Contribution of the top boat
game for learning production
engineering concepts
Carla Sena Batista,
Fabiana Lucena Oliveira,
Enily Vieira do Nascimento,
Viviane Da Silva Costa Novo
• Research Problem: How to improve a
didactic game, in order to get more attention
from the students, using realistic simulation?
• Keywords: Games, Production, Quality
• This paper presents a proposal for inclusion of quality
parameters, productivity and costs to match the boat so
to facilitate the learning of these concepts in
undergraduate manufacturing engineering.
• The study is the adaptation of an existing game, the
game of the boat, which will be adapted to include
parameters related to quality, productivity and cost.
• It is worth mentioning that the approach chosen for
dealings costs will consist simply so you can apply the
game with beginners and graduating undergraduate
Production Engineering .
• The research qualifies as applied, since it deals with the
proposal and implementation of a game facilitator for
learning concepts related to production, costs and
quality grading of production Engineering.
• Objectives: From the point of view of its
objectives, it is a descriptive, since it aims to
describe a new action game for the boat and can
also establish correlations between variables and
define its nature.
This paper presented a new framework for didactic use and application
of game boat, facilitating the learning of concepts in undergraduate
Production Engineering, especially the concepts related to production,
quality and cost.
The Game Boat applied as proposed in this work, with the addition of
the specified parameters of production, quality and cost, with detailed
actions during the game application and forms for records significantly
facilitates learning these concepts in undergraduate Production
It was observed that during the application of the game is
made possible to work interdisciplinary, since the application of
scenario 3, the students had elements that had been worked in subjects
over the course. It is worth emphasizing the participatory nature of the
students during the game, since the teams have developed an
environment of cooperation and synergy that was realized during the
necessity of solving the problems that have arisen in the scenarios
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Contribution of the top boat game for learning production