Lisboa, 20/07/2015
Making the most of the data economy: Vice-President Ansip, Commissioners Moedas
and Oettinger meet the European Round Table of Industrialists
This afternoon, Vice-President Ansip, Commissioners Moedas and Oettinger will meet top
European business leaders representing the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT).
These discussions are a follow-up to the meeting between German Chancellor Merkel, French
President Hollande, Commission President Juncker and the ERT which took place on 1 June
in Berlin and focused on the creation of a Digital Single Market in Europe – one of the
Commission's top priorities (press conference). Today's work will be on the potential of digital
and data technologies and how to fully benefit from them. As part of its Digital Single Market
Strategy, the Commission will propose a European ‘Free flow of data’ initiative in 2016.
Report on the sixth review of the economic adjustment programme for Cyprus
The European Commission is publishing its report (available today at 13:00) on the sixth
review of Cyprus' economic adjustment programme. The report looks at the compliance with
the programme commitments and the remaining challenges. The economy is emerging out of
recession. Structural reforms have progressed and the Cypriot authorities should continue to
take forward the structural reform agenda.
90ème anniversaire de Jacques Delors
A l'occasion du 90ème anniversaire de Jacques Delors, Président Juncker et le Président du
Parlement européen Schulz viennent d'adresser un message pour le féliciter (déclaration). M.
Delors, qui a été Président de la Commission européenne entre 1985 et 1995, reste une source
d'inspiration pour tous les serviteurs du projet européen.
Ano Europeu do Desenvolvimento 2015 - Tema de Julho: Crianças e jovens
Quando os líderes mundiais assinaram a Convenção dos Direitos da Criança, há 25 anos,
comprometeram-se a garantir a todas as crianças o direito à vida, à educação e à saúde, bem
como a serem bem tratadas e ouvidas. Mas será que o mundo cumpriu as suas promessas?
Como Nelson Mandela afirmou, «A verdadeira alma de uma sociedade conhece-se pela forma
como trata as suas crianças». Conheça algumas histórias de como a União Europeia contribui
para um futuro melhor à volta do mundo.
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Rapid 20-07-2015 - Centro de Informação Europe Direct Aveiro