (1) and 04
studies about mastectomy with aspects directed to feelings (1), the social representations (1), the emergence
of lymphedema (1) and assessment of pain (1).The results indicate that 02 articles treated about the nursing
assistance, one article was about stress/coping in the perioperative period and other in the counseling for
women and/or related to the genetic factors; 01 article approached coping strategies oriented to receive the
diagnosis, to accept the illness and to perform the treatment; In one article the theme was about the
significance of the diagnosis with the possibility to understand the impact of the disease. Two publications
focused on precocious diagnosis. Another article was performed with the family to know the risks and selfcare practices that they adopt. The nursing area assumes the care of people independent of its environment
and contexts, throughout the cycle life. The visibility of nurse is achieved for the search of interactive
possibilities with the people in different spaces and fields of activity in the sense to expand and to achieve his
field of intervention. The nursing is a place increasingly distinct as a profession in growth and inserted in the
changes process in health area3. CONCLUSION: It was identified that the majority of national publications
about breast neoplasm were directed to the treatment. There was a gap on the aspects related to the Family
Health Strategies and there was scarce publications directed to nursing care with the family. A limitation of
this study is related to the use of descriptors used in the capture of publications. It is believed this issues must
be discussed in the nursing field in order of the future nurses have a new view of the nursing spaces. The
future nurses should not be limited to act only in institutionalized places but in multiple directions and spaces
considering his care for families and communities.
Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA); Estimativa 2012: incidência de câncer no Brasil;; abril - 2012.
Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA); Rastreamento organizado do câncer de mama: a experiência de
Curitiba e a parceria com o Instituto Nacional de Câncer;; abril - 2012.
Erdmann AL, et al; A visibilidade da profissão de enfermeiro: reconhecendo conquistas e lacunas; Rev Bras
Enferm; 62; 637-43; 2009.

breast neoplasms and the implications for the nursing care