FREITAS, Natiellen Quatrin2; BECK, Carmem Lúcia Colomé3; MAGNAGO, Tânia
Solange Bosi de Souza4; DONADUZZI, Daiany Saldanha da Silveira5; DISSEN,
Caliandra Marta6; SANGOI, Thais Picolin7; COELHO, Alexa Pupiara Flores8.
This study is a typical experience report that aimed to describe the experience of Nursing
students about Health of Workers in Nursing, based on the proposed contents of a
complementary discipline
of graduation (CDG), offered by the Universidade Federal da
região Sul do Brazil. The theoretical bases added to discussions contextualized during the
CDG were used. These practices allowed moments of reflection for the students, since it
enabled the understanding of the work process, as well as the knowledge of occupational
hazards to which Nursing workers are exposed daily. Furthermore, it was possible to identify
the relations between the health and the profession, besides the physical issues, covering in
this context, the subject of life quality. Therefore is possible to conclude the essentiality in the
ampliation in the discussion about workers health, in order to promote improvements in the
current situation, considering the worker as part of this action.
Research work. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil.
Presenter. Undergraduation student of the 7 Semester of Nursing - Universidade Federal de Santa
Maria/UFSM - RS. Memebr of the Research Group “Work, health, Education and Nursing” of UFSM.
PROBIC/FAPERGS Scholarship. E-mail: [email protected]
P.H.D in Nursing, Associated Professor of Department of Nursing of UFSM. Vice-Leader of the
Research Group “Work, health, Education and Nursing” of UFSM.
P.H.D in Nursing, Associated Professor of Department of Nursing and member of Program of PostGraduation in Nursing of UFSM. Leader of the Research Group “Work, health, Education and Nursing”
of UFSM.
Nurse, Master´s in progress in the Program of Post-Graduation in Nursing of UFSM..
Undergraduation student of the 7 Semester of Nursing - UFSM. Memebr of the Research Group
“Work, health, Education and Nursing” of UFSM/.PIBIC/CNPq Scholarship.
Undergraduation student of the 7 Semester of Nursing - UFSM. Memebr of the Research Group
“Work, health, Education and Nursing”.
Undergraduation student of the 5 Semester of Nursing - UFSM. Memebr of the Research Group
“Work, health, Education and Nursing” of UFSM.
Keywords: Occupational Health; Undergraduation Students; Nursing.
Occupational Health therm refers to an area of Public Health, that presents the
relation between work and health as an object of study and intervention; It is worthwhile to
highlight the determinants related, including: social, economic, technological and
organizational, which respond by risk factors present in work processes of living conditions1.
In the context of nursing, it is possible to verify that these workers are exposed to
various daily loads that endanger the health, generating high rates of occupational accidents
and diseases related to occupation2.
Thus, it is understood that issues relationed to the health of the nursing workers need
to be associated with biological matters, life conditions at work, as well as risk factors for
accidents, and occupational diseases that contemplate the process. All this aspects justify
the study, providing more visibility to this issue in order to reflect carefully the daily work of
this class.
The objective of this report was to describe the living experiences of Nursing students
about occupational health of Nursing Workers, based on the proposed contents of a
complementary discipline of graduation (CDG) offered by the Universidade Federal da região
Sul do Brazil.
This study is classified as a report of experience lived by undergraduate students of
the 6th semester of the Universidade Federal da Região Sul of Brazil. It was provided by a
classroom experience of complementary discipline of graduation entitled "Work and
Occupational Health," which included the proposal for reflections and discussions about
various subjects related to this theme, highlighting the Nursing workers. The classes took
place once a week, being taught by teachers and/or Masters of nursing, with a workload of
two hours per week during the second semester of 2011. Participated of the classes nursing
students of different semesters, masters students of the program of Post-graduation in
nursing, Nurses and Nursing Professors of the university mentioned above.
It is known that the work has a central role in the social insertion and this is essential
for health3. However, when it is developed in unsuitable environments may causes disease,
shortens the life and, perhaps, cause death4.
The approach of this subject, from the classroom, allowed the students an
understanding of the influence of work and its conditions for the workers health, related to the
biological sphere and with emphasis to the reality of work of Nursing.
Among the major diseases related to the factors mentioned above are the
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which have as the main risk factors: the organization of
work, environmental factors and possible overloads in certain body segments in detriment of
some movements5.
Moreover, the experience allowed the analysis of the relation between the health of
the worker with the subjectivity of the same, reflecting the representation of their specific
form of work/wear, including mental health and the stress6.
From this perspective, it was possible to contemplate the thematic of life quality of
nursing workers, since the dissatisfaction with the work environment is capable of harming
the general welfare of the workers, reflecting too on the quality of work performed.
Considering the daily lives of nursing workers, it is possible to realize some
misunderstanding in relation to occupational health, often caused by lack of preparation of
these professionals, when they do not recognize the work as possible causative agent of
health problems, added to the lack of information about risks to which are susceptible3.
In this context, the discussions throughout the discipline allowed the reflection of the
students regarding to the need of educative practices directed to these workers, attempting
to guide them in order to reflect their own practice. Therefore, health education should be an
ongoing process, creating possibilities of knowledge production, providing respect for the
autonomy of each individual7.
The informations presented in this study permitted to understand the manner that the
work process is being carried out, showing several occupational hazards with consequent
increase in the rates of illness. Furthermore, it contributed to approach the subject of life
quality of and work in the reflections performed, as well as the need for reflection by the
workers, especially regarding to the Nurses health, ensuring the performance of their
functions with worthy conditions.
1 Brasil MS. Doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: manual de procedimentos para os serviços
de saúde. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2001.
2 Sarquis LMM, Cruz EBS, Hausmann M, Felli VEA, Peduzzi M. Uma reflexão sobre a saúde
do trabalhador de enfermagem e os avanços da legislação trabalhista. Cogitare
Enfermagem. 2004; 9(1): 15-24.
3 Cavalcante CAA, Enders BC, Menezes RMP, Medeiros SM. Riscos ocupacionais do
trabalho em enfermagem: uma análise contextual. Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde Maringá. 2006;
5(1): 88-97.
4 Junior HVL, Ésther AB. Transições, prazer e dor no trabalho de enfermagem. RAE Revista de Administração de Empresas. 2001; 41(3): 20-30.
5 Magnago TSBS, Lisboa MTL, Griep RH. Trabalho da enfermagem e distúrbio
musculoesquelético: revisão das pesquisas sobre o tema. Esc. Anna Nery. 2008; 12(3): 5605.
6 Siqueira MM de. Relações de trabalho em hospitais de Belo Horizonte [tese] (Professor
Titular) – Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; 1991.
7 Freire P. Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. 36 ed. São
Paulo: Paz e Terra; 1996.